plxsticsaracen · 7 years
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“Yes Daddy, things are going fine. I really missed this place and Im glad you let us move back.” Her concentration on her phone call as she ran her finger around the rim of her coffee cup. 
Emmy froze when she heard the familiar voice near her, stopping in her tracks for a moment before turning towards it. She looked at the familiar blonde, various conflicting emotions started to swirl inside her at the sight of Kitty, yet she didn’t let it betray her by letting it creep up onto her face. “Well, well, look what the cat dragged in...” 
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plxsticsaracen · 7 years
“I mean, he’s no sugar daddy, but he’s a daddy, Sugar.” 
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“So, a poor daddy? Surely you couldn’t have allowed your standards to drop that low while you were gone, could you, Jenna dear?” 
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plxsticsaracen · 7 years
“My family kind of…owns the place.”
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“I know that, silly. I’ve been here plenty of times before, I just meant I’m surprised this is the only place I am able to find you, now. I haven’t seen you in forever, Cor. I need some bestie time.” 
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plxsticsaracen · 7 years
“Look if this is about my face, I don’t want to talk about it.”
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“Ooh, someone’s still feeling touchy, are they?” 
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plxsticsaracen · 7 years
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Artie tried not to smirk at how scared the couple were of Emmy as they left the room. Even college people knew that she was a queen and was not to be trifled with. Artemis walked around the room, looking at the contents that belonged to the owner. It was better to do that than to look at Emmy as she explained herself. “Is that so?” she asked as she turned around, sitting on the desk. She looked at the Plastic, brow raised and head tilted a little. Her curls cascaded over her shoulder as her bright green eyes searched her face. She wasn’t going to hold her breath; She wasn’t going to get upset if she said that she doesn’t have any feelings for her. She would remain neutral and express her feelings once she was back home by herself. “And your conclusion was?”
Emmy huffed impatiently as they took a second too long to get out of the room. “Finally,” she replied and hummed in approval when they shut the door behind them. She turned her attention back to Artemis when she asked again, suddenly growing just a little nervous again. She cleared her throat lightly and nodded. “It is so,” she replied, watching Artemis as she moved towards the desk and sat on the edge of it. She moved towards the older girl an placed her hands on the desk on either side of her. “My conclusion was...” she replied softly, eyes dropping to her lips then back up to meet her green eyes. “That it wasn’t just a in the heat of the moment thing,” she told her, moving in even closer so they were almost touching. “It meant something.” 
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plxsticsaracen · 7 years
Blue nearly jumped out of her skin when someone said her name and she paused, looking up from the pavement at the other girl. “No, it’s an I’m too drunk to drive after a pool party thing.” She said with a shake of her head, hugging the towel tighter around her shoulders. She couldn’t deal with Emmy right now… everything hurt too much.
“What’s wrong?” She repeated, surprised that she was going to make her explain it. She’d already convinced herself that this had to be something the plastics planned… so instead of answering, she let out a dry, humourless chuckle, and sniffled before speaking. “You mean you didn’t know it was going down tonight?” She asked sarcastically, not believing it for a second. Emmy’s voice wasn’t the normal snobby tone that she used with Blue, but the girl was exhausted, and that wasn’t something she could pick up on right now.
“Classy,” Emmy replied when she heard the girl’s response. “And you didn’t think to get a ride with someone or call an uber?” she asked, genuinely worried that the girl had made a dumb mistake like that when she was obviously drunk and not fully dressed. 
She was surprised by Blue’s rude and sarcastic tone. “Didn’t know what was going down?” she asked, frowning at the other then rolling her eyes. “Contrary to what you may believe, I don’t go around sniffing for drama or hipster’s lives like a bloodhound,” she replied. “Seriously, Blue. Why don’t you just come inside? It’s dark, and cold, you’re obviously too upset to be out on your own right now.” 
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plxsticsaracen · 7 years
Elijah nodded a little bit at her words, giving her a small smile to try and confirm what she was saying. Though he knew he probably wouldn’t ask, he didn’t need to tell her that. “I’ll keep that in mind.” He told her, mostly just to confirm it verbally. He wasn’t sure a couple of nods would satisfy her, not knowing him. He was too flimsy with his words… he would say whatever it took to get somebody to believe he was fine. When she asked if she could hug him though, he blinked, before nodding. “Of course.” He said simply. There were hardly ever times that he would turn something like that away. “Oh, obviously. I meant to say that, but then I got confused… English is weird.”
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Emmy nodded at Eli’s words. She wasn’t sure how much the other believed her or would actually turn to her when he needed someone to talk to but she said her piece and told the boy he could always come to her. She smiled when he said she could hug him. She stepped forward and wrapped her arms around the boy, holding onto him for a long moment. “It’s fine, I knew what you meant. I was just teasin’ ya,” she replied with a chuckle. “It really is, the weirdest,” Emmy agreed before pulling away from the other.
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plxsticsaracen · 7 years
Blue couldn’t believe what she’d seen… and yet, she couldn’t get the image out of her head. She stormed away from Eric’s house, a towel wrapped around her still fairly wet body, shoving the clothes she brought back into her bag. She was pretty sure she grabbed everything she came with… after all, she didn’t plan on coming back to the house any time soon. Upon reaching the end of the driveway, Blue looked at her car a couple driveways down, before shaking her head and starting to walk away again. She couldn’t drive… not right now. Another thing she couldn’t believe was that she didn’t even have to run away… He didn’t even chase her. How long had it been going on that he didn’t even care enough to explain?
