phemvincent · 11 years
No I'm not, but I appreciate the effort.
no why i hate everything i'm jumping from gryffindor tower don't leave me just kidding you already left me don't die though please Okay.
The sweetest. 
Actually, scratch that. You’re the sweetest. 
I may not be able to talk to you for a few days—long trek and dangerous. But I’ll send you an owl as soon as I can. 
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phemvincent · 11 years
...How sweet of you? /crying)
Yes, I would be willing to do that. I would be willing to do anything as long as you're alive. That's not funny.
Love love love you.
I’ll punch myself in the nose, just so you can have some self-satisfaction. Hey, I’ll even take a picture for you. [ATTACHED IS A POLAROID PHOTO OF HIS FIST TOUCHING HIS NOSE; LAUGHING.]
It’s a very serious risk slash possibility. We have to be prepared for the worst. Are you willing to change my bandages day and night until I’m 80 years old because of horrific burns? We obviously can’t continue this relationship if you aren’t willing to do so. 
It’s nice to hear that. Well, read. 
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phemvincent · 11 years
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phemvincent · 11 years
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phemvincent · 11 years
Oh, no reason~. I suppose. If I could hit you, I would. I really wish I could hit you right now.
Don't even joke about that. If I really thought you were possibly going to be burnt to death, I would have locked you in a basement somewhere. :)! 
And I love you too. No question marks.
… Why the sarcasm? Hey, that just means you’re closer to graduating! Chin up, at least you still have that thing you call a twin brother. Don’t hit me. 
Well, I mean… I learnt that you should always tell your girlfriend that you love her in case you get burnt to death by a dragon.
So, I love you? No, no question about it. I love you. 
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phemvincent · 11 years
Er, I think not? Yes, Jack. All of my happiness is solely dependent on you. Oh, but honestly, yes, I'd be a lot better if you were here. That still doesn't change the fact that my best friend will be graduating soon, along with all the other Seventh Years. That's kind of crappy too. Well...good. I'm glad you're learning. That's the whole objective, isn't it?
 That’s quite an accusation. Have you any proof? Don’t you remember Jack’s Journal? I’m pretty sure it ended happily… But I might be thinking of a fairy tale like Beauty and the Beast or something. In this instance, I am beauty, yes. 
Have you ever encountered a goblin, Phe? They’re bloody awful. I’m glad you’re fine, though I’m sure If I were there you’d be wonderful. Right? I’m… fine. I’ve learnt a lot of things these past few weeks. 
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phemvincent · 11 years
Correction: Gemma's Boobs is not an animal, he is a demon.
Are short people usually not sweet? But if you really were wondering, I'm fine. Relatively speaking. Classes are fine. My friends are fine. There aren't many more months until summer. So overall, everything's...fine! Just fine. How's my idiotic but lovely boyfriend?
Cruelty to animals: Jack says no.
… My next thought was: I wonder how Ophelia, my short but sweet girlfriend, is going. 
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phemvincent · 11 years
I definitely killed him.
Really. That's what you wonder about. Out of all the things at Hogwarts, that's what you choose to think about.
All right, I guess.
I wonder what Gemma’s Boobs is up to nowadays… 
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phemvincent · 12 years
Most of the time Ophelia didn't notice how much Jack talked. And she had gotten used to the weird things he would often times say. But right now she was almost hyper-aware of it. And these were the sort of things that his letters would never quite capture. She was making herself sad all over again, so she quickly shot him a look before shaking her head. "I'd lock you up in a room so you couldn't get hurt anymore. And you'd just have to lie there and bear it." She wrinkled her nose. "No. You're not sexy" -- that was a lie -- "You're adorable. But, without arms and everything, I'm sure you'd look rather scary." He had such nice arms, it would really be a shame to lose them.
She couldn't really disagree. "If I didn't scare them off, Harlan would do so for me." Ophelia was sixteen, which meant that Harlan was sixteen, too. Of course they had always grown together, so it was hard for her to notice him changing. He was taller than her now and in shape from all the fencing and sword fighting and everything else he did. He could probably chase off a few boys looking in Ophelia's general direction. "And I know you think that Harlan doesn't like you, but he does. And he likes that you make me happy. If he ever thought anyone was looking to take your place, he'd do something."
Ophelia stopped suddenly, turning her head to face him. "What?" She couldn't even count on her hands how many times she had heard that before. "I suppose if I must." A laugh almost escaped her lips before she managed to stifle it. "Clearly, I do trust you considering I even listen to half the things you tell me."
away, away.
