plutau · 1 year
pluto in solar return chart 🔮🌞
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aspects between Pluto and the planets in the solar return chart are important. and they will define things, as such aspects can take a long time to change orbit, due to the slow movement of Pluto.
Pluto's positions on the solar return chart are very interesting to understand points where we may have greater emotional and psychological turmoil, where we may have more intense situations that year, where we can project ourselves, issues where we need to evolve, grow, unconscious patterns, intensity, unconscious force, problems, issues that need to be better controlled.
pluto in 1st house - problems related to self-control, self-confidence, image passed on to others, intense behaviors. need to review your view of yourself, to rebuild self-esteem. deep experiences of self-knowledge may be needed at this time. self-transformation, self-empowerment, self-knowledge. this is a moment very connected to your Self, an experience that needs and will probably impact your inner life.
pluto in 2nd house - it may be necessary to review the notions you have had about life, what values ​​you have carried with you, your view on personal and material values. it's also a time when you will have to undergo transformations regarding how you handle money and material goods. Pluto here causes a lot of discomfort and is dual, ambiguous. it's a confusing placement for Pluto, who doesn't get along so well with the sign of Taurus. Pluto tends to challenge the issues of stability and the quest to control everything materially speaking, but at the same time, instead of asking such questions, you can become quite obsessive about material things. beware of behaviors that try to supply internal issues through consumerism, for example.
pluto in 3rd house - questions regarding communication, education and mind. Pluto in this house can bring up different experiences, problems with communication, issues to problems that will arise precisely because of issues involving misunderstandings, and this can demonstrate a need to evolve and transform the way you communicate. interruptions regarding education and transformation in your mind can occur in this period of one year.
pluto in 4th house - a moment when you can go through changes in the way you experience your emotions, as well as deep changes in the way you see your family and treat it. this can occur through conflicts, or through coming into contact with subjects that are somewhat different from what you are used to, which can make you reflect.
pluto in 5th house - this may be a period when you need to change the way you treat your ego, how you experience relationships with others in terms of expectations, demands. your power of expression that can be used in creativity may need to be more controlled. you may need to work more on your confidence and how you see your potential in the things you do. may be a time when you will have to work on defensiveness and irritability.
pluto in 6th house - period when you need to review what you see at work, your idea about serving, about what is and is not useful. period of reviewing your conceptions about effort. it may be time to change your habits, your work and health issues. moment of attention to health and routine, as intensity in these areas can bring problems, accidents.
pluto in 7th house - this year could mean seeing yourself through your relationships. you'll be brought to face your personality through relationships and exchanges with other people. there is a need to evolve in your concept of relationship, of how to treat people, the needs you have of other people - lack, jealousy. profound changes in relationships can come at this time. it can be a time to reach deeper into the relationship, and also can represent a time of problems with the people you relate to - acquaintances, enemies and in love.
pluto in 8th house - period of many psychological changes. the way you'll deal with life tends to change at some point during this period, either permanently or through a first step towards greater change. this is because Pluto seeks transformation and is a planet that touches on issues that others don't have the ability to touch, so it brings up everything you imagine, the good and bad things in a situation, person, thought, relationship. being in the 8th house means an even greater willingness to achieve such transformations, which will take place on an inner level. it's a time with a lot of focus on personal development, on getting to know more about yourself in a deeper way, recognizing your thought and behavior patterns that no longer serve you, as well as people that no longer do you good. sex can also be a more present than usual issue in your year. it's time to allow a rebirth into your life.
pluto in 9th house - transformations in the way you see the adversities of life, how you deal with religion, changes or situations that can impact your belief system, discomforts may arise at this time, demonstrating a need to look deeper and see points to be transformed. at the same time, it can be a period of really focusing on the ideas you have, getting to know more about them, but also becoming fixed and inflexible, so it's important to be careful with this trend.
pluto in 10th house - profound changes that can be achieved in relation to career, profession, it may be that you change the path you will follow now, or it may be that something about your area comes to the fore during this period. this can be a period in which you can find yourself so lost, without being able to perceive the ideal path for you to take, the need to flee from following the steps of this earthly and material life; how much you may also feel too stubborn to pursue your goals. your reputation or image passed to the public can be greatly impacted during this period.
pluto in 11th house - you may have a hard time changing your thoughts during this period, although Pluto brings the duality of you needing to transform your thoughts, the ideas you have about things and people. this moment can be quite intense in regards to friendships or groups you are part of, breaks in friendships, discovering who people are, disappointments. you may also be taking your personal/mental connections more seriously.
pluto in 12th house - this is a very deep position, and one that tends to bring a lot of need for transformation. through this placement, Pluto touches on psychological issues, on empathy, parts of your personality that you unconsciously hide from yourself. this position demonstrates the need for self-knowledge. internal and past patterns needing to be faced.
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plutau · 2 years
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this is the most true astrology tweet i have ever seen in my life
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plutau · 2 years
Planets in the 8th House and Places You Feel “Regenerated.”
The 8th is responsible for producing a feeling of being regenerated and revitalized on a deep level. Planets rule specific places in Astrology. When planets are in the 8th house they can make you feel regenerated, stronger, or even possibly extend your life when you spend time or live in these kinds of places.
The Sun represents forests, mountains, open spaces, and places of worship. Sun in the 8th can be the kind of person who feels regenerated and stronger spending time in forests. Spending time up in a high location like mountain tops or on skyscrapers looking across the land can be regenerating. 8th house Sun can also feel regenerated and pure from spending time in open spaces with nothing around them. Sun is also a religious/spiritual planet liking to spend time in temples or places of worship to feel regenerated.
Living in a heavily forested area, high up on a hill with a view, or in a private open lot of land can be particularly energizing.
The Moon in astrology rules the home, the birth homeland, and watery places. When Moon is in the 8th house spending time at home is primarily what produces a feeling of regeneration. For this reason, they can be a homebody. Being around water and partaking in water activities also regenerates the 8th house moon soul. Living by lakes, rivers, oceans, or having a pound on the home lot is good for the soul of Moon in the 8th. A bathtub in the home too can be beneficial.
Mercury in Astrology rules over cities, mixed-use neighborhoods, and markets. When posted in the 8th house Mercury brings a feeling of regeneration by being involved in the local community. We may see therapeutic effects from simply doing things like walking in the neighborhood, eating at local eateries, shopping in local businesses, or even going to comedy clubs. It’s in the best interest of Mercury in the 8th to live in an actual city to keep the life force strong.
Venus in Astrology is linked with the actual physical home and heavily into places of city culture and social gatherings. Venus in the 8th house feels regenerated doing any number of things that can be considered cultural activities. A feeling of being alive can come from going to theaters, music halls, art galleries, street fairs, or dating Venus. Venus posted in the 8th also feels regenerated simply from going places to shop. It’s not unusual to feel alive going to shopping centers, markets, grocery stores, or auctions.
Since Venus is linked with the home thanks to its Taurus rulership, spending time comfortable at peace in the home is very welcome to regenerate the soul. Living in places with access to city life and culture is important to Venus. Living far out might feel like a drag. If the home is particularly beautiful and comfortable, it might not be that much of a bother though
Mars in astrology is linked specifically with hot and dry places. Mars in the 8th can create a tendency to feel regenerated being in the desert or a hot type of environment. Beyond just being in a physically hot location, this regenerated feeling may come from being in a sauna or steam bath as well. Mars in Astrology is also linked with Farms, so a feeling of generation can actually come from farming and cultivating the land.
Wherever the intensity is turned up, Mars in the 8th feels regenerated. Mars is affiliated with battlefields and places of intense energy. This can make Mars in the 8th house require being somewhere active to feel a powerful sense of strong lifeforce. This can include going to places like sporting events, gyms, arenas, or simply places where competition takes place.
Jupiter represents foreign lands, nature, forests, and open places. Jupiter in the 8th house brings a feeling of regeneration when spending time in the great outdoors. Being out in nature and around animals in natural settings is good for the soul. Living in a forest setting can be especially beneficial for increasing the life span.
