phrikewritesfanfic · 2 years
This is chapter six, and as of right now the final. I might end up writing more at some point. Hope you all enjoyed.
Summary: Remus walks in and spots Virgil sidled up close to his brother. He sees the two whispering to each other and his blood boils. He then tells at Virgil who tries to explain the situation. Remus won't allow him to and makes some mean comments, just to hurt Virgil. It works and Virgil leaves. Remus then learns the truth and must work to fix his mistake and save his friendship and any chance with Virgil.
Pairing: Dukexiety, Remy, Janus and Roman are V's friends, Remus and Roman are brothers
College au
Warnings: cursing (quite a bit), angsty (because that's the mood), self deprecating Remus, Remus is a very sad boy, Virgil is anxious and overthinks (but he's also stubborn), gory description of a film they're watching, food mention
They’re trapped together for two days as the storm rages. They all end up piling on Remus' bed, as it's the biggest, to sleep in the cold. Remus and Roman take the ends as Virgil and Janus lay snugly in the middle. The group spends the days playing cards and board games. They eat soup and enjoy not being trapped alone in the storm. They all chat and get to know each other better. Virgil watches Janus and Roman banter with a smile.
By the time the storm’s over Remus and Virgil are inseparable again. Roman informs Janus that they're back to the way they were before the fight. Janus simply smiles at this news, glad to see his friend happy.
The shift continues once they return to their daily lives. Remus strolls up behind the shorter man and buries his face in his hair. He'll pick him up off the couch and set him back down on his lap. Virgil walks up to Remus and just thumps his forehead against the other's chest after a particularly tiring class. Remus steals Virgil's bag, just to carry it to his next class. The rest of their group is glad to see Virgil happy again and make no issue welcoming Remus and Roman. If Janus can't find Virgil, after class or in his dorm, he calls Roman. Remus usually has him at this time as he spends as much free time as he can beside Virgil. The quad spends most of their free time together.
Eventually Roman plucks up the courage to ask Janus out. The scarred man flounders for a moment before agreeing. He immediately rushes off to find Virgil when they part ways. Virgil is cuddled up with Remus doing homework. Janus apologizes quickly before snatching his friend and leading him off. Remus' phone goes off as they're getting out of ear shot. Janus tells Virgil what happened and the emo congratulates his friend. He then laughs at the gay panic coursing through his bespeckled friend. "I told you he liked you. You're gonna go and have a wonderful time. I'm sure he's got some disgustingly cute date planned." He then peeks around the corner and spots Remus laughing while on his phone. "From the looks of it he's gushing about this to Re too," he holds Janus' hands, "you guys deserve this." Janus' expression then turns thoughtful, "I expected the first declaration of dating to be you two, honestly." Virgil blinks, then smiles, "we're good where we are. I don't know if he wants more. I honestly don't know if I want more. But for now, we're good. Besides that means I can focus on helping you get ready and not overthink this." They laugh at this as Janus concedes. Janus then sighs and says his goodbyes, setting off to swoon in his room. Virgil wanders back to his study date and smiles as Remus laughs at a text, "How's prince gay panic doing?" Remus looks up and smiles. He coaxes Virgil back onto his lap and goes over their conversation with him. They talk about the new couple for a while, before returning to their studying. 
The date approaches, Virgil persuades Janus into an admittedly cute black and yellow skirt. The couple spend the day at a carnival and have a blast. Remus and Virgil listen attentively as their respective companions blather on and on about how perfect it was. They then proceed to coo at the sickeningly sweet display of affection they show. Remus sends Virgil pictures of the couple cuddling while he’s in class, earning disgusted emojis in return. 
It's a few days later that Remus is caught up in his mind. Does Virgil want that? Is he not doing enough to show him how much he cares? Does Virgil even want to be more than whatever they currently are? They cuddle and do sweet things like that, but they've never discussed more. Does Virgil want to be a couple? Does he want to actually date Remus? Would he want to be linked to him like that? Roman finds him spiraling and tries to calm him down. He realizes his brother is stuck in his thoughts but he doesn't know how to help. None of the grounding techniques he was taught have ever been foolproof and none of them seem to be working this time. So instead, he does the only thing he can, the one thing he knows will work. He calls Virgil. It rings to voicemail. So he calls Janus, who answers quickly, "hey." Roman sighs in relief, "my heart, are you with Virgil?" A pause before the other answers, "I'm on my way to meet him in the library." Roman nods, "Remus needs him. He's," Roman pauses, Janus was never strictly told that Remus had these issues. Before he can continue Janus speaks, "we'll be there in a bit." Roman sighs, "thank you darling. I adore you." Neither of them are ready to admit love, but Roman ever the romantic is sure to inform Janus of his affection in other terms. Janus laughs and says his goodbyes. A few minutes later the front door opens. Janus isn't comfortable barging in on the twins, but Virgil has no such qualms. Wandering as he pleases. He quickly finds Roman, "what happened?" Roman shrugs, "no idea. I found him like that." Virgil nods and quickly strolls into Remus' room. Janus hugs his boyfriend, who sighs at the affectionate grounding. They then step into the doorway and watch as Virgil approaches the obviously stricken man. He crouches down in front of him and speaks softly, "Remus, can you hear me?" No response so he tries again, "I'm going to touch you, okay?" Still no response, but Virgil reaches out slowly. He keeps his hand in Remus' line of sight as he gently grabs the man's wrist. He pulls it away from where he'd been scratching at his other wrist and holds the hand to his chest. A few silent moments pass before Remus slowly looks up. Virgil smiles, "there you are. You see me Pup?" Remus nods slowly and Virgil pats his hand. "Can you follow my breathing Remus? We're gonna get you back down here." He then leads the other man through a breathing exercise and smiles when he seems more alert, "good, you're doing so good." Remus fists his hand in Virgil's shirt and he lets him, "can you tell me what you need Remus?" Roman finally sighs in relief in the doorway as his brother seems to be grounding. He leads Janus off to cuddle on the couch. After a moment he speaks, "I was never very good at grounding him. It worked a bit when we were younger but I can't stay as calm as Virgil. He just knows how to read Remus. He's in good hands." Janus smiles and hugs his partner, "I'm glad he could help. I'm sure he is too. And I'm glad I can help you. You looked ready to burst when we walked in." Roman nods, "yeah. I hate seeing him like that and not being able to help. I'm so glad you came." They snuggle on the couch while Virgil works his magic.
Remus just stares at Virgil for a moment before gently tugging on his shirt, "want a hug?" Remus nods and Virgil immediately complies. He places himself on Remus' lap and wraps his arms around him. Remus clings to him like a teddy bear and they sit in silence for a while. Remus' breathing even out more and he drops his head on top of Virgil's. "Thank you," he mutters after a while. Virgil smiles up at him and grabs a bottle of water from his bag. He runs his hand through Remus' hair as the other drinks. He softly asks, "wanna talk about it?" Remus sits in silence for a while clearly debating. Finally Virgil speaks, "doesn't have to be to me. I'm sure Roman would gladly listen too. If you want to talk about it you can. You have options." Remus freezes, "it's not that I don't trust you, or don't want to talk to you about this it's just," he fumbles for words and groans. He doesn’t want Virgil to think he doesn’t trust him. But he’s terrified to voice his thoughts to the other. Virgil touches his cheek softly, "I know you trust me. Don't worry about hurting my feelings Re. I won't be offended if this isn't something you can tell me. I know better than most that some thoughts can only be shared with specific people." At this he smiles again, "whatever or whoever those thoughts are about, you can talk it out with someone. I'm not going to pry." Remus nods and holds him tighter, "I want to tell you. I really do. But I'm scared." Virgil nods, "so they involve me?" Remus nods, "exclusively." Virgil sighs, "Puppy, talk to Roman. I don't want you to be uncomfortable, but you can't wallow in whatever these thoughts are showing you." Remus whines and hugs him even tighter. Virgil huffs a laugh, "I'm not saying talk to him right now. We're a bit busy and I'm sure he and Jan are too, but at some point. Preferably before they get bad again." Remus nods his agreement and sighs when Virgil continues to run his fingers through his hair. They sit like that for a while before Roman strolls in. He plops on the floor, "you okay now?" Remus glances up and nods, "yea thanks. Sorry I freaked out on you." Roman shrugs, "nothing to apologize for. Glad you're back." He pats his shoulder and saunters towards the door, "we're ordering dinner. Figured you two would be hungry soon." They both nod. Remus then scoops Virgil up, causing him to squeak and cling to his neck, and strolls out to plop on the couch. Janus smiles softly at them as Roman orders.
