phobophile · 4 years
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phobophile · 4 years
idk if anyone’s active anymore but i’m starting the ABC diet again tmrw i’m so excited
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phobophile · 4 years
back on my bullshit 😝
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phobophile · 4 years
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phobophile · 4 years
for the past 2 weeks i’ve been eating under 300-400 calories a day and i’ve lost 20 pounds
and maybe one binge
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phobophile · 4 years
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pink thinspo 💞
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phobophile · 4 years
day 15 of the abc diet
lunch: pizza (260 kcal)
cookie (80 kcal)
dinner: pizza and breadsticks (428 kcal)
total: 768/350 kcal
i feel like shit for eating that much but my grandpa got pizza for lunch and my dad did for dinner so i’d feel bad for not eating what they got. :( at least i’m fasting tomorrow so hopefully it’ll be okay. i’m gonna do a weight in after tmrw. also i’m glad i hit the 2 week mark! even tho i did have a few fuck ups due to vacation.
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phobophile · 4 years
day 14 of the abc diet
breakfast: 1/2 mcgriddle (280 kcal)
3/4 hash brown (113 kcal)
TOTAL: 393/400
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phobophile · 4 years
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notes for the abc diet 🥺👉🏻👈🏻
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phobophile · 4 years
0 cal bread recipe i found on ed twt
“hi here’s my 0 calorie oat fiber cakey bread!! i’m obsessed with dipping it in chocolate pb2 honestly. btw pls don’t eat too much if you’re not used to eating a lot of fiber!! and drink a lottt of water w/ it so it can digest well and not constipate u!”
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phobophile · 4 years
i ate more than i logged today and i feel so fucking bad. i have a stomach ulcer now and i’m on my period too so my stomach pain was HORRIBLE plus my hunger pain on top. i smoked a cig to try and at least calm down the hunger but it made everything 10 times worse. i was on the bathroom floor laying in my vomit and a puddle of sweat. i kept puking over and over and couldn’t barley move i literally felt like i was dying. so i figured maybe if i ate it would help and so i ate oatmeal and a peach which was about 170-200 calories. i feel so fucking guilty and stupid. i just wanna be skinny i hate this.
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phobophile · 4 years
Abc diet day 6:
breakfast: 1/2 cup of oatmeal (70kcal)
nothing for the rest of the day <3
Total: 70/100 kcal
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phobophile · 4 years
Do it for the..
“You got skinny!”
“Wow I can fit my hand all the way around your wrist”
Jealous stares
Size XXS and 00
“You can sit on my lap since you’re obviously the lightest”
Beautiful in anything
“You’re so light!”
“I’ll give you a piggyback ride”
Confidence in dressing rooms
Bikini body
Dainty wrists
Hip bones
Collarbones that dip for days
Slender legs
Thigh gaps
“You look like a model!”
“How did you do it?”
ability to feel confident in your own skin
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phobophile · 4 years
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Do it because you want to see in between your thighs. Do it so the size small leggings will be big on you.
•Thigh gaps are an achievable dream. If you want to see any progress, be smart about it. If you just started or took a break from restricting don’t dive head first. Jumping into fasting for two days is unrealistic, and will most likely end in a binge. It takes practice, it’s okay to be hungry and fall into cravings. When you can’t take it and want to eat, you can. But do it off of low calorie snacks, skinny pop, celery, rice crisps, plain popcorn, lettuce leaves etc. You CAN eat. Just keep it low cal, and if you choose to binge on chips and baked goods you obviously don’t want it enough.
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phobophile · 4 years
Day 3 of the ABC diet:
breakfast: nachos (170 kcal)
lunch: powerade zero
dinner: ice with 0 cal kool-aid
Total- 170/300 kcal
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phobophile · 4 years
Day 2 of the ABC diet:
Egg with cheese- 115
Toast- 110 cals
Total: 225/500 cal
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phobophile · 4 years
being tired all the time is such a mystery.... is it anaemia? vitamin d deficiency? chronic fatigue syndrome? depression? insomnia?? is it just the crushing weight of being alive in a capitalist society??? someone cure me
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