Jupiter is affiliated with foreign lands far from the homeland. Traveling and vacationing in foreign lands can be a powerful means of regeneration. Living in foreign lands can be heavily beneficial for the life span. More so, living as a vagabond with no home and traveling from place to place can be invigorating.
Saturn in Astrology rules over cold, dry places, forested places, and mountain peaks. Having Saturn in the 8th house can produce that regenerated feeling being in cold environments. It can be particularly enjoyable to live in places with no snow or where the weather never gets hot. Living in the far northern latitudes where there is little daylight can be good for the Saturn soul as well.
Saturn in the 8th finds a feeling of soul regeneration in forested and mountain peaks as well. It is not uncommon to find that spending time among the earthy trees is beneficial for the spirit. Saturn in this house also loves being up on hills and in mountains. Up here the soul feels regenerated sees the sights and especially likes living higher up because it’s cooler in temperature. Just like Saturn loves.
Uranus in Astrology is associated with cities and urban environments. Uranus loves being where culture happens and this can be very regenerating for the soul. The feeling of being alive can come from having the freedom of choice to be independent, but also having the ability on a whim to go be involved in culture. In a very eccentric way, The soul thrives being where the chaos happens. This is another reason the city and urban settings regenerate Uranus in the 8th.
Neptune in Astrology rules over Hidden places, other dimensions, dreamworlds, fantasy realms, and the deep ocean. Neptune in the 8th house feels at peace and regenerated not being involved in the physical world. More than any other position, sleeping, and dreaming can be especially regenerating. Neptune in 8 tends to feel most alive exploring other dimensions through meditation and spiritual involvement.
Spending time near or in water is especially regeneration. Living near the water is best for Neptune in 8.
Pluto in Astrology rules over the underworld, hidden places, battlegrounds, and masses of people. Having Pluto in the 8th house feels alive being in hidden places away from the light. This can imply that spending time in cavers and underground settings can be regenerating. It would not be usual to find benefit being in darkrooms, basements, or even panic rooms.
Pluto in 8 thrives and feels alive in places where battles take place. Going to war might actually bring that feeling of being alive like no other. For Pluto in 8, it is also not uncommon to feel regenerated going to places where masses of people congregate. The feeling of soul regeneration can come from interacting with masses of people, healing, or even manipulating them.
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plutau · 2 years
How you THINK you look
Idk if this has been said or not butttt...
🧸I think the Seventh house is how you appear in pictures and the First how appear in person.
🗡For example a Seventh house Cancer will appear more sweet in pictures and due to their first house being Capricorn they look more stern in person.
🗡Seventh house Pisces looks more sleepy and ethereal in pictures and looks more Earthy and aware in person (Virgo first house).
🧸Someone with a seventh house stellium might also feel like they look better in pictures rather than person.
🧸A first house stellium might not like pictures as much because they feel like it doesn't portray them accurately.
🧸People with both as stelliums might seem like shape shifters because their appearance looks one way in person and another in pictures. It also changes quickly.
(ㅇㅅㅇ❀)  /(^ x ^=)\  /(・ × ・)\  /(≧ x ≦)\
🧸In terms of mirrors I'm pretty sure the fourth house is more connected to that.
Yet some more examples:
🗡Fourth house Scorpio might see themselves as darker or have darker body parts yet others might see them as even toned or sightly lighter due to the Taurus 10th house. (Dark skin is beautiful we ain't colorist/casteist over here)
🗡A Fourth house Leo might see their hair as full and thick while their skin has a golden undertone (I'll go more into this at another time), while others might see more of a greenish cast and various types of thickness in their hair (Aquarius 10th house). (We love ALL hair types)
🧸I mostly linked mirrors to the home as well as the private aspects of ourselves only those closest to us see.
🧸Fourth house stelliums might enjoy viewing themselves in the mirror or even taking mirror pics vs selfies.
🧸10th house stelliums don't like mirrors and might actively avoid them when out. However they do take what people say about their appearance into consideration.
🧸Having both can make a person look (perceive) one way in mirrors and look (be perceived) completely different.
(ㅇㅅㅇ❀)  /(^ x ^=)\  /(・ × ・)\  /(≧ x ≦)\
🧸The 12 house for sure linked to how we wished we looked. And even might think we look like in our heads.
🧸Yes this means the 6th is how we look for real and what things we do to keep up that look.
So many examples you might learn something:
🗡 Aries 12th house might believe they look athletic and tuff as well as constant wish they look physically fit. Meanwhile they look more in line with stereotypical beauty standards and actively do things to keep said appearance up (Libra 6th).
🗡 Sagittarius in the 12th night think they have more "foreign"/ less common features and wish they looked like people who are from a different place. While they actually look pretty common for their area/background and work to maintain that appearance (Gemini 6th).
Tell me what y'all think. I just thought about this randomly and thought I'd share it.
(Also if you wanna check out my blog for more like this my bio the answer.)
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plutau · 2 years
saturn opposite chiron
-this aspect is usually one that suggests a difficult or wounded relationship with the father or a key father-like/authoritative figure in a persons life; people with this aspect may have had a challenging relationship with their father [or similar figure] who may have been overbearing, unfair, aggressive while in some ways simultaneously distant, absent or caught up in his own wounds/struggles
-people with this placement may have a tendency towards feelings of inadequecy, self doubt, low self esteem, fear of rejection, lack of confidence in their abilities, imposter syndrome, feeling undeserving, feeling pressured to be perfect etc
-however, not only do they struggle with these feelings towards themselves, those with this aspect may also be quite judgemental towards others also; perhaps often rejecting others, being a harsh critic, setting unrealistic expectations for others, projecting their fears onto others, expecting the worst from others. a lot of the time they do not act this way out of intentional negativity towards others; usually this is a projection/representation of how they were treated by others or how they treat/think of themselves
-they may find themselves working tirelessly in order to achieve some sense of feeling enough; although a lot of the time they are chasing an unnatainable goal as their feeling of inadequecy is often very deep rooted and not so easily resolved through unrelated achievements
-people with this aspect may commonly feel extremely uncomfortable around anyone who is particularly authorative, aggressive, strict, harsh etc as they hate being in situations where they may be treated unfairly, looked down upon, judged etc which may stem from experiences from their childhood or interactions they had early in their life [again, possibly influenced by their father figure or a key authorative figure in their lives]
-because of this, they may feel very uneasy around authority figures such as bosses, teachers, people they deem 'better' than them or intimidating etc
-it is often common for people with this aspect to hold on to a lot of trauma, both their own and that of those closest to them/around them; they may feel responsible for it in some way or feel like they need to hold onto it to relieve others from doing so. a lot of the time, they do this quietly so people may not realise or notice just how much they are dealing with or trying to process
-furthermore, while one person may experience something and let go of it quickly/easily, overcome or forget about it, a person with this aspect is much more likely to keep the trauma of it with them, sometimes very deeply
-people with this aspect may experience family related issues or may struggle to feel secure within their family or loved by family members; they may find it difficult to comprehend that family can be loving, safe, secure, caring, etc. this does not always mean they have a traumatic response/relationship with their family, they may just feel very distant to their family or alienated from their family, like they don't fit in
-they may struggle to find their place in the world; their fear of rejection combined with their fear of abandonment can cause them to both hold on to things that do not serve them while not making the most out of potential opportunities due to fear of failure/rejection, they may also be very suspicious of others and struggle to trust others, often keeping people at arms length and struggling to develop the deep connections they have craved for so long
-at times, people with saturn opposite chiron may feel like their relatioinship with themselves is what holds them back from healing, connecting with others or achieving what they want. they may struggle with lonliness and even feel like they deserve to feel this way. they may also struggle with feelings of shame, dissapointment or resentment when it comes to how they feel about themselves
-they may feel like they don't ever fit in; they may feel so far away from others and find it hard to connect with people. they might believe that they have too many problems which prevent them from establishing healthy relationships/connections with others. because of this, they may trick themselves into believing that they are simply destined to be independent and self sufficient; that they do not need anyone other than themselves and because of this may feel very dissapointed, guilty, weak or even ashamed in themselves if they ever feel like they want/need a relationship as so often they assume that to depend on someone else is a weakness for them