Later that night Remus approaches his brother, "can we talk?" Roman looks confused, but agrees quickly. Remus sighs and slowly explains what had caused his earlier episode. Roman listens intently until he's finished, "well the obvious answer is to talk to him." Remus flinches and Roman nods, "but as that is also very obviously the most terrifying answer we can try and hash it out together given what we know about him." Remus sighs in relief. They then spend time discussing Virgil. Roman smiles, "so, I honestly don't think he'd react negatively to you bringing this up, whether it's something he wants or not. But also I don't think you're depriving him of anything with the way things are. Other than the one issue," they refuse to detail the recent fiasco too much, "the two of you have always had great communication. I was always quite jealous if I'm honest." This causes Remus to laugh. He then sighs in relief, "so I'm not gonna lose him either way." Roman shakes his head, "after everything. I don't see something like this destroying you guys." Remus nods, "thanks Ro." They say goodnight and separate. Remus spends the night contemplating what he should do. He's no closer to an answer the next day when he sees Virgil. The man doesn't show any signs of pushing the issue though. 
The next few days continue as normal, while Remus contemplates his course of action. It's while he's debating one night that it hits him, he'd promised himself he'd stop hiding things from Virgil. He sighs then and smiles, that settles it. He then sends Roman a text, "I'm gonna tell him." Then he drifts off to sleep. Roman is gone when he wakes up, but responds to his message, "good. Good luck." Remus smiles. He finds Virgil later that day and invites him over, "Janus and Roman are off somewhere being disgusting." Virgil laughs and agrees to visit. Once they're inside Remus' nerves start up again. Now they're alone and he's terrified to mess this up. His promise flits to the forefront of his mind and he sighs. Virgil easily plops himself into Remus' lap and this makes things both easier and harder. At least this way he doesn't have to worry about watching Virgil's face, but also he can't see his expressions. He takes a deep breath, "I love you." He'd intended to draw it out more, to ease Virgil into the conversation. But apparently his mouth had other plans. Virgil stiffens in his lap for a moment and Remus loosens his grip to allow the other the chance to escape. But then Virgil huffs and snuggles deeper. He's hiding, but agreeing to take part in this conversation, "is that what the other day was about?" Not the most important thing, but obviously something he'd been wondering. Remus hums in agreement. Virgil nods but is silent for a moment. Remus doesn't push, he'd just dropped this on the other with no warning. He knows Virgil needs a moment to process. He does however take the fact that he hasn't moved from his lap as a good thing. Hopefully it means that whatever Virgil decides, they won't lose what they have. Eventually Virgil squeaks, coming to a decision. He turns to glance up at Remus, who meets his eyes with a smile. Virgil nods, "I love you too." Remus could die. His heart has stopped and he's sure the only thing keeping him in place is the grounding weight of the man in his lap. He hugs Virgil tightly and giggles, "do you wanna go on a date, Scare Bear?" Virgil nods shyly. Remus is giddy. They sit in awkward silence for just a moment before both laughing. They don't let the awkwardness stay and easily slip back into their comfortable companionship. "Not much'll change anyway I guess. Just the labels really." Virgil nods in agreement. Roman and Janus arrive a while later and smile, whatever the outcome of their talk Roman had been right, it didn't change anything between them. That night they spend a good bit of time gushing to their respective companions. Roman coos at his brother, earning an eye roll and a door to the face. Janus celebrates with Virgil and they discuss where they might go and what Virgil should wear. Remus reluctantly agrees to let Roman help him plan the date. The brothers set up a night picnic, complete with fairy lights, in a nearby field.  Janus leads Virgil to the location, quelling his anxieties the entire way. Once there the others wader off, ready to find some secluded place to make out and wait for the others. Virgil looks around in awe. When his gaze meets Remus’ he’s taken back by the soft affection in his eyes. “Hi,” Remus greets softly. Virgil laughs, returning the greeting. “I thought we could do some stargazing and have a picnic.” Virgil smiles and sits beside him, “that sounds amazing.”
They eat and cuddle, quickly shifting to lay and watch the night sky. Remus runs his fingers through Virgil’s hair as he lays on his chest. They chat easily for hours. It’s not until Virgil shivers that they decide to call it a night. Remus shrugs off his jacket and places it on Virgil’s shoulders. The slighter man looks ready to argue, but Remus just turns and begins collecting the picnic items. They then wander off to find the others and head home. They decide to stay at the twins’ apartment and Janus sleeps in Roman’s room for the first time. Virgil smirks at his friend, earning a middle finger and a blush.
Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
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phrikewritesfanfic · 2 years
EDIT: Tumblr cut this chapter off halfway through. Everything looked fine until I posted. I fixed it, I think.
Chapter five. Once again Janus is an amazing friend. The boys have another chat.
Summary: Remus walks in and spots Virgil sidled up close to his brother. He sees the two whispering to each other and his blood boils. He then tells at Virgil who tries to explain the situation. Remus won't allow him to and makes some mean comments, just to hurt Virgil. It works and Virgil leaves. Remus then learns the truth and must work to fix his mistake and save his friendship and any chance with Virgil.
Pairing: Dukexiety, Remy, Janus and Roman are V's friends, Remus and Roman are brothers
College au
Word count: 1997 in total
Warnings: cursing (quite a bit), angsty (because that's the mood), self deprecating Remus, Remus is a very sad boy, Virgil is anxious and overthinks (but he's also stubborn), lemme know if there's anything else
The next few weeks proceed in a similar fashion. Remus is further accepted into Virgil's group and the two once again grow incredibly close. Janus and Roman become friends and occasionally abandon the others in order to go off on some dramatic, usually expensive, errand or adventure.
Slowly Virgil realizes that he's not scared anymore. There's of course the small anxious thought that he could get hurt again, but for the most part, he trusts Remus. He sighs dramatically one night as they're leaving the twins' apartment. Janus glances at him knowingly, "you're over it, huh?" Virgil groans but nods. Janus laughs and Virgil scowls at him. "I don't want to get hurt again, but I don't see him as someone who'll hurt me. After everything, I trust him. Isn't that naive?" Janus notes the sincerity in his friend's question and pauses. He knows that whatever he says here will hold weight. He sighs, "you're not naive. You know Remus, better than probably anyone but Roman. If you feel like he won't hurt you again then you're probably right." He hurries on before Virgil can interrupt with his anxious thoughts, "I know you never thought he'd hurt you before, but now you have that extra information and still trust him. If you want to forgive him and see where this goes, I'm with you. If you want to pretend you never had this revelation and go on pretending that you still don't trust him," he shrugs, "I'm with you there too. This is up to you Virgil. Whatever you think is the best course of action." Virgil stares dumbfounded for a moment before nodding, "thanks Jan." They both know he doesn't need to say more.
The next time they all hang out at the apartment Virgil leads Remus to his room. Roman watches them go curiously. He then turns his questioning gaze to Janus who just smiles, "can't say, sorry." Roman sighs but nods, smiling. The two had quickly come to an agreement to share whatever information they could on their respective part of this issue. Roman should be concerned by the lack of information, but he trusts that Janus would at least tell him if he needed to be prepared for Remus getting hurt. So instead they settle in and pick something to watch while the others talk. Remus gulps as he follows Virgil. He's less careful than he was in the beginning, but he's always scared he's gonna go too far. He's terrified that might be what this is about. Did he do something to push Virgil away again? Is he gonna say he can't stand to be around him anymore? Virgil grabs his wrist and leads him to the bed. They sit and Remus just stares at him, committing every freckle to memory, just in case. Virgil sighs, "your mind's running away with you again." It's a gentle reminder and Remus is so glad for it. He sighs and attempts to calm his thoughts. Virgil wanted to talk, that doesn't necessarily mean it's a bad thing. He nods once he's calmer and Virgil smiles, "nothing bad Puppy. I promise." Remus almost misses the term of endearment in his bid to calm down. Then his heart pounds for an entirely different reason. He stares at Virgil who just smiles softly, "I forgive you Re, truly and wholly." Remus swallows thickly and cocks his head, "yeah?" Virgil nods, "yeah." Remus twitches, but holds back, "can I- can I hug you?" Virgil pulls him in for a hug and they fall on the bed. They stay like that for a long while just talking things through. It's an hour later that Roman comes in to check on them, excusing himself by telling Janus that he wants to make sure they're both still alive. "Remus is never quiet for this long," he informs as he opens the door. He gasps as he glances inside and motions Janus over. They look in and see the duo cuddled up on Remus' bed. Janus can make out the red rimmed proof that they'd both been crying before falling asleep. Remus is the one to wake at their disturbance.
