talonsj · 6 years
I haven’t heard of her, but I love new friends! Does she have a youtube.com account? Youtube.com is the best place to learn about new people and things.
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You don’t know who MJ is? The fuck. Where have you been? Nah, she’s universal.. let’s just say that. That probably makes no sense. Whatever.
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talonsj · 6 years
CAROLYN: Next time you're not high, we need to have a talk about proper dosages. It sounds like you consumed more than the recommended dose, which I would never suggest. The first thing for you to recognize is that what you're feeling has always been within. Cannabis only amplifies what we're already feeling. It's very important to consume mindfully, so that you can use the effects to sort through what you're feeling rather than attempting to numb out...numbing out never helps anything. First, take a few deep breaths with me. [deep breath] Now...tell me what you're feeling. The first thing that comes into your head. Getting it out of your head and out of your heart will make your experience all the better. This is only coming up for you to release it, not to ruin your experience. So...release it. I'm here to listen. You're not alone.
TALON: [deep breaths] I'm. Having. Sadness. I m-m-miss my family. My g-g-grandparents.
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talonsj · 6 years
CAROLYN: Oh, Talon... [her voice softens] You can always talk to me. What's weighing on your mind?
TALON: [sniffles] I f-finished all my b-brownies. T-they special. And now I have emotions... M-More emotions. What the f-f-fuck ever.
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talonsj · 6 years
CAROLYN: [cheerfully answers the phone] Hello, Tally!
TALON: [weeping hysterically] Carolyn. Car. I-I-I n-need to talk to s-s-someone. But I didn't know who else t-t-to call.
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talonsj · 6 years
If that ain’t the biggest mood of all. It’s exhausting having to pick up after their fuckin’ messes. At least my crew and I know how to handle shit.
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Yeah? Like, why do my weapons work better than yours? What are you good for if you can’t defend others? Why hate on those trying to help? This sick place is twisted. I can’t. I can’t get started on this topic. All I have left to say is that this, among other things, is the reason why I refuse to work for the government again.
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talonsj · 6 years
The popo is pretty shit here, so I think no matter what you’re gonna be safe. They’re about as scary and effective as a poodle.
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Popo. Poodle. They might as well be the same thing. Pigs? Nah. Poodles. No wonder I always have to do their job for them.
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talonsj · 6 years
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My lips are sealed, don’t you worry your pretty lil head about it.
Thank you. I can’t afford to be running from the popo.
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talonsj · 6 years
Never punish yourself! Cannabis is a reward, a gift…not a punishment. But, balance and staying grounded is important. Some people can get lost in the high that the plant offers, but if you remain grounded in reality it won’t be a problem. I know you’re not physically injured but…your time in the service…well, cannabis treats mental ailments as well. Why don’t you come to my garden tomorrow? We can chat, meditate, and I’ll roll you a few joints.
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Are you serious? That would fucking amazing. Meditate? Eh, doesn’t sound like...my cup o’tea. But I guess if you think that’s what’s best for... all of that stuff you said. You can probably teach me more about this whole grounding situation. Not to be confused with grounded the punishment.
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talonsj · 6 years
Well congrats on that, babe. First time with a purpose is always one of the best. Yeah? Cool. Maybe I’ll be down if you wanna share.
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Sweet. Yeah, just, uh, don’t tell anyone, okay?
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talonsj · 6 years
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talonsj · 6 years
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And it seems like the good stuff. Totally jealous. Enjoy it, stud.
I will! Fun fact, it’s my first time... first time with a purpose. Or doing it with a purpose. Yeah. It’s pretty excited. Good stuff. Good stuff. I got a lot. Trust me. Enough of her to go around, if you know what I mean. I mean I can spare some.
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talonsj · 6 years
I can’t help but feel that this is partially my doing. Remember, stay grounded and balanced…and come to me to assure you get the proper strains for your PTS.
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Hmmm...Yeah. Yup. Partially. But that’s a good thing! Stay grounded? What do you mean? Like punish myself? Proper strains? I’m not really injured.
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talonsj · 6 years
Aw you’re high. How cute.
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Hahaha. No.
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talonsj · 6 years
I have a new lover and her name is Mary Jane. Has anyone else ever met her? She’s pretty dope.
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talonsj · 6 years
Are you getting shy? There’s no shame in a little make-believe as we both know. I’m glad you’re finally embracing the harpy metaphors with aplomb, Talon.
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You are out of your mind, kid. 
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talonsj · 6 years
Her name’s Roxanne Jude Jones, her birthday is May 27th, 1996. She likes old people and sleep. There, now she’s not a stranger. Feel free to mark it up.
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As far as I know, she’s got the body of some white boy who looks like he has MCR’s whole The Black Parade album memorized and is missing an arm. I don’t think it’s Bucky Barnes, so if that sounds like you, I’d say yes.
Thank you for the details I suppose. And, yeah, she’s in my body. I also thank you for that description of myself. I don’y have an arm because I lost it back when I was in the Marines. Some friends made me that robotic arm because they were nice enough to. 
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talonsj · 6 years
Wait, that’s really a thing? But what if you shake too much and jiggle the balls? Doesn’t it make you hard? Or are you just flopping your flaccid dick around like a maniac normally? SO many questions. 
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Yes, it’s a thing. We don’t wipe the tip of our penis after we urinate. There’s a rule. After using a urinal you're permitted to remove any excess urine off by shaking your cock twice. Three times you're just having a wank.
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