pinme-up-pinme-down ¡ 8 months
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pinme-up-pinme-down ¡ 9 months
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Happy aniversary you dumb fucks @staff
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pinme-up-pinme-down ¡ 1 year
three's a crowd, part two
part one | part two | part three | part four | part five | part six | part seven
summary: you hadn’t expected this. to fall in love. with not one girl, but two. you hadn’t expected to ruin their friendship. love triangle au. 
pairing: emma myers x reader, jenna ortega x reader
warnings: language.
word count: 2.1k
a/n: team emma or team jenna?? let me know :)))))
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The morning after that night at the pool when the hangover sets in, you freak out. 
The pool. The flickering lights. Jenna’s crush on Georgie. Emma’s lips on yours. 
You should feel elated. Emma had kissed you. Instead, you feel... flat. Uncertain. 
You stare down at your phone as you read Emma’s text. 
had an amazing time last night.. Excited to see you again today 🙂 🙂
You bite your lip. Fingers hover over the keyboard, trying to think of a response. When it doesn’t come, you set your phone down. Groan. Let your mind wonder why you’re not as excited as you should be. 
She’s gorgeous and she likes you. The kiss she’d given you had left you with butterflies. But there’s a tiny gnawing feeling at the pit of your stomach. You wished it had been Jenna. 
Stop it, you scold yourself. She isn’t interested. She likes Georgie. 
Georgie, god. Georgie with his stupid handsome face and his stupid attractive accent. They’d be a pretty couple. He’d like her back, of course he would. And then they’d get together and be stupidly in love. It’s only a matter of time. Crestfallen, you stare back at the text. Then you’re replying. 
Excited to see you too ☺️☺️ had a great time last night. 
Set that day is rough on everyone. 
You’re filming with Hunter and Joy. Joy, miraculously, isn’t one ounce hungover, ever the professional. Hunter spends his time off camera with his head in a bucket, trying not to puke. You’re not far off, laying your head in your hands trying to quell your raging headache. 
You barely notice as Emma sidles up to you, small smile on her lips. 
“Hey.” She says, a little shy, “How are you feeling?” 
“Better than him.” You jerk your head over to Hunter. He’s sitting in one of the cast chairs, looking a little green. Emma giggles. 
“You know what they say about hangovers.” Emma says, biting her lip, “Best way to get through them is to keep drinking.” 
You tilt your head up. 
“Oh?” You say, “Why, you got some vodka on you?” 
“No,” She says with a laugh, “But I was wondering if you wanted to go out dancing tonight. With me.” 
She thinks for a moment, “Well, not just me. Jenna’s coming too. And Joy, maybe Georgie too. Hunter if he can stand.” 
Your stomach coils and the thought of watching Georgie and Jenna dancing together. 
“I don’t know…” 
“Come on.” She presses, squeezes your hand. Your stomach flutters, “It’ll be fun. I’ll show you my moves.” 
She’s staring at you, a little pleading. You swallow, ignore the lump in your throat. 
“Fine.” You agree, “But just so you know I’m a terrible dancer.” 
“Me too.” She affirms, “But that’s what makes it fun.” 
The club is tiny. Packed to the brim with Romanian party-goers. Jenna sorts you all a small area in the corner, veers off with Georgie to buy the group drinks. You watch them at the bar, stare at the back of Georgie’s head as she touches his arm.
White hot jealousy coils through you. You take a long sip of your drink, try to shake it. 
Emma’s beside you, looking so pretty in a tiny black dress. You try to focus on her. 
“Should we dance?” She’s asking. 
“Sure.” You say, a little half-hearted. 
“We don’t have to.” She says, a little disappointment flickering behind her eyes. 
“No, let’s dance.” You stand, hold out your hand. 
You lead her to the dance floor, a pool of sweaty, writhing bodies. Dance for a bit, try to focus on the beat of the music and her warm hand in yours. Joy joins after a bit, and you find your gaze lingering back to the spot you’d left. Jenna’s sitting there all alone. You bite your lip. 
“I’ll be right back.” You tell Emma. She nods, wraps her arms around Joy. 
Then you fight your way back to where Jenna’s sitting. 
“Hey.” You say as you sink down into the seat next to her, “Want to come dance?” 
