plantmilkfetish · 1 year
The video means more to me than I can say. A Palestinian man drives a bulldozer through Gaza’s wall, rending a hole in it. An ecstatic crowd runs through the hole, barbed wire curls limp on the ground, and the Caterpillar logo, caked in dust, is barely visible. The cameraman is hoarse, screaming to the crowd running through the opening. Some of them are young enough to have been born under the occupation, and have only known the world behind the wall. Some things are unthinkable until they happen. I’ve seen countless videos of Israeli bulldozers ripping up Palestinian olive groves, videos where families stand by, watching the steel-toothed shovels turn their homes to rubble, videos of children standing on piles of gnarled metal and dust, throwing stones at windshields. I won’t presume to know, exactly, what the man driving the machine was feeling when he ripped a hole in the limits of his world, but I know that, while watching it, I felt the shock and beauty of something previously unimaginable taking place. The master’s tools can’t dismantle the master’s house, but they can break his prison walls.
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plantmilkfetish · 1 year
the weird thing about the pearl-clutching around civilians being attacked by an oppressed group seeking liberation is that, the category of “civilian” is already a violent one, doubly so when in the dress of a settler-colonial subject. “civilian” is not some prediscursive entity or subject that is removed from or comes anterior to State violence, it is in fact a result of State violence that then reproduces the State-violence that created it. To be a civilian is violence, violent even to the individual subject, the flesh-and-blood civilian one would talk about.
The violence done to the Israeli civilians, which reports indicate are far overblown and grotesquely characterized and weaponized, are the direct result of the violence of the Israeli State. It is at the feet of colonialism that we must lay the blame and bodies of those hurt by decolonization.
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plantmilkfetish · 1 year
Even Zionist media sources, such as The Times of Israel, have stated that there is no conclusive evidence that even a single case of rape or sexual assault has occurred at the hands of the Palestinian freedom fighters, much less that it has occurred en masse. In an article posted on October 8, 2023, they reported that such cases are only “suspected.” They state that these “concerns of sexual assault” stem from two sources: (1) a video of a woman with blood on her shorts and (2) an image of a woman lying in a truck. While images coming from a war zone are shocking for mostly everyone, absolutely none of the videos released show any conclusive evidence of sexual assault and nor do they reasonably point to the likelihood of sexual assault occurring. Out of many possible explanations, the imperialist and Zionist media has chosen to speculate that these are evidence of sexual assault. Why? In order to organize masses of people into their narrative that Palestinian freedom fighters are evil, monstrous, terrorists. (Not entirely irrelevant, but still important to note, is that the first video actually appears to show the woman being passed off to an ambulance or medical vehicle.)
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plantmilkfetish · 1 year
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Not a single word of this needs to be changed for it to be used as a defense of Afrikaner apartheid in the 1980s
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plantmilkfetish · 1 year
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"nobody in the world, nobody in history, has ever gotten their freedom by appealing to the moral sense of the people who were oppressing them" Assata Shakur
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plantmilkfetish · 1 year
pouncing and leaping on the ego and straddling its chest and giving it a deep life giving kiss full of tongue and then plunging the knife deep into its neck and watching as it spasms and dies but my eyes are heart eyes the whole entire time because i loved this thing and watched it grow but for it to truly be free and at peace it must die and also i touch its boob before it dies
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plantmilkfetish · 1 year
Me: So yeah, casual english has completely changed since then. Nowadays instead of 'There was a crying baby on the bus today' you would say 'Me when I'm in a being loud and annoying competition and my opponent is crying baby on bus.' And then you'd post this picture of Squidward. Oh, uh, Squidward is a guy from a cartoon-"
Reanimated Corpse of John Wilkes Booth: *Has been staring angrily at a penny for the last 15 minutes and not listened to a word I've said*
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plantmilkfetish · 1 year
Circle of protection against capitalism
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plantmilkfetish · 1 year
Circle of protection against capitalism
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plantmilkfetish · 1 year
