plantmomindenial · 5 months
The other day I was browsing at the mall when I saw a The Flintstones themed sweatpants and nostalgia made me buy it
Tonight, I was just washing my teeth, staring into the abyss as usual when I started thinking about my new purchase
The Flintstones was translated into Hungarian by the phenomenal Romhányi József, an amazing poet (among many other things)
What makes the Hungarian translation special is that while the original American cartoon wasn't, Romhányi translated it into rhymes
The whole thing
The whole thing rhymes and it's amazing
Anyways, non surprisingly, Romhányi has a nickname: Romhányi a rímhányó
Now, translating it very very literally: rím = rhyme, hányó=a person throwing up
But Romhányi, the rhyme barfer just doesn't have that underlying coolnes and positive connotation that "rímhányó" has
So I was thinking, how does one express that someone can rhyme very well in a cool way?
And then it hit me...
He's spitting bars
Romhányi, the bar spitter
Hereby I conclude: Romhányi, who was born in 1921, is indeed a bar spitter
Thank you for coming to my ted talk
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plantmomindenial · 9 months
"yeah I'm mentally fine it's okay"
*sleeps for 12 hours*
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plantmomindenial · 10 months
I've always liked Kard but never really got into them or their music, I just knew a couple of bangers and enjoyed the occasional funny video on my fyp
This changed today as I attended the Budapest stop on their Playground tour and oh. my. god
Absolutely in love
I went with a friend who loved them and know I understand on a fundamental level
After a good night's sleep I am going to binge watch all their videos and listen to their whole discography
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plantmomindenial · 10 months
I'm so used to the hungarian language being very rare that when I saw this achivement I thought the game read what language your computer was in (a lot of other games do) and translated it to it. Only when I tried to search a rough english translation and it yieling nothing did I decide to search it in it's pure form and holy shit it is actually in hungarian
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If you're wondering it's a title of a poem from a very famous hungarian poet (Petőfi Sándor) and it is roughly translated to "I would be flowing water"
((I would be flowing water // a mountain's river // who's rough path // is flowing between rocks... // But only if my lover // was a small fish // swimming up and down between my waves //wallowing happily))
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plantmomindenial · 11 months
Since I refuse to do spiral abyss (i sometimes do floor 9 and 10 but very rarely do i attempt 11 or 12) there hasn't really been any hard content for me in the overworld
And now that I started a new account I get to experience the struggle early game was and let me tell you i am having a BLAST
The thrill, the excitement, the will-i-live-or-will-i-die, the is-the-timer-going-to-run-out-or-will-i-barely-get-it-with-a-second-left
It's fun, i would recommend it
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plantmomindenial · 11 months
I cannot fucking believe it
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plantmomindenial · 11 months
Damn I miss being a preteen and being obsessed with one thing and one thing only at a time and being able to just think about that one thing and consume disgusting amounts of content without feeling bored
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plantmomindenial · 11 months
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sleeby time...
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plantmomindenial · 11 months
I pluck my brother's eyebrows (just the middle) occasionally (he wouldn't do it himself) and oh my god if you ever have the need for a good laugh please try it, it's so funny-
Like, plucking it second nature to me, I don't even feel it and then here's my brother, getting teary eyed, sneezing constantly and just straight up not having a great time (over some eyebrow hair!!!) and it hilarious
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plantmomindenial · 11 months
Going shopping with your brother is so fun (we're both young adults and don't know shit about shopping)
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plantmomindenial · 11 months
This is so bad and so good and I'm way more obsessed than I should be
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plantmomindenial · 11 months
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got the skin on day 1 let's goooooo
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plantmomindenial · 1 year
Not only did I ran out of Mora but also weapon enhancement ores WHICH NEVER HAPPENED TO ME BEFORE-
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plantmomindenial · 1 year
Fun fact: i was inspired and went around helping lower AR people on my AR 55 account and stumbled upon this girl called... uhhhh... let's call her Lia for now. So Lia was at level 16 and had a hard time with Dragonspine so me and this AR 57 guy (let's call him Mark) went around with her and one shot lvl 12 enemies with our lvl 90 Shinobu and Yelan lol
He knew a lot about the quest and I was just kind of there to heal occasionally
But anyways later we were just waiting around and I took a closer look at Lia's name which had 6 numbers in it. Based on her typing style, general behavior and those numbers I concluded she was probably 10 and I was right
When Mark came back I asked for his age and my guess was successful, he was indeed 19
And then we continued to hold her hand while unlocking tp points and statues of the seven lol
It felt like babysitting (in a good way) and it was so wholesome
I opened a second genshin account (blonde only challenge) and since I'm so low level I let people join in in co-op to farm (since I don't need those materials) and stuff and this person named Kuwana was just so sweet and helpful and just aw
They joined, asked if I needed help, defeated the Geo Cube (my worse enemy) like 3 times and helped me farm hilichurl masks
I hope I have similar experiences in the future as well
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plantmomindenial · 1 year
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plantmomindenial · 1 year
I opened a second genshin account (blonde only challenge) and since I'm so low level I let people join in in co-op to farm (since I don't need those materials) and stuff and this person named Kuwana was just so sweet and helpful and just aw
They joined, asked if I needed help, defeated the Geo Cube (my worse enemy) like 3 times and helped me farm hilichurl masks
I hope I have similar experiences in the future as well
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plantmomindenial · 1 year
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