-because it is common for them to hold on to trauma/emotions etc for others, it may be also common for people with this aspect to feel upset if they do not feel needed by others; so often, they have a tendency to pride themselves for holding it all together and being there for others [even if it is detrimental to themselves] and it gives them a sense of security to fit themselves into others' lives by being useful or serving a purpose. if they do not feel needed by others, they may feel discarded, unwanted, useless, misplaced; their sense of purpose is taken away from them and without that they may feel like they have nothing left as they are given security by giving so much of themselves to others [so that they don't have to deal with their own issues]
-sometimes, people with this aspect may struggle with trying to understand their trauma or issues [chiron rules our wounds and struggles] and because of this they may find themselves behaving in very self-destructive ways in order to 'recreate' or find the trauma so that they can understand it in the present and heal, although this usually does more harm than good because it causes them to stray further and further away from the root of the problem
-this can be a very, very difficult aspect to have; people with it may become very withdrawn at times, absorbed in their own problems/traumas/wounds, lost in their own head, obsessing over the unfairness of what they are feeling/what they have been through
-the lesson of this aspect is to learn how to deal with pain and trauma that stems from the wound caused by chiron; we are never to blame for the bad things that have happened to us and we should never blame ourselves for it. however, the influence of saturn on this aspect is urging us to have more control over how we allow our pain to affect our lives; it encourages us to decide how much power we give to the pain and trauma in our life and be in control of how we continue living with it
-although this is a particularly challenging and painful aspect to have, the influence of saturn [ruler of restriction, rules, control, limitation] encourages people to limit how much pain and power this trauma caused by chiron holds over them, it encourages people to choose healing to overcome their issues; rather than cycles of self destruction or revisiting old trauma hoping for a different outcome
-it is often beneficial for people with this aspect to learn/understand/acknowledge that while wounds [chiron] may not dissapear or be completely forgotten about, they still have potential to be in control [saturn] of how much of an impact they have; this aspect is trying to teach that trauma doesn't have to define a person and that people are able to regain control even after struggling with something
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plutau · 2 years
hey! so i have a scorpio AC and aquarius MC which is super weird bc there are no people on astro charts with the same placements…. what does that mean?
that doesn't sound right -- aquarius would likely be your imum coeli (IC) with a scorpio rising, sitting opposite the MC. but feel free to dm me your chart to clear things up!
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plutau · 2 years
Hi Elise! Why do you think caps do well with fixed signs?
Because saturn rules capricorn, saturns the planet of hard work & longevity and Capricorn gets all that influence so they enjoy people who match that energy and are in it for the long haul, fixed signs are not known to quit or give up easily and that impresses Capricorns, they love a life partner who has as much drive as them.
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plutau · 2 years
Natal and Transit retrograde planets
Mercury: communication, thoughts, thought process, how we process information, style of speaking, intelligence
Mercury rx: During a Mercury rx we experience a lot of difficulty with communication, expressing our thoughts, making a lot of typing mistakes, not being able to finish our assignments with school/work. A lot of misunderstandings occur during this retrograde because of how this planet travels the other way, making it hard to express all of the occuring thoughts in our heads. A lot of delays, postponing. Not being able to sleep a lot, insomnia, the nervous system will be working a lot, lots of nervous energy, especially because we can’t communicate the way we are used to. Frustrations, scattered energy, confusion.
Natal Mercury rx: I think with Natal rx, during a rx we do feel the changed energy but we are used to it, because we are born under one. So here, not much is changed. Lots of nervous energy, insomnia, over-thinking. Not being able to focus much, even though the brain is filled with different ideas. With that nervous energy comes awkwardness. They might have more difficulty expressing their thoughts on paper, but also they get very nervous when they are supposed to speak but it is easier for them. Afraid of public speaking, but they are blessed with a unique sense of humor.
Mars: determination, aggression, passion, desire, fighting spirit, anger, assertion
Mars rx: When Mars is in rx, people really reflect on projects they haven’t finished yet, but the new ones are left behind. They really reflect on their actions, recklessness, learn a lesson or two about what happened during an argument. Bottled up energy and emotions, irritability, frustration. Depending on people’s placements, some of them especially Mars dominants cannot function properly during this, they are rather sleepy. Dealing with a lot of obstacles, restlessness, delays, and just letting the flow go and see what happens.
Natal Mars rx: These individuals might have had/are having problems with aggression and assertion in a way of expressing themselves and standing up for what they believe in, strongly, they prefer avoiding any kind of conflicts and confrontations. But they are blessed with more patience and ability to work calmly on their projects without jumping to new ones. Also these individuals are not very competitve.
Venus: creativity, art, aesthetics, friendships/partnerships, love, romance, fashion
Venus rx: This retrograde really helps us reflect on our real feelings about love relationships, especially if we are in a relationship. The past will visit during this rx, so any repressed emotions, deceptions will come to light. This really tests relationships, not just romantic ones, friendship bonds as well. Lots of partners from the past come back, to test us, tempt us, so we can learn and reflect on our past and grasp any new lessons we missed. Exploring your artistic ways more, if in a positive place indulgence pays a visit too, we might be a bit careful there, in what we indulge. Any projects of creativity, arts, fashion, aesthetics are really successful during this timing. We reflect a lot on any bonds in our lifes and our lifestyles.
Natal Venus rx: These individuals are very comfortable with themselves and always worry about their lifestyle, keep their appearance in check. They mature very nicely, but first they may have suffered insecurities, frustration, they might even have been shy when developing themselves as people and maturing. They are also very picky and careful about their choices in partners and friends, their standards are high. Very respected because of that. They have a unique style, more like classical beauties, timeless, sensual style. Their approach to relationships and romance is always serious, they have very intense emotions and feelings. These individuals may always be afraid of being abandondend, of loss and being rejected.
Saturn: ambition, critics, self-destruction, self-criticism, authority, discipline, karma, rules, limits
Saturn rx: When this rx occurs, we are really reflecting on our actions from the past, because we feel the karma. It depends on how we did in the past if we receive good or bad Karma, but Saturn is always there to pass the judgement. We can also reflect on our insecurities, what limits us, our self-critical nature, take something from that and learn. Everyone is being judged rightfully during this retrograde, a lot of changes come. Our over-thinking and negative habits can also stop there or continue, it depends on us. Lots of people quit bad habits during this rx. Some people depending on their placements might have problems with authorities and not have a problem expressing it. But of course since karma plays a part it always gets what it deserves, the authorities that is.
Natal Saturn rx: These are people who are never pleased with their success, so they over-work themselves, they work extra hard. They might have nerves get the better of them when following orders,rules,restrictions. These are people with high standards and well-oriented ones. People who are authorities or follow authorities. These are people who carry the burden of a lot of guilt, of a lot of blaming themselves, over-thinking, insecurities, which they need to work on in life. I think they work on this during a Saturn rx especially.
Jupiter: luck, how we find/create that luck, expansion, philosophy, higher knowledge, freedom, joy, spirituality
Jupiter rx: This is a time where we all mature in the fields we lack. There might be a lot of recklessness because that maturing needs to be done there and then. This is a period of self-reflection, a lot of spirituality, soul searching. We realize a lot of things about belief systems, about finding our own place. Lots of social and political issues are challenged during this period, because people grow and expand which means they open their eyes and slowly awaken during this period. This is also a period of seeking the truth, revelation of a lot of hidden stuff that were in front of our eyes, research.
Natal Jupiter rx: These are individuals who will be put through a lot challenges with bonds, with people, so they can learn, re-search and grow/expand. Individuals who have unique and different, unconventional belief systems and opinions. They are very opinionated and might not accept someone’s teachings, rather they would set their own path, find their own truth. People who always have a different perspective.