Jack faked a gasp, pushing his neck out and widening his eyes, just to further prove the joke. “Well,” he creased his eyebrows. “I’d never quit. Even if I lost all my limbs to an insane dragon-unicorn hybrid, I’d roll around all over the place just to continue doing what I love. I’d be famous, you know. You can be jealous pre-emptively it’s fine. All those women, and I’m not going to lie, men as well, will be fawning over me. They’ll have posters all over their wall, ‘legless Jack Hunter,’ it’ll read, ‘the sexiest dragon-keeper the world has ever seen’. I might even become big in the muggle world, but that’s a bit of a stretch, don’t you think?” He nodded his head lightly, crinkling his nose at the ridiculous story he concocted. 
Despite the stupid things he said, he knew there was one certainty in his life: Ophelia Vincent. He wasn’t going to let her go. Not without a fight, at least. 
All he could do was let off a laugh at her words. He just wanted to kiss her, the circumstances didn’t allow him to, though. Soon, though, he would have her all to himself and they could just be. Even if only for a little while before he would be gone for longer than he wanted to be gone. He didn’t get much say, though, and that made it harder. “You better not, especially when I’m not present,” he smirked, “just kidding, wink all you want. Guys will be so freaked out they’ll have to sneak away.”
Phe started leading him away, and his attention was drawn to all the adults at the food table. Damn it, damn it, he thought, that was the last thing he wanted to face. Parents asking about his future. ‘Oh, but you won’t be doing that silly dragon thing the rest of your life, will you?’ Was something he heard constantly, something he hated hearing constantly. “Wait,” he tugged on Phe’s jumper, turning to face away from the table. “Follow me.”
And he grabbed onto her hand as they weaved through various people, and each time a man with a tray walked past, he’d reach up and grab some food. He sent her a knowing smile, though he was sure she was confused as to why he was being such an idiot about this, “trust me.”
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phemvincent · 12 years
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phemvincent · 12 years
She shoved him lightly. "No, shut up. If you actually lost a leg, I'm afraid you'd have to quit. And I'd have to go have an amazing job somewhere. But you, no, you'd have to stay home and wait for me to back to you every night. And I'd make sure not to lose a leg." It was kind of strange talking about the future. And it was sad. And it was scary. She didn't even have to think about whether or not she wanted Jack there with her, after graduation and for years to follow. She was, of course, a practical person. And the idea of this boy who she had known since she was fourteen being her one and only boyfriend was fairly impractical. Based on the way she felt about him alone, it felt perfectly logical.
"What a relief," she said, in an overly sarcastic tone. Merlin, Merlin, she would miss him kissing her nose. She'd miss kissing his nose. She would stop the list there. If she were to go on naming all the things she would miss about Jack, then it would all amount to an entirely too long list and she's be even more heart-broken than she already was. She often times acted uptight, even when they were together. School was a priority, and family was near the top as well. And she scolded him more than she needed to, and she was annoyed with him 40% of the time. But she loved every single second of it and now those seconds would be restricted to few visits. She tilted her head up to catch the corner of his mouth, not even bothering to adjust herself to give him a proper kiss. "Mmm, thank you. I won't wink again."
In all honesty, she wasn't hungry at all. She was too busy worrying over too many things to even consider being hungry. But she hadn't eaten in hours and she knew she should eat something whether she thought she was hungry or not. "Sure." She took his hand, leading him in the direction of her parents. Namely, where all the food was.
away, away.
One of the things that Jack prided himself most in was his ability to be able to see right through people — and as he watched Ophelia, he couldn’t help but notice the little things. Obviously she was going to be upset, Jack just hoped she wouldn’t be too distraught over it. He would see her, that was for sure, and he would keep in contact with her no matter how difficult it got. Oh — oh, there was one thing he wish he could see through, and that was animals. But he supposed he had his girlfriend to aid him in that endeavour. He was well on his way to understanding creatures, in any case. 
Jack had seen other couples pull through such things — they would be fine. He’d make sure of that.
“We are, we are,” he laughed. He curled his lip and let off a sigh, considering the circumstances if he did actually get hurt. It was a dangerous job, but he was willing to accept the risks in order to achieve his dream of working with mythical creatures. It was part of his contract, it was part of his lifestyle, and he was going to hold that true to all aspects of his life. “I will, I’ll come hobbling home with crutches and a prosthetic leg and you’ll cry, ‘O, Jack, O, my love, whatever happened to your wonderful leg,’ and I’ll tell you of my brave endeavour.” He nodded sternly. “Prepare yourself.”
