phxntxm-uszr · 1 day
some ghouls playing cards?
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idk which ghouls you meant Exactly but this popped into my brain so i drew ghost ghouls. everyones favorite Room Dedicated To Uno And Uno Only
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phxntxm-uszr · 1 day
That little smile đŸ„ș
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"you'll always be my little cardi"
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phxntxm-uszr · 1 day
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"you'll always be my little cardi"
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phxntxm-uszr · 10 days
Long Post
Hi yall, so if you dont follow me on my twt, I want yall to know that I've been sculpting ghouls recently!
Little story:
I've been wanting to sculpt for many months, now it happened. My first project that i have decided upon was a little ghoul. Then I decided that i'd make them graduation ghouls for my teachers since I wont get to see them anymore đŸ„ș. It's special because this first batch are my rookie/beginner/newbie sculpts, and it like symbolizes that these teachers are the first people to make me inspired and fulfilled creatively in both art and literature.
Im a sentimental girl, so its a bit mushy mushy. Anyways, here are the ghouls so far. I've chosen the era v ghouls since these are easier
Progress under the cut
Phase 1 - ugly ass block
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Phase 2 - details
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Phase 3 - the kits have multiplied
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Phase 4 - og ghoul has a body!
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I still have to paint and varnish them. Hopefully i can make it by monday 🐐
Stay tuned ghesties đŸ«‚đŸ’• thanks for the people who have showed their support to me
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phxntxm-uszr · 15 days
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Her biggest fan
Tip me >:3
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phxntxm-uszr · 20 days
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t4t realness
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phxntxm-uszr · 21 days
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Karl Wilke
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phxntxm-uszr · 21 days
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Andrew Blucha
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phxntxm-uszr · 21 days
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Lil skin doodle
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phxntxm-uszr · 22 days
Dance Macabre/ Papa Nihil Origin Theory
Dance Macabre is one of my favorite music videos, but Lore wise it seems to open up more questions than it answers. It doesn’t seem to fit into the timeline that the Chapters present of a continuous bloodline of Papas that stretches back for ages.
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This is my theory for how Dance Macabre fits into the Ghost Lore and reveals a lot to us about the history of the Ministry and Papa Nihil. I felt motivated to finally write this out after reading @ngnt-writes theories on how Papa Nihil may become the next Papa.
Let’s start with his title. Papa Emeritus Nihil. Like most things in Ghost this phrase has an actual counterpart in the Catholic Church and is used to refer to a deceased or retired Pope. This implies to me that the first person to carry that title within the Ministry of Sin would have been an actual Pope in the Catholic Church at some point. Maybe he quit after he began to worship Satan to form his own church, maybe he died and Satan sent him back from the pits of Hell.
We also have the issue of if the bloodline goes back so far why have we only reached number four? (Okay obviously the real world reason is that the lore wasn’t planned out at the time Secondo gave his “Io Sono Papa Emeritus Secondo” speech, but I’m still going to try and reconcile it with the lore.) I think that Papa Nihil was the first ancient Papa who founded the Ministry.
At the Start of the Dance Macabre video we see Nihil and his friend show up at the party. They seem clueless to what the nature of this party actually is, although Nihil isn’t really digging the vibes. At first I interpreted this a couple different ways.
Nihil has no idea what’s going on and they’re walking into a trap
Nihil is already a part of the Ministry and is luring in an unsuspecting victim to be sacrificed
The first seemingly doesn’t fit, unless somehow Nihil is from the bloodline and doesn’t know it, and this party is meant to bring him back into the fold. But I think there’s another possibility. The Nihil we see without a white eye at the beginning of the video really is just a random guy the Ministry picked out. So this is my most far fetched theory, but the one I think explains the most.
Before the video the Ministry has a major problem. The last Papa died with no successor. They are scrambling to appoint a new person. A young Sister with ambitions of power sees this an opportunity and begins to dive into the history of the church. She learns about the first Papa Emeritus and attempts to contact his spirit within the crypts of the Ministry. After all, if Satan brought him back to life once he might do it again.
Next they select the host and the sacrificial lamb. The party is set up to lure them both in for the resurrection ritual. The doorman can’t let them in until he’s sure they’re the ones that have been chosen, because it can’t just get out into the world that the Ministry performs human sacrifices. I don’t think they’re even something they commonly do these days. But in this case it’s clear that the only way is a life for a life.
At the moment that Sister punches Nihil and gives him his white eye, he looks around as if seeing the world for the first time. He could be seeing things from a new perspective as someone who has ‘seen the light’, or it could be that this is Papa Nihil’s first time being alive in centuries.
This makes Nihil’s betrayal of Sister all the worse. The kiss at Whisky a Go-Go was just the last straw. She had brought him to life, fallen in love with him, and he didn’t even choose to have one of his heirs with her. I think there is also a good chance that she thought she could control him and his career in ways that she couldn’t. We see with Copia that even though she loves the people closest to her very deeply, that manifests in her having her own plan for their success that she expects them to follow.
She brought him back to life with expectations for how his career and their relationship would go, and when he didn’t play along she left and plotted give her son that power.
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phxntxm-uszr · 29 days
"The anti christ is evil "
The anti christ in question:
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phxntxm-uszr · 1 month
People be posting about the new ghost movie while Im here worrying that it might not show up in theatres in the Philippines 😔
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phxntxm-uszr · 1 month
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phxntxm-uszr · 1 month
Terzo, touching Omega's tail in a friendly manner: Hello, dear Omega. How is the-
Omega: *involuntary moan*
The rest of the ghouls, ghoulettes, and Papa's at the dining table: đŸ˜¶
Omega, going still: I- I can explain.
Terzo, smiling tenderly: No need, it's quite alright. Please, do not be-
Swiss, from the other end of the table: GAY!
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phxntxm-uszr · 2 months
If I don't get to see the Ghost movie, I will fucking explode
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phxntxm-uszr · 2 months
Save me Ghovie rat
Ghovie rat
Ghovie rat save me
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phxntxm-uszr · 2 months
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