Neptune: spirituality, dreams, symbols, delusion, fantasy, imagination, creativity, intuition
Neptune rx: During this retrograde we all see the reality. Reality slaps us, because we’ve been under an illusion for so many things, false hopes and deception. This retrograde clears the clouds above our heads. Neptune is connected to dreams, so some individuals with specific placements/aspects may experience very vivid dreams with symbolism and messages. We will learn a lot about what was hiding or trying to get away with something from us.
Natal Neptune rx: These are people who feel a lot fear, and that fear leads to denial and delusion. This needs a lot working on, because they are pretty talented people with pychic abilities and strong intuition, even vivid dreams with symbolism and messages. They are in denial because they are afraid they will not be accepted from people, and that they might scare them off with their gifts and talents. They really need to work hard on this. These individuals are very much awakened and might even play dumb so they can hide their spirituality awareness. Very creative and compassionate, also empathic.
Uranus: rebellion, unconventional things/belifs/opinions, humanitarian work, futuristic thinking pattern, technology, society, eccentric ways, uniqueness
Uranus rx: During this period, technology goes crazy and hectic, lots of things are revealed online, or we just have problems with making it work. Lots of societal and political issues come to the surface, some are in fear of how fast they are put under the light. A lot of reflection of personalities, what we lack we focus on and what others lack they focus on that. Lots of rebellion for right causes, which people feared before this retrograde, people are following their strong intuition now which leads them to doing things right or just to raise a voice.
Natal Uranus rx: These are individuals who prefer hiding their unique abilities, their unique talents and ways of expression. These people have very unconventional views and perspectives that might weird out some because they are 10 steps ahead. These are people who might be afraid of change and bursting with their eccentricity. Because of this fear and denial, their energy usually bottles up and they might explode and express that through any kind of rebelling. They might dislike the workings of technology and new technology coming our way.
Pluto: secrets, mysteries, puzzles, investigation, obsession, taboo, hidden things, transformation, intense feelings, rebirth
Pluto rx: During this retrograde we really reflect on hidden parts of ourselves, or parts we wanted to hide. We grow from them, accept them, deal with our fears. From this transformation is born which opens the way for renewal, re-birth and new beginnings carrying the understanding of all our previous investigations. We also deal with our pain, with the source of it, we let go of toxic relationships and toxic people, who were holding us down. With that re-birth and new beginnings we gain our personal power back.
Natal Pluto rx: Because they’ve been victims to manipulation and deception through their lives, they become so cautious around people. Even suspicious they become, being very alert, analyzing, following their intuition until they are sure they can trust someone. They associate with less people during their life. Very good at solving problems and putting the pieces together, but still have the fear of revealing their secrets and hidden parts, because they do not want them being used against them. These people have a difficulty letting go of people, of memories, of things because they still have intense feelings and once they attach themselves it is hard to let go.
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plutau · 2 years
Venus Retrograde in Capricorn
✨ 19th December 2021 - 29th January 2022
Venus going retrograde gives us the opportunity to reflect on our relationships, financial assets and self-worth. People might have trouble seeing the correct value of not only material things, but also themselves or their connections!
Do you know your worth? Or do you let others walk over you and use you? Now is a great time to take a step back and set new boundaries. Focus on self-love, rather than chasing old flings and seeking validation from elsewhere.
Venus Retrograde is known for bringing back exes and old lovers from the past. And many people easily fall into this ‘trap’. Remember that you have most likely left these people in the past for a reason. Do they really deserve your time now?
Any current relationships could be challenged by this retrograde. Communication is key here, so if you want your relationship to continue, make sure both parties involved have the same intentions and are going to put in equal amount of work and energy!
Since Venus is in Capricorn, we might also be challenged when it comes to our finances. What I recommend here is to make sure you are as organized as possible, keeping track of all your incomes and spendings. This is definitely not the time for reckless spending!!
And lastly, Venus is strongly connected to our appearance. Avoid dramatic last-minute changes (yes, this means fighting the urge to suddenly change your hair color or get a tattoo). Because what you think you like now might completely change once Venus is direct.
✨What to avoid:
Dramatically changing your appearance
Reconnecting with exes and friends who were left in the past for a reason
Reckless shopping, spending money you shouldn’t be spending
Don’t sell yourself short. Know your worth!
I wish you the best✨
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plutau · 3 years
In any astrological conversation, it is my duty to bring up the chart ruler
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plutau · 3 years
Moon in the signs
Aries moon ❤️‍🔥
I’ve noticed these people are very independent usually. They don’t like being told what to do. They like doing things their own way. Can be quite bossy and irritable. Can get angry easily or be childish at times. Loves attention and can be self absorbed/selfish. If they don’t get attention they will act out so people notice them. Loves compliments and feeling desired and sexy. Confident energy. Can be goal-oriented. Very competitive, even if they won’t admit, which might lead to insecurities. Passionate about the things they love and cherish. Can have a fierce look.
Taurus moon 🌷
very sensual and serious energy. Elegant aura. Good at taking care of others. Very loving people. Closed off at first and don’t trust easily, they don’t let just anyone in- they have to feel a real connection for that. Really loves food lmao. It can be their coping mechanism or comfort them for anything . Artistic. Creative souls. Loves art & culture. Loves animals. Grounded. Loves being in nature. Can love the more natural look. Needs to feel secured, whether with material possessions/ money, strong relationships etc. comfortable around women for both sexes.
Gemini moon 🎭
intelligent, sarcastic. Memes and Netflix as a coping mechanism lmao. All over the place. In their heads a lot. Overanalyze & overthinks Which can cause them anxiety and depression. Can worry a lot sometimes. Anxious energy. Can actually have social anxiety at times. Good sense of humor. Loves making others laugh. Funny. Loves music & parties. Natural acting skills or can be quite good at lying. Theatrical personality. Many known and funny actors/actresses have this placement. Youthful & cute smiles. Can give crazy energy/vibe haha. They don’t always feel comfortable showing their more vulnerable side so they use sarcasm instead, more closed off emotionally. Either that or they overshare lmao no in between. Can actually feel like they have a few totally different people inside of them which makes them at times feel confused or lost and seem unpredictable like u don’t know what mood ur gonna get (that’s me yay) hard to feel stable. Irritable. The mom can be a best friend. They can consult her about everything and like hearing her opinion. Though it’s more of a rational relationship rather than emotional.
Cancer moon 🧸
sensitive. closed off with people they don’t know or don’t feel comfortable with. Can be shy but don’t like looking that way. Can have their guards up with people. gives more feminine energy to both sexes. holds grudges. Can get hurt easily. Loyal to people close to them. Cares about people they love and likes taking care of them somehow and feeling like people depend on them. Can find it hard to let go. Might act manipulatively to make things go the way they want or make people depend on them. Takes things personally. Gets deeply attached to things and people. Can be insecure.
Leo moon 🎁
loves attention A LOT. Needs it for their well being haha. Especially from people close to them. Theatrical in their personalities. Funny. Can act crazy to draw attention. Can be loud and/or obnoxious. Can create drama without even noticing they started it cause they are drown to it with their intense persona. Can be envious of others. competitive. Can give Mean Girls vibes haha. Can look fancy. Loves luxury & fashion.
Virgo moon 🧿
very critical of themselves. Cares about how people view them. Polite and good mannered. Can be very insecure but don’t like showing it. Hard workers. Can be people pleasers due to insecurities. Loves satisfying the people they love. Can suffer from anxieties and nervousness or depression. Can find it hard to accept themselves so they always want to feel accepted by others somehow, wether for their looks, intelligence, personality etc. might feel inadequate somehow & try to compensate for that. Can have eating disorders due to self esteem issues or be overly body-conscious to the point they overwork their bodies. overall they do seem to take interest in healthy lifestyles & workout regimes. It’s either that or they don’t care at all to the point of neglecting their health, I guess maybe if underdeveloped they don’t have a good balance when it comes to that. Can give a fox-like look to the face. Also needs to have a somewhat clean and neat environment for their mental health lmao (that’s my mom).
