please-save-me-ffxv · 3 years
Chapter 2: More...
Gentle Starlight asks for more than she bargained for...
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"R-Ravus..." a whimper of his name left my lips as I felt my life essence leave my body and enter his own.
His body stiffened against mine and I felt a shudder run through it. Ravus's fangs slowly dislodged themselves from my throat and I felt droplets of my blood leaking down my throat in thin rivulets.
"Say my name again, Starlight." he whispered against the curve of my shoulder, his voice honeyed and gentle.
My hands wove their way up around behind him, one pulling him closer by pressing against the back of his neck weaving into the pure white stands of his hair, the other clinging to the back of Ravus's shoulder to lever myself higher against him.
"Gods above Ravus, please..." I begged him, lost in the thrill the feeling of him drawing away my blood gave me.
I understood now. Understood why once you were caught by a vampire and were in their clutches, you were powerless to escape unless they themselves let you go. The rush, the power, the pleasure you felt from them drawing away your blood, your life, was incredible. I felt a shuddered sigh brush against my throat and felt Ravus slide his hands down and lift me up and I instinctively wrapped my legs around his waist. With a single hand supporting me under my thigh, he pinned my body to the wall with his own, yet held my neck cocked just far enough away from it that he could suck and lave at the bite he had inflicted, and I couldn't help but gasp in delight.
"So good, so sweet, like the Ulwaat berries you find in the fields." Ravus's voice curled it's way into my mind.
A gentle nip at my jaw snapped my out of the stupor the pleasure his deadly kiss had pulled me into. My hazy eyes gazed down towards him and I beheld what I thought would terrify at me first. Bright crimson blazed up at me as he smiled almost coyly. Yet there was also a haze of pleasure glazing over those crimson eyes of his as well.
"Ravus?" I whispered softly.
His eyes slid halfway shut and the smile slid from his face as he inhaled a deep breath, dropping his face against the side of my throat that was free of blood.
"The way you call my name, Starlight. It makes me so weak for you. Be careful, sweet one. I don't want to hurt you..." Ravus's voice was almost a whimper against me.
That was when I realized. Even if Ravus had power over me...I had power over him as well. It went both ways. Thus I realized why a human was always sacrificed to a vampire. They could never be together as lovers, because the human could use their form of 'power over the vampire' so to speak, to manipulate them to as they wanted.
That was why I was a Sacrifice for Ravus. The Queen wanted me dead and was hoping for Ravus to kill me. But his words...Astrals his words. Had Ravus fallen in love with me? Against his mothers wishes!
"And what if I want you to hurt me, Ravus?" I carded my fingers deeper into his hair as I prodded gently with my question.
I knew I was playing with fire, but Ravus's fire...I would play with and gladly burn in...
"Astrals, don't ask me that Starlight!" I felt him hiss out on a sharp breath.
I yanked back on the pale stands that I had in my hand and glared down into the surprised crimson ones that gazed back up at me.
"Then I won't ask you, Ravus. I'll tell you..." I tilted my head to the side baring my throat that was still dripping blood, "Hurt me..."
I heard what I swore was a muttered, "Sweet Six!" before I felt his fangs sink deep into my throat again.
My hand tightened on the pale strands I had been holding and my hand gripped Ravus's shoulder tighter. A small whimper escaped my throat, but I didn't struggle in his grasp. This was utter and pure pleasure as they had said. An ultimate sin for sure, but one I was willing to make. Ravus slowly slid his fangs from my throat again and I pulled him up for a blind, uncoordinated kiss.
I didn't care that he had just drank my blood. I was daring to play with Ravus's fire, so I was gladly going to dive deep in while I burned. As Ravus fully registered what I had done, his hand slid up into my hair and pulled as he rose higher than me so he could press down into a more dominant, open mouth kiss that nearly left me breathless in its intensity. Not to be outdone, I tried to pull Ravus back down, but with his body pinning me to the wall, he had more leverage over me. In retaliation, the hand that had been holding me up came sliding up my hip, up my waist to stop on my ribcage just below my breast.
His thumb followed the curve of it, but never touched.
It was a warning...but also a question.
'You know I'm stronger than you, don't test me. But, still...Am I allowed to touch? Do I have your permission?' 
I stifled the gasp that threatened to leave my lips, and Ravus's head tilted to the side. Slowly, his hand began to slide back down. However, my hand flew from his shoulder and covered his, pressing it back where it where it had rested. My fingers splayed out, my thumb forcing his own up and around my breast and and guiding his hand to cup it as Ravus pleased before releasing his hand. My own eased itself down to rest against his forearm as Ravus slowly leaned down.
