phoenyx-rising · 5 hours
"Listen," one guard said, "I know we have only just met-"
"No," the other guard said, "we've worked together for years!"
"-but you can trust me when I say-"
"I can't, you have the curse that's opposite from mine!"
"I don't care for you at all."
"Well, I… oh… I love you too."
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phoenyx-rising · 5 hours
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phoenyx-rising · 7 hours
It's a little late for Pride Month, but here is the full version of Bi Bi Bi
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phoenyx-rising · 8 hours
here’s my one whole discourse post for pride month. you fucks will never ever ever wean off the radfem shit if you keep trying to give “cis men are evil” nuance. no, it’s not bad because they could be closeted or questioning, it’s bad because gender essentialism is a fucking brain poison and it makes you stupid
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phoenyx-rising · 8 hours
Have you been blocked by anyone to your knowledge?
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phoenyx-rising · 10 hours
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Name Etymologies of Middle-Earth: Gandalf
“Yes, yes, my dear sir—and I do know your name, Mr. Bilbo Baggins. And you do know my name, though you don’t remember that I belong to it. I am Gandalf, and Gandalf means me!”
― The Hobbit, Chapter I: An Unexpected Party
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phoenyx-rising · 10 hours
no cishets at pride! *spin kicks a grandma with a “I love my gay son” tshirt*
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phoenyx-rising · 18 hours
Happy Pride!
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phoenyx-rising · 1 day
thinking about how when you experience a lot of shame in your formative years (indirectly, directly, as abuse or just as an extant part of your environment) it becomes really difficult to be perceived by other people in general. the mere concept of someone watching me do anything, whether it's a totally normal activity or something unfamiliar of embarrassing, whether I'm working in an excel spreadsheet or being horny on main, it just makes my skin crawl and my brain turn to static because I cannot convince myself that it's okay to be seen and experienced. because to exist is to be ashamed and embarrassed of myself, whether I'm failing at something or not, because my instinctive reaction to anyone commenting on ANYTHING I'm doing is to crawl into a hole and die. it's such a bizarre and dehumanizing feeling to just not be able to exist without constantly thinking about how you are being Perceived. ceaseless watcher give me a god damn break.
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phoenyx-rising · 2 days
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Does this count as finding a walrus at your door?
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phoenyx-rising · 2 days
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shapeshifting lessons with the gf
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phoenyx-rising · 2 days
I was out getting burgers the other day and this scooter man pulled up and I physically gasped. He had a pink fluffy motorcycle helmet with floppy dog ears on it. That was already pretty cute. But as he turned he had a little chihuahua strapped to his chest with her own little goggles on.
I vibrated with admiration from in my car and tried to resist the urge to get a picture. I fully believe in not photographing people without permission, but I needed to share this cuteness. I thought about an artist rendition but I knew I’d forget details.
So I gave in and scurried out to approach him. The instant he saw my demeanor he knew I’d like a picture. He even put his little pups goggles back on to show them off. I was grinning from ear to ear as I thanked him and here is the best thing I’ve seen in a long time.
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phoenyx-rising · 2 days
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phoenyx-rising · 2 days
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phoenyx-rising · 2 days
hi i'm so so so sorry because i feel like you get a lot of asks like this but,,, basically i'm genderqueer and i feel qplantonic attraction towards everyone,, i've always been calling myself a faggot and using the words faggot with my friends who are okay with it but that was when i identified as a gay man,, now i'm genderqueer and transmasc and idk if i can still use this AND also start using dyke??? am i allowed to use those if i'm not exactly gay or lesbian? i'm sorry i'm sorta new to the community and just confused. thank you for your time, i'm so sorry if this is all jumbled up
i know i say this to a lot of asks like this but it remains true. do whatever you want forever
cross-community slur usage has been a thing in the queer community for a long ass time. faggots and dykes are like brothers and sisters, you can be gay or lesbian or bi or whatever the fuck else and use these terms. people in real life are not digging into the specific little aspects of your identity to determine whether you fit their checklist of people who are allowed to use a certain word. and if they are they need to mind their business
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phoenyx-rising · 2 days
Okay so like, book rec lists that are mostly just lists of different identities being represented are very much Not For Me. I know this.
But like, even given this, sometimes you (moment ago I did) see one where it's like "A side character introduced in book two is lightly ace-coded!' and I feel like I should be offended on other people's behalf.
Like looking up recommendations for restaurants with vegetarian options and being told a steakhouse has a side-salad that's usually pretty okay.
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phoenyx-rising · 2 days
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