pillowdemon · 3 years
Omg I need jealous Kenny headcanons!!
-kenny OWNS your soul. those bastards have your body but you will always have something more important. -he grabbed you sometimes, earlier in the relationship. when everyone was watching so they’d know you were his and they’d know not to touch you by the way he held you so close. like you’d die if he let you go. -he used to caress you when he saw you around people that look like him. people that were cuter than him. people nicer. sweeter. -now he looks at you when he thinks you’re asleep and touches you slightly so you won’t wake up and he knows that every bit of you belongs to him from the inside out.
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pillowdemon · 3 years
hello! may i request headcanons for yandere mysterion? also, may i be bee anon?
Yes! Of course you can!
I’m glad some people are using emojis so I can recognise who’s requesting what <3
Kenny was obsessed with you, but he could never show it. It would ruin the relationship he’s created with you.
Of course… Mysterion is someone who has no friendship to ruin with you so maybe he could show a bit of his darker side without you thinking he was creepy.
After making up his mind, he decided to keep his stalking as Kenny to a minimum and leave all the dirty work to Mysterion.
He’s a silent follower, he likes to watch you and make sure you get home safe.
He often finds himself eyeing you from your window at night.
As Mysterion, he has a lot of temptations to kidnap you.
You wouldn’t hate him for it, would you? That thought is the only thing that keeps him from shoving you in his garage.
He also likes to gather info on you, watch places you like to go or foods you like to eat.
It helps him get closer to you as Kenny.
If however you found out that you had a stalker, and that stalker was Mysterion he’d have to take you back home with him. 
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pillowdemon · 3 years
What about Yandere Kyle Broflovski?
Kyle Broflovski
* Kyle is a controlling yandere. As much as Kyle tries to ignore that part of him, that's who he is. That's how he is and he's unable to fully give up the control that he has. He loves you a lot, yes, but he simply needs to always know what you're doing, and control what friends can or can't be around you. * If you would break up with Kyle, he would be completely enraged. He needed to completely cut you off from those bad friends of yours! Now you're saying something stupid because of them!
Butters Stotch
* Butters is a stalker yandere. Butters is too shy to come up to you most of the time, so he's always there. In the background. Watching. He adores you and would love to actually come up to you and talk to you more, but well, he simply can't and he actually enjoys watching you from afar. It became a habit for him. * If you would break up with Butters, he would understand, as he would start berating himself. I mean, why would you love him? You dated him only for a dare probably... Sorry for wasting your time. You will never see him again, as he would end his life if you don't stop him.
Kevin Mccormick
* Kevin is an aggressive yandere. Kevin tries his best to be a good person. Tries to not be like his father, but at the end of the day, he would become a monster like his father. He would yell at you if you ever talked to others in front of him and there would be often violence against you while he's drunk. * If you would break up with Kevin, he would beat you up one last time, while berating you and leave. The alone time would be spent with him realizing that something is wrong with him, as he would go to rehab.
Heidi Turner
* Heidi is a caring yandere. Heidi really is nice and loving towards you. She adores you and usually does everything in her power to prove to you that she loves you. Whenever she gets jealous of someone, she uses her power as a popular girl to ruin their social life. Nobody should hang around you! * If you would break up with heidi, she would be completely heartbroken. Heidi would try her best to try and apologize and become better, but if you keep rejecting her, she would ruin your life as revenge for breaking her heart.
Nichole Daniels
* Nichole is a caring yandere. Your happiness and comfort has always been Nichole's most important thing. She adores you more than anything in her life. She loves you so much that she can't help but put your happiness before hers most often. She does get angry sometimes and will get aggressive to protect you, but usually tries to control herself. * If you would break up with Nichole, she would try to be understanding. She would ask you why and would try to at least stay your friend. She really wants to still be a good friend, at least.
Red McArthur
* Red is a protective yandere. Because of her aggressive nature, she doesn't allow anyone to make fun of you. If anyone even fucking dares to tell you something that you don't like, you can already expect that person to be beaten by Red. She also gets easily jealous and will beat up anyone who dares to make her jealous. * If you would break up with Red, she would be enraged. Why are you doing this to her? Do you not know how much she has done for you? Don't you know that she could ruin your life? Better get back with her, or things will end badly for you.
✨ Stan Marsh
* Stan is an obsessive yandere. To stan, your existence is perfect. There is nobody else as perfect as you. You are a god in his mind. He adores you. He loves you so much. You are someone that he simply can't be without. He needs you. He desires to have you and he will get violent if someone else dares to try and steal you away from him. * If you would break up with Stan, he would beg you to stay. He would do anything to keep you. He would become your dog. You slave. Your everything, just please. Please don't leave him. He needs you!