Thinking that he also planned to sink his fangs into my breast now, I braced myself for the pain, but all I felt was a gentle press of lips through the fabric of my dress. Then crimson eyes shyly peeked up at me through surprisingly dark lashes. A smile crossed my face, and a small giggle escaped my lips at just how gentle the kiss had been. Pink tinged itself across Ravus's cheeks beautifully, and I swore to the Astrals right then and there, that I belonged to this man no matter what he wanted to do to me. Even if I was to die by his hand, it didn't matter.
I would even gladly hand him whatever weapon he so chose to do it with myself. Though Ravus took my blood without my permission, and he craved to touch my body, which by all technicalities belonged to him. He had asked permission and even let me be the one to guide him to do to so. And as I allowed Ravus to do so, he gave me such a honest display of vulnerability in return. He leaned back up and pressed both our foreheads together, smiling as he slid his hand down to once again help hold me up.
"Ravus Nox Fleuret! You have that girl where you need her, and you've played with her long enough! Drain her body and be done!" a sharp, angry female voice rang out loudly down the hall to where Ravus had me pinned to the wall, and both of us snapped our gaze towards it.
However, before I could truly register who it was, Ravus had forced my face quickly, but gently against his throat to hide me away and bared his fangs in a threatening hiss at the person. They had interrupted a personal and heated moment, not to mention Ravus partaking of his first taste of his Sacrificial offering. That in and of itself was a taboo punishable by death if Ravus so wished it. But then clicking heels made their way down the hall until they were no more than fifteen feet away from us. A respectable distance, considering they did not wish to challenge the fact that Ravus was claiming me.
All the same, the person still glared at him.
"You have finally taken the prize I gave you, Ravus. Now drain the girl and kill her. She is worth nothing more then the nutrition her body contains. I'll have the servants collect the body when you finish. Be quick about it, as well.
King Regis has arrived with Prince Noctis and has requested an audience with your sister and the two of us." the Queen snapped, scrutinizing the way Ravus was holding me and had pressed my face against his throat, hiding me away from her fierce gaze.
"Hold your tongue, mother! You will not speak of her that way!" Ravus growled back, his eyes flashing dangerously as he pulled me from the wall and held me tightly against his chest.
Despite knowing Ravus would not let me fall, I clung tighter to him. I didn't want the Queen to pull me away. I knew she had figured out, just by those few spoken words, that Ravus had become attached to me. A sin in and of itself. I now held power over her son...and because of that I was about to be in some deep shit. 
I could feel the sheer anger radiating off Ravus. It was cold, almost icy in its temperature. I shivered violently in Ravus's arms, and the hand on the back of my neck gently soothed its way down over my back, and warmth instantly flooded its way through my body. Like sunlight had shown down from above and warmed me. The Queen saw this and became furious, lancing forward in her anger.
"You filthy witch! What spell have you cast upon my son?!" she screeched as she grabbed for me, trying to wind her hand into my long white hair and yank me backwards out of Ravus's arms.
But Ravus swiftly swept my hair up and away from her hands and spun gracefully out of her reach, my blood dotting the Queens face as he moved away. As the Queen crashed into the wall on the opposite side of the hall, she turned and hissed, baring her own glistening fangs at Ravus and I.
"I should have killed you myself, you wench, and given your brother to Lunafreya. Then this would have never happened." she growled, drawing a hand across her face and wiping the droplets of my blood off it carelessly.
Swiping them away with a lick of her tongue, she prepared to launch herself at Ravus again, before she stopped mid-lunge. A vacant expression took over her face as her hands dropped to her sides, then she slowly raised her hand once more and swiped her tongue over the traces of my blood that still remained. Her eyes then zeroed in on me, still clinging onto Ravus.
"You are no witch..." her voice was barely a whisper, barely audible as it left her lips, expression turning soft and apologetic as she looked at me.
She bowed her head and held her hands out to her sides in surrender.
"Forgive me, my son. I had no idea how pure and sweet her blood was." her voice was now reverent as she backed away, head still bowed as if in supplication, "I leave her to you. Take as much time as you need. I give you the option to keep her even, if that is what you wish.
The choice is yours, my son. She is yours, do with her what you will. I will tell the others you are indisposed right now."
The Queen turned quickly and almost fled down the hall, the clicking of her shoes fading fast. The warmth of the aura I had been feeling from Ravus faded, and I felt him release a breath I hadn't realized he had been holding.