She shakes her head. 
“I’m good.” 
You shrug, take a sip of your Vodka Soda. 
You look back into the crowd, scanning for Emma. She’s disappeared into the mesh of people. Instead, you spot Georgie. 
He’s dancing with someone. Someone skinny and blonde and definitely not Jenna. She giggles as he wraps his arms around her waist. They dance a little more. 
Idiot. You can’t help but think. 
Then you realize Jenna’s looking too. 
“I’m sorry.” You say. You sidle close to her, until your thighs are pressed together. “I know you liked him.” 
Jenna stares at you, bemusement across her face. 
“I don’t like Georgie.” She says. 
Your eyebrows draw tight in confusion. 
“What? But you said-“ 
You trail off, trying to think of exactly when Jenna had confirmed her crush on Georgie. She didn’t, you realize all at once. 
“Oh. So who is it then? This person you like so much?” 
Jenna says nothing. Watching, like she always does. You rack your brain, trying to think of the boys on set. 
“It’s not- Hunter is it?” You say, sounding scandalized, “Because I think you’re barking up the wrong tree if you-“ 
“It’s not a boy.” She interjects. 
That stops you in your tracks. You stare at her for a moment. Oh. And then there’s only one person it could be. Your heart sinks.
“It’s Emma. You like Emma.” Jealousy twists hot and fast in the pit of your stomach. The thought makes you want to throw up. It explains everything. Why Jenna had been so weird over the last week, so distant. Why she hadn’t wanted to tell you. 
But then Jenna is shaking her head. 
“It’s not Emma.” 
Relief floods through you. Thank god. 
“Then who-“ Your eyes go wide. You look over to her, grip her forearm. 
“Oh.” You say, “It’s Joy!” 
Jenna shakes her head. 
“It’s not Joy.” She says, sounding a little exasperated. 
Now you’re really confused. You tilt your head, trying to think. 
“Christina Ricci?” Is your final, terrible guess. 
Jenna sighs. The music is pumping so loud your ears are starting to ring. Out of the corner of your eye, you see Georgie lean in to kiss the girl he’s dancing with. A pang of guilt flashes through you at your unconscious vitriol to him. 
“It doesn’t matter anymore.” She says. Her voice is so soft you barely hear her over the music. 
“Why not?” 
“She doesn’t feel the same.” 
You make a face. Roll your eyes. 
“Impossible.” You tell her. “Have you told her?“ 
She’s doing that thing again. Staring, Speaking without words, like she wants you to tell what she’s thinking from her expression. She shakes her head. 
“Then you need to tell her, dumbass.” You say. It’s your turn to look exasperated. You down the rest of your drink. 
“You could get any girl in this room, you know that. Without even trying.” 
“You think?” Voice dry. She’s humoring you. You can tell by her tone. 
“You could, even if you don’t believe it.” You brush a rogue strand of hair out of her eyes. “You’re beautiful. Like the most beautiful person I’ve ever seen.” 
She looks down at you. Her eyes lock on yours. 
“Tell me who it is.” You press. “One word in her ear and I’ll have her falling into your arms.”
“Why do you want to know so bad?” She asks. She’s avoiding the question. You whine. 
“Because I want you to be happy.” You say, “Because I care about you.” 
She doesn’t say anything. Sips at her drink. You sigh. Drop your head to her shoulder. 
“Fine.” You grumble. “Don’t tell me. You’re no fun.” 
You entwine your fingers with hers. You can feel her pulse hammering gently against your palm. Your integration has made her nervous. You smooth your thumb over the back of her hand. The weight of her hand feels nice in your own. Your hands lock together perfectly. 
“It’s you.” 
She says it over the swell of the music. You blink, not sure you heard her correctly. 
“It’s you.” 
You look over to her. She’s staring, brown eyes locked on yours. Gone is her guard, she’s open. Vulnerable. 
You’re silent a second too long. You can feel her gaze shift. The wall comes back up, as quick as it had come down. Her guard back up, protecting herself. 
“I shouldn’t have said anything. I don’t want to make you uncomfortable. Besides, god, you like Emma.” 