Libra moon 🦋
They seem to have balance issues. If underdeveloped they’re either focused on keeping the peace at all cost in a need to be liked and accepted, or the opposite- attract and are attracted to drama and violence, and act aggressively themselves as a self- sabotage mechanism. They seem to have dealt with some type of mental issue at least at one point in their life. Can over-think and analyze situations and people, or if people like them or not. Probably have to be with their childhood. Gives some detached aura to the personality. Rationalize their emotions. Charming. Might flirt or use their charm to get the things they want. Can be manipulative and/or self-destructive in relationships. Naturally Attracted to relationships though. Can have co-dependence issues which brings me back to the unbalance thing- they’re either too afraid to lose their independence so they stay alone for a while until they mature (mainly for guys) or they feel incomplete and insecure without a partner, to the point of being overly dependent on them and depending on them for their overall well being or mental wellness. Might have had issues with unstable childhood or a disconnect from mother/parents (they might not be so present all the time) that caused them to look for a family or stability outside from their homes. They either look for friends for that or romantic partners, or other figures. They would still, even if had issues with the mother consciously or not, always talk nicely about her and view her in a graceful & kind light. Are quite artistic & creative and like aesthetically pleasing surroundings & people.
Scorpio moon 🌚
Gives intense aura and gaze. They seem like deep people. Not showing a lot of their true self to the public, only people they trust. Don’t trust or let others in easily. Very Selective of their surrounding. Look powerful on the outside. closed off aura. Can have deep insecurities, some derived from their childhood. Although when they grow or are more developed, they can be very mature and have a lot of recuperating powers, can handle a lot of hardships. Might have suffered from trauma but it’s their source of strength. Very wise. Can be very manipulative when they want and can be good liars. Magnetic aura. Tbh they can look crazy sometimes lmao don’t know why something in their eyes or gaze, if you look closely enough you’ll see it. Their eyes are usually very prominent & distinctive somehow. Can attract, consciously or not, drama into their life, or just intense experiences. Are attracted to intensity. Possessive in love and can have stalker tendencies sometimes haha.
Sagittarius moon 🎠
Jokes and sarcasm as a coping mechanism. Loves people that can make them laugh or making others laugh. Vibrant energy. When underdeveloped can act wildly and irresponsibly and have self-distractive tendencies. Loves being around people. Can have some sort of disconnection from the mother from what I’ve noticed. Can hold her grudges or feel neglected or detached from her from a young age (either mom or other care giver) or was given too much independence and lack of structure, or just overall have some issues & disagreements with her/them. Therefore the child might feel lost and alone or neglected or still feel like that when they grow up so they look for some stability maybe outside.
Capricorn moon 👔
As I’ve said before, cap moons might have had to grow fast due to a missing parent from a young age or had heavy demands from parents, or had to work from a young age, many times willingly so. Was forced to grow up fast in their younger years which might give the opposite affect in later years and cause them to act out. Might feel alone or like the black sheep inside, but doesn’t like to show it. Guarded. Doesn’t like showing too much emotions on the outside, especially not crying in front of people. They give off a stable/grounded or sometimes a bit Indifferent energy. Looks at money as a security blanket. Aspires to have materialistic possessions. Ambitious and hard workers. Self-sufficient. Needs to feel like they are productive to feel stable mentally & emotionally. Can have suffered from anxieties/breakdowns/ depression without anybody else knowing. Good at concealing it. Can have a very well-developed & dry sense of humor.
Aquarius moon 🧊
Can have Calculated, Detached aura, or quite quirky and goofy in personality (especially if they feel comfortable around u). Might try to give a more serious self impression at first, but are goofballs inside. Intelligent. Independent. Good at small talk and communicating with strangers. Loves traveling and meeting new people and places. Adventurers. Might feel detached or somehow distant from the mother, she might have been more rational & practical and the person grew up being more independent and introverted bc of it. Might not feel too comfortable with too many intense emotions or feels awkward expressing or sharing them. The type to suffer in silence. Can be insecure inside but seem confident outside. Can have poker faces. In their heads a lot and can over think & analyze things. Can be good at reading others bc of that. Likes doing things their own way and doesn’t like feeling too strict by others. Might have a complex relationship with siblings, especially sisters from what I’ve noticed (for the guys especially), which might affect the way they view or treat women in general (together with the relationship with the mother).
Pisces moon ⚓️
As I’ve mentioned before, Pisces moon can be very deceiving or manipulative when they want, especially when young or underdeveloped. They might suffer from pathological lying disorder at some point , but that’s in extreme cases. They twist reality as they want to see it and can be delusional and disconnected or unrealistic. Can have a victim complex, putting their own faults or blames on others or refusing to see other sides than their own. Very sensitive and can be very close to the mother. Ethereal look especially the eyes, can be very hypnotic, deep and doe-like. You can really get lost in them. Gives soft/angelic features or look somehow , even with harder placements. Usually spiritual somehow or believes in faith or the greater good, or that everything happens for a reason. Can be very giving and loving or selfless with people they love. Might get hooked on people easily and then lose interest. Can be flaky and unstable emotionally. If underdeveloped might actually use people for their own interest and be quite self-absorbed and/or narcissistic. Can have very big aspirations for themselves. Can seek the spotlight and the glitz & glamour life (Neptune ruler).
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plutau · 3 years
The Benefit of Squares (Astrology)
In astrology, the common association with hard aspects such as squares is that they are inherently negative aspects which will cause great difficulty in ones personality and environment.
The problem here is that in astrology, NOTHING is black and white - there are a lot of grey areas where aspects between planets and also signs have an inherent sense of light and dark, but nothing is strictly ‘good’ or ‘bad’.
It’s often too easy to simply say something is ‘good’ or ‘bad’ than to analyse how these supposedly difficulties energies can make a beneficial compromise.
Each sign and aspect has both positive and negative qualities within them, it’s there inherent potential of how we choose to use these energies that is the key.
Knowing this, there is potential for squares to become a beneficial aspect.
The reason for this is that the nature of a square causes friction to the point that manifestation and/or a release of energy must occur. Two planets in a square aspects will cause a friction of two personality types. The point to remember is that planets in Square often share the same modality - therefore a compromise can be made between two planets if the goal of the modality is taken into account.
Cardinal Square: They share the same need for forward movement and initiation of an idea (♎️), action (♈️), project (♑️) and self-care and security (♋️).
Knowing this, you can find what each planet in Square wishes to accomplish.
♋️/♎️: Initiating a new idea for self-care through interaction with or for others. Emotion vs logical rationalisation of things.
Taking into consideration personal needs and the needs of others. Compromising the need to take action based on logic and rationality and emotional provocation and intuitive action.  
♎️/♑️: Initiating a new idea or plan into a practical project. Compromising the need for a goal with working with other people and taking their perspectives into account. Understanding that one can not always be in charge of a situation, and shared responsibility must take place. Compromise needed to achieve a goal.
♈️/♋️: Initiating an action based on emotional provocation. Needing to recognise when one is becoming too aggressive to emotional stimulation. Learning how to care for others through action. Caring for ones own emotional wellbeing and stability. Providing oneself their own sense of security.
♑️/♈️: Initiating an action on a practical goal and project. Leading by power and example. Working for oneself and relying on ones own actions and energy. Sticking to a set path. Taking the role as authority. Doing things in ones own way to benefit the self.
Mutable Square: These signs are inherently changeable and adaptable to their circumstance, often changing and evolving as their perception changes due to new experiences. Mutable squares can be seen as being the easiest signs to integrate, as their natural flexible nature allows a compromise. These signs are about adapting and changing their physical surroundings (♍️), their ideas and perceptions (♊️) , their emotions based on sensory perception (♓️), and the way they take action, extending beyond what they can do and have done (♐️).