It was getting chilly out, and Blue was hugging the towel closer to her, but she didn’t want to stop on the sidewalk to put clothes on over her bathing suit. She just wanted to get out of there… and she was hoping the dark was masking the tears running down her face enough that people wouldn’t be able to tell. At least not yet. She just wanted to get home and… She didn’t even know.
Emmy had been invited to the Gilmore pool party, of course she had, she was a plastic after all. She didn’t go, she wasn’t feeling too great and had decided against being around her friends and in a pool which would only aggravate her already low spirits.  She was just stepping out of her house for a little fresh air after being cooped up in it all day when she heard someone come down the sidewalk. Emmy stepped forward and furrowed her eyebrows when she realized it was Blue Churchill, and in tears? 
“Blue?” The girl spoke up, noticing how upset the girl seemed and how she was walking around in the middle of the night in her bathing suit. “What the hell are you doing?” she asked the girl. “Is this some kind of new hipster thing? walking around half-naked in the dark?” she questioned. It may be a nice neighborhood, but there could be scumbags in nice neighborhoods too (See: Ace Mercier). “What’s wrong?” she asked, dropping her tone and being a little more worried for an old former friend. 
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plxsticsaracen · 7 years
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Emmy’s looks: Homecoming Spirit Week - 90s TV/Film Day. 
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plxsticsaracen · 7 years
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Emmy’s looks: Homecoming Spirit Week - Pajama Day
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plxsticsaracen · 7 years
“I so don’t miss being single. Everyone’s scrambling, looking for Homecoming dates, and I get to just chill and be Mister Faithful.”
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Emmy laughed at that and shook her head at his words. “Only the desperate scramble, Hon. Those of us who have options? We just debate the pros and cons before making a sound decision. Who are you mister faithful to again? I forget the seasonal and colorful names.”
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plxsticsaracen · 7 years
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“What’s the sitch?”
“Someone spilled their gross ass food on my Jimmy Choo and I need a change asap! I can’t be seen walking around with a stained shoe, Clarke! That’s blasphemous!” 
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plxsticsaracen · 7 years
“I can’t believe homecoming is so soon and I’m still stuck on three different dresses.“
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“Oh no, so close to the event and you still haven’t been able to pick one for sure? That’s unacceptable! I had mine sorted weeks ago. I even have a wardrobe change at the ready for the afterparty. What are the colors? Perhaps I could be of assistance?” 
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plxsticsaracen · 7 years
Elijah knew that everything Emmy said was true, at least in theory. He knew that what she was saying was supposed to be true, but everything in him was screaming otherwise. Telling the truth didn’t feel natural anymore, at least not as natural as it was supposed to. He knew that Emmy only wanted to help, but it was all in the past now. There was nothing left for her to help. “I guess…” He said softly, setting his drink down and just taking a deep breath. He just wanted to go back to bed. “I know I can. And I will, if I need to talk about something.” But usually he didn’t need to actually talk about things. In his experience, it just made him feel worse. “Yeah, me too… er, you too… I don’t know which is right.”
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Emmy nodded at that and smiled at him lightly as the boy spoke to her softly. “Always, okay? You can always talk to me about anything. When things feel too much, overwhelming, or if you just want to rant,” she told him, standing up from where she sat. “It’s what family is there for, to be there for you and help you through the tough times,” she shrugged lightly. “Is it- Is it okay if I hug you?” she asked, hesitating until she was told she could before moving forward towards him. She laughed lightly and smiled. “You too is right. But I’m more like a sister, right? I don’t think me being a brother would work.”
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plxsticsaracen · 7 years
“Caffeine is the only reason I can make it out of bed in the morning. As for story time, I would love to let you in on the Gillmore Vacation Secrets… Are you paying or…”
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“Oh tell me about it, same. I can barely function without coffee. You’d better, I want every detail. My own wasn’t as exciting. I mean, I did go to London for a bit, but not as exciting as Peru!” she replied, giving his shoulder a little push. “Oh ya cheapskate, fine, coffee’s on me.”  
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plxsticsaracen · 7 years
Kimberly almost felt bad for snapping at the other plastic, but it was an honest mistake so whatever.  “Sorry, Emmy. Didn’t realize it was you.” Besides, it took more than a brush off to upset a plastic - they were made of tougher stuff than that. “Yes, but the pearls won’t match the emeralds on my bracelet and earrings. I mean I could switch my earrings - no I’m just going to go with diamonds.” After all they were a girl’s best friend.
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Emmy waved it off and let out a laugh. “It’s fine, completely understandable. And you know it takes a lot more than that to scare me off,” she joked with the fellow plastic before leaning against the lockers and looking to the older girl. “Oh, I didn’t notice. Very pretty, by the way,” she commented, now inspecting Kim’s jewelry more closely. “Of course, nothing like diamonds to compliment one’s beauty and style.” 
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plxsticsaracen · 7 years
rate the plastics?
“They’re all perfect tens, in my book.”
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