She draws her hand back from yours. Immediately, you miss the warmth of her fingers entwined with your own. Your heart in your throat. She likes you. 
“I- I like you too.” You say before you can stop yourself. 
She pauses. Looks at you. 
“Too? So you like her as well?” 
“We’re just friends.” You say. It’s a lie, even you know that. Friends don’t have the kind of tension you have with Emma. You rephrase, “We’re just- hanging out.” 
She looks at you, a little dubious. 
You swallow. 
“You could have told me. All this time and you never said anything.” 
Jenna stares down at you. Her lip twitches. 
“You had a thing going with Emma-“ 
“God, Jenna. We kissed once. We’re not married-” 
She flinches at that. 
“You kissed her?” 
You stare back at her. “Yes, I kissed her. What do you think we’ve been doing this entire time, holding hands?” 
“This is so fucked up.” Jenna mumbles. She downs the rest of her drink, drops it down on the table. “I can’t believe I just told you I liked you. You’re my friends girlfriend-” 
“I’m not her girlfriend.” You interject. 
“Forget I said anything.” She says, voice pleading, “Please. Let’s just go back to being friends. Let’s blame it on the tequila-”
“No.” You say, “Don’t do that.”
You're grasping at her hand, trying to pull her back down. 
“YN.” She says. You can see the conflict in her eyes. “Emma really likes you.” 
“More than you like me?” You’re holding your breath now. Heart hammering louder than the beat of the music. 
“It doesn’t matter.” Jenna says, “She was there first-“ 
“I’m not some sort of prized cattle that’s been sold off to the highest bidder. Doesn’t it matter what I want?” 
Jenna blinks. “And what do you want?” 
It stops you in your tracks. Emma’s cute and sweet and so so pretty. But Jenna is Jenna. Your mouth opens, then closes. 
“I don’t know.”
Jenna’s face is even, measured. 
“Do you want to be with Emma?” 
“I don’t know.” 
A storm brews in her eyes. It was the wrong thing to say, you realize it immediately. 
She shakes off your hand. 
“Forget I said anything. Please.” 
And she’s off. You don’t bother trying to follow her. What on earth were you supposed to say? Your head runs a mile a minute, overcrowded, thoughts of Jenna and Emma both. Who did you like more? You couldn’t possibly say. 
You stare into your drink like it’s a crystal ball, trying to find the right answers. Emma finds you like this, nudges her shoulder against yours. 
“Hey, you. Thought you were coming right back?” She’s teasing, a small smile playing on her lips. You blink back at her, confused, and the smile slips from her face. 
“What’s wrong?” 
You contemplate not saying anything. Taking her right back out to the dance floor. Her blue eyes are wide, concerned and you just can’t lie to her. 
“Jenna-” You hesitate a moment. You don’t want to upset her, you don’t want to upset anyone. It’s an awful, horrible conundrum. But it’s gnawing at you: you need to be honest. 
“Jenna told me she likes me.” 
Emma just stares. Then she sighs. 
“I know.” She admits quietly.
“You know?” You say, a little confused. 
“That she liked you. It was kind of obvious.” 
You stare. 
She’s looking up at you, blue eyes vulnerable. “Do you- do you like her too?” 
Your heart is in your throat. 
Lie, your mind screams, lie you moron. 
But you can’t. As much as you don’t want to see the disappointment flood her pretty blue eyes. 
“Yes.” You admit. 
“Oh.” She looks hurt and you hate it. You want to crawl into her lap, smooth the creases from her brow and tell her she’s all you want. But it isn’t true. Your heart twists, painfully. 
“I like you too.” You say, “I’m- really confused.” 
She just stares for a moment. For a second you think she might throw her drink in your face. Then she’s standing. 
“Well, I guess you should figure that out then.” Her voice is a little shaky. You reach for her hand but she jerks away. 
“I’m going to go.” 
“No, Emma, wait-” 
But she’s gone. You curse, down the rest of your drink. This place suddenly feels overwhelming. The swell of the music, the blare of the lights. You close your eyes, drop your head in your hands. 
