Tomorrow I will be going out of town, where there is no kind of internet or cell service of any kind. It'll be back on Wednesday, and will then start to fully take on my role as Scott and hopefully get this place really going.
- Admin Elisa
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Also, just as a reminder to everyone already in the role play.. Since activity is now open, you must start to post something within the next few days so that we know you're still on board. 
- Admin Elisa
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I've updated the plot. Please take a look at it. Also, please come apply if you haven't as of yet. We are in need of an Allison, Jackson, Boyd and all of the Alphas, as well as any other canon character you can think of.
Home || Rules || Characters || Apply
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Congratulations Meg! You've been accepted to play the role of Derek Hale.
Please send in your account within 24 hours.
Age: 17
Timezone: GMT
Activity Level (Number and a reason): About a 7 as I have an indie account and I do karate so I practice a few times a week.
RP Experience: I've been roleplaying for five years now, mostly on Facebook, omegle, twitter and roleplayer.me but I started tumblr rp last year and fell in love with it. This is definitely my favourite RP format :)
Why do you want this role?: Because I love Derek's character. I love all his little idiosyncrasies and I think it's great that there's more than one side to him. You can see that he genuinely cares about the kids but he sometimes goes about things in the wrong way. I really want the chance to further explore his character and bring him to life.
Character name: Derek Hale
Preferred ships: Sterek is my OTP but I'll ship Derek with anyone that he has chemistry with. But I do also love Derek/Jennifer.
Anti-ships: Again, chemistry is the main thing but I'm not much a fan of Scott/Derek.
Para Sample (Must be in character, 3rd person, 200+ words):
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Also, we will be accepting applications today. So get them in!
App Count || Rules || Apply
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Attention all role players, we are now opening this role play to actual role playing. You may now begin to interact with other characters, post starters and paras and whatever else you wish. For everyone else, we are still looking for an Allison, a Derek, a Jackson and the entire alpha pack. Come check us out?
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Allison Argent is now open!
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I'm sorry that things seem to be going so slow around here. I promise we will begin to review the apps we have and make decisions tomorrow. Also, if you have been messaged about your role and have not made an account by tomorrow, we will begin accepting new applications for your role tomorrow.
- Admin Elisa
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When are you next accepting?
Possibly when we get a few more apps in.
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Hey, I'm writing an app for Derek but I'm not sure what to write for the para sample. Do you have any prompts?
Hmmm, that's a tough when. I would maybe do something involving Derek and his uncle. That's an interesting dynamic there. Or Derek when he realized his sister was alive. - Admin Elisa
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We are still in need of Derek Hale, Boyd, Jackson, and the entire Alpha pack. Don't be shy, come check us out!
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How long do reserves last for?
24 hours.
-Admin Mina
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