Jack squinted and suppressed a chuckle. “I’d hate to tarnish your bad girl reputation,” he tilted his head to the side and frowned, “it was a little weird, but considering the circumstances, I’ll forgive you.” He placed another kiss on her, this time, on her nose. He couldn’t keep away from her, which was probably annoying that twin brother of hers. Jack made a point to ignore Harlan on almost all occasions, unless absolutely necessary. He figured Ophelia had noticed, but, well, weren’t these rivalries normal?
“You hungry?” he asked, looking around for some kind of feast. 
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phemvincent · 12 years
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Can’t wait for the show tonight! So glad @jamesmaslow could join us for this incredible episode:) #See
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phemvincent · 12 years
"Right..." She agreed unconvincingly. Two years was a hell of a long time. She need only ask Paget to know how truly horrible her last years at Hogwarts were going to be. Of course she would still have Harlan. She'd always have Harlan.  Ophelia managed a laugh, shortly followed by an eye roll. "Yes, you're practically the same." Never mind the fact that she'd rather not kiss or cuddle with Echo. Well. Maybe a little of the latter but not in quite the same way. "As long as you tell me sometime. That should be fine."
Ophelia couldn't help laughing at that. "To keep up my bad girl reputation, I'm afraid I can't promise anything." She finished the statement with a wink, which felt really awkward and wrong, so she had no choice but to shut her eyes tight and bury her face in his chest. "No, that was weird," she said, her voice muffled.
away, away.
There were so many people around them that Jack considered moving them away to another — more private — location, just so that they could hear each other. So they could spend their moments together that would come to be their last as students together. They had so many memories together that it was painful to think for even a second of leaving them behind, but he had no choice. He wished he could take her with him, then they could travel and love and be free, free to do as they wished. He had a vested interest in her success as an adult, though, and her dropping out of school wasn’t beneficial in any sense, well, other than to Jack’s feelings. They weren’t first priority, in any case. 
“Two years is nothing in the scheme of things,” he commented, brushing a hand through her hair, but it fell short just below her ear and weakly fell down at his side. “Plus, you’ll have Echo a lot of the time. That’s almost like having me there. Probably better, since he doesn’t talk ba — oh. Oh.” He laughed. “Right, slipped my mind. Well then, we’re on par, in that case.” He scrunched his nose up and looked to the side, where his family was speaking with a professor. “Of course, of course, I’ll be sure to tell you after I lose my leg to ten trolls, not during. That way you won’t have to deal with blood splattered all over the page.”
He grabbed her hand. Just so you know, I’ve placed spies all over the school to make sure you’re behaving yourself.”
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phemvincent · 12 years
she had been putting it off. the inevitable goodbye, one frighteningly similar to the one she had experienced last year with her older brother. every year, more and more of her closest friends graduated. last year it was sirius, this year it was bertie. and, of course, there was jack. she wasn't stupid; she knew he'd be gone during the summer, because he already had a job and his future laid out in front of him.
the moment she saw jack, she stopped walking. because despite the incredible amount of mental preparation she had tried to work in before now, she would never quite be ready for this moment. instead, he came to her, hugged her, and said something she barely managed to hear. she laughed, because it was better than crying. "yeah, no time at all." ophelia rested her head on her chest, trying to memorise the rhythm of his heart. after what felt like not long enough, she pulled away to look at him. "try not to send any urgent messages while you're away if you can help it." normal owls, however, she would appreciate.
away, away.
there was one thing jack dreaded: graduating. it wasn’t just that he would have to leave his girlfriend behind, it was also that he would have a whole new responsibility. a responsibility of finally being employed full-time and travelling around the world studying dragons – he loved his job, but he loved london, his family, and friends more. now as he stood there, saying goodbye to his closest friends, he couldn’t help but feel a sickening feeling wash over him. was it guilt? sadness? anger? fear? it was probably all of them, and when he saw ophelia walk up he smiled weakly and walked up to her, pulling her into a hug and kissing her head. “you’ll be out in no time, and then we can travel the world together,” he said softly, not wanting to let go but pulling back anyway. 
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phemvincent · 12 years
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phemvincent · 12 years
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phemvincent · 12 years
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Her Eyes! goshhhh
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