♊️/♍️: Changing the way tone does things when new information is presented. Testing the practicality of other ideas and thoughts. Perfecting known ideas and information. Testing the logical of preconceived ideas and information, and changing the way things are originally done.
♍️/♐️: Changing the day-to-day routine by engaging in long distance travel. Making philosophical ideas practical and perfecting them. Expanding and questioning the initial way things are done and creating something new from it. Servitude for a higher belief. Being humorous and playful when giving critical feedback.  
♊️/♓️: Thinking about and rationalising an emotional connection to others and the universe. Communicating ones sense of empathy to another. Writing down intuitive feelings and perceptions as possible psychic provocations. Communicating artists thoughts and ideas, perhaps in a form of a story or poetry.
♐️/♓️: Taking action on spiritual receptivity to the universe. Understanding life from a a far higher perspective. Activity teaching higher knowledge and understanding of spirituality and connection to the universe as one. Changing spiritual beliefs based on ones own sensory perception and connection to the universe at large. Healing and charity for those living overseas in unprivileged countries.
Fixed Square: This square is ultimately the most difficult to integrate due to its inherent nature to stay in one place due to stubbornness for change. If these energies can find a particular goal to aim for, these squares can provide the most beneficial results due to the massive power expended once the energy is related to create something great. These energies aim on building upon and maintaining ones sense of material security and resources (♉️), ones sense of self and their individual expression (♌️), their emotional security and inherent emotional power (♏️), and their own original unique and innovative ideas (♒️).
♉️/♌️:  Maintaining a sense of security when expressing the self as they truely are. A step-by-step approach to leadership. Expressing ones own inherent and natural beauty. Productivity in creative expression. Expressing the self through creating material objects and products. Using charisma and an extravagant presentation to create profit and wealth.
♌️/♏️: Transforming the way one expresses themselves. Integrating deep emotional connection and passion into creative expression and assertion. Sexual extravagance. Projecting a powerful sense of expression. Pride in ones own transformation. Sharing the spotlight. Passionate and powerful leadership.
♏️/♒️: Deep connection to humanity. Transforming people by the masses. Destroying and transforming the dynamics of society. Passionate connection to unique and innovative thoughts to benefit humanity. Deep passion for change and reform. Sexual innovation and transformation. Healing others. Deep and through scientific analysis, uncovering what is hidden.
♒️/♉️: Innovation and change on the way to create material things. Unique creations for profit. Originality in practicality. Scientific and practical step-by-step approach. Detached and objective evaluation using the 5 senses. Innovative way to building towards material wealth. Originality and innovation in artistic pursuits.
The planets involved in the square aspect will indicate what parts of the personality and sense of action is in tension, the signs on the planets will indicate how they do things. Applying the above formula of the compromise between sign modalities will show how to compromise the parts of the personality in tension.
Example: Mars ♌️ Square Saturn ♉️.Taking creative and powerful action towards approaching a career goal, involving passion to create ones own wealth that will last. Fixating on a long term goal to reach material success by applying ones self to the task, being authentic in their self-expression and creative passion. Consistently applying ones self to create long-term results.
Remember that absolutely nothing in a natal chart is inherently ‘bad’ or ‘good’, they are simply a composition of energetic potentials that can work to your benefit when consciously applying yourself and your actions. 
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plutau · 3 years
aries through the houses
first house - red/reddish hair, strong facial features, always chasing after something, complete go-getter, approaches you before you approach them, enjoys challenges in life, natural born leader, not afraid of new situations, acts without thinking at times, not afraid to be the first to do something, prone to fast movements. second house - spends money quickly, values independence and individuality, high self-confidence, risk-takers with investments, makes quick financial decisions, very motivated by money, takes charge of finances, does whatever they have to in order to meet their needs, relates sense of self to what they have, doesn’t compromise with their values. third house - loud and excited tone of voice, prone to talking fast, easily angered by insults, fast mind, aggressive drivers, sibling rivalry, communicates through actions, impatient when learning, finds it hard to sit through a lecture/book, new ideas pop into their mind suddenly, prone to forgetting things quickly, gets to the heart of conversation. fourth house - competition within the home, a very active family, playful arguments/fights, overprotective of people they care about, becomes independent from a young age, hotheaded/angry parents, moves out quickly, the breadwinner of the house, the first to start a family of their own, enjoys living alone, willing to fight for family. fifth house - extremely passionate about hobbies, hobbies involving high activity, becomes very competitive about the things they love, hardcore fans, always chasing after pleasure, has a need to always win, would be an active parent, risk is fun to them, dates around, a creative pioneer. sixth house - doing work that involves danger, very busy daily schedule, always busy, fast eater, never sits still, strong work ethic, an attitude of “just do it,” wants things done their way, competitive with coworkers, good at handling fast-paced environments, could enjoy spicy food, physical activity is part of their daily routine, doesn’t take crap from coworkers. seventh house - quick to get married/marries young, a spouse with aries traits, very independent even in relationships, tends to be the dominant spouse, partner encourages their individuality, playful competition in the relationship, tries to one-up their partner,  impatient about meeting “the one.” eighth house - very good at handling crisis situations, seems to find themselves in danger frequently, takes initiative in self-transformation, responds to challenge with passion, experiences a lot of close calls, renewed sense of identity, able to reinvent themselves, danger/roughness could be a bit sexy to them, potential for head trauma. ninth house - strong belief system, believes their opinions are the right ones, likes to travel alone, actively seeks out knowledge and experiences, prefers hands-on learning, quick to form an opinion, pioneers of their belief system, stands up for what they believe in, philosophies centered on the self, forms independent beliefs. tenth house - driven to succeed, seems to always be chasing promotions, actively seeks advancement in the career, reputation for being quick and efficient, impatient with career goals, wants to be at the top, willing to fight for their future, extremely competitive in their career, confident in their ability to succeed, known for being a pioneer. eleventh house - the leader of their friend group, actively seeks out friendships, part of groups based on identity, impatient about wishes and aspirations, friends that are very aries-like, leads social causes, aggressive about their social beliefs, fights for others’ rights, moves on quickly from friendships. twelfth house - difficulty asserting themselves, hidden leadership skills, passionate about helping people, impulsivity leads to negative outcomes, rapidly makes decisions when necessary, afraid of losing independence, dreams of being confident and bold, push anger down, wants to inspire others, secret hidden strength.
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plutau · 3 years
wild how quiet the astro community has gotten here
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plutau · 3 years
friendly reminder to pisces placements (especially suns, moons & risings) to be extra cautious of the people and things you surround yourself with. you absorb energies and are far, far more susceptible to other people’s negative influences than any other sign. your natural “go with the flow” tendencies (an often beautiful trait) can turn very harmful if you’re adapting to groups of people with bad habits, mindsets and behaviors; you’re likely to pick these things up and damage yourself in the process for the sake of “going with the flow”. 
many pisces are victim to peer pressure and influence (yes, even as adults), without ever realizing it, because they don’t recognize how strongly they soak up their friends bad moods, toxic mindsets, and damaging habits. take a hard look at those around you and decide if the things they say, do and believe are in alignment of the person you’re trying to become. if they aren’t, reconsider the people you give access to your energy to. stop letting your nostalgic and idealization tendencies allow you to cling onto toxic people and situations (stop saying things like: “but we’ve been friends for so long/they helped me back when (x)/they used to be (x)/but they could be (x) if they just did (x)/etc”). let them go, and watch yourself grow & glow.
take that go with the flow attitude and allow it to have a positive impact: surround yourself with positive people with good habits; those that embody who you are or who you want to become. consume media that encourages better versions of yourself (ie: even something as simple as following more self-love & mental health support accounts on instagram, unfollowing accounts that post lots of negativity/self-hate content) and watch how drastically your life, mood, and even health change. i think this is super applicable to anyone in general - but especially relevant to those with strong pisces energy.
