phantom69manor · 2 years
oh god stfu, you’re right that right wing men don’t care about abolishing gender, they just don’t like people not adhering to gendered stereotypes. but gender ideology is real and harmful to women. how are you gonna say that men can be women and feel so intellectual and superior? men in dresses will never be women, cry about it
it makes my blood boil when i see matt walsh and the ones like him pretending to be the first to battle gender ideology and saying “where are the feminists lmao” they’ve been here long before you were, but because of, you know, misogyny, we are not listened. then comes the male, takes all of our talking points and pretends they’re his, all this while invalidating feminists. like d1e please
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phantom69manor · 2 years
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phantom69manor · 2 years
Why do women oppose radfem ideology so much, like what has liberal feminism even offered.
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phantom69manor · 2 years
it makes my blood boil when i see matt walsh and the ones like him pretending to be the first to battle gender ideology and saying “where are the feminists lmao” they’ve been here long before you were, but because of, you know, misogyny, we are not listened. then comes the male, takes all of our talking points and pretends they’re his, all this while invalidating feminists. like d1e please
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phantom69manor · 2 years
i don’t get b*d*s*m as a concept and frankly don’t want to. sex should be simple and erotic. it sounds like so much overly complicated work. what’s all this nonsense abt “after-care” and whips and chains and rope and overly detailed role-playing and complex uncomfortable looking leather attire and sophisticated rules and “safe words” and being a “dominant” or a “submissive” or whatever. can’t you just make her pussy squirt like a real one….
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phantom69manor · 2 years
227 members of the 290 seat parliament of iran have called on judiciary to issue death sentences for people arrested during the protests
over 14,000 people have been arrested
this is genocide
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phantom69manor · 2 years
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cadmium red 🔥 all oil on wood panel, by me, 2022
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phantom69manor · 2 years
feminists on twitter are going back & forth on whether they should be in alliance with people like matt walsh and I’m like are you fucking dumb? should it not be obvious that a homophobic misogynistic man is not a feminist ally just because he is gender critical (out of his own homophobia) like are you legitimately brain dead. how is it even a debate worthy of your time to ask yourself that?
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phantom69manor · 2 years
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"TERF" and "SIMP" have the same number of letters for a reason.
Nash Romi
any pronouns
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phantom69manor · 2 years
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This is the most offensive evil bullshit goddamn I loathe these men with my entire being how fucking dare you good grief!!!
FGM? Breast ironing? Foot binding? Femicide? Incest? Rape? Legally enforced gender roles???
Pornography, plastic surgery, the sexualization of girl children, illiteracy, the wage gap, fashion, makeup, being barred from education, being barred from holding a job, being barred from spending money, being barred from controlling your own body, being barred from medical care, being taught that your only purpose in life is to serve men all of it that is all female oppression it happens to females in order to keep them oppressed and controlled by men and it works.
Has nothing to do with the fact that infertile women exist and everything to do with the fact that we live in a misogynistic patriarchal world. Women are seen as inherently inferior to men and have been subjugated for men’s pleasure and desire for thousands of years all based on their extremely obvious anatomical differences
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phantom69manor · 2 years
Discussing whether or not sex workers “enjoy their job” is an enormous waste of time from a Marxist perspective (which so many of you claim to have).
Do we discuss whether or not the steel workers enjoy their job? Do you discuss whether or not the the slaughterhouse workers enjoy their job? No! That’s never brought up whatsoever—for whatever reason, we immediately understand that a random laborer’s personal enjoyment on the clock is not relevant.
What is relevant is discussing how labor is built upon coercion. The ruling class has stolen the commons and thus forced us into repetitive work for money, which we all “need” to have in order to pay our taxes—and our taxes are used to fuel military excursions meant to steal even more resources to make the ruling class even more powerful.
In other words, all labor that is exchanged for money is coerced. This is very, very basic Marxism 101.
Sex work is thus, like all other work, coerced. And coerced sex is rape.
It is honestly a bit sickening to me how quickly y’all point to personal enjoyment. I’ve never seen that argument used elsewhere at all. I’ve never seen a self-described Leftist say “some cashiers enjoy being on their feet :)” or “some field workers enjoy being in the sun :)”
What an absolutely absurd thing to argue! And y’all who humor them by point out the health risks, the testimonies, etc.......just absolute ABSURDITY.
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phantom69manor · 2 years
i’ve seen a LOT of people say that artemis hates terfs or whatever and i always have to laugh purely bc of this myth in particular, about daphne & the huntresses of artemis: 
“Leukippos (Leucippus) fell in love with Daphne, but despaired of winning her to be his wife by an open courtship, as she avoided all the male sex. The following trick occurred to him by which to get her. Leukippos was growing his hair long for the river Alpheios (Alpheus). Brading his hair as though he were a maiden, and putting on woman’s clothes, he came to Daphne and said that he was a daughter of Oinomaos (Oenomaus), and would like to share her hunting. As he was thought to be a maiden, surpassed the other maidens in nobility of birth and skill in hunting, and was besides most assiduous in this attentions, he drew Daphne into a deep friendship. The poets who sing of Apollon’s love for Daphne make an addition to the tale; that Apollon became jealous of Leukippos because of his success in his love. Forthwith Daphne and the other maidens conceived a longing to swim in the Ladon, and stripped Leukippos in spite of his reluctance. Then, seeing that he was no maid, they killed him with their javelins and daggers.“  (Pausanias, Description of Greece 8. 20. 2 (trans. Jones) (Greek travelogue C2nd A.D.) (source) 
they literally killed this man for pretending to be a woman in order to infiltrate their female-only space. but please, tell me again how artemis would totally accept males as her huntresses. 
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phantom69manor · 2 years
libfems: women aren’t vending machines where you put niceness coins in and sex falls out! doing that to a person is abusive, fuck off creeps, “nice guys” my ass!
also libfems: BUT women totally are vending machines where you put REAL coins in and sex falls out! #hopride #sexworkiswork #betterthemthanme
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phantom69manor · 2 years
arguing that separatism isn’t “viable” cause you love men and want to be around them is ??????? to me. Like I’m not living any great separatist lifestyle right now, don’t get me wrong, but like I’m proud of my sisters who are? and don’t expect people to prioritize me specifically in every thing they do? That’s bonkers. Are you kidding me? Separatism for ANY maligned group is radical and cool. Some of you are too comfortable with the society that surrounds you, you want it but just better for yourself and that sucks cause the whole damn thing gotta be thrown away.
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phantom69manor · 2 years
Shortly after women were finally getting heard about how unsafe our world is, how we fear male violence, how we’re disproportionately affected by male violence, how awful men treat us, suddenly, there’s no such thing as sex. Suddenly, you can’t tell men and women apart. Suddenly, a man isn’t actually a man if he “identifies” as something else. Suddenly, you “can’t assume someone’s gender”.
Do you all fucking think its a coincidence? 
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phantom69manor · 2 years
besides femicide, rape and forced birth i think the worst part about misogyny is the way people see it as a natural part of society and existence instead of something instilled by male fertility cults
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phantom69manor · 2 years
why does cooking takes like six hours and eating like three seconds and washing dishes like seven days and seven nights
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