He opens one eye and holds Virgil tighter. Roman simply smiles at his twin and drags Janus back to the living room. A while later the duo wander out into the living room. Janus is itching to tease them, but he knows Virgil will likely clam up if he does so right now. Instead he simply smiles. Virgil plops onto the couch as Remus stumbles into the kitchen. He wanders back out with a bowl of chips. He sits and pulls Virgil into his side and the two share the snack. It's a few minutes before they seem to fully wake. Virgil looks around and meets Janus' gaze with a blush. His friend just smiles at him, but he knows they'll talk about it later. For now he simply snuggles deeper into Remus' side and watches the movie they'd picked. Near the end of their movie it begins to storm aggressively. Virgil stands as the thunder gets worse and grabs a charger from his bag. He plugs his phone in, then reaches into Remus' bag and grabs his phone as well. Janus smirks at the action, while it seems to be second nature to the emo. Remus notices the look and shrugs. He'd never really had secrets from Virgil, so him grabbing his phone has never been an issue. It's obvious how inherently they trust each other. Virgil then holds his hands out to the others, "I don't know about you guys, but I'm not really looking forward to a dead phone if the power goes out." Roman shrugs and hands his phone over. Janus smirks at his friend and throws him his device. Virgil catches it with a scowl, before digging for another charger cord. Once all four phones are settled he leans back into Remus' side. They decide to study for a bit, only slightly distracted by goofing off. Roman is the first to get bored and go back to browsing movies. Janus glances up, having expected Remus to be the one with the least patience and control. Instead he spots the duo sitting and working on the same assignment. Virgil sits in Remus' lap and is showing him what he'd done incorrectly. Remus seems to be listening intently. Janus wonders if he actually needs help or just wants Virgil's attention. So he decides to give up on his own work and ask Roman. He shakes his head, "nah, he actually needs the help. Virgil would kick his ass if he decided to play dumb for attention." They laugh at this and continue to chat. The power does go out suddenly and Virgil grabs his phone for a flashlight, "should've grabbed some lights earlier but I didn't think of it." He and Remus then venture off to collect lights and candles. They start the living room up in a soft glow and sit in conversation. 
A few hours pass before Janus speaks up, "doesn't sound like it's going to give up anytime soon. You guys don't mind if we stay right?" He ends up laughing at the end of his question, looking over at Virgil. The smaller man is curled up like a cat, fast asleep on Remus' lap. Roman chuckles, "not a problem. No way you can go out in that. Remus can move Virgil and we can set the couch up for you." Janus nods his thanks. He expects to see Remus wake his companion and coax him to his room. He wonders if Remus will still sleep in Roman's room now that they are, whatever they are. Instead Remus picks Virgil up, barely disturbing him, and carries him off to his room. He comes back a moment later and helps get the house settled. He then wanders off towards his room. He bids the others goodnight and shuts his door. Janus smiles at the display and snuggles into the blankets provided.
He and Roman stay up for a while longer, just chatting. Roman falls asleep in the recliner, mid conversation, and Janus covers him with one of the blankets. The next morning he wakes and groans. The storm has not lessened at all it seems. He checks his phone and is glad to see that classes are canceled. His teachers explain that the main building is without power. He hears Virgil's alarm and sees the man amble from Remus' room, wrapped in a blanket to stay warm. As he's heading back from the bathroom Janus gets his attention, "no class today. They emailed." Virgil smiles and nods his thanks, shambling back to bed. He knew Virgil hadn't checked his phone yet, not being awake enough to think of it. He dozes back off and is awakened a few hours later by Roman's alarm. He grumbles and sits up, scowling at the offending phone. Roman growls and rolls over to pick up his device. He sneers at the screen and drops it on his chest. Janus then watches as he snoozes three more alarms. By the fourth alarm he's ready to throw something at the other. He checks his email once more, ensuring that nothing has changed for their later classes, and glares at Roman as he finally shifts. He sits up and blearily glances at Janus, who has to hide his snicker. He's never seen Roman disheveled. He is not willing to admit that he finds it adorable. A few moments later Remus strolls from his room, scowling tiredly, but much more awake than Roman. "Cold as a witch's tit," he exclaims, rushing to the bathroom. He strolls back out just as Virgil is leaving his room, still wrapped in a blanket. Remus snuggles up to the blanket clad man and shivers. Virgil smiles sleepily up at him. Remus then glances over to Roman, who seems to still be coming to terms with consciousness, "no class today Ro. Power's out all over." Roman blinks up at him for a moment before nodding slowly. Virgil plops himself down next to Janus. Remus wanders into the kitchen and rummages around, "we can still cook. Should probably cook some of the stuff we got so it doesn't go bad. I'm making coffee." He walks out with two mugs, handing one to Janus and the other to Virgil. He then scoops the slight man up and settles him on his lap. Virgil snuggles down and sighs into his drink. Roman eventually wakes enough to lumber into the kitchen and make himself a cup of coffee. He then turns to the others, "I heard no class today right?" Janus nods. "Cool," he then settles into his chair. It's quickly decided that it is far too cold and they collect all the blankets they can. Remus wanders into the kitchen. When he doesn't return after a few minutes Virgil follows after, concerned for his plans. They sort through the foods they have available and decide to make a soup. Once it's boiling they return to the living room. Janus and Roman have made a blanket nest on the floor and are cuddled close together. Remus walks into his room for a moment. When he comes back out he sees Virgil cuddled up against Janus and pouts. Janus raises a brow at him, a challenge. Is he going to take this the wrong way? He then smirks when the man simply sits behind Virgil and wraps them both in a blanket. Janus smirks, "looks like I'll be leeching your heat Roman." This causes the other to splutter for a moment before agreeing. They sit on the floor cuddled together for the majority of the day. Remus stands to check his soup occasionally, but quickly shoves himself back against Virgil. He'd discovered years ago that the smaller man is a furnace. He doesn't seem to retain the heat, getting cold easily, but he expels heat wonderfully.
Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
8 notes · View notes
phrikewritesfanfic · 2 years
Here's a working list of chapters so far for my Dukexiety jealousy story. I want to thank you all for all the love this has gotten.
Summary: Remus walks in and spots Virgil sidled up close to his brother. He sees the two whispering to each other and his blood boils. He then tells at Virgil who tries to explain the situation. Remus won't allow him to and makes some mean comments, just to hurt Virgil. It works and Virgil leaves. Remus then learns the truth and must work to fix his mistake and save his friendship and any chance with Virgil.
Pairing: Dukexiety, Remy, Janus and Roman are V's friends, Remus and Roman are brothers
College au
Warnings: cursing (quite a bit), angsty (because that's the mood), self deprecating Remus, Remus is a very sad boy, Virgil is anxious and overthinks (but he's also stubborn), gory description of a film they're watching, food mention
Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
7 notes · View notes
phrikewritesfanfic · 2 years
Chapter four. Remus and Virgil talk. We get to see the aftermath the next day. Janus is a really good friend.
Summary: Remus walks in and spots Virgil sidled up close to his brother. He sees the two whispering to each other and his blood boils. He then tells at Virgil who tries to explain the situation. Remus won't allow him to and makes some mean comments, just to hurt Virgil. It works and Virgil leaves. Remus then learns the truth and must work to fix his mistake and save his friendship and any chance with Virgil.
Pairing: Dukexiety, Remy, Janus and Roman are V's friends, Remus and Roman are brothers
College au
Word count: 2150 
Warnings: cursing (quite a bit), angsty (because that's the mood), self deprecating Remus, Remus is a very sad boy, Virgil is anxious and overthinks (but he's also stubborn), lemme know if there's anything else
Virgil sits cross legged on the bed, waiting. Remus feels his heart stutter and sits in front of him when he pats the mattress. He waits for what feels like an eternity while Virgil seems to gather his thoughts, "I'm not ready to go back to what we were before." Remus' heart sinks and he nods. "I can't trust you not to hurt me again," Remus flinches, "but I realized tonight just how much I missed having you as my friend. I'm willing to try being friends again," he's stopped by a yawn. Remus takes this chance to speak up, "you have no idea how grateful I am for a chance like this. I am so, so sorry for what I did. I know I was out of line, way more than. I will do whatever I need to to prove just how sorry I am." Virgil just nods, "I want to believe you Remus." He nods, tears forming, "I'll do my best to show you that you can. Thank you Virgil. Thank you so much for giving me a chance." Virgil smiles and shrugs, "avoiding you was exhausting anyway." Remus laughs and launches himself forward pulling the other in for a hug. He quickly realizes his mistake and pulls back sheepishly, "sorry." Virgil waves him off, "it's gonna take some getting used to for both of us." Remus just nods, "I won't let you down. You should sleep. Goodnight Virgil." This causes him to cock his head, "where are you sleeping anyway?" Remus smiles at his concern, "I'll be in with Roman. Janus is on the couch. I'll see you in the morning." Virgil nods and bids him goodnight. He steps into the living room, grinning widely. He presses his hand to his chest and swoons. Janus smirks at him, eyebrow raised. Roman is the one to speak, "I take it it went well?" Remus plops himself on the couch, "he wants to be friends again. He's willing to give me a chance. I haven't lost him." Roman laughs and congratulates his brother while Janus just smiles. "Glad to hear it. He was torn about this for a while. I'm glad he made a decision," Janus' words make Remus pause. Of course the anxious man had fretted over this decision. It only made Remus regret his actions that much more. "I'm going to bed. See you guys in the morning," neither miss his far away, lovestruck expression. They spend the next hour talking and debating how much or if they should meddle trying to get the others together. "He's absolutely gone for Virgil. He's an idiot and he messed up big time, but I know he regrets it." Janus nods as Roman speaks, "I'm very sure Virgil feels the same, but he's hurt. I don't know that he'll ever entirely forget."  Roman sighs, "that's fair. I guess all we can do is sit back and hope for the best. Maybe give them a gentle push if it looks like Virgil's okay with it." Janus nods his agreement. The sun is just starting to lighten the sky when they decide to call it a night. Roman sets him up with blankets and bids him goodnight.