[disclaimer just in case: no one can be positive and happy all the time. negativity, bad habits, etc are normal and happen with everyone. emotions like anger & sadness are not bad and repressing those does not equal positivity or growth. this is meant to say don’t surround yourself with those that exhibit constant toxicity/negativity with no intentions / signs of changing; those that center their personalities or hobbies around bad habits / negativity / etc. don’t fall into those toxic positivity mindsets of thinking you aren’t allowed to feel sad, angry, etc as those can also have harmful impact on you - sadness & anger and similar “””negative””” emotions are essential to growth as well!]
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plutau · 3 years
8th House: How You Will Transform The Most
I asked you all if I should elaborate on this theory on my Astrology Observations 9  post & I received a few encouraging responses, so here I am !
ARIES 8H: You transform the most through action. You get frustrated at yourself for not being the person you aspire to be, but aren’t taking the steps towards these goals. It’s like looking at beautiful scenery in front of a glass door, wanting to be there. But you could just open the door. It is that easy!  Express yourself fully, take care of your body through health/fitness, move things around, speak your mind, start new projects, take chances, be bold. Just DO it!!
TAURUS 8H: You transform the most from slowing down and taking in everything around you, taking your time to find what pleases you. Don’t let the world’s idea of who you should be get in your head & program you to not be the shining star you are. Take a step back and do some recreational activities, connect to the senses, slow down, spend time in nature, disconnect, love and find beauty in all things, indulge in what gives you happiness, even if it’s small.
GEMINI 8H: You transform the most from unleashing what has been tugging at your heart. Your curiosity, all your questions, your creativity, Your child-like nature. Why must you take life so seriously? As long as you’re alive, this world is YOURS for you to play, discover, and  experience. A dull life doesn’t satisfy your colorful wonder. Your mind pesters you to act on this, so listen to it! Don’t listen to the other notions of the mind that create a loss of self. Read books, follow what stimulates your mind, be more playful, be shameless, ask questions, write what you feel, go out and play, move around.
CANCER 8H: You transform the most when you touch the most raw, difficult parts/areas of yourself that you are hesitant to confront. Don’t distract yourself by pleasing others & looking outside. It is all in you. You want to be a better person, but you can’t be when you struggle with what you see in the mirror. Be kind and compassionate with yourself & go deep, try to figure things out. Extend all the kindness you show to others to yourself. Spend time nurturing yourself, showing compassion and gentleness in all aspects of life. You don’t feel like doing this today? Take a break- be merciful with yourself. Something is bothering you? Face it, feel it, and let it go. Don’t feel bad for nursing your baby- your baby being your sensitive and beautiful spirit.
LEO 8H: You transform the most when you don’t inhibit yourself from expression. Throwing yourself into a monotonous, uninspiring routine only makes your soul weep and feel imprisoned. There is so much in you that is repressed and painfully kept in the center of your chest. LET IT OUT!! Get out of your rut and be free. Push yourself to celebrate life’s pleasures, big or small. Express yourself in the way you dress, through art, through the smile you give to others. You are a light that is not meant to be dimmed & a restless soul that needs to be tended to. Your soul is desperate to be noticed by you.
VIRGO 8H: You transform the most through being the giving spirit that you are, but not forgetting towards yourself. You feel as though people never do the same for you & you’re sacrificing/compromising too much. Take care of yourself, for at times you be may too selfless OR too selfish because of your desire for everything to be in control. Let go of these notions of expectation, and accept life as it is with a smile & open mind. Do things out of the warmth of your heart, spend time with yourself, feed yourself good things (physically, mentally, intellectually, spiritually), devote yourself to certain things (as you have a beautiful capacity to do so), don’t expect anything in return, let go of control.
LIBRA 8H: You transform the most through cutting all the bullsh%t in your life. Sometimes you just don’t have to please others, be connected to everyone, look pretty, be this, do that, all that nonsense. Look at you! You are beautiful, perfect, and complete the way you are. What the world expects of you are lies. Lies to tread you away from your glittery, majestic spirit. You are perfect just the way you are. You don’t need to chase anything and don’t need anyone. You are not lonely my friend, your greatest companion is in you right now: from the moment you got here till the second you leave! Disconnect for a while, cut the social media, let go of your expectations, and accept you for you.
SCORPIO 8H: You transform the most when you accept and come to know the deeper part of yourself. Listen, you don’t have to do all this heavy shadow-work & light some candles for a self-discovering ritual. Just double question your motives, thoughts, ambitions, feelings, and desires. Are they pure? Are they coming from a place of growth, love, and prosperity? Or are they coming from shame, insecurity, and hate? Knowing oneself doesn’t happen overnight but these little steps lead you to the greater picture & what needs to be done.
SAGITTARIUS 8H: You transform the most when you are unapologetically you. Why do you feel shame for the way you think? Desire? Dress? Act? What your passions are?  Just because you deviate from the norm doesn’t make the level of dignity and respect you deserve lower from the rest. If something captures your interest, be passionate about it! Share it! Learn more about it! Embody it! You are valid and wherever your heart takes you is divinely inspired. Why so much resistance? You are so bright and special. Let yourself free, because that’s who you were meant to be. Follow what makes your heart jump and geek.
CAPRICORN 8H: You transform the most when you settle into yourself. Constantly wanting to better yourself or fit a certain standard or get this certain thing/person all paralyze you in the present. No more pursuit. No more not feeling enough. Stop what you’re doing, and delight in the now. Say you’re going out for a run on a scenic path, and can’t really see the scenery as you’re during your exercise/movement. But once you stop/finish, you’re surprised and touched by its beauty. Everything you need is already here. So why chase for more?
AQUARIUS 8H: You transform the most when you don’t conform. Society & all its followers are scared of not being appealing to a certain degree/standard, so they conform and lose themselves all for ironically vain reasons. You know you are different and have second thoughts about letting yourself be free. You may be known a certain way that is disharmonious with who you want to be, or who your soul is craving you to be. Ditch the fear of judgement, because when you’re happy, connected, and confident, you are impenetrable. All hatred will affect you less than a gentle wind grazing your face because you are so YOU, and no one can change that. 
PISCES 8H: You transform through accepting isolation and marginalization. Rather than complaining and feeling like a victim for being cornered into misery like this, take this as a grand opportunity to dream up something better. Do it for yourself. Discover what it is that makes you happy and develop a sense of self, passion, and life force that no one can take away from you. Seek guidance and find solace in the divine/nature, accept your shortcomings, nurture yourself, find outlets that inspire you, express yourself with the knowledge that no matter what, negativity always exists, but its on your part to deem it as true/accept it.
A little #realitycheck for you all, hope this helps!
I apologize for the delay in this post, as I made up this theory in the beginning of April & May is tomorrow… BUT IT’S HERE nonetheless so let’s celebrate
Have a nice weekend guys  o(^▽^)o 
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plutau · 3 years
“Menelaus, if you are really going to kill her, then my blessing go with you, but you must do it now, before her looks so twist the strings of your heart that they turn your mind; for her eyes are like armies, and where her glances fall, there cities burn, until the dust of their ashes is blown by her sighs. I know her, Menelaus, and so do you. And all those who know her suffer.” — Neil Curry, Euripides: Helen, the Trojan Women, the Bacchae
— LOVE IS MAGNETIC. one look at her and you wonder how far would you go for her (the answer: far. as in, starting a war for her kind of far). if you’re lucky enough, she’ll look back at you, too. you feel like you’ve known her all your life – five minutes and she makes you feel like her best friend, ten and you’re too far gone already. you contemplate running away with her, to keep her for yourself; but she wasn’t made to be kept hidden away, she’s made for all the adoration the world has to offer. her smile is her strength, the way it’s so wide and oozes charm. everyone gets sucked right in into her soft and flirty nature. she portrays herself with such elegance and confidence, you wouldn’t believe it if you saw the scared, insecure girl hiding underneath, all her fears and terrors, the validation she never received as a child. but she’s too strong to let others see it. 
