pioneerdreamer · 22 days
Sometimes, Skeptics Get It Done
Ever wondered how questioning everything can be a superpower? Discover the surprising ways sceptics get things done and why it might be the key to unlocking your next big move.
I’ve always been a bit of a skeptic—okay, maybe more than a bit. But there’s something about questioning everything that seems to get things done. It’s like having a built-in BS detector. A skeptical mindset seeks truth in a world full of uncertainties. I remember being seated in the table room, a cozy freelancer’s office illuminated with the countryside breeze. A hot debate ensues with a…
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pioneerdreamer · 3 months
No Way Up: 5 life-changing mindset tips from a survival drama
Sometimes shit just happens in life. Plans get disrupted to an unrecoverable point. And then you’re left stranded in the middle of nowhere. That’s why you need a pack of inspirational mindset tips to thrive when life becomes a survival drama. Enjoy!
Thinking twice is not good enough. When stuck in a situation where every step you take could mean life, death or worse, suffering. You would think twice and hard enough. Your mindset would determine the comeback. You could design a way out of such a situation even when at the bottom of your emotions. You would try to make every second count to realize your earlier promises. But sometimes…
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pioneerdreamer · 4 months
It's better to learn than regret
It's better to learn than regret.
Three books that had an impact. Discover why. Much advice has come my way. Only two left a deep emotional change. Enough to change my approach to life and adopt an elite mindset. Reading a book can save you 10 years of misery. Gathering knowledge is good. Not much as learning how to use the knowledge. That’s how the first pointer to reading came along. Almost 7 years before meeting Napoleon…
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pioneerdreamer · 4 months
Fear is good- Eliminate its source.
Know you. Know what you want. Decide why you want it. Then, chnage your state of mind and go get it.
Fear is nothing to overcome. It is a state of mind. And you can alter a state of mind to create a desired reality. Thinking fear as evil increases its power over us. My greatest fear was criticism – both from Self and others. I always wanted to fit in. Please even manipulative people. But inner suffering from self-betrayal is worse than death. So, I made a resolution to heal the source.…
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pioneerdreamer · 5 months
Attaining Meaning and Fulfillment – 5 Hypnotic Tips to Clarify Your Purpose
Realizing your purposes reduces the need for life hustle. Surely, true mastery stems from mastery of oneself.
How do you explain the feeling after working on a project and, at the end of the day, an empty feeling hugs you home? Of course, there must be some dark magic around here. What, then, would you do to a force that snatches away your treasure when you can’t get hold of it? That’s the tragedy of fear. The fear of clarifying your purpose and stepping up. The fear of playing big. The old lady…
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pioneerdreamer · 7 months
Some win their mornings, conquering the day.
Daily habits make the quality of life – And your morning routine can either make or break your day! On the far scale, one can lead a busied-dusty life, confusing movement for progress. So, how do you make sure you win in the morning? Like winners, you must learn to prioritize, finesse, and anticipate life with productive routines. Thinking about it, the routines at the start of the day are…
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pioneerdreamer · 8 months
The Ultimate Guide to Remote Success: Top 7 benefits from your freelancer tribe
Remote working has its share of solitude. But you can improve your success and performance with 7 easy tips. Which tip workd for you most?Share your thoughts, they are useful.
Remote freelancers dream of working in virtual offices with colleagues within reach. The overwhelm from tackling unfamiliar topics, designing a new project, and battling personal issues reduces professional success. Unless your room partner is a colleague in the virtual workplace, you need a tribe for your remote game. Let’s face it, Not all the time does the creative spark flow – you get to…
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pioneerdreamer · 1 year
Pages of Purpose: 10 Books Every Dreamer Must Read for Self-Discovery
Andrea Piacquadio, Pexels It would help if you had a purpose Macharia Mwangi The funny and saddest fact is that books on any topic exist, and people do not read them. Then how would you explain when your friend complains,” I do not have a purpose in life. I feel awful”? And then, that becomes their reality, a miserable life. During my quest for the true, authentic self, far from my parents and…
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pioneerdreamer · 1 year
How to Take 10 Steps to Your Radiant Lifestyle: From Stress to Success through Meditation
Hello. Here is a simplified version of meditation to achieve your blissful self in 90 days. Check out for an inspirational journey from stress to success.