 It's noon before anyone stirs. Virgil wakes first and wanders out to get coffee and breakfast. Remus wakes next and tries to quietly grab some clothes from his room. His heart sinks when he finds it empty. He changes and steps out believing that Virgil went home as soon as he woke up. Did he regret their talk? Did he change his mind and decide he actually doesn't want anything to do with Remus? Shortly after wandering into the kitchen, he hears the front door. He strolls out and spots the emo, arms laden with containers. Remus rushes forward to help him and they carry everything to the kitchen. Remus sighs, "I thought you left." He would usually scold himself for sounding so desperate, but he'd decided last night that he's done hiding things from Virgil. The other man blinks at him for a moment, obviously caught off guard by the sincerity, before smiling. He motions to the bags and boxes, "I thought we could use some breakfast." Remus smiles and nods. He then smells the coffee Virgil bought and his eyes widen, "you didn't." Virgil shrugs, "I can leave if you start bouncing off the walls. You're Roman's problem at that point." Remus grabs the unassuming cup and smiles. He doesn't miss the extra, empty cup. Virgil is the only one to encourage Remus' awful coffee habit. He shimmies as he takes a bitter biting sip, "how many?" Virgil smirks conspiratorially, "they would only give me five extra in the drink. Then I ordered another six on the side in a large empty cup." He points at the smaller empty cup and Remus groans, "this is why you're my favorite." Virgil smiles over the rim of his own drink. A short while later, while the duo are sharing a donut, Janus shuffles in, "I thought I smelled coffee." Virgil nods and passes him his cup. Janus sighs and nods his thanks. "There's also food when you're more awake." Janus gestures his understanding and wanders back into the living room. Roman strolls in shortly, fully dressed and wide awake, "good morning all. Ah, Virgil, you got breakfast." He smiles at this and his eyes light up, "and coffee." His gaze then falls on Remus nursing his drink and the discarded extra cup. He shakes his head, "no, Virgil no. How could you?" Virgil simply laughs, "whatever do you mean?" Roman points an accusatory finger at him, "you know exactly what I mean. How could you? I thought we were friends." Virgil cackles then and Remus feels his heart sputter from more than just the amount of caffeine coursing through his veins. "How many?" Roman asks defeatedly. When Virgil doesn't answer he squints and looks between them. Virgil smirks and Remus smiles maniacally. Janus walks in at this point, dressed and looking much more alive, "what's going on?" Roman turns his pathetic gaze upon the new arrival, "Virgil has come into my house and betrayed me." At this the man in question cackles loudly and Remus just preens. Janus looks between them and sighs, "what'd you do?" Virgil scoffs and fakes hurt, "you'd believe him over me?" Janus sets his unimpressed gaze on his friend who just snickers. Roman blinks at the expression and Remus smirks. Seems Roman fancies the snake. He pins that discovery for later and turns his attention back to the chaos at hand. "All I did was get everyone their normal coffee order," Virgil assures with obvious faux innocence. Remus smiles as he drinks. Janus glances at Roman's crestfallen expression and sighs, "and what, pray tell, is Remus' 'normal order'?"  Virgil hums noncommittally before rattling off the order, "a macchiato with as many extra shots as they can legally allow, three shots of orange, two shots blueberry, and two of caramel." Roman scowls at the extra cup and Janus catches on. "So why is there an extra, empty cup?" Virgil looks far too smug and it is doing things to Remus. "Well," he purrs and Roman is sure now that he is intentionally teasing Remus as much as them when the other wiggles. "Turns out, so long as you order it separately, you can get quite a bit more espresso than they normally give in a drink." Janus keeps his blank expression on his friend, "so you got the embodiment of chaos, a drink that is at least twice as strong as any cafe will provide?" Virgil sips his drink thinking. He then shrugs and nods, "guess so. But look how happy he is." Remus wiggles at this, promptly moving away from his brother who tries to take his cup. He hides behind Virgil and Janus just sighs. "It's too early for this. What did you bring as compensation for the chaos?" Virgil chuckles, motioning to the selection of boxes and bags on the table, "a rather large assortment of mostly normal breakfast items." Janus notices that Remus has no qualms about openly staring lovingly from behind Virgil. They each settle around the table and collect food. Remus squeals at the strange donut obviously chosen with him in mind. "Scare Bear, what is this monstrosity?" Virgil chuckles and Remus is immensely glad that the nickname hadn't been too much. "The lady said this one is supposed to just be filled with bacon jam and topped with maple. But apparently they got a new employee who accidentally topped this one with sour candy and cereal. They were going to toss it. The look on her face when I said I'd take it was priceless." Roman makes a noise of disgust and Janus shudders, but Remus looks excited. He takes a large bite and groans, "it's awful, I love it." Virgil laughs, "thought you might." After breakfast Remus is quite obvious in his search for a reason for Virgil to stick around. Janus speaks up, "Roman, I need to go shopping. I was gonna take Virgil with me, but since he decided to bring all this extra chaos, I think you should join me and we should leave him here to deal with the nonsense he caused." The twins both look greatly pleased by this idea. Virgil rolls his eyes, "three issues with this punishment," Janus nods for him to continue, "first, I didn't intend to join you anyway." Janus gasps, "rude." Virgil laughs, and continues, "second, you seem to think I have any intention of stopping his nonsense. And third, you act like I won't just leave if he causes too much chaos and let Roman deal with the aftermath." Remus tries not to look disappointed. Roman looks scandalized, and Janus looks annoyed, "you may not intend to stop him, but we all know you won't let him hurt himself." Virgil sticks his tongue out at him, "yeah, yeah, go have fun shopping. I'm comfy here anyway." He plops himself back on the couch and settles into the abandoned blankets Janus left. Janus smirks at Remus, who just smiles gratefully. He and Roman gather their things, and head out. Remus fidgets for a moment before flopping on the couch besides Virgil, "you don't gotta watch me ya know." Virgil scoffs, "I know Re. You're plenty capable of not burning the entire house down." They both laugh, "I'm not here because I have to be. I like hanging out with you." Remus smiles and thinks he could melt right there. Virgil's smirk grows, "besides, I like being in on the chaos, not just hearing about it later." They discuss Roman and Janus and come to the conclusion that they could be good together. They then plan to hang out more often and force the two together to see where it goes. Remus doesn't mention the fact that that has the added bonus of him being able to be close to Virgil. When Janus and Roman return that afternoon they all eat lunch together before the duo gets ready to leave. "We should do this again sometime," Roman says as he sees them off. Remus nods emphatically. Janus smiles and nods his consent. Virgil smiles, "yeah, this was fun. I haven't been out much recently." They all ignore the reason behind that, for the time being. Once alone Virgil turns to Janus, "I know what you were doing." Janus schools his expression, "I have no idea what you mean." Virgil scoffs, "yeah, right." His expression turns soft then, "doesn't matter anyway." At Janus' concerned confusion Virgil continues, "we're friends again and that's what matters." Janus groans and Virgil laughs, "I'm serious. I don't know what the future brings, but for now we're good as friends." Janus can only nod, "just promise you won't suppress yourself if you start wanting more?" Virgil groans, but nods, "yeah, I'll tell you if that happens." Janus nods. Virgil then bumps his shoulder and raises his brows, "so you and Roman?" Janus groans, "don't start." Virgil laughs, "what? Are you telling me there's nothing there?" Another groan and Janus pushes Virgil away. They both know he won't lie, not to Virgil, "okay, there's not nothing per say. But, I don't intend to pursue anything." Virgil rolls his eyes, "why not?" Janus scoffs, "how did this get turned on me? Whatever, I'm not going to throw myself at someone I just met. For all I know he's just a flirt by nature." Virgil shakes his head, "I can tell you from personal experience that he's not. But," he holds up a hand when his friend begins to argue, "I understand the concern. Will you at least pursue a friendship? Roman's a great guy and he could use more good friends." Janus sighs, but concedes. They bid their goodbyes at Virgil's door.
Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
4 notes · View notes
phrikewritesfanfic · 2 years
Hi friends. Here’s part three. Things are getting better for our chaos couple. 
Summary: Remus walks in and spots Virgil sidled up close to his brother. He sees the two whispering to each other and his blood boils. He then tells at Virgil who tries to explain the situation. Remus won't allow him to and makes some mean comments, just to hurt Virgil. It works and Virgil leaves. Remus then learns the truth and must work to fix his mistake and save his friendship and any chance with Virgil.