"Ravus?" I questioned, pulling back to look him in the eye.
His face looked so sad, so downcast as I gazed at him. Grazing gentle fingertips down over the side of Ravus's brow, I turned my hand so the back of my fingers would cast themselves over his cheek, my thumb slowly drawing a gentle line under his eye. Well, he gave me a nickname...and he reminded me of it so much, so why not?
"Moonlight...talk to me." I gently prompted him.
A shuddering gasp entered his lips as his eyes widened. 
I smiled down at Ravus, and tilted my head, a small giggle leaving my lips.
"Yes, Moonlight. You remind me of it so very much, Ravus. I've snuck up to the top of Fenestala Manor at night sometimes when the moon was full. It was so large and bright and it gave off such a cold, unyielding light. But yet, I found comfort in this cold light.
Because despite the light being cold, I had a feeling that someone would be there for me if I waited there maybe one night longer under another full moon. And just now, I felt such cold, unyielding anger from you. But when you ran your hand down my back to comfort me, I felt as if the warmth of sunshine had just shown down over me and calmed my fears. I knew I was safe, I knew I was protected from anything, that nothing could touch me. I felt that even the Astrals would have to cut you down to get to me at that moment." my voice was soft as I cupped my hand against his cheek, watching as Ravus seemed to instinctively tilt his head into it.
"It seems then Starlight, that you are the other half of my soul that I have been seeking for so very long now..."
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please-save-me-ffxv · 3 years
Chapter 1: How We Met
The Sacrifice is wandering in Fenestala Manor...she finally meets up with Ravus for the first time...
"I didn't ask for you. My mother chose you for me. Forgive me, gentle Starlight." his voice had quieted to a whisper as his arms slipped around me, pulling me up against him, "But I can't stop myself from this anymore. I've kept away for too long. I've denied myself this for too long, I've denied myself of my Sacrifice. I can't deny myself anymore. I simply can't help myself.
Please, gentle Starlight forgive me, I'm sorry."
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The gilded halls around me stretch out so far. I'm not going to stop running though. I never will. I'm going to find my way out of here! Even if it kills me I will be free of this place! I will not be caged! I will not stay here! I am my own person and I will not be a prisoner! I will not be the Sacrifice I was captured to be! I refuse! I refuse! I! Refuse!
Though the halls of this place are bright, and though there are gardens of green all around, I feel like I am a prisoner. I am a prisoner. I have never been outside these walls. The walls of Fenestala Manor have always been my cage. It is a gilded cage at that.
So bright, so beautiful. The Queen seems so generous to those outside...she is a liar. I am to be a sacrifice. Either to her daughter, Lunafreya...whom I have met, or to her son, Ravus...a ghost I have yet to see wandering these pale halls. Lunafreya does not seem so bad an Immortal.
She is quaint, gentle, and kind. I would not be opposed to allowing her my blood. Seeing as that has been what I was chosen for, my blood being found rich and nutritious for the Nox Fleuret line. However, if I am to be given to Ravus...well, I would at least like to meet the man before he sinks his fangs into me. I mean, if you were going to be drained of your blood as a Sacrifice, wouldn't you at least like to know who the person is and what they look like before it happens.
I mean, will they have pretty eyes, or will they just be plain and dull. I know they will gleam crimson as my life fades. I've seen it happen to so many others. The Queen has forced me to watch her when she drank from my brother. She told me it was so I knew my fate.
Although, she conveniently left out which of her children I'd belong to. Which brings me back to where I am now. Lunafreya or Ravus? Lady Lunafreya was a slight, tall, blonde. She reminded me of her mother in looks.
But her demeanor was so much warmer, so much kinder. The two of us have actually sat and laughed together. Which in a way, leads me to believe that Lunafreya is not the one that I belong to. How could you sit next to someone and laugh so happily like that. Smile like that, and not look like you wanted to sink your fangs into their throat at any second.
No, Lunafreya never looks at me like that. I only ever see friendship in her eyes. So I must belong to her brother, Ravus. But I have never seen him. I've never caught a glimpse of the man wandering these halls.
I wonder what he looks like? Does he look like his mother, with blonde hair and blue eyes as well? Or perhaps does he resemble his father, whom I've also never seen? So many questions, lead to no answers... Yet they do lead to me running into someone considering I'm entirely lost in my thoughts and not watching where I'm going.
"Oh I'm terribly sorry! Please forgive me!" I yelp out, as I actually end up bouncing back off the persons chest.
