phoenix-0613 · 1 year
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phoenix-0613 · 1 year
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phoenix-0613 · 1 year
The Moon & Self-Care🍼
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🌙Aries Moon, Moon in 1st, Moon aspect Mars
let yourself vent, blow off steam
give yourself “me” time
find an outlet for your energy
do things that calm you down
🌙Taurus Moon, Moon in 2nd, Moon aspect Venus
indulge a little, treat yourself
spend time in nature, beuatiful surroundings
listen to your favorite music
cuddle or have sex
take a nap
wear your favorite outfit or scent
🌙Gemini Moon, Moon in 3rd, Moon aspect Mercury
write in a journal, keep a blog
learn a new hobby
express yourself creatively
explore a new nearby area with friends
start a new book
🌙Cancer Moon, Moon in 4th 
call your parents, spend time with family
build a blanket fort and take a nap inside
look at old pictures, letters, or scrapbook
stay home and make your favorite food, get cozy
be alone and self-reflect, near water if possible
🌙Leo Moon, Moon in 5th, Moon aspect Sun
be loud, sing, dance, perform
express yourself creatively
go out and paint the town red
dress up and feel flawless, even with nowhere to go
treat yourself, get pampered
🌙Virgo Moon, Moon in 6th
organize, de-clutter
journal, write out your feelings
take on a new project, work hard at it
volunteer or help someone in need
adopt or take care of a pet
improve your health, exercise
🌙Libra Moon, Moon in 7th, Moon aspect Venus
spend time with your partner or best friend
get pampered, change up your appearance
go to a party, expand your network
take in sappy romantic movies, songs, or books 
work on a piece of art
🌙Scorpio Moon, Moon in 8th, Moon aspect Pluto
sit in the dark or with a lit candle
write your feelings down and burn the paper
share your feelings with someone you trust
sit in a bath
🌙Sagittarius Moon, Moon in 9th, Moon aspect Jupiter
read a new book
explore a new area
get active
blog or write in a journal
🌙Capricorn Moon, Moon in 10th, Moon aspect Saturn
be productive, get some work done
speak to a parent or someone you trust
meditate, spend time alone
get immersed in a book 
organize your space
🌙Aquarius Moon, Moon in 11th, Moon aspect Uranus
volunteer for a non-profit group or cause
research a new craft, skill, or hobby
explore some place new
meet with friends or make new ones
🌙Pisces Moon, Moon in 12th, Moon aspect Neptune
spend some time alone, reflecting
get lost in “altered states”
find inspiration and create art, music, or poetry
be moved by music you love
write in a journal
spend time near water
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phoenix-0613 · 1 year
Solar Return Ascendants
If your solar return ascendant lands in a fire sign, it will be a busy year. In a water sign, an emotional year. An air sign, a year of much mental work and communication, and in an earth sign, a year of tangible productivity. A cardinal sign will signal the start of something new, a mutable sign signals a focus on social and family relationships, and a fixed sign foretells a stable year with little change.
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phoenix-0613 · 2 years
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phoenix-0613 · 2 years
if someone wants to know how emotional and sensitive i can be, all i need to do is show them my moon persona chart lmao
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phoenix-0613 · 2 years
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Their opinion is not your reality.
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phoenix-0613 · 2 years
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Never force a connection.
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phoenix-0613 · 2 years
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Your emotions are beautiful. 🍂
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phoenix-0613 · 2 years
If it keeps you happy, keep it quiet.
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phoenix-0613 · 2 years
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Life gets better when you expect less.
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phoenix-0613 · 2 years
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My kind of people..
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phoenix-0613 · 2 years
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Live life on your own terms.
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phoenix-0613 · 2 years
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do i wanna know? // arctic monkeys
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phoenix-0613 · 2 years
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12th House Placements:
“How many of us now realize that space is the same thing as mind, or consciousness? That when you look out into infinity you are looking at yourself? That your inside goes with your entire outside as your front with your back? That this galaxy, and all other galaxies, are just as much you as your heart or your brain? That your coming and going, your waking and sleeping, your birth and your death, are exactly the same kind of rhythmic phenomena as the stars and their surrounding darkness? To be afraid of life is to be afraid of yourself.”
— Alan Watts, Whereabouts Unknown
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phoenix-0613 · 2 years
Date • Ideas 🤍✨☄️🪐💫
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