✨ Eric Cartman
* Eric is a possessive yandere. Often, he would make fun of you, but if anyone else dared to do that, he would end up beating them up. You were his and only he could bully you. If anyone else dared to even look at you or talk to you, then they would be put through hell. * If you would break up with Eric, he would tell you that if you give him a second chance, he will become better. He would even start treating people to prove that to you... Please, just come back. He can't live without you.
✨ Kenny McCormick
* Kenny is an worship yandere. You are the sweetest and kindest person that he knows. You always invite him and his sister to sleep and eat at your place. You pay for all his and his sisters expenses. It means a lot for him. You are his god... You are what he is going to worship until the day that he dies. * If you break up with Kenny, he would beg you to stay. He needs you. It's not even for the money. It started off like that, but.. He can't be without you anymore. He needs you. He loves you! Please!
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pillowdemon · 3 years
Yandere Team Stan (Kyle, Stan, Cartman, and Kenny), Butters, and Scott
what would they do as clothing on the reader ?
especially once a kidnapper…
💙Yandere!Stan Marsh x Reader 🐶
Stan was usually calm about the way you dress. The cold weather of South Park did not allow you to walk in open clothes, but sometimes you took off your jacket and Stan started to worry
He didn't want others to pay much attention to you, so every time your clothes were considered too open by him, he put his jacket on you, justifying it by saying that you might freeze. He hid his jealousy behind concern
When you became his prisoner, he tried to provide you with clothes that you liked. He didn't force you to wear something against your will. He didn't want to upset you, so he listened to your clothing preferences
Stan understood that you might not like the clothes he brings you, but he tried to please you. He treasured you and since he locked you up, he felt calmer, because he was sure that no one but him would see you
💚Yandere! Kyle Broflovski x Reader ✡
Kyle has always been careful about how you dress. He felt calmer when you wore closed clothes, but if in his opinion your clothes were too open, he became more irritable and jealous
He carefully made sure that others did not try to approach you. Kyle was very jealous every time he noticed that other people were looking at you. At such moments, he sought to hide you. For example, he threw his jacket over you, claiming that it's cold now and you might get sick. You were surprised by this, but every time you tried to return his jacket to him, he refused. He was very persistent
When he kidnapped you, his jealousy began to subside. He was the only one who saw you, so he let you walk around in the clothes that you liked. He didn't force you to wear anything against your will. It was one of the few things he let you decide
If he ever takes you away from South Park, his control over what clothes you wear will become much tougher. He will strictly control that you always wear exclusively closed clothes so that no one dares to try to take you away from him. He couldn't let someone take you away
❤Yandere! Eric Cartman x Reader 🍪
Cartman didn't attach much importance to how you dress. He was more concerned about how others reacted to your clothes. He carefully made sure that others did not try to get closer to you, in case one of them tried to get closer to you, he told them in an affectedly friendly manner to stop doing that. Those who knew Eric well enough understood that it was better to do as he wanted. However, not everyone understood this
Those who did not understand his hints always became victims of accidents. Cartman did not tolerate rivals. He was very jealous and wasn't going to let anyone get close to you. He understood that you wouldn't listen to him if he asked you to wear something else, so he preferred to get rid of rivals
When you became his prisoner, he let you walk around in anything. He brought you a lot of different clothes, letting you decide what to wear. The only times he decided what exactly you were going to wear was when he was having tea parties. He did not hide this hobby of his. He made you wear beautiful clothes on purpose so that you could also become a part of his tea party
Cartman felt much calmer from the fact that you were completely under his control. The accidents stopped from the moment he locked you up. Knowing that no one else sees you, he felt calmer. He knew that only he could see you in a variety of clothes
🧡Yandere!Kenny McCormick x Reader 🐀
Kenny was completely calm about any clothes you wore. He looked with interest at what kind of clothes you wear. He was more worried about being paid too much attention to you
Every time someone paid too much attention to you, he always turned up next to you and showed that you were already busy. He hugged you, hugged you to him, which caused your embarrassment and surprised looks from others. When the rivals left, he made it all a joke
After he kidnapped you, Kenny gave you his jacket. He liked to see you in his clothes. He couldn't afford to bring a lot of different clothes, so he gave you his jacket. Looking at you, dressed in such a familiar jacket for him, he felt happy. For him, it was another proof that you belong only to him
Looking at you wrapped up in his jacket, he couldn't help but smile. He often imagined you wearing only his jacket, but he couldn't make you dress like that. He didn't want you to hate him. He was hugging you, wrapping his jacket around you. He was glad that you were finally so close to him. He couldn't imagine his life without you anymore
⚡Yandere!Butters Stotch x Reader 🔨
Butters has always been attentive to how you dress. He understood that he couldn't force you to wear something you didn't like, but quite often he noticed glances directed at you and felt jealousy, which he tried to keep to himself