What the fuck are you going to do?
next part
692 notes ¡ View notes
pinme-up-pinme-down ¡ 1 year
Spin Me Round
Summary: Reader plays spin the bottle with the Scream gang
Word Count: 1.8K
Warnings: 18+NSFW!, Language, smut
A/N: This was meant to be drabble and I got carried away…as usual. Writing Tara as not non Ghostface was so weird but I kind of loved it. Also I wrote this on my phone so if the format is weird I’ll fix it later. Based on the prompt from @jennasslut
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The Carpenter’s apartment is dim, the overhead lights off and the table lamps emitting a soft glow. Beer bottles rest on every flat surface, sticky rings leaving marks on the wood. A pop song plays in the background, the melody full of quiet bass.
Tara, Mindy, Chad, Anika, Quinn and Ethan all sit in a circle on the living room floor with you wedged between Chad and Mindy. Mindy reaches for the empty beer bottle in the middle of the circle and spins it. The group laughs and jokes, watching the bottle turn lazily. It stops, pointing at Quinn.
Mindy smirks, “What’ll it be Quinn? Truth or Dare?”
Quinn narrows her eyes at Mindy, a daring smile on her face, “Truth.”
“Yesssss,” Mindy hisses, her eyes bright. “I’ve been waiting for this one all night. But these chicken shits,” she pauses and pointedly stares at each face, “never pick truth.”
“That’s because you ask truly horrifying questions.” Chad grumbles.
Mindy reaches around your shoulders and slaps him on the back of his head, making him flinch away from you. She turns back to Quinn, a devious glint in her eye.
“Who do you think would be best in bed, Quinn?”
Quinn rolls her eyes, smirking like it’s the easiest question she’d ever been asked. “Please, we all know it’s me.”
“Uh uh, no picking yourself that’s a cop out,” Anika chides, earning a kiss on the cheek from Mindy.
“Fine,” Quinn says, “If it’s not me it’s gotta be y/n.”
You perk up, your chest puffing in pride. Across the circle from you, Tara snorts audibly.
“What?” You ask, frowning at her. “You don’t think so?”
The group simultaneously ooooooh’s at your challenge. The tension between the two of you has been high for weeks, but neither of you have had the sense to make a move on one another.
You’re absolutely terrified that Sam will hang you out her window by your ankles if you even dared to try something with her sister. Why Tara hadn’t tried though, is a mystery to you. Probably something to do with her well earned trust issues.
Tara scoffs, “You’re a teddy bear, no way you’re the best in bed.”
You place your hand over your chest, acting more hurt than you actually were, “Okay, first of all, ow. Second, who you you think would be best?”
Mindy elbows you before Tara can reply, “Hey, I’ve got to say that besides myself and Anika, I think y/n probably has it in the bag.”
“Thank you!” You turn to her, wrapping your arm around her in a side hug.
Chad and Ethan laugh, but keep their mouths shut. They know better than to put their asses in the crossfire. Tara never gets to answer and you’re disappointed. She looks relieved though, grinning down into her beer bottle.
Quinn spins, and the group watches it circle around with bated breath and wide eyes. Your heart nearly leaps out of your chest when it slows to a stop pointing at Tara. She grimaces, drinks her beer, and waits for Quinn to ask the question.
“Okay Tara, you know what’s up. Truth, or dare?”
Tara squeezes her eyes shut, her nervous smile baring her teeth, “Dare.”
“Booooo,” Mindy heckles her. Anika slaps her thigh.
You switch between watching Tara and watching Quinn, curious about what she’s going to cook up. Tara glances at you for a split second, and you can feel heat rising in your cheeks. Your stomach flips when she bites her lip and looks back to Quinn.
You can tell Quinn has come up with something good. Her face says it all, and she leans forward.
“Tara, I dare you to prove me wrong.”
The circle goes quiet, jaws hanging open as they realize what she’s saying. It takes you longer than the others; you look around with a clueless expression on your face as they all stare between you and Tara.
“You owe Quinn your life,” Mindy says under her breath, leaning in so only you can hear.
You’re still confused, until your eyes land on Tara. She’s watching you, considering something heavily. She looks back to Quinn and nods, and it clicks in your head.
Prove her wrong. Prove Quinn wrong that you’re not the best in bed…oh shit. Tara is thinking about it, you can see it. You don’t know if you should be terrified or fucking ecstatic. If Tara agrees, Mindy is right. You owe Quinn big time.