— LOVE IS CONNIVING. she’s so used to being underestimated. you look at her and you see the face of innocence, of love, beauty and naïvety; before you know it, she has her claws deep in you, seducing you into doing whatever she wants with the same eyes that elicit so much innocence. you give her everything that she wants because she just looks so goddamn happy when she gets it – she looks so good when she’s being spoiled, being given everything that she deserves. her voice is her strength, as dangerous yet vulnerable as a siren, her eyes sparkly and mischievous. she longs for admiration and devotion, loyalty and to claim you as hers… but beware, because she’ll never let you clip her wings and her freedom. you are an addition to her life, not a necessity; all she needs is herself. 
VENUS IN THE 3RD HOUSE: ELIZABETH BENNET (from pride and prejudice)
— LOVE IS STIMULATING. she’s cunning; too cunning, perhaps; with the way her eyes light up before saying something particularly teasing, and you have to wonder if she finds pleasure in your torture, because most times, she leaves you there, speechless and fumbling for words – something, anything that won’t make you sound like such an idiot. but she just laughs, aware of the effect she has on you. her sharp tongue is her strength, and so are her hands, her touch gentle and healing, a contrast between the storm of her personality. she gets everything just by saying the right thing; and that’s where her danger lies, in the mind games she’s able to play without you even noticing. her mind is something otherwordly, her curiosity and imagination, her talent for creating art with her words, her fascination with all that mentally stimulates her. her joyful nature and ability to analyze everything that was left unsaid, making you feel seen in parts of you not even you had noticed about yourself. 
— LOVE IS HOME. through her complex inner world and deep emotions, you’re not sure you’ve ever met someone who can feel like chaos and peace at the same time. she makes you feel nurtured with just the way her eyes crinkle up into a smile, and you’re fascinated with the way she views the world so differently from everyone else. she’s a walking paradox, with as many sharp edges as softness. she inspires love and trust within all those around her, giving them the hope of a better tomorrow even if she sometimes feels unsure as to if that tomorrow truly exists. but she doesn’t know the meaning of the word giving up, however; her inner courage to face the world is her strength and she’s not easily defeated by troubled waters. nostalgia can take over her at times, and so can her overprotectiveness and insecurities… but she’ll rise up stronger than ever when she realizes her worth, and you can only hope you get to make her feel as safe as she does to you. 
— LOVE IS PLAYFUL. the more you chase her, the more she seems to run away from you; you’re terrified of all others who also fight for her affection, for you know she could slip from your fingers at any moment now. still you chase her, like a goddam fool (but we’re all fools in love), and she’s like a siren as she lures you into her games, trying to see what you’re made of, if you could be the one to finally gain a hold of her attention. she makes the most mundane, dull activities feel like a joy, and you’re torn between constant pleasure and pain as you let her unfold you in every possible way. she’s so much, with her talent for getting all eyes on her and her dramatism, but you can be sure that, if she deems you worthy enough to commit to, her loyalty and devotion are unending, her love lifelong. her love for romance has you going on dates that you’ve only ever dreamed of before, and you just know that her charm is her strength. 
— LOVE IS MATURE. under her sarcastic and uncaring demeanor is someone who shows their affection through the most unconventional ways that only a few are capable of understanding – the small gestures she makes, her consistency, the way she’ll go above and beyond to make someone feel safe but will threaten to kill them if they do so much as acknowledge it out loud. she can be so supportive of others, and the way she earns the trust and respect of all those around her is her strength, the way everyone knows everything will be okay as soon as she enters the room. she’s observant of details that others wouldn’t even think of noticing, and she has a way of understanding your deepest needs and cravings. she can make you feel known and touched and loved in a way you never even thought possible, making you addicted to the kind of attention no one but her is capable of providing. 
VENUS IN THE 7TH HOUSE: MALÈNA (monica bellucci)
— LOVE IS OVERWHELMING. she’s so used to have everyone falling at her feet, but do they love her or the image they have of her? how could they know her, when sometimes she isn’t even sure that she knows herself? the way she so easily commands respect and admiration is her strength, and you wonder if she ever feels exhausted from being so desired. because truthfully, all she longs for is for someone to be interested not in her looks but in her soul, her capability of loving so hard and profoundly, the way she brings harmony and peace to where once was chaos, her need to explore and to spread positivity and her talents… the way she can be so romantic and with a soul so deep, yearning to unveil all the mysteries to the universe. sometimes, you’re sure that just loving her is the key to all those mysteries. 
— LOVE IS DEADLY. eyes that can both kill and give life; either way, this is a love that you’ll not escape whole from. when she’s done with you, you’ll feel as if she took a part of your soul with her, and you can’t tell where she ends and where you start. a love that merges two souls together. her eyes are her strength, deep and penetrating. she’s attracted to your darkness, to unveiling the mystery that you are and to solve you like a puzzle as she finds all the secrets you vowed not to tell another living soul. she wants to know every little thing about you. she craves intimacy, and only when you get past her secretive and intimidating front will you get access to her unending kindness and caring for those she loves. she’s so loyal and devoted, but if you ever try to take advantage of that you’ll burn. trust is everything for her. 
— LOVE IS AN ADVENTURE. her nature is just so honest and unapologetic, so vibrant and alive, you can’t help throwing yourself headfirst into whatever adventure she has her mind on next; and she’s worse than you on that – her impulsivity has her wearing her heart on her sleeve, living life so intensely as if she’s afraid that it’ll slip right from her hands. her hips and tighs are her strength, and the way she brings fun into every corner of your life. because what is life about if not learning, traveling, exploring new things and expanding our horizons? you’d be a fool to think she has any limits; she’s made of freedom and independence, of her many interests and spontaneity. she loves life and you love her, as you dream of exploring the world by her side, of knowing not only her physical but her mind and soul. 
— LOVE IS POWER. she will find out your biggest fantasy and be what you want; until she has taken everything from you that she so desires, leaving you wondering if you’ve ever truly met her or just one of the facets she shows to the world. she feels otherworldly, portrays herself with such cold air, and you long to be the one to finally feel her warmth, to finally swim past the surface and drown in her depths. but her standards are so high, are you up for the challenge? love with her is filled with power-play, she longs for someone powerful while commanding power herself, someone who can be on her level (few are capable of that). her charm is her strength, the way everyone falls so easily for her words and the image she presents, so confident and provocative; little do they know the overwhelming emotions that hide underneath the coldness. the way she can love so deeply, but will she ever allow herself to?
— LOVE IS FIERY. you fall in love with the way she speaks of saving the world (and you don’t doubt that she will), the light in her eyes even as she holds the weight of the world in her shoulders. you can’t tame her, she’s a bird in the wild whose wings fly too high, so independent and unapologetic. her dreams are her strength, and the way she won’t stop until she makes them a reality – it’s like all the passion in the world has gathered in her heart. she embodies freedom. she has this thing where she can make anyone in the world feel like her best friend, as she unites everyone under the same cause that she believes so deeply in, and you’re so entranced with the love she inspires. you can’t help wanting to fight for her, wanting to help achieve all her dreams as you fall in love with her mind, her interest and her beliefs, too deep in the volcano that she is. 
VENUS IN THE 12TH HOUSE: JULIET (from romeo and juliet)
— LOVE IS FORBIDDEN. from the first moment you met her, it feels like your life suddenly became a movie; like nothing was worth living through or mentioning before your eyes first laid on hers. her love feels star-crossed, as if you’ve waited lifetimes to meet her, with all her complexities and rich inner world that so few get to be a part of. she oozes mystery and secrecy; you long to be the first to discover all her secrets, the chaos that is her life. and she loves hard – so hard, in a way you never even thought possible, and her ability to drown in the depths of her emotions is both her strength and her undoing, for the world is so good in her eyes that she often gets taken advantage of. she’s gotten so hurt in the past, barely healed from all the scars. but you’d be a fool to play with her love, the way she isn’t afraid to give her all. and that takes so much courage. 
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