The 11pm call
All was going like clockwork in Aisha's life. She was blessed with a daughter, son and a loving husband. She had just rejoined work and was lucky that her workplace was flexible with timings and near her house.
"Ma'am, patient Anisha is still requiring oxygen, has respiratory distress. But her condition has not worsened since morning. Last fever spike was at 4pm" informed Dr Shail the on call resident to his consultant. Aisha was relieved to hear that she has not worsened and is holding on, but she was still borderline and needed a close watch. He asked when should he call up again to update. Aisha thought 11pm would be perfect, the children would have slept off, and if all was ok, could catch a good nights sleep, else she would have to rush to the hospital to increase her respiratory support. So, it was planned to speak again at 11pm
But little do things go as per our plan. We take our routine for granted and dont realise a slightest event can turn our whole life upside down, and thats what happened that night with Aisha.
Post dinner, her husband Vijay suggested, "Lets take the children down for a walk" Her son Deep started jumping excitedly on hearing so and they picked up little Maisha and went out. Maisha was just 6 months old and was looking intently at Deep as he jumped around.
They chose to go towards a small lane which had less traffic and was lined by trees on both sides as it was serene and beautiful. As they neared the lane, Aisha and Deep heard a few dogs barking. Both were scared of dogs and stopped. Vijay went ahead with Maisha in his arms. The dogs were running behind a scooter and Vijay told them to just walk slowly. Aisha and Deep went forward hesitantly, petrified of the barking dogs.
Suddenly the dogs turned towards them, gnarling and barking and came to attack. Deep screamed and both started running with the dogs chasing them. Aisha tripped and hit the road hard taking Deep down with her. Hearing Deep's cries, people from the surrounding buildings rushed down to see what was going on.
Aisha was knocked unconscious and was convulsing. Deep was crying inconsolably - the kind of cry with gasping breathing which knocks off one's speech. Vijay was stunned at what was unfolding in front of him. He rushed to their side. The dogs had meanwhile walked off scared of so many people.
Aisha lay on the road, unconscious and bleeding. Vijay quickly called an ambulance. In a while Aisha slowly came back, fuzzy and with no memory of what had happened. Vijay recounted the details just when Aisha's phone started ringing. It was 11pm, Dr Shail was calling to inform about the patient. But so much had happened unexpectedly and Aisha was in no mental state to take the call. The ambulance took its own time in reaching.
They went to an imaging centre where Aisha underwent CT scan of brain. A quick call to the radiologist confirmed that Aisha was lucky and nothing was wrong inside the brain. They heaved a sigh of relief, it was indeed a close encounter with the worst.
They went to a nearby emergency room and got the wound cleaned. Aisha was still stunned and reeling slightly. But she was thankful that atleast no major neurosurgery would be needed.
They went home and put the children to sleep. They counted their blessings again- Deep just had a few abrasions, Maisha was luckily not in Aisha's arms and Aisha of course had a narrow escape. But it really put things in perspective- how suddenly ones world can turn upside down within a few minutes. No amount of planning can prepare one for lifes many twists and turns. So finally it boils down to what we have been hearing our whole lives without realising how true it is, until we are struck by destiny's stroke of lightening- Live in the moment, thats all that we truly have!
Plan away if you must, but be prepared- life is going to throw it around and have the last laugh.
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I look around at all the relationships
Woven like a maze,
People entangled and lost,
Truth is merely a perception
Losing sight of what is real and what is not
When i look at you
Life again becomes so simple
So joyful and true
You bring meaning to it
And explain it to me beyond words
By simply being who you are
I love you for the person you are,
For the peace and joy you bring in my life.
I look up to you for your wisdom,
Above the clutter and chaos of the world.
I trust you for being true to me,
And understanding my dreams.
I thank you for calming my Gemini nerves,
And bringing stability in my life.
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"There has been no storm, no thunder just the steady swish of tropical downpour. It helps one to lie awake; at the same time; it doesn't keep one from sleeping.
It Is a good sound to read by - the rain outside, the quiet within - and there is a general feeling of being untouched by, and yet in touch with, the rain."
- Ruskin Bond
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Love changes its Language...
Gone are the days of flirting,
Secret meetings in the garden,
Escaping into the sunset,
Sleeping with your arm around
Gone are the days of sweet talk
Long talks, longer walks
The excitement of new love
The exploring of the psyche
A new centre of gravity holds us together
Absorbing all our attention and energy
Also makes our bond stronger
Leaving us fulfilled
Love changes its language
Sometimes it is quiet,
It makes its subtle presence felt,
In the thoughtful things you do
Though it has changed its form
It remains strong
Exploring the meaning of life, love n success
The many mysteries of the universe
With you as my anchor
Am tethered to a rock
Stable and sturdy
But still allowed to fly
Just enough to not get lost
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Gone are the days
When the sound of children's laughter rang through building compounds
When children played and fought together
Building friendships which last a lifetime
When they got dirty in mud, carefree of the teeming germs
When they jumped off parapets
Showing off their daredevilry
When they created unique games
Enjoying and exploring their creativity
When toys and friendships broke,
They troubleshooted by themselves
Without interference from elders,
All because parents let their children-
Cry and struggle,
Break and build,
Fail and cope,
Grow and learn.
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Evening Shadows
I lean out of my window (my favorite corner of the universe) and stare down at the streets which are bursting with life as hordes of people rush past each other, jostling and dodging without glancing at one another to reach their homes after a weary day at work. The traffic moves at a snail's pace, people honk and swear at each other, the temple bells resonate at one end while from somewhere at the other end a muezzin's call for prayer pierces the hectic atmosphere.
Though strangers to each other, each one is striving for the same purpose but through different means. Lost in the crowd, each face hides a story, each wrinkle tells a worry.
A temple cow stares, with large innocent eyes at this man made world. Wonder if she understands it!
Up in the sky, a lone star twinkles, in between the clouds, sympathising with us humans. Wrapped in our own world to even acknowledge its existence!
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Stripped to basics
Empty roads, shutters down, abandoned construction sites with steel rods jutting up, lonely gardens, lifeless malls. Life as we knew it- has stopped. A fear of nature's fury has gripped our hearts. Stripped down to the basic necessities- food, family, health, security, it has literally come to survival of the fittest, even in the most developed nations.
The Gods have shut their doors. The fast paced entertainment industry has halted. The economy is crashing. But people who are alive are feeling lucky to be so. People are learning to relax, slow down, live in the moment. Life is not just 9-5 jobs, the heat and stress of traveling, the play of office politics anymore. But with so much time at hand, man doesnt know what to do. Because we are so caught in this web of consumerism- with the shopping, movies, malls, crazy amusement parks, fine dining. We dont know what to do with our self, by our self, for our self anymore. Maybe we need these so we dont have to acknowledge our self and the deeper meaning of our existence.
In our modern lifestyle-What is necessary, what is ambition, what is success, what is dream, what is greed- the lines have all blurred. And we go on carrying our busy selves, convincing ourselves that because we have a job, house and car, we are doing well in life.
Corona has not just destroyed lives and families but also disrupted this human construct of cities, economy, entertainment and shown us how fragile life is and why we need to still cherish love, family, food and home above all in life
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