Pairing: Dukexiety, Remy, Janus and Roman are V's friends, Remus and Roman are brothers
College au
Word count: 2843 in total
Warnings: cursing (quite a bit), angsty (because that's the mood), self deprecating Remus, Remus is a very sad boy, Virgil is anxious and overthinks (but he's also stubborn), gory description of a film they're watching, lemme know if there's anything else
Time passes slowly and Remus tries his hardest not to grow impatient. He struggles, but only Roman will ever know how much. Remus won't let his frustrations out around the others, he knows quite well that he has no right to push things. It's only when they're safely alone in their apartment that he complains. "I don't know what else I can do Roman. I'm trying," he groans, "gods, I'm trying so hard. I don't know what else I can do to make him see." Roman pats his shoulder sympathetically, "I think he does see that Remus. I think he's just still hurt. You know how he is. He needs time. I don't think you're doing anything wrong." He pauses and smiles, "I'm honestly quite proud of you. You've been very patient." Remus ducks his head, "he's worth it. I was awful. The least I can do is give him the space he needs." Roman nods, "and you're making progress." Remus nods his agreement, "yeah, I know. I just," sigh, "it's hard. I'm trying so hard not to push him. The last thing I want is to push him away because I'm impatient. I just, I just want him back." He groans at that, "and I know, I know I might never get him back the way I had him. I had it so good with him before. We were so good before. He'd be absolutely justified in never even talking to me again, though I think I'd die. I was an idiot, and if he ever deems to give me another chance, I'm going to do everything in my power to not lose him again." Roman simply smiles at his brother.
Remus' heart stops when Roman invites Virgil over one rainy evening after class. "Our apartment's closer than the dorms and we can keep studying there. Plus we got that horror movie I was telling you about before and I can't watch it alone with Remus, he'd only make it ten times worse." Virgil stares for a moment debating his answer. He's gonna say no. Remus knows it and yet he can't stop his traitorous heart from pounding. Finally he smiles slightly and Remus forgets how to breathe. "Janus and I were talking about that movie too. I'm sure he'd like to join us," he states it as a question, but his intentions are clear. He'll only accept if Janus is there too. Remus tries not to feel too disappointed that he feels like he needs another person as a buffer. Roman only smiles, "the more the merrier." Once that's agreed upon they all make their way to the twins' apartment. They finish up a bit of homework before settling around the couch for the movie. Janus sits on one side of the couch, against the arm. Virgil sits right against him, almost touching. Roman has seated himself on the one recliner, very obviously pushing Remus to take the couch. He pushes himself as close to the opposite arm of the couch as possible and doesn't move. He doesn't fidget, he doesn't jostle, he sits stock still as Roman starts the movie. A short while later he cackles as a woman on screen is disemboweled. He quickly ducks his head and stops himself when he realizes. He's been so careful lately to not make his presence too big. He doesn't want to overwhelm Virgil. But then he glances up and spots Virgil smirking at the screen. Remus is sure then that he's never seen anyone more beautiful. Janus catches him staring and gives him a knowing smirk. Remus quickly averts his gaze. Halfway through the movie Remus notices that Virgil's moved himself to sit sideways on the couch leaning against Janus, his legs up beside him, feet very close to Remus. The rest of the movie is spent torn between laughing at the gore and chaos on the screen, and subtly watching Virgil. The film ends and Remus' pleading eyes turn to his brother. This has been too wonderful and it can't end so soon. Roman, for all his faults, makes a valiant effort, "You two wanna order pizza or something. We could watch something lighter, I know I need it." Virgil yawns and Janus smiles, "as great as that sounds, I need to get this raccoon to bed. I can't carry him that far and he won't make it through another movie. How he can sleep after what we just watched is beyond me, but," he shrugs here. "I had fun, we should do this again sometime," Remus doesn't miss his calculating gaze. Virgil nods his consent to that last statement and Remus beams. Roman walks the others out, "you sure you two can get home okay?" Janus just nods, leading a half asleep Virgil towards their dorms. Once the twins are alone Roman beams at his brother, who just stares in stunned silence. "That," Remus finds his voice somewhat distant and awed, "that went well, right?" Roman chuckles and nods, "it went great Re." Remus sighs and sinks into the couch. He's then hit with a realization he's been trying to keep down for months and groans, "I love him." He'd been so comfortable in what they had before that he actively refused to venture farther. Roman chuckles again and nods, "you just noticed?" Remus shakes his head, "just didn't want to admit it before and then…" Roman just nods. He then gets a mischievous glint in his eye and Remus has no issue believing they're related, "hey, looks like this movie is a part of a series. There's six more films." Remus just stares slack jawed as Roman pulls up the list of sequels. He turns his soft smile to his brother before informing him, conspiratorially, "guess we'll have to invite the others over to watch the rest sometime." Remus laughs softly and nods. He's not sure this will change anything, but he's not gonna turn down the chance to hang out with Virgil more often.
It's the next day that Roman informs the others of his discovery. Virgil's eyes light up and leave Remus breathless, "hell yea. More senseless bloodshed. I knew he wasn't dead." Janus sighs, long sufferingly, but smiles, "guess we'll have to come over and binge it sometime. Maybe this weekend?" Roman shrugs and nods, "we're not busy." Janus then turns to Virgil who seems lost in thought. Remus expects him to turn them down. It's too soon for him to want to do something like that again, he doesn't want to see Remus again so soon, or at all. Instead he grabs his phone and hums, "aha, I thought so. So I have something Saturday morning. But, I should be free around 4. Got nothing goin on Sunday so a binge is feasible." They then determine it settled and discuss who'll bring what. Remus doesn't pay attention. He's only focused on the fact that Virgil will be coming back over. They'll be spending a considerable amount of time together. He'll probably be staying the night. When they all go their own ways Roman is sure to check on his brother, "you alright?" Remus can only nod. Roman laughs lightly at his awestruck expression. He's so gone for Virgil and Roman couldn't be happier for him. 
Saturday comes all too soon and not soon enough for Remus. Janus arrives first and he and Roman set things up. He'd brought quite a few snacks, seeing as they have many hours ahead of them. Remus answers the door when the next knock comes. His breath catches as he stares down at Virgil, "sorry I'm late." Remus just shakes his head and lets him in. He notes the overnight bag the other carries and smiles. Random sleepovers weren't an uncommon occurrence before. Virgil puts his bag down near Janus' and wanders into the kitchen. He's promptly greeted by the others. Everyone grabs their own snacks and settles around the living room as they had last time. Remus is almost as stiff as the last time, but breathes a sigh of relief when Virgil easily settles on the couch next to him. "Bring on the carnage," Virgil laughs as they start the first film. Remus smiles broadly while the others simply shake their heads. They get through two movies, everyone gradually getting more comfortable on the couch. Janus speaks up then, "we should stop and order food. I'm getting hungry and I know you two can watch this shit while eating, but I can't." He directs his last statement to Remus and Virgil. Roman agrees with him and the two of them debate what to order. Virgil informs that he doesn't have a preference. Remus could eat anything so he doesn't care either. Eventually they settle on food and wait for the delivery. They decide to play a card game while they wait, not wanting to get into another movie and then have to pause it. Roman makes a comment about the last movie and one of the characters deaths and Remus scoffs. Before he can even debate whether he wants to argue with his brother or not Virgil laughs, "there's no way she's dead. She's gonna come back in one of the other movies and fight the big bad. She'll die a gruesome, gruesome death trying to be the hero." Roman gasps in offense, "no way she survived that fall." Virgil wrinkles his nose then, "Remus, tell him. There's no way she died. Everyone else died in horribly graphic ways. No way they gave her such an easy out." It takes him a minute to register that he's been addressed, but he quickly jumps in, "no way. She'll be back. She's gonna be the one to take his ass down." Virgil stares at him like he'd grown a second head and for a moment Remus is terrified that he'd overstepped. He'd just fallen so easily into their old pattern. Before he can spiral too much though Virgil's look turns incredulous, "not a chance. She's gonna come back and make a grand show of it, but she's gonna die in the end. My money's on the boyfriend as the final victor. He's gonna make some grand sacrifice and take himself and the villain out and it's gonna be sappy and disgusting." They're all laughing by the end and Remus could not be more relieved. They eat and settle into their seats once more. Virgil sits cross