You know, an interesting tumblr transformation that's happened gradually, and which I've seen no one talk about: ask-culture has essentially dropped off to nothing.
By which I mean, asks used to be WAY more of the tumblr economy. They used to be more common to send, and receive, and see. They were integral to the collaborative, forum-like behavior of old tumblr communities, not even to speak on the HUGE number of ask-blogs that used to exist to only be interacted with in ask-form.
I'm not saying this in a vying-for-attention way but instead in an observational way: I used to get way way more asks in like 2015, even with a fraction of my follower count. I wonder if it's due to the homogenization of social media sites? There's a lot more of this divide between "content creator" and "consumer" instead of just a bunch of peer blogs who would talk to each other. "Asks" aren't really a thing on twitter, are they? And as I understand it, the closest thing to an "ask" on instagram or tiktok would be a creator screenshotting some comment and responding to it in a new reel or video or whatever those content mediums are. Are asks just too tumblr-specific? Is that aspect of the site culture dying out as more and more people converge to using all their social media sites in the same way?
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Only day you can reblog this
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That silly moment when you jokingly pray to a god from a Minecraft series and you get good luck
(I have been jokingly praying to ocean goddess Lizzie from empires season 1 for 2 years sometimes for luck)
(I have rolled a dirty 20 and a nat 20 since I did that today)
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YAY I GOT A PERMIT! Thank you permit office
Star Wars Fun facts Part 1, WARNING:SPOILERS AHEAD, clone wars season 3 spoilers, also it’s long sorry.
The Mortis Gods: they had a 3 episode arc in the clone wars show, S3E15-17, They were the Son, the living embodiment of the dark side, the Father, the living embodiment of the balance of the force, and the Daughter, the living embodiment of the light side of the force, the Daughter also had an owl named Morai, they lived on mortis, a hidden force nexus where the Daughter grew life in the day and the Son destroyed it all at night. Anakin, Obi-Wan and Ahsoka find an odd thing in space while going to answer a distress call, and they are brought to mortis, they cannot contact the outside world. The Daughter brings anakin to the Father, he was brought their because he has the potential to take the Father’s place, keeping the Son and the Daughter from leaving mortis, while they are there, the Son takes control of Ahsoka, and tries to kill Anakin, who wanted to leave, The Son tried to kill the Father but the Daughter stopped him, getting stabbed in the process, Ahsoka was dying bc of the dark side possession and the Daughter was dying from her wound, her dying wish was that her remaining life force be transferred to ahsoka, saving her life and marking the first of 3 times ahsoka ends up in a situation where she should have died but something involving mortis happens and saves her. The Son shows Anakin the future to turn him to the dark side, and the Father has to erase those memories, The son ends up killing the Father, and Anakin kills the son, Anakin, Obi-Wan and Ahoska leave mortis, and the only survivor of mortis who has been seen since is Morai, the Daughter’s green convor, who is seen with Ahsoka in Rebels, Ahsoka, and the Mandolorian. In rebels the portal to the World Between Worlds is in a mural of the Mortis Gods. In the end of the Ahsoka show statues of the Mortis Gods are seen on Peridia. The statue of the Daughter is severely damaged.
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Me irl and here :3
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Star Wars Fun Facts Part 2 WARNING: SPOILERS AHEAD, Spoilers for Clone Wars, Rebels, and Ahsoka
Ahsoka and her 3 should-have-died experiences:
The first time Ahsoka Tano probably should have died was in The Mortis arc in the clone wars, after being released from the Son’s possession, his power was killing her, however, the Daughter’s last wish was to save Ahsoka, Anakin then used the Force to transfer the Daughter’s life force into Ahsoka, saving her life. It is theorized that this is why Morai follows her.
The second time was in Star Wars Rebels, when she fought Darth Vader in a sith temple/weapon. Before this fight we got this amazing exchange: DV: “Anakin is dead” AT: “Then I will avenge his death” DV: “Revenge is not the jedi way” AT: “I am no jedi” It was a badass line and I still love it, we don’t see him kill her but we only see Vader leave, and there is no news about ahsoka for a few episodes, she is presumed dead. Later, on the planet Lothal, Ezra finds a mural of the Mortis gods, and touches it, the loth wolves on the mural move and start running in a circle on the wall, he touches it and his hand passes through, he then goes through and we see the World Between Worlds (WBW) for the first time. In the WBW we see moments in time, and Morai is sitting above one of these windows through time, Ezra sees ahsoka fighting vader and pulls her through. She does have to go back through that window of time, but she goes back after some time has passed and vader has left, the episode ends with her leaving the sith temple she is thought to have died in.
The third time was in her own show! In the ahsoka show, Ahsoka is fighting Baylan Skoll on a cliffside overlooking a choppy sea, and in the battle, Baylan wins, pushing her off the cliff, you would think that that would mean she was dead. NOPE! Back to the WBW! This time in the WBW, she sees Anakin, he looks like his force ghost. He asks her live or die, and they fight, she falls off the pathway and ends up in a memory of the clone wars, her first fight in the war. After that memory they are at the siege of mandalore. After this they end up at the WBW paths again, and he once more asks live or die, this time she wins, this was him teaching her one final lesson. She ends up in the sea and Hera Syndulla gets her out.
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Star Wars Fun facts Part 1, WARNING:SPOILERS AHEAD, clone wars season 3 spoilers, also it’s long sorry.
The Mortis Gods: they had a 3 episode arc in the clone wars show, S3E15-17, They were the Son, the living embodiment of the dark side, the Father, the living embodiment of the balance of the force, and the Daughter, the living embodiment of the light side of the force, the Daughter also had an owl named Morai, they lived on mortis, a hidden force nexus where the Daughter grew life in the day and the Son destroyed it all at night. Anakin, Obi-Wan and Ahsoka find an odd thing in space while going to answer a distress call, and they are brought to mortis, they cannot contact the outside world. The Daughter brings anakin to the Father, he was brought their because he has the potential to take the Father’s place, keeping the Son and the Daughter from leaving mortis, while they are there, the Son takes control of Ahsoka, and tries to kill Anakin, who wanted to leave, The Son tried to kill the Father but the Daughter stopped him, getting stabbed in the process, Ahsoka was dying bc of the dark side possession and the Daughter was dying from her wound, her dying wish was that her remaining life force be transferred to ahsoka, saving her life and marking the first of 3 times ahsoka ends up in a situation where she should have died but something involving mortis happens and saves her. The Son shows Anakin the future to turn him to the dark side, and the Father has to erase those memories, The son ends up killing the Father, and Anakin kills the son, Anakin, Obi-Wan and Ahoska leave mortis, and the only survivor of mortis who has been seen since is Morai, the Daughter’s green convor, who is seen with Ahsoka in Rebels, Ahsoka, and the Mandolorian. In rebels the portal to the World Between Worlds is in a mural of the Mortis Gods. In the end of the Ahsoka show statues of the Mortis Gods are seen on Peridia. The statue of the Daughter is severely damaged.
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i'm in my no thoughts era again
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Welcome to hell, population: English speakers
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I keep seeing the same work from home Amazon ad and I hate it, whoever tagged it with the cute cat tag needs to step on Legos or D4s before I die of Amazon ads disguised as cat posts, let me scroll the caterday tag in peace pls.
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