Tara finishes her beer, sets it aside with clear intent. She pushes herself to her feet, crosses the circle and holds her hand out to you. Decision made.
You gulp, glance past Tara’s legs at Quinn. Mindy shoves you.
“Go you idiot.”
You take Tara’s hand and let her help you stand, your heart racing. She pulls you back through the circle and toward the hall where her bedroom is. You look back at your friends and they’re all cheering, shooting you thumbs up and clapping. By the time Tara has dragged you out of the room they go back to the game, continuing without you.
Tara is a woman on a mission, pulling you along. You try not to stumble behind her, obediently following her to her room. She shuts the door behind you and brushes past you to sit on her bed.
You stand at the door, a little awkward and unsure. Tara raises her eyebrows expectantly, waiting.
“Do you really…wait what is happening right now?” You ask, hesitant.
Tara grins, holds out her hand toward you, “I planned on proving Quinn wrong, but hopefully, you can prove me wrong.”
The look in her eyes tells you she’s dead serious. You take her outstretched hand, and she pulls you down, lying back on her bed. You brace yourself with your hands around her head and lean into her, stopping just inches from her lips. Her eyes search your face, then she closes the gap.
Her lips are so soft, warm on yours. She closes her eyes and pulls you into her. You let your weight settle over her, pressing into her body. Her tongue runs over your lips, and all the pent up sexual tension between you breaks. You throw yourself into it, kissing her like you’ve wanted to for weeks. Her hands roam over your arms, down your sides. You push your leg between hers and rock into her, suddenly feeling too hot.
The clothes between you are quickly departed with in a haze of hurried hands, wet kisses and wanton sighs. You pause over her, appreciating her naked body for the first time. You’ve wanted this so badly, it feels a lot like you’re dreaming. It’s only a short, hushed moment, and then it snaps, the lust between the two of you crackling like electricity in the air.
You’re both rushing, hands frantic, and mouths messy. You’ve forgotten that you have a point to prove, forgotten about your friends sitting in the living room. The only thing that feels real now is Tara. And just how badly you want to touch her.
Your lips are on her neck, and her hand is around the back of your neck, her fingers sliding into your hair. Your leg presses into her, and you can feel how wet she is when she rolls her hips up into you. Her hushed whimpers drive you into a frenzy, your mouth descending to her breasts, your hand sliding down her side. She grips your hair tight in her fingers when you suck on her nipple, making her gasp.
Your fingers find their destination between her legs and you pause, looking up at her.
She nods her consent, adding a desperate, “Yes, yes please.”
She’s so wet, and so tight around the single finger you push inside of her that it makes you both moan. She pulls you back to her lips, kissing you recklessly, biting your bottom lip. You add another finger, and her nails drag down your back. When you curl your fingers, she squirms under you, her whole body responding to you.
She tilts her head back, her lips swollen and parted, her breathing fast. You dip your head down to suck on her neck, searching for a reaction and repeating it when it comes.
“Have you changed your mind yet?” You ask, your voice low in her ear.
She groans, her nails digging into your shoulder, “Fuck, y/n, keep doing that and I’ll admit it.”
You smile against her skin, and decide to go double or nothing. With the initial fervor gone you can think more clearly, and as much as you’ve already enjoyed fucking Tara, you now have a point to prove.
You kiss your way down her body, your fingers still steadily stroking her g spot until you’re settled between her legs. You don’t bother teasing her, she’s already worked up enough. If she’s loud enough though, she won’t have to tell anyone in the next room what she thinks of you. They’ll know.
With that thought in mind, you duck your head and wrap your lips around her clit, sucking hard. The sound that leaves her throat is akin to something holy. It simmers through your whole body, tingling your ears all the way down to your toes. You’ve settled with being a sinner, if sex with Tara is your absolution.
She writhes under you, her hands unable to reach for you and settling on gripping the sheets instead. Your name leaves her lips and something white hot sits in your belly, ready to shatter. You feel it building when she clenches around your fingers, pushing her hips up into you.
Her breath catches in her throat, her hips stutter and her body locks up, her back arches off the bed and her fists clench at the sheets. She comes unraveled around you, whining and shivering. You wait until she comes down before pulling out of her, kissing her stomach and crawling back up the bed.