legged in the middle of the couch and Remus tries to not read too much into the fact that he's not angling himself away anymore. The third movie ends with the boyfriend helping the girl from movie two recover and hide from the killer. "Ha!" Virgil exclaims victoriously. Roman rolls his eyes and Remus laughs. He's feeling a bit brave now and whispers, "she's gonna make it." Virgil glares over at him and his heart stutters to see how playful it is, "she's gonna die horrifically and it's gonna be glorious." Remus just laughs as the next movie starts, "guess we'll see." He doesn't miss the calculating gazes of Janus and his brother. Janus pulls his legs up beside him, actively stopping Virgil from being able to lean against him should he decide to reposition. Movie four ends with the girl trapped by the villain with many wounds and broken bones. Virgil looks victorious, but Remus doesn't seem convinced, "she could still get out. You just watch." Virgil scoffs, "you're a sap. She's a goner." Roman laughs at their bickering and calls for a break, "I don't know about you all, but I need to stretch my legs. Plus I need more snacks." The others agree and they wander off to get snacks and go to the bathroom. Remus sets a bowl of Virgil's favorite sour candies down on the coffee table while the other is in the restroom. Janus smirks at him and Remus cocks his head, "something to say?" Janus glances down the hall, making sure Virgil isn't out of the bathroom yet, "I'm glad he's having fun." Virgil walks in before Remus has a chance to question that and settles down next to Janus' curled legs. He spots the candy and gasps. Remus doesn't expect the soft smile aimed his way, "you remembered." He swallows, but nods, "what good is gore without burning your mouth with sugared acid?" Virgil laughs and pulls the bowl up on his lap. Roman settles back in and they start the fifth movie. Twenty minutes in, the girl is torn apart and Virgil leans over, "told you so." Remus scowls, but internally he's screaming. Virgil is so close and playful and not acting like he hates him. He reaches for the bowl in Virgil's grasp and isn't surprised when his hand is smacked away. He only laughs and puts on his best puppy eyes. Virgil glares for a moment before huffing in defeat and sharing his treat. He ends up leaning more towards Remus so they can easily share the candy. Remus in exchange holds the popcorn so they can share that too. Roman spots them and smiles. Janus rolls his eyes fondly at the duo. They share laughs as the villain continues his rampage and slaughter. He sends the girl's head to her boyfriend, causing Virgil to laugh victoriously when he swears revenge. Remus scowls, "he could die too." Virgil shrugs, "like I said, he's gonna sacrifice himself to kill the villain. They'll both die, probably." The fifth movie ends with the boyfriend swearing vengeance and beginning to plot his revenge. Virgil yawns as Roman sets the last movie up. "We could save this one until tomorrow," Roman offers. Virgil scoffs and shakes his head, "hell no. I have a point to prove now." Roman laughs and shrugs. Thirty minutes in and the candy bowl is abandoned on the coffee table. Virgil slowly leans over and settles against Remus. The other is frozen, but quickly recovers. The last thing he wants is for Virgil to think he's uncomfortable and move. They spend the rest of the movie cuddled together. He catches Roman's eyes and glances at the tired man against his side with a cautious smile. Roman just smiles back. The boyfriend is mortally wounded and sets the building on fire. Virgil turns his smug gaze up to Remus who just shrugs. The duo wrestle on screen until they fall into a hole in the ground. The villain is impaled and immobilized while the boyfriend just slumps on the ground. He waxes poetic while the villain bleeds out, coughing while the building burns. Virgil sneers at the screen, "sappy and disgusting."  Both die and their bodies are discovered by the fire department later. The movie ends with the whole story being discovered and put together by the useless detective. As the credits roll Virgil sighs, "told you so." Remus just chuckles, "I bow to your overwhelming skill." Virgil hums and snuggles in closer, obviously losing the battle with sleep now that the fun's over. Janus shivers and looks at Roman, "can we watch something that doesn't make my skin crawl now? While these freaks may be able to sleep after such gore, I can not." Roman nods, "I agree. The two of you can join us or get settled wherever you're gonna sleep." The mention of sleeping arrangements seems to sober Remus up. Usually Virgil would sleep in his bed with him, even before they started entertaining the idea of being romantic. He looks lost for a moment before meeting his brother's gaze, "he can take my bed and you and I share?" Roman debates for a moment before sighing, "guess that's for the best. Are you good on the couch?" The last question is aimed at Janus who just nods. Remus then glances down at the half asleep form in his arms and sighs longingly, "hey Sca- Virgil." When the other looks up blearily, he continues, "let's get you settled in bed hm?" Virgil simply nods and lets himself be led away. Remus grabs his bag from beside the couch and walks him to his room. "You can take my bed. I'll sleep with Ro tonight. Here's your stuff." Before he has a chance to leave Virgil grabs his sleeve and Remus turns. "We should talk," Virgil's tired voice causes Remus' heart to soar, before it plummets at his words. He swallows and nods, "you get changed and I'll be right back." Virgil just nods with a yawn. Remus grabs a change of clothes and wanders out. He steadies his breathing before making his way to the bathroom to change. He helps put some of the dishes away as the other two watch their lighthearted movie. They watch him passively as he puts off opening his door, "you good?" Roman asks. Remus nods, turning his terrified gaze on them, "he wants to talk." Roman nods, "it might not be bad." Janus speaks at the same time, "you shouldn't keep him waiting." Remus just nods, takes a deep breath and opens the door.
Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
11 notes · View notes
phrikewritesfanfic · 2 years
Thank you for the warm reception of part one. I have quite a bit of this written, so here's part two. Hope you all like it.
Summary: Remus walks in and spots Virgil sidled up close to his brother. He sees the two whispering to each other and his blood boils. He then tells at Virgil who tries to explain the situation. Remus won't allow him to and makes some mean comments, just to hurt Virgil. It works and Virgil leaves. Remus then learns the truth and must work to fix his mistake and save his friendship and any chance with Virgil.
Pairing: Dukexiety, Remy, Janus and Roman are V's friends, Remus and Roman are brothers
College au
Word count: 1625
Warnings: cursing (quite a bit), angsty (because that's the mood), self deprecating Remus, Remus is a very sad boy, Virgil is anxious and overthinks (but he's also stubborn), there is a whole ass breakdown in this part, lemme know if there's anything else
This continues for a week. Remus attempts to apologize and is shot down or ignored by Virgil. The looks of confusion on his group of friends quickly shift to either disgust or pity as they are obviously informed of the situation. Until one day he stops trying to speak to the other. He just follows silently behind, once again acquainting himself to an abandoned dog. He knows, he knows how pathetic he looks, but he can't bring himself to care. If there's even a slight chance Virgil might speak to him, even just look at him as he's taken to ignoring his presence entirely, he doesn't want to miss it. He can't lose Virgil, not like this. Virgil knows exactly what's happening with Remus though, his friends make sure of that. They warn him when he approaches, they tell him which side he's on, even once or twice describing how dejected the other looks. Regardless, he remains unaffected. He shows no sign of breaking or caring at all about the situation. He doesn't even look annoyed anymore. He looks passive and apathetic, and that wrecks Remus so much more.
Janus knows better of course. He's been there with Remy when Virgil's broken down either in his own room or in the back of their classroom. Virgil is broken up about all of this. If Janus is honest with himself, he's surprised and proud of Virgil for sticking to his guns. He'd expected him to forgive Remus quickly. And honestly it may be the fact that he's surrounded by support that he hasn't given in.
Roman doesn't mention Virgil often, though Remus knows they're still friends and they still talk. He's taken aback by the small act of kindness from his brother. He could be rubbing this in his face. A few years ago he absolutely would have. But not now, now they're trying to mend their relationship.
Virgil is so close to breaking down and apologizing to Remus. He's so grateful that his friends are around to talk him out of it. He knows that he has nothing to apologize for, but some days his mind convinces him that he was the one in the wrong, that he's overreacting. Janus and Remy shoot those thoughts down immediately. Instead he's only weak and breaks down in the safety and comfort of his friends' dorm and his own room, but holds himself together the rest of the time. "If you decide to accept his apology, that's one thing. But don't even think about apologizing to that asshole," Janus growls one day. Remy pats his shoulder, "he's right babe, you've done nothing wrong. He's the one who jumped to conclusions and hurt you." Virgil nods. He knows this. They know that he knows this. Yet, they still tell him over and over. They understand that he needs reassurance, and they are more than happy to give it. He leans into his friends and sighs.