the thing about the Zionist accusations of Palestinian baby-beheadings and wartime rapes is that even if they were true (which they aren't), there is no ethically consistent way to denounce Hamas for those actions while still supporting Israel. if you accept the axiom that "any group that kills children/civilians or rapes women from a specific demographic is irredeemably barbaric and so is the cause they're fighting for and everyone in the same demographic as them and anyone who supports them", you would have stopped supporting Israel as soon as you learned how to use Google, because they have been killing and raping Palestinians for decades. you cannot claim to be taking a principled stand against rape and civilian killings by supporting the settler colony that proudly wields both of those things as tools in their ongoing genocide against the people you are mad at. Israel loves killing civilians as an act of ethnic cleansing so much that they sent weapons to Azerbaijan LAST MONTH to help them do exactly that in Nagorno-Karabakh. Israel is the schoolyard bully who never gets in trouble because they're the principal's kid but any of their victims who hit back with a fraction of the force are instantly expelled, except instead of giving out swirlies and purple nurples they're running the largest concentration camp on earth and violating human rights like it's going out of style
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plantmilkfetish · 1 year
laius is a weird cook but he’s not a bad cook; he just uses ingredients you wouldn’t normally use or balk against but you end up REALLY liking it and being surprised and learning something about yourself. farlyn is just a bad cook
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what i’ve prepared for you today is odd and a bit strange, but I think you’ll like it. it’s reindeer moss and last year’s cep mushrooms. we foraged the moss from outside yesterday– a bit strange, but it’s absolutely delicious
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i found some leaves outside and they had weevils on them and i thought “well if they like the leaves then we can too!” there’s still some weevils on them tho so watch out
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plantmilkfetish · 1 year
Listen carefully because im only going to say this once. You're going to go to Homiez Coffee at 4th and Lavaca at 11:15 am. You will see my agent there. Her name is GUNHOUND. She looks exactly like solid snake but with 80% more body fat and 60% more muscle mass. She will be wearing tactical gear over a ripped dio muscle tank and cargo pants. She will be smoking two Winston cigarettes at once. She will be wearing invader zim black and white striped fingerless arm gloves with titanium studs on the knuckes. You will approach her facing towards the sun. If you approach from any other angle GUNHOUND will drop you like an anvil. You will be dead before you can even think to ask "hey GUNHOUND is that a UNSC M90 CAWS shotgun or are you your penis in happy to see my." You will approach GUNHOUND facing towards the sun and say the following code phrase: w-w-w-what's going on. On. GUNHOUND will answer: ding ding. You will then obtain GPS coordinates on a raising cane's napkin to a dead drop in Soldier 76 Memorial Park. That's where you'll find your mids.
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plantmilkfetish · 1 year
I Can Eat Glass
I Can Eat Glass was a linguistic project documented on the early Web by then-Harvard student Ethan Mollick. The objective was to provide speakers with translations of the phrase "I can eat glass, it does not hurt me" from a wide variety of languages; the phrase was chosen because of its unorthodox nature. Mollick's original page disappeared in or about June 2004.
As Mollick explained, visitors to a foreign country have "an irresistible urge" to say something in that language, and whatever they say (a cited example being along the lines of "Where is the bathroom?") usually marks them as tourists immediately. Saying "I can eat glass, it does not hurt me", however, ensures that the speaker "will be viewed as an insane native, and treated with dignity and respect".
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plantmilkfetish · 1 year
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A loosely-autobiographical fiction, An Index of Personalities is a 43-page graphic novel about a fractured boy who dies without knowing the experience of love but, miraculously, wakes up from the dead in the driver's seat of a 1989 Ford Crown Victoria. Through connecting with the people he meets in his drive across America, he learns how to glue the damaged pieces of his mind together for the first time.
This book is the largest collage project I've ever made and took me ten months to finish. I glued, stitched, laminated, cut, burned, painted, colored, built, created, and destroyed hundreds of sources dating from the 1950's to today. All of this material was gifted to me by others, found in secondhand stores and garbage bins, childhood books I've kept for nearly two decades, outlandishly outdated science textbooks, and personal mementos. Scanning this collage unfortunately means you won't get to play with the stuffed letters, hidden niches, and other interactive elements, but I like to think it stands up without them! From Neopets, to Dostoyevsky, to Playboy, to the illustrated Big Game Animals of North America this book is bound to, it has a lot going on. I try to read whatever I take from, and I've learned so much that I never would have found any other way. I'm so excited to finally be able to put this out into the world! If you'd like to read the whole thing, I figured out how to make a Gumroad so you can get the files for free at this link. <3
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plantmilkfetish · 1 year
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plantmilkfetish · 1 year
imagine getting banned from social media for saying what snape did to dumbledore
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plantmilkfetish · 1 year
i like socializing with other queer people but man there is nothing quite like having a married straight guy as a friend
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