You lie on your back to her side, both of you trying to catch your breath. She turns her head to look at you, a dopey smile on her face. She rolls into you, throwing a leg over your waist and tuckers herself into the crook of your neck, her breath warm on your skin.
You turn your head to smile down at her as your breathing finally begins to slow. “Well, what’s the verdict.”
She giggles, hiding her face, “We might have to try again, to be really sure.”
“I’m in. But I think after that, every neighbor in town is gonna know what you think about me.”
She slaps your arm, her face heating up. You laugh, feeling proud of yourself.
“Should be go back to the party?” You ask her, hoping for her to say no.
“Why? So you can gloat? No. They’ll see themselves out.”
“Quinn does love it when she’s right.”
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pinme-up-pinme-down ¡ 1 year
Whispers in the Dark
Pairing: Wednesday Addams x reader
Summary: After a harrowing nightmare, Wednesday tries her best to bring you comfort.
Warnings: soft/ooc!wednesday…you have been warned
Word count: 1.6k
Notes: @vorsdany and i did a matching prompts challenge, so make sure to go read hers as well -> Take Me Home
(also if you think that this is just a worse iteration of this story by tumblr user missmonsters2, you are absolutely correct! go read hers as well<3)
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Wednesday Addams adored nightmares.
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pinme-up-pinme-down ¡ 1 year
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Emma Swan: first appearance
443 notes ¡ View notes
pinme-up-pinme-down ¡ 1 year
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pinme-up-pinme-down ¡ 1 year
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I’m willing to put in the work to rebuild us. To make us stronger and better. STATION 19 | 6x15: What Are You Willing to Lose
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pinme-up-pinme-down ¡ 1 year
I Wanna Be Yours
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|Pairings|: Wednesday X Fem!reader
|Summary/Request|: @deep-fried-egg was the one for this incredible idea. Request Here
|Words|: 2k+ [The longest I've written lol]
|TW|: Swearing, Fluff, dead bodies mentioned.
Wednesday would enjoy the pain and tears in everyones eyes adding the background screams of her enemies. But you were not her enemy, and no, Wednesday wouldn’t describe you as a friend, you were just a weird extra-vert kid in this hell hole of a school. Even if Wednesday would hate to admit it, she liked your personality; a lot.
When it was the time for a girls night out, which Wednesday wasn’t mentally ready for, she accepted when Enid mentioned you will be there. Wednesday Addams was not obsessed, she just had to observe you more closely for her new investigation; the reason why she was attending it even if it made her nauseous.
During that night out, Wednesday watched you, she watched your every move. How you smiled even if there were some marks on your lips and a mark that extended from your left eyebrow to the bottom of the eye. Quite a long mark, were you attacked by this monster in the woods – because those were seeming like they were nail attacks. Or were you, her prey?
When you gave her a small glance, she wasn’t looking at you, she would be glaring at the window or her hand. You were a little dumb to not catch on that, but Wednesday saw how you smiled when Enid mentioned Truth or Dare. What made her have more attention on you was how you mentioned that you have seen the people you love die. Enid and Yoko’s mouths were hung open when you said how your past friends have wronged you and then when you mentioned how they’re dead, you laughed…
She was confused, why will someone laugh when they mention how someone is dead – except her obviously. How you laughed at the things that would be traumatic to a normal human, it made her more curious to dive into you more. Maybe, just maybe – Wednesday was still suspicious of you even though she didn’t want to believe that you are the monster – just a little bit of maybe, you might be her prey.
What a dumb prey she thought
Coach Vlad was dumb, not as you; you were even dumber. He paired you with Bianca. You couldn’t even defeat Wednesday, why in the loving name of you will he pair up you with Bianca. She couldn’t interfere, so she watched. She watched your pathetic attempts at defeating the queen.
And as Wednesday had anticipated, you lost by a simple move, a simple move that even Eugene could defend himself with.
You too had some self-respect as you got up, you shouted at Bianca in anger. That anger wasn’t the one to be feared of, instead, your anger was like when a 5 year old would be angry at their mother for screaming at them.