One day Remus can't stand it anymore. The silence from the one person he's loved, the overwhelming clatter in his own mind. It's all too much. He can't take it anymore. He waits for Virgil to leave his first class, he's less surrounded this early in the day, only Remy and Janus with him. He stops in front of Virgil and Remy is the first to notice the half crazed, distraught look in his eyes. Virgil stops with his companions, but keeps his eyes on Remy who's actively watching Remus. "Virgil, please just look at me, for fucksake. Please, I can't," he's near tears by the end of his plea. But he's immensely grateful to see the other's gaze turn towards him. This joy is quickly overrun with pain and dismay at the cold look he's given. Virgil's eyes are finally back on him, something he'd been dying for since this whole thing started. Though Remus had never expected to see them look so devoid in his direction. There's no emotion behind them at all. He'd expected to see hurt and anger, but even those are missing. Instead Virgil looks at him the way he used to look at the loud, obnoxious crowds in highschool, and Remus can't handle that. He begins to cry, openly and without remorse. He falls to his knees then. "I'm sorry Virgil. I never should have said what I did. I was wrong. I don't believe what I said, I never did. I said those things to hurt you. I was insecure and," he pauses to catch his breath and his thoughts, "and wrong." He's quiet for a moment, sniffling the only sound in the now empty corridor. Roman had shown up at some point, Remus passively noticed. "I don't deserve your forgiveness, I know that. I really do, but if there's any hope that I can earn it," it sounds like a question. He glances up then, not letting himself get too hopeful. When the other doesn't answer he nods and continues, "Virgil, tell me you want nothing to do with me," he gulps, trying his best to hold those cold calculating eyes, "tell me to fuck off and stay away from you and I will. Tell me there's no chance of forgiveness and I'll leave you alone, I swear." He's breathless by the end, afraid he might not get it out if he doesn't hurry. He'll chicken out if given a chance. He doesn't want to lose Virgil, a part of his mind supplies that he already has, but he will do whatever Virgil needs him to to avoid that reality. "But if there's even a chance that I can have you in my life again," he's begging and he knows it. He's showing immense weakness, but he can't bring himself to care. Not when this feels like his last stand, his last chance to be allowed in Virgil's life. Instead of answering Virgil sighs, closes his eyes and glances at his friends. They seem to have a silent conversation. Then Virgil glances at Remus for just a moment before turning and walking away. It's just a moment, but it's enough for Remus to see the shift. Virgil looks sad, the mask has fallen just enough and Remus is immensely relieved. He then notes the retreating forms as the trio wander off to their next tasks. Roman steps up beside his brother and helps him stand. After a moment to collect himself he swallows his fear and turns to his twin, "he didn't tell me to fuck off, right?" Roman stares for a moment before sighing and shaking his head, "he didn't say anything before he left." Remus nods and laughs wetly, "okay then." He goes back to their apartment and freshens up. He then makes his way to the class he and Virgil share. He smiles slightly, unsurely, at him as he takes his seat. His heart pounds when the other nods. He's acknowledging him, that's progress. Janus still sits beside him, where Remus used to sit, obviously offering support. Remus has to hold back his exhausted, relieved grin. He still has a chance to fix this.
This is how they progress for the next few weeks. Remus still follows Virgil most days. He seems to understand when not to crowd the anxious man though, and isn't a constant presence. He doesn't add much to the conversation at first, but Virgil doesn't seem to mind his company, so no one says anything against him being there. The others will occasionally involve him in their conversations, once they realize it doesn't bother Virgil. Remus quietly chatters away at those times, casting furtive glances at Virgil occasionally. He sits quietly as they work on classwork, and even does some of his own. Janus notes how much he seems to be trying one evening as they sit in his apartment, "So Remus has been awfully quiet recently." Virgil hums noncommittally. Janus smirks, he knows Virgil is mostly just being stubborn at this point. He'd been hurt and now he's scared to go back. "He's even actually taking an interest in his homework," Janus smiles. Virgil just rolls his eyes. "Have you noticed how well he and Remy get along?" Virgil just sighs, "yes Jan, I've noticed. Of course I've noticed. I'd have to be a blind idiot not to see. I know he's trying, Janus." He groans, "I just don't know how I can trust him. He said some awful things, and if that's what he really thinks of me…" Janus cuts him off, "you know it's not. He's an impulsive idiot. But from what you've told me, and what I've seen myself, he thinks the world of you." Virgil shrugs, "if he could say those things to me so easily, what's to stop it from happening again?" Now it's Janus' turn to sigh, but he nods, "that's a valid concern, and one the two of you will eventually need to discuss. But as long as you're willing to acknowledge that he's trying." Virgil nods. "Good," Janus smiles, "I'm not saying you should forgive him. Honestly if you decide you never want to get that close to him again you'd be well within your right. But if you do decide you want to let him in, you're not in the wrong for that either." Virgil simply nods his appreciation for his friend's support.
The next time they're all together Remus has to stop himself from bursting at the seams when Virgil greets him. It's just a simple 'hey' in response to Remus' uncharacteristically quiet greeting but it means the world to him. Roman is with them this time and he doesn't miss the radiant smile Remus tries to smother. The group works on homework for a while, chatting amiably.
Things are looking up a bit for the boys.
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phrikewritesfanfic · 2 years
So this is the first chunk of story 2 from my previous wip post. Just a chunk I'm throwing into the void to test the waters.
Summary: Remus walks in and spots Virgil sidled up close to his brother. He sees the two whispering to each other and his blood boils. He then tells at Virgil who tries to explain the situation. Remus won't allow him to and makes some mean comments, just to hurt Virgil. It works and Virgil leaves. Remus then learns the truth and must work to fix his mistake and save his friendship and any chance with Virgil.
Pairing: Dukexiety, Remy, Janus and Roman are V's friends, Remus and Roman are brothers
College au
Word count: 1501
Warnings: cursing (quite a bit), angsty (because that's the mood), self deprecating Remus, lemme know if there's any more
Remus walks in and spots Virgil sidled up close to his brother. He sees the two whispering to each other and his blood boils. Roman has always gotten everything, but Remus didn't think he had to worry about him taking Virgil. He glares at the two when they notice him, but doesn't stick around to see their reactions. If he had, he'd have seen Roman's guilty, concerned look as well as Virgil's confused head tilt. He storms off to his room and closes the door, more forcefully than necessary.
It's a while later that Virgil finds his almost boyfriend sulking in his room. He sits beside him and is caught off guard by the scathing tone the punk uses as he accuses Virgil of flirting with Roman, "you done making googy eyes with my brother?" Virgil stares incredulous for a moment before laughing. When Remus doesn't join in he sighs, "you can't be serious Remus." Before he can continue, Remus is shouting over him, "the two of you were looking pretty cozy earlier. Look, it's obvious where you'd rather be. Just go back to Roman, I'm sure he'd welcome you into his bed without issue." He rolls his eyes and mutters, "once a slut always a slut." At this comment Virgil bristles. He'd been set on explaining himself originally, but Remus' comment about his loyalty, mixed with the insinuation that he had or would sleep with Roman, had put a swift end to that. That mixed with the last comment and his entire mood changes. His face quickly shifts from exasperation and pleading to enraged and dismissive. "So that's what you really think of me. Good to know," he says the last mostly to himself. "If you think so low of me, I have no idea why you've kept me around this long, Remus. You know what? I don't owe you anything. I don't owe you an explanation or reasons. You think what you want. You can take your assumptions and fuck right off." He turns towards the door, pausing as he touches the handle, "I thought you'd trust me more than this. Guess I was wrong about you after all. Happy birthday asshole." With that the emo storms from the house. Roman had called after him, to no avail. Virgil's parting words stick with Remus, "happy birthday." His birthday is days away, not that he expects anything to come of it. Remus is left stewing in his betrayal for three days. It's the day before his birthday that Roman knocks on his door. The twins hadn't spoken much since that day. Remus is pissed at the assured betrayal and Roman not wanting to make the situation worse for Virgil. He knows Remus won't listen to him if he tries to explain, and he's pissed on his friend's behalf, as well as his own. Remus opens the door and snarls, but before he can react further Roman thrusts a box in his hands. "He can't return it, so he said you may as well have it. I told him he should sell it or just throw it away but," at this Roman shrugs. He quickly wanders off once Remus has the box. He attempts to ignore the package, and the inference that it's from Virgil. Eventually, though, his curiosity wins out. He opens the box and gasps as he spots a dagger nestled in green felt, an octopus wound around the hilt. He reads the inscription and nearly shatters. It's so sweet and it stabs at his heart. He passively remembers seeing a dagger like this on Roman's phone the day he'd screamed at Virgil. His heart drops. He races off, still holding the dagger as he rushes to Roman's room. When his twin opens the door, Remus breathlessly asks, "what were you two doing that day?" Roman can hear the strain and despair building in the other's voice. His eyes seem to be pleading for Roman to prove his current train of thought wrong. That it would be so much easier and less heartbreaking if Remus had been right in his previous anger. If the two of them had been flirting and secretly together. Roman sighs, rolling his eyes, "he asked me to help him figure out a gift for you. He also wanted me to let him send it here, under my name since his dorm isn't the safest option for packages, and he knew you'd open anything addressed to him here and ruin the surprise." A strangled whimper leaves Remus' mouth before he sinks to the ground. He stares blankly at the engraved dagger for many minutes. Finally Roman gets annoyed and draws his brother's attention, "guess you realize now just how much of a prick you were." Remus whines again, then nods. "Good," is all the other says before closing his bedroom door.
Remus tries to speak to Virgil many times, but he always seems to have something to draw him away. He's actively ignoring Remus and it's killing him. He watches as Virgil goes about his life, obviously unaware of Remus' discovery. It's a week later that that expectation is crushed. He finally corners Virgil. "Thank you for the dagger," he starts. He'd hoped and expected that Virgil would hear him out and listen much better if he just knew that Remus had figured out the truth. If he knew that Remus was aware of his mistake. He's always been willing to hear Remus out when he messes up. Instead Virgil just scoffs and shoulders past the other. "I'm sorry," he calls out, voice small as he watches Virgil walk away.
