pganotgolf · 2 months
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For those who desire to know the main traits of each Thomas & Friends characters so you could have an idea of where Lemon would place you.
I think I’m a bit of Percy.
don’t steal without credit pls.
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pganotgolf · 3 months
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here's a link! you'll have to make an account in order to pre-order (for free) and access the course. 🤟
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pganotgolf · 3 months
Magma by Thóra Hjörleifsdóttir
Catching up on my book reviews. Read this 2/7
All the trigger warnings for this book. I’ve never thought about a book for so much longer than it took to read. Such a heartbreaking (and all too real) account of the deep downward spiral of an abusive relationship 💔💔
It’s such a quick read I didn’t really take that many notes (it’s only like 190 pages but lots of blank space so it’s an hour or so read)
- he called, left a message, but I was a Teflon woman— everything slid off me (15)
- Oh oh next page is “for about 15 minutes”
- They don’t know what it’s like to be as in love as I am now (32)
- That’s why he was so weird when meeting my parents; he’s not used to being around normal people, a typical family like us. I’m going to help him. I’ve always had it so good that it’s easy enough for me to shoulder a little of the pain he’s carried for so long. I’ll make it better. (40) 😭
- Sometimes I feel like I’m disappearing (47)
- It’s incredible to me that this big strong man can also seem just like a fragile little boy (51)
- Love is a spectrum. It is as painful as it is wonderful. (123)
- “Balance
- I’ve always try to be a good person, and I’m pretty sure I used to be. But these days I have nothing to give, nothing to say. I’m here, but I’m completely lost. My parents taught me that patience, empathy, and hard work are key to a happy life. If I treated people with kindness, everything will turn out fine. But now I find that I’ve become emotionally bankrupt, I have given away much more than I ever had to begin with” (177)
- I slept until two in the afternoon, I didn’t wake up when the doctors office called – twice. I wasted their time. I can’t show my face there again. (182)
- I already hate this guy (3)
- And relate to this girl (4)
- But also this girl is even more of a people pleaser than me
- But if the “right” person acted like this I could soo see this being me possibly:/
- Most sentences start with “he “
- Every sentence is important and makes you feel a new type of sad/empathetic/hatred for him
- Wait we don’t even know his name
- The first time we get background info about him (he was abused by his father and then his mom got him back but they never talked about what happened) is bc he was a POS when meeting her family
- His friends that we’ve met are both disgusting loner incels
- He only seems sweet when he’s asleep
- Because then he can’t say or do any whack shit!!!
- He won’t answer his mom calling over and over but will answer any of his exes?!?
- It’s the way she talks about these clearly (to me) abusive behaviors so nonchalantly:(
- “Depression
- A haze in my head. Body fatigued, numb. Housefly lands on my cheek, don’t have the energy to swat it away. Eyelids heavy under the weight of air. They fold. I want to sleep for a hundred years. I want to forget myself.” (133)
- This is too real. Like she doesn’t even have enough energy to write complete sentences until the last two, like…
- “Ground Zero
- The pills flatten me, make me into a thin scum on the surface of still water. I don’t sync. Coast instead, detach from the world around me, and I’m fine with it. Time is water, and the weeks run like a currant beneath me, without me.” (167)
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pganotgolf · 4 months
my sweet bbs Klaus and Five
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Posters and release date.
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pganotgolf · 4 months
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New look at X-Men '97
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pganotgolf · 4 months
Reflection of Happy Hour by Marlowe Granados ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
This is like Broad City in a book.
It’s such a good slice of life of a 20something living(struggling) in the big city
If you’re looking for a plot this isn’t the book but what is so great about it is how Marlowe describes the things , like things that you’ve felt but never put words to it (see fav quotations section)
Notes I took down while reading
- It’s like stream of consciousness but witty and similar to mine and my friends (so maybe it’s just the brain of a 20 something)
- “I wonder what I’ve done in life to be subjected to Alice Langley (bankrolled by her mother) telling me to grow up. What hypocrisy.”(100)
- Broad City if one of the friends was a bitch ,
- Wait she’s turning around
- actually nope
- But the chapters with Coop were definitely white lotus vibes
- Favorite chapter: August 6 (moms, grief)
- she never says “I feel like…” it’s always matter of fact
- This book reminds me of the song Rave Angel by Blusher
- SPOILER! it would’ve gotten 5 stars if the ending wasn’t hinting at the book being her released diary🤦‍♀️
Here’s a list of my favorite quotations from the book:
- Being inside when it rains makes you forget that anything else could be happening (89)
- She pulled out a… burgundy velvet dress… Light disappeared into it; velvet has a way of doing that (92)
- “You need to grow and have some respect for yourself”. I hate lines like this. They’ve been abused so much they’ve lost their meaning. When you really think about it, they’re designed to cause the most hurt with the least effort. You Should Have Some More Respect for Yourself. (100)
- It’s a sad thing when people take beautiful old buildings and try to modernize it. Some things are meant to be restored, not re-interpreted (121)
- I want all the tenderness in the world. It’s a natural urge to want to be important in someone’s life. The soft underbelly of a course man. A preview is never enough because I am insatiable. (150)
- People forget I can be cruel too. I can devastate just about anyone.(152)
- (Fashion) is an important kind of knowledge that is overlooked. In many cases, it’s the first mode of expression women have access to. (168)
- I sat in the windowsill listening to the birds chirp and the occasional car drive by. It’s funny how seamlessly nights end and mornings begin, and yet they feel quite different. (182)
- … I am always interested in finding things. You can take a piece of junk and turn it into a talisman. You can assign it meaning and its own moment in time and store it in a box somewhere. I have an old champagne time filled with trinkets like that. I only ever open it when I’m feeling particularly blue. It’s just a case of remembering things. Sometimes when you’re set on forgetting, you have to know what direction to forget. (202)