“I WOULD GET REVENGE NOW, YOU EGOISTIC BASTARD.” You growled at her, but she laughed and put on her mask for another match. Wednesday would bet that you will lose this match too. But she is caught off guard when you got a point from touching her head.
You smirk when you pull your mask up and look at her like you won the Olympics. She smiled at you in appreciation and called out for a blood match. Winner draws first blood, huh.
You licked your bottom lip and threw your mask on ground and attacked her. Wednesday would surely win this bet in her mind. And she did, you were bleeding from a strike on your right cheek. “I would get you next time.” You point at her and were now being dragged by Wednesday as she takes you to the infirmary.
 “ow!” you whine as the nurse was too harsh on your wound. “Let me do it” a hand on the nurses elbow and she carefully hands the cotton to Wednesday, and then leaves, which led to you both being alone in that room. Her soft fingers go around your wound carefully. She pulls your chin up and goes back to cleaning that wound.
You just gulp at her features from this closer. And Wednesdays wish was being fulfilled, she is now close to you. She too looks at you, admiring your features looking at your wounds.
As she places a bandage on your cheek, you expect her to go. You expect.
But she didn’t.
She brushes her fingers, on your wounds, she moves her fingers from your eyebrow and your close your eyes, her fingers come to a stop when it was the wounds end. She now looks at your lips, a small wound there, she touches your upper lip to feel the wound.
Wednesday felt how soft your lips were, she could see how close your face was. It was close enough to sense your breathing. You left breaths on her neck.
That touch was enough to give you shivers down your spine. And you could feel something. Something you haven’t felt before. Something that made your heart pound. This is the closest you’ve ever been with someone.    
Don’t look at her lips. Do not look at her lips. DO NOT DO THAT.
Wednesdays mind kept repeating that sentence in her brain until she finally came to reality that what she was doing. Her hands travel to your neck to grab your collar; which made you open your eyes in shock.
She forcefully pulled you up through your collar and slammed you to the nearest wall. “Who are you?” she asks as you grab her hands. “Y/N?” you answer, and technically, that is the correct answer.
She pulls you and slams you again, which resulted in a groan as you had some wounds there too. But it was a small groan. Wednesday couldn’t notice.
“I mean what are you?” she gritted her teeth and you casually replied “An outcast?” and technically, that is the correct answer.
She slams you again, which led to another small groan and asked “I mean, what are your powers.”
“Ohhh, I am eternal” you smiled and said “Now can you let me go?”
“Or what?”
You smirk and push her hands behind her back and hold it with your one hand and then push her to the parallel wall. Wednesday could easily break through that; she had done it many times. But she didn’t. Instead, that action of her being locked made you proud. Now she is your prey.
“Or this…” you whisper in her ears as your breaths made her neck shake, and her heart almost came out of her mouth.
“Did I interrupt something?” A voice from the door that made you jump but you were relieved when you saw Enid.
“No” Wednesday breaks through your hand and leaves.
“Did you just lock her??” Enid asks you in confusion, knowing how you were an idiot to attack or defend yourself properly.
“YEAH! Isn’t that crazy. Now you give me some respect.” You smirk.
“How…in the…world??” she asks herself as she leaves, following Wednesday.
This incident made you clear. Those wounds were not fresh.
Wednesday haven’t felt love before. She is even new to pointing out if the feeling she is feeling…is love.
Whenever she sees you looking at her, subconsciously, she blinks, more often. Her heartbeat rises, her patience vanishes.
The next thing you remember after Wednesday had told you about her case. You begged. You begged on your knees for her to accept you as her partner. Wednesday certainly enjoyed that, her prey begging her. But she wouldn’t want you to help her. Even if you’re innocent in Wednesday’s suspect list, but you had wounds. Which you had clearly specified, but she saw your little groan at the infirmary from before.
You were naĂŻve, dumb, idiot, stupid, innocent, simple, immature little kid to notice her, noticing you. (She ran out of words)
But your puppy eyes and pleasing words had to touch her heart and she finally agreed.
Your mission was to go to the morgue and identify the bodies. Well, you gladly accepted.
As thing opened the gate to the morgue, you and Wednesday slid in.