Remus fucked up and he knew it. He and Virgil had become friends in highschool because they were both thought to be easy prey. There were rumors everywhere about both of them. Their peers claimed that they both slept around with anyone. In Remus' case the rumors weren't far off. He had no problem with them. Virgil however did. His rumors were started by a classmate he had turned down. There was absolutely no basis for them. Remus was the only one to believe him then. So, for him to turn around now, after so long of knowing Virgil and say the same things he'd been attacked with before. Remus had fucked up and he needed to fix it.
The next day Remus shambles after Virgil into their shared class. He waits until class has finished and sidles up beside him, "I'm so sorry, Scare Bear. I was such an idiot. I…" but Virgil doesn't even stop on his path to his next class, promptly cutting Remus off by stepping inside. He waits outside while this class drags on as well. He passively thinks he resembles a lost dog, waiting for his master to return. He doesn't care though, any semblance of ego or pride long since forgotten. He hurt his friend and he knows pride will do him no good in getting him back. Virgil walks out in a group this time. Remus can't get a word in as they wander to his dorm, discussing some group assignment they received. He still follows them, regardless. He hopes he'll get Virgil alone before he makes it back to his own door, but that seems less likely with each passing moment. He notices the glances his group mates keep shooting him behind Virgil. Some look confused and concerned, whispering to Virgil, clearly ensuring he knows they're being followed, one looks pitying and sympathetic, but the last just looks annoyed. He then meets Janus' glare and almost stops cold. He knows everything, and he does not think Remus deserves a chance to explain himself. That much is clear by the way he keeps Virgil engaged and distracted. Two people break from the group but the other three merely close in around the emo. If he notices he doesn't say anything. Once they get to his door the trio put themselves between Remus and Virgil as they say their goodbyes. Remus realizes he's running out of time. He groans softly, "Virgil please. I'm sorry…." Virgil turns slightly then, glaring at him sideways, "I have nothing to say to you. You made your impression of me quite clear. Now if you'll excuse me." He then turns back to his friends and bids them goodnight. The other two wander off, but Janus stays until he hears the lock click into place. He then levels Remus with a withering glare, before wandering off to his own room. Remus just stands outside the door for a while, hoping against hope that it'll open. Eventually Roman steps up beside him, "Virgil said I might find you here. He asked me to come get you." Remus knows what that means. Roman is being extremely nice in the editing of whatever Virgil had actually said. He sighs and follows his brother back to their apartment. Standing there won't do him any good. He'd been dismissed and Virgil isn't one to change his mind so easily.
Part two
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phrikewritesfanfic · 2 years
Reblog if you write fan fiction
Doesn’t matter if you write in a frequent basis, or once in a blue moon, just how many of us are there?
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phrikewritesfanfic · 2 years
Things that are still writing even if you don’t think they are (an incomplete list)
thinking about a story
creating a new document
thinking of a title
explaining your story to someone else
reading other stories and noticing things like word choice, sentence structure, plot development, characterization
thinking of a great line that doesn’t have a story yet
getting a picture in your mind that you want to put into words someday
being inspired by others, even if you don’t know what to do with that inspiration yet
making notes about how you want to tag your work
cutting out lines or scenes that don’t work
stopping work on something that isn’t working right now
starting over
writing a summary
rewriting something you’ve written before
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phrikewritesfanfic · 2 years
Writing Prompt #1914
"Are you giving up on me?"
"I'm giving up on us."
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phrikewritesfanfic · 2 years
Writing advice from my uni teachers:
If your dialog feels flat, rewrite the scene pretending the characters cannot at any cost say exactly what they mean. No one says “I’m mad” but they can say it in 100 other ways.
Wrote a chapter but you dislike it? Rewrite it again from memory. That way you’re only remembering the main parts and can fill in extra details. My teacher who was a playwright literally writes every single script twice because of this.
Don’t overuse metaphors, or they lose their potency. Limit yourself.
Before you write your novel, write a page of anything from your characters POV so you can get their voice right. Do this for every main character introduced.
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phrikewritesfanfic · 2 years
A little PSA for people who use AO3…
Gen refers to fic that is not focused on romance. If your fic is not a romance fic, please give it this tag.
Other refers to fic that is focused on romance, but is not specifically male/female, male/male, or female/female (like an OT3 (ship involving 3 people), a ship involving characters that are not male or female, etc). IT IS NOT FOR PLATONIC RELATIONSHIPS. IT IS FOR ROMANTIC ONES. please for the love of all that is holy do not tag your family-relationship-centered fics as “other” you are going to give people a HEART ATTACK.
“Character/Character” is for romantic pairs. “Character & Character” is for platonic relationships like friendship, family, etc. Please do not tag family-centered or adult-and-minor-centered platonic character relationships as character/character for the love of all that is holy
The E rating is for smut and literally nothing else (unless you have other unusual reasons to rate it E–I’ve seen people apply it to non-smut fics as a deterrent to keep minors away from it, but keep in mind it’ll make it so people who are trying to avoid smut will not find your fic). Your fic that has a lot of graphic violence but no sexual content does not need an E rating.
The M rating is for fics that would basically be rated R if they were movies, and may contain graphic violence, some sexual content, and generally more serious subject matter than you would typically show a teenager. However, if your fic is almost entirely smut, please just give it an E rating.
Also, when you post a fic, you WILL want to give it a rating, or else AO3 will assume you’re probably posting smut and will warn everybody who clicks on your fic that it may contain adult content. If you don’t want that on your fic that contains no adult content at all, please just give it the proper rating instead of not rating it at all.
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phrikewritesfanfic · 2 years
So, I have the summaries of the WiPs of Dukexiety I'm working on.
I'm unsure which I should post, if any.
Any insight would be appreciated as I am very anxious to post any of my writing.
Remus is a menace in class. He's the bane of Virgil's existence in the classes they share. Suddenly the two find themselves friends, then more. Remus is still a terror in class, but less disruptive. He only causes a scene when addressed. He makes comments to those around him, but all in all class is easier now. Then the couple fight. Remus hurts Virgil and they break up. Virgil tells Remus to stay away from him. Remus wants nothing more than to fix this and go back to how they were. He's devastated by the apathetic gaze, or scathing remarks he receives any time he approaches the other. Remus, angry and unable to deal with his emotions and guilt, goes back to his old self. He's loud, rude, and obnoxious. He's in the midst of causing a scene in class when the door opens. He doesn't look up at first, content to shove his emotions down and bury them in his usual mask of crass and annoying. Suddenly he hears him, the voice he's been craving since their fight, "shut the hell up." It's said with such vitriol and Remus can't find it in himself to roll it off of him and ignore it like he would usually. Instead, he whimpers and bows his head. He's silent the rest of the day. After this incident Remus can't find it in himself to even be his normal obnoxious self in class. Instead he sits quietly and just watches as his beloved blatantly ignores his existence.
Remus walks in and spots Virgil sidled up close to his brother. He sees the two whispering to each other and his blood boils. He then tells at Virgil who tries to explain the situation. Remus won't allow him to and makes some mean comments, just to hurt Virgil. It works and Virgil leaves. Remus then learns the truth and must work to fix his mistake and save his friendship and any chance with Virgil. (written)
Virgil fights capture/attack from one of the others through panic. As he's subdued the area begins to distort and darken. The air feels oppressive and his attacker is caught off guard. As the panic immobilizes the attacker, Virgil is able to get up, defend himself, and leave. (Based off a TikTok)
Remus cheated on Virgil near the beginning of their relationship. The woman ended up pregnant. She attempts to bother Remus for money, or to be in a relationship with her. When he continues to refuse she finds Virgil and informs him of her plight. She also lies and states that they'd been together since. Remus hadn't heard from her since the one night. She provides text messages of her informing him that she's pregnant. Virgil is heartbroken and kicks Remus out.
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phrikewritesfanfic · 2 years
I'm apparently in a mood.
I currently have 4.5 WIPs that basically boil down to Remus fucks up and then tries to fix things with Virgil. Like apparently I'm making these two suffer.
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phrikewritesfanfic · 2 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
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phrikewritesfanfic · 3 years
Some advice for when you’re writing and find yourself stuck in the middle of a scene:
kill someone
ask this question: “What could go wrong?” and write exactly how it goes wrong
switch the POV from your current character to another - a minor character, the antagonist, anyone
stop writing whatever scene you’re struggling with and skip to the next one you want to write
write the ending
write a sex scene
use a scene prompt
use sentence starters
read someone else’s writing
Never delete. Never read what you’ve already written. Pass Go, collect your $200, and keep going.
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phrikewritesfanfic · 4 years
Please Reblog is Your Blog is Safe for Non-Binary People.
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