He often asked you if you were cold and tried to offer his jacket. From the outside, it seemed that he was just showing concern, but in fact these were manifestations of his jealousy. He never insisted, so if you refused, he left, but continued to watch you
When Professor Chaos kidnapped you and locked you up, he often began to bring you different clothes. He was angry if you refused to accept his gifts, but tried to calm down. Butters always tried to persuade you, claiming that it would be better for you. He never threatened you, but he became more persistent
Professor Chaos started forcing you to wear what he brought you. All the clothes he brought were quite ordinary. Closed clothes, mostly your favorite colors. He hoped that one day you would be able to accept his gifts and his feelings
💉Yandere! Scott Malkinson x Reader 🧃
Scott didn't pay attention to how exactly you dress. He thought you looked great in any clothes. But if someone tried to show you too much attention, they didn't stay away
He always stood up for you, even if it wasn't necessary. He often perceived the words of others as reproaches against you, and because of this he entered into conflicts. You didn't understand the reason for his behavior and tried to calm him down. Your words always affected Scott and he apologized to you, but he didn't think to apologize to the one he was protecting you from
Scott has never thought about kidnapping you, but if ever his feelings become too strong and this still happens, then your comfort will be in the first place for him
He would always be interested in what kind of clothes you would like to wear. He didn't want to force you to wear something you didn't like, so he would only bring you the things you liked. He understood that you already began to treat him worse because he forcibly restrained you, so he would not want to aggravate the situation even more. He would hope that someday you will still be able to forgive him
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pillowdemon · 3 years
Saving for daydreaming reasons-
I just want to say I LOVE your South Park stuff! I’m sorry if you get a lot of requests, but could you make do some Yandere Kenny stuff? It’s just to good! Anyways, I hope you’re staying happy and healthy! Make sure you drink water today! Have a good day!
Thank you!!! <3 and I don’t mind, I wouldn’t write without these requests, please send more!
Requests are still open!!
Kenny is a very hardcore yandere.
He will do anything for you. That includes killing himself, killing others, the whole lot.
He stalks you a lot, and keeps a lot of your belongings to himself.
A few of photos he has of you are kept inside his porno magazines or in private places.
He also tries to snatch some of your belongings as trophies. He likes to surround himself with things that remind him of you.
He’s not just a stalker. He does watch from the sidelines but he also finds ways to squeeze himself into your life.
He’s quite smart about it, actually.
First he learns your schedule and fits himself into whatever activities you do, to grow close to you.
He’s not a huge fan of killing anyone close to you, but he’ll do it if he finds it necessary. Any boys you like? They’re gone.
Close friends will make him very jealous, but he can’t kill them. It would really upset you.
Then again… he could be the one to comfort you after their death.
There’s a few times where he might confess everything to you, and then kill himself so you won’t remember the next day.
He just wants to know how you’d react if he told you everything he’s done for you.
He does have a solid plan for your future with him, and will do anything to make it happen.
There’s times where he wonders if he could get away with kidnapping you as mysterion. It’s a constant thought on his mind, but one he doesn’t plan to act out.
But just in case, he has his shed cleaned out.
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pillowdemon · 3 years
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this was stuck with me for the past couple of days
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pillowdemon · 3 years
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i can’t stop thinking about this vine and how it fits kenny and clyde
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pillowdemon · 3 years
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Random art dump because i keep forgetting to post here
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pillowdemon · 3 years
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Ariya Acheron
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pillowdemon · 3 years
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Misc art
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pillowdemon · 3 years
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Some more ocs
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pillowdemon · 3 years
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(old) Creek comic art drop off.   I was in a few zines where I was challenged with different styles.
Keep reading
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pillowdemon · 3 years
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you are my universe ♥
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pillowdemon · 3 years
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South park doodless
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pillowdemon · 3 years
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pillowdemon · 3 years
Some of the characters you'll be seeing here (i will be remaking Ka and Dan's ref sheets)
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pillowdemon · 3 years
Some oc things
Ka is the one in the crop top and skirt (he/they)
Dan is the one in the hat (he/him)
You don't know how much i love this
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