“Thing make copies of other victims while Y/N and I do autopsy.” She moved to you and said “Find the body” you nodded and started your work. As you opened one of the refrigerated drawers you exclaimed and caught Wednesdays attention.
“Found ya” you pulled the body towards you and Wednesday said as she reached to you. “Don’t you feel uncomfortable?”
“Why would I?”
She looked at you in confusion and you shrugged and replied with a smile and a casual expression “There was this one time when my ex was trying to force me for doing the close stuff so I ripped him to shreds” She smirked and nodded a bit and started doing the autopsy.
When Thing came back and started signing that someone is coming, Wednesday pushed the body in and held your wrist dragging you to an empty one. She ordered you to go inside and you obliged. You didn’t expect Wednesday to be coming inside too. She pushed herself onto you and thing closed the door.
The second time you both are close to each other. Your hands on her waist and her elbows on your chest as her fingers brushed your neck. This time you both are breathing on each other. Her heart stopped beating and you forgot how to breathe. The fog in the drawer was the only thing keeping you cool, or you would’ve been exploded with the heat rising in your chest.
Wednesday have to accept that she feels. She has to now, or her heart would take over her brain and never let her be the psychopath she isn’t inside. Wednesday would hate to let that happen. Wednesday would hate to be the vulnerable one even if she hides it.
She leans into you more. More and more. Until she was centimeters away from your lips. You couldn’t help but stare at her red lips and just smell her vanilla perfume. You loved how cozy it was getting. Until, Thing opened the door. You almost jumped but got calmed as Wednesday held your neck.
“5 more minutes, I was just getting comfortable.”
You smirked at her words and Thing closed the door and waited.
“I want to tell you something.” Wednesday whispered to you.
“I-” words weren’t coming out of her mouth, but she closed her eyes and let her heart take over.
“I want us to be more than friends, Y/N” she opened her eyes to see your eyes made a more shocked expression.
“Yeah!! We can be best friends” you smiled purely and Wednesday sighed and almost lost hope for you to understand what love means. But she wasn’t the one to give up that easily.
“You know, this feeling…”
“What feeling, Wednesday?”
“The feeling where you like someone.”
“Like a crush?? OMG who is your crush?” you asked while smiling and Wednesday took that as a right moment to tell you.
“You…” she replies while leaning into you more. Her hands cupping your neck and she could feel your heart racing as your chest was touching hers.
Your smiled dropped to a smaller one and you whispered “Yeah?” with a soft tone she hasn’t heard from you before, perhaps a special one.
“I wanna be yours, Y/N” she dropped herself to your lips, finally a feeling she was experiencing coming to life. 
You kissed her like this was the last time you would be able to kiss her, but she was going to give way more of these.
Your hands tighten the grip on her waist and  her hands pull you more towards her. You kissed every part of her lip. Her lips were making your heart pound and you could feel the heat on her chest even if she is cold for everyone, but not to you. Thing knocked on the door making Wednesday realise where she was. She parted away and ordered Thing to open the drawer.
The next thing you remember that you were on Wednesdays bed and she was beside you. You smiled remembering the night before. You placed a small kiss on her forehead and she opened her eyes slowly. She smirked and got on you. Kissing your wounds, placing kisses on every part of it. You grinned as she reached to your lips, placing a soft, wet kiss on your upper lip.
"I wanna be yours"
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pinme-up-pinme-down ¡ 1 year
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euphoria as anime ✨
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pinme-up-pinme-down ¡ 2 years
Regina forever ❤️
ok i want to try something
pick your favorite fictional MILF out of these options ok
and the two MILFs with the highest percentages will be shipped and i’ll write a whole ass fic for them based on the results
vote, and then reblog and in the tags tell your followers which MILF to vote for ;)
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pinme-up-pinme-down ¡ 2 years
Couldn't agree more🤭🛐
The hand says it all.
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pinme-up-pinme-down ¡ 2 years
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What even is oxygen at this point?
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pinme-up-pinme-down ¡ 2 years
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Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, Who’s the Fairest of Them All: [20/?]
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pinme-up-pinme-down ¡ 2 years
I'm not worth it. Saving.
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pinme-up-pinme-down ¡ 2 years
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pinme-up-pinme-down ¡ 2 years
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