- Sometimes I think I must be attached to reality by a thin string (202)
- Daylight crept through the windows, a reminder that things are always going on without you no matter what. Death is not unspeakable, but it often feels that way. (218)
- “ I know how hard it must have been to have me. I am the age she was when she became pregnant. Daughters make single mothers more vulnerable than lone women. Even when I was small I could sense that. My existence had put her in a precarious position where she was to protect both me and herself. (219-220)
- They look at me and say, “I don’t know how you do it.” I am not strong! I want to tell them. I am simply enduring. (222)
- It would be nice if whenever someone said, “I love you,” it meant, “Everything will be fine.” It’s all reassurance anyway. (222)
- Sometimes I wonder, if I ever went missing, how long it would take for someone to realize. Considering how long they are used to not hearing from me, I’d I were really in danger, I think it would take them about three weeks. (223)
- Anyone who prefers minimalism probably had everything growing up. When you are never left wanting, you never want much. (240)
- Love and not eating for sixteen hours feels more or less the same. (241)
- I decided to be honest (247)
- Sometimes making bad decisions really takes no time at all. In fact, you realize that you’ve been itching to do it all along. Deep down, I think comes from being so angry at having to restrict yourself all the time because in the end, no matter how well you behave someone always Dash away your life‘s work with little to no regard. We’re always swimming against the tide. How’s that for Justice? If I am reckless, it is because I am tired. (258)
- The bodegas have already brought out parts of mom’s in heartening colors. They clustered together in rich, fuchsia‘s oranges and reds a sign that summer is on its last breath, and these are the flowers that will guide us into fall (262)
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pganotgolf · 4 months
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Some Scott Pilgrim ships doodles I forgot to post here
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pganotgolf · 4 months
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I love that Rosie knows LGBT+ sexualities, but Alastor is too "old-skool" to probably care
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pganotgolf · 4 months
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Alastor panicked and incredulous at him almost dying trying to protect and help people of all things is glorious, my poor baby.
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pganotgolf · 5 months
Alastor and Lucifer fighting over Charlie like omg need
The way my jaw dropped
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pganotgolf · 5 months
if stuffed animals took over the world I’d be okay
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pganotgolf · 5 months
one thing I do love about tumblr is that I know that no one will ever see anything I post. Like it’s my own personal void
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pganotgolf · 5 months
Reflection of Wicked: The Life and Times of The Wicked Witch of the West (spoilers!!!)
It’s really about a government that funds and controls the schools, that has taken over all of the surrounding territories, but this government is using all of this power that they have, all this control over everything (!) to foster ignorance and to shut off open-minded thinkers and give them what seems like a bigger purpose, but really is just Using them as pawns like that’s exactly what Elphaba was saying since the beginning! like the wizard is her father! he did this, he knew what her life would be, he made it this way. She was prophesied to be the “wicked”, “evil”, the birth of evil, and it’s like by whose definition is she to be evil?!?! Ugh also she was telling everyone and they were like no no no no no that��s not what’s happening ur crazy like what the hell and they all gaslight her but they don’t see that they’re being played and there’s a actual proof and it It’s wow yeah like specifically the when Elphaba goes to see Madame morrible, she walks in and madame morrible was dead and then Elphaba the ya know bashed in her head, but THEN after some time Elphaba was like no no I’m almost certain I killed her, like no girl you didn’t!!!! You’re gaslighting yourself!!! Everyone is making you the villain when you’re not!!!! And she just wanted the shoes:((( and she was trying to get dorothy and the crew to her and all the messages were misconstrued AND her beloved pets DIED because of Dorothy and she was just turning into what everyone believed her to be 😭😭
And it’s also about a government who is literally killing a whole species, literal genocide, and they are funding this they are hiding information. They are covering up their dirty work and silencing those who try to speak out. No one is asking questions because they’ve been trained to not ask questions, and they have literal magic that they can just make people forget or you know and it’s just like, really sad because what this is written in the 90s and you know it’s an allegory but it’s still true to this day!! It’s literally like the United States helping and funding and hiding the information and the proof of what Israel has done to ensure a genocide of the Palestinian people. There are soldiers blocking off resources and exits and there are government deals going on that are being kept from the public so they stay ignorant and obedient. Ugh. CEASEFIRE NOW!!
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pganotgolf · 5 months
Amber Eve!! And Debbie Olga!! And Mark and William!!
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What invincible are yall watching
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pganotgolf · 5 months
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Happy 2024 Year of Dragon 🐉🔥
This fanart is a redraw of prince Zuko doing dragon dance in book 3, but I thought it would be cool if the dragon that danced with him is his firebending🔥
ps. This year is in fact Wooden Dragon year, but i think fire dragon is more dope! ^^
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pganotgolf · 5 months
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When someone asks me who my favourite band is, I show them this
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pganotgolf · 5 months
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Avengers: Endgame (2019) | What if... ? (2021 - ?)
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