A gentle hand reaches out and catches my wrist before I can fall back, and pulls me forward against the chest I just bounced off of.
"Careful, gentle Starlight. Can't have what my mother offered me getting injured just cause she wasn't paying attention, now can we?" a warm chuckle rumbles through the chest that I had just been pulled against as soft lips brushed against my wrist.
"What the...?" my head snapped up and I am met with the most beautiful pair of heterochromatic eyes I've ever seen. 
A large, warm palm came up behind my waist and pressed me more firmly against the man that had appeared seemingly out of no where. However, I was still lost in his eyes. A galaxy bright, entrancing lavender in one and the other the most lovely and gentle sky blue.
"So dainty a thing my mother has offered me. Hair white as the stars above, yet she forces you to run around in a simple black dress." the man pulled me in a circle around him, making me show off the drab black dress that I was wearing and making my long, thigh length white hair stream out around us, "Yet still, it suits you wonderfully."
He released my waist and cupped my chin gently, pulling my face close to his own.
"Your eyes though, they remind me of Winter. Fresh ice frozen on the ground, such a pale blue. So harsh and cold to those you hate, but they could be warm and clear as a stream of sweet water to those you love. Am I right, gentle Starlight?" he asked, as he released me and once again pressed a soft kiss to my wrist.
Left in a daze, the words 'what mother offered me' didn't hit until a few seconds after he pressed the second kiss to my wrist.
Yanking my hand away from him I glared up into his eyes and hissed, "You're Ravus aren't you?"
He blinked down at me, seemingly confused as to why my attitude towards him had changed so quickly.
"I am. Is there a problem..." he began.
"Yes, there is a fucking problem!" I yelled at him.
"I beg your pardon, I have done nothing to you." his voice was calm as he replied to my anger.
"I'm a Sacrifice to you! You are my death walking! That's what you've done to me!" I yelled at him again.
Suddenly, my body was backed up against the wall behind me. There was no pain upon my impact, but as Ravus's hands hit the wall on either side of my head, imprints were made of each of them.
"Do you think that I asked my mother for you? Do you?" Ravus's voice hissed next to my ear, and I froze unable to move.
"...n-no..." I stammered, my voice barely audible.
"I didn't ask for you. My mother chose you for me. Forgive me, gentle Starlight." his voice had quieted to a whisper as his arms slipped around me, pulling me up against him, "But I can't stop myself from this anymore. I've kept away for too long. I've denied myself this for too long, I've denied myself of my Sacrifice. I can't deny myself anymore. I simply can't help myself.
Please, gentle Starlight forgive me, I'm sorry."
Soft white hair tickled the side of my face as he lowered his face to my throat, gently sweeping my hair to the side with a nuzzle of his nose, and sweeping softly over the vein he was going to pierce with his fangs with his lips. My eyes grew wide with fear and horror as I felt his fangs scrape over my throat as a gentle warning of what was to come.
'I don't want to be your sacrifice! I don't want you to...stop! Please, stop! Don't! Don't!
...please...please, don't stop...it feels...so good...'
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please-save-me-ffxv · 3 years
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These three pictures are the opening outfits that my characters wear. Ravus is blessed enough to have both arms. However he is still the same age as in-game, all other features remain as well. This is AU so there will be slight changes to time-lines, peoples personalities, as well as whether they are alive or not. (Don't worry the personality only really applies to one person) Also do forgive me, this may seem like pure smut (it is self-indulgent) but as said before this already has a sequel so there is plot to all this smutty goodness!
Chapters will be listed for now and will be filled in as I post them seeing as I mostly post from my phone, so shortening the Chapters by doing that one thingy that does the read below or wtf ever its called can't be done on mobile. So Chapters are long af so that's why I'm doing this.
Chapter 1: How We Met
Chapter 2: More...
Chapter 3: My Other Half
Chapter 4: My Pleasure to Complete Our Bond?
Chapter 5: We Are Bonded For Eternity
Chapter 6: The Stars Burn
Chapter 7: To Light My Match
Chapter 8: To Ignite His Flames
Chapter 9: To Burn in the Ashes of Our Fire
Chapter 10: My Sight May Be Gone, but I am Still Here
Chapter 11: A Subconscious Spell is Cast
Chapter 12: A New Chamberlain
Chapter 13: A New Chamberlain Part 2
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
My Beautiful Family
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
I would once more like to remind readers that this is a M rated story. Minors please beware, 18+ only.
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