Pexels.com ‘Enjoy life because life is phenomenal. It is a magnificent trip’ Bob Proctor I have memorized this quote for six years now, and the changes in my life are remarkable. The statement has become a mantra for daily living, improving my perspective in life and with my social circle. Imagine this, You wake up stressed late in the morning hours, thoughts about yesterday’s failures…
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pioneerdreamer · 1 year
Lessons from "The Checklist Manifesto"
The truly great are daring. They improvise. They do not have protocols and checklists. Maybe our idea of heroism needs updating.
Just be you and let other be.
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pioneerdreamer · 1 year
Macharia Mwangi - Life coach
Friend, for you I say: Personal peace is achievable -
Learn to ask better questions
and be patient with yourself
don't know enough,
You're still learning.
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pioneerdreamer · 2 years
The best manifestation technique – your thoughts
“Become the scientist of your life, specifically the vortex, that’s when life becomes fun” –Author.
Life is simple. Yet, we tend to overthink it.
When you think of an idea, it becomes only powerful when you act on it – either way it becomes insignificant.
Try and reflect on your thoughts today and you will see the patterns appear clearly; how you went there, did that, and got this and now you are back here, thinking that. If thoughts create our reality, then by changing what you think, and then acting on them, you can change your life. although it feels uncomfortable – this I know.
Does that sound metaphysical? Of course not!
Decide for once to do just one experiment in your life; change your thoughts intentionally to something you want and then act on them -  you will come to attest to the power of this wonderful manifestation technique.
With love,
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pioneerdreamer · 2 years
Time Management
"All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others."- George Orwell
The above quote serves as a very categorical and most memorable phrases from the book, Animal Farm.
Restructuring the sentence onto your life for productivity, it would sound like this, " All hours are equal, but some hours are more equal than other".
Quality time varies from your life to another and by recognizing what hours lead to higher productivity, you can change the trajectory of your life.
For my personal life, morning hours form the most productive part of the day. For you, it may be later in the day or even a night owl.
Whenever you identify your gem, life becomes more productive and rewarding.
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pioneerdreamer · 2 years
Don't mistake coincidence with accident
I met a good friend and she asked whether it was a coincidence for us to meet in a such unique place. Meditating upon her question, I realized it wasn't since I would have left earlier but time made the universe align with our meet up.
Reflecting on the incidence, I learnt a valuable lesson of the universe;
Coincidences ain't accidents - its universe's way of showing you the trail of destiny😇🦅
With love,
A starseed.
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pioneerdreamer · 2 years
When life seems hard, think this!
During lunch break, I had a phonecall from a long time friend. Danny, for this case, was among my best sparring buddies when training in a dojo some years back . After a short while of catching up and exchanges random jokes (humor never gets old), he interrupted with almost what I though to be a yell, 'my life's getting harder daily, sometimes I think of letting go!?.
For Danny's case it was somehow reasonable to get slightly pissed with life - he had just lost his medical job, had a newborn baby with a stay at home mom, and he battles a relapse to drugs. However, as I listened intently with all the curses and bitterness spitting out of the earpiece, I got an insight,
"Hey Danny, if you really think your life is damn frustrating, go try to explain sight to a blind man".
Silence took over. The impulse of the words came forth as Danny exhaled deeply, "actually I never thought life could get to this point. Now it's! And the best part is that am alive to do something about it! "
Danny's response made my soul swell with joy at last he had recognized the power of the moment .
And for you, think of how to get in unison with the moment. Because if you don't, life will seem hard.
With love,
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pioneerdreamer · 2 years
What is transcendence? - Using the 3rd stage to transform your life
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