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How I successfully restrict 🍄🫓
First thing is first dont be like tomorrow I'll do better. Start today calculate your cals from the day and make a limit.
Like I always eat like 500-600 then 300-100 now, little meals are so good I sometimes eat 4+ meals a day but they are basically just snacks
Here's an example:
12pm Apple
2 pm toast or bagel
4 pm smoothie
6 pm dinner like rice w salad or veggies
Then nothing after 7 pm so if I get hungry carrot sticks
If I start to have binge urges I workout, clean, read, and binge a YT playlist like SSS or Other playlist. 🤍
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How did you stay consistent with Ana 😭
Like I had a period where I was doing so well. Now everything is rock bottom 😭
I have no motivation to not eat or to workout.
But I do attempt though and nothing is working like it used to.
I did create a plan for my day tomorrow. I just hope I actually get up and do it. Without binging
This is long asf so prep lol...
Hey im def no expert i still binge but I was my most consistent when I would kick start my "honeymoon era" which last up to a month or two. If you want more info on honeymoon eras go to edtwt and look up How I start my honeymoon era a thread. During that time I was watching ana movies like to the bone and cringey stuff like that. I also recommend Super size vs. Super skinny it always grosses me out and gives me mealspo. Thats pretty much it on that.
Now when I workout I recommend having 3 playlist of workouts you enjoy. Also update the playlist with new videos if you start to be bored or burn less. I can usually restrict steady with 700 cals and 500 cals maxes. When it comes down to binges I purge with exercise and obviously the normal way I sometimes workout in the morning burn around 600 calories then I feel good eating maybe 1000 or 1200 as a sorta "scheduled binge" to avoid a spiral.
Also when I dont feel motivated I take a rest day. I can also lose up to 3lbs (around 1.5kg I think) in 3 days with a simple two meals diet thats protein, fruit and carb. So like 10 am egg, low calorie toast i use carbonaut gluten-free 40 per slice (I'm allergic to gluten lol) then banana. 6 pm soup, yogurt, sweet potato. Comes to around 450 calories depends on yogurt I do Oikos Protein Yogurt preferably Banana creme taste just like pie is 90 calories.
I'm homeschooled so I can't give you tips for school but depending on the grade and classes it can be really easy to study for 3-5 hours. I am in Physics and Pre Cal right now and it takes me an hour and a half for 1 Physics lesson and calculus can be 2+ hours of hard studying plus an online class which is 50 mins same as an in person class. Plus other school im ready The Great Gatsby for English which is 180 pages and a slow read taking me an hour for that passing almost a whole day in what feels like just a few hours.
After a week of straight restriction it can lead to no lose i dont know why but take a met day of 1,000+ to help regulate stuff like pooping, periods, and ultimately weight loss. When I'm doing good I take 1 a week to 1 every 2 weeks. I also like to fats 3 times a month. I'm starting a new themed die like every week/ month so do that too it can be fun to kinda pretend to be like a starving fae or sum.
A long one sorry hope it helps. ☺👍🏼
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I always feel so fucking fat
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Update: I just stepped on the scale and I haven't gained any weight pffttt. I'm just bloated or sumthing
I'm gaining weight, I can tell I'm too scared to step on the scale but I just hope it's nothing over 115.
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I'm gaining weight, I can tell I'm too scared to step on the scale but I just hope it's nothing over 115.
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I've been fasting for almost 48 hours so far. I'd like to thank my first day of work yesterday for having a shift until 8 pm and distracting me from eating. Even tho it's at a candy shop, it somehow makes it easier not to eat tho??? Make it make sense. Anyways, tmr is an even longer shift and I get to fast again.
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Currently walking back to school for my last class after I just relapsed on purging. I look like shit, all my makeup is smeared and I've never seen my eyes this puffy. At least I'll graduate
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Having scary thoughts again, I forgot to take my meds today
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I want to be able to wear low-rise jeans and not have my bloated side profile make me want to claw my eyes out. period cravings suuuuuuuuuuuuuck too.
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I had a huge meltdown today with my dad about my eating disorder. Needless to say I have to go to therapy and I'm on mood stabilizers now. This is not what I meant to do, it's not what I wanted at the start.
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Weekly thinspo
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I just wish someone could tell me that it's okay.
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Just found out my dad is bringing home cake. So hype about trying to not binge on that.
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I'm working my ass off trying lose more weight before school starts. Im starting to think that I'm becoming more selfish. I've been disregarding how my ed is affecting other people in my household and even other people generally in my life. But I know I'm not the only one, I just hope that everyone is on their path to finding happiness wherever it my be.
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I'm seriously fucking slipping ALREADY and it's only been 1 week since I started again wtf. I've been fluctuating eating between 50 cal -300 cal and one night I even had the grossest thing ever. Like I don't even wanna admit what I gave in for but whatever.
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