poeticwit-blog · 8 years
consider this blog.... officially rebooted
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poeticwit-blog · 9 years
              PSA –               everyone ought to make some  founders  era  characters !               there are so few of the founders out there, really. i haven’t               come across any helgas or godrics.                                                        rowena needs her lovely friends!             AND THINK OF THE POSSIBILITIES FOR STUDENTS/OCS ! 
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poeticwit-blog · 9 years
reblog and fill in the answers you most associate your character to with each question.
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1. ANIMAL. eagle. 2. COLOUR. bronze.  3. MONTH. may. 4. SONG. drops of jupiter. 5. NUMBER. 9. 6. DAY OR NIGHT. day. 7. PLANT. poppy. 8. SMELL. lavender incense. 9. GEMSTONE. lapis lazuli. 10. SEASON. summer. 11. PLACE. outdoor library, if there were such a thing. 12. FOOD. dried apples. 13. ASTROLOGICAL SIGN. aquarius.  14. ELEMENT(S). air. 15. DRINK. red wine.
15 Associations.
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poeticwit-blog · 9 years
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É Alta Moda, Jac Jagaciak by Camilla Akrans / Vogue Italia September 2013 
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poeticwit-blog · 9 years
fun fact: you are your icon
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poeticwit-blog · 9 years
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         ‘ i realize there are better things you could be filling your time with, but i            would hope you’d understand that your marks in  transfiguration  could            very well be determined by your willingness to help me. considering my            position as the FOUNDER of ravenclaw,  i suspect you can deduce just            how weighty my appraisal of a student’s work ethic --  OR lack thereof            -- can be. so, please, do flip the pages.‘
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poeticwit-blog · 9 years
fellow victim of train scheduling ••
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           “Bloody hell, a whole hour?”
Wendy shook her head and didn’t even attempt to discern  what all of the numbers on the other woman’s app could possibly mean.
            “Well I suppose it’s a good thing that I didn’t have              anywhere important to be.  Though, it is a shame              I’ve  already  almost  finished  the book I brought              with me for the ride.”
feelings of annoyance shared, rowena nodded solemnly.  she pocketed her phone,  offering a small shrug.
              ‘ let’s hope they’re just overstating things. perhaps it’s                 not as terrible a situation as lets on -- though i do rec-                 ognize how DISORGANIZED they can be, so that may                 be asking a lot. ‘ 
she  ran  her  fingers impatiently along the edge of her purse,      looking down the seemingly endless line of track.    it had to be   a g e s   before they’d reach the station -- an hour may not have been so  unlikely. not with this amount of track. 
             ‘ that is a shame --    but if it’s any consolation, you have a                companion to share your misery.   i consistently misjudge                how bored i’ll get on trains,  so i always manage to forget                to bring a book along with me. i’m too optimistic -- i think,                looking at scenery will distract me until we arrive -- unfor-                tunately, that’s not the case. ‘
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poeticwit-blog · 9 years
I wish I knew every single language in the world so I could experience everything. One language and one culture are not enough for the complexity of my mind.
Lynette Simeone  (via opprobriousremarks)
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poeticwit-blog · 9 years
not sorry about it ••
Godric SCOWLS, and the twist of his features might intimidate a lesser man (or woman), but Godric knows well that Rowena, despite Godric’s best and most impressive attempts, finds him not the least a threat to her wellbeing.
In that, she is correct, but it does little good for Godric’s ego. 
             “Would you care, good lady, to ALLOW your throat REST?     Surely it does hurt it to be used so incessantly.”
‘ oh, no, it’s actually quite well -                                                      - i’ve a lovely cup of tea.    it’s quite                                                        soothing. perhaps you’d like some                                                        yourself? ‘
she did know EXACTLY what she was doing,    and normally she wouldn’t find so much amusement in the annoyance of her companion,    but today was a rather slow day. it was raining outside -- which was not something to complain about, certainly, but without cause to go out and enjoy it, she was forced to keep herself stationed inside & reading. 
          ( & hopefully getting crucial work done, but clearly she was in                           the proper mindset for LAUGHS instead )
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poeticwit-blog · 9 years
terrible little girl ••
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░ ▒ ▓ ❝ ¢ЯΙՇΙ¢Αℓ  ♚ ▓ ▒ ░      
            it was a ridiculous question.   in her house, in her home:   the 
            adults did not ask  what children thought, unless it was of little             importance        she assumed this was the case here too. why             would a ghost care for students and their stairs? ghosts didn’t             even always have feet.     she thought of all the traversing and             wrong turns  &&  misadventures &&  late arrivals afforded in                                    her name by the stairs. she snorted. 
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                                                     ❛  of course!!  ❜
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it was impossible to keep the scowl that crossed rowena’s face hidden, as she was certain she showed every ounce of distaste she had in her. but as quickly as it came, it disappeared, her features smoothing out.    obviously, this child was DAFT & couldn’t recognize a good thing when she saw it. so, for now, she supposed the girl could be forgiven,  but in the sort of way the titanic might forgive the iceberg --
                                                              ( ‘ no, i realize you DIDN’T mean                                                                               to sink me.                                                                 it’s not your fault, i suppose. ‘ )
                                                              --  a knack for the dramatics.  --
         ‘ oh? and what do you know of architecture?                         have you ever built anything that wasn’t made                                                               out of small, wooden blocks? ‘
she’d heard about that concept from a muggleborn in her house -- strange as it was;     she couldn’t imagine playing with shaped pieces of wood as a child.     she couldn’t tell how it would be amusing,   but muggles would be muggles.
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poeticwit-blog · 9 years
friendly reminder: rpers love being asked questions directed  at their character to answer, especially if they’re verse / canon related.
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poeticwit-blog · 9 years
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poeticwit-blog · 9 years
Hogwarts Common Room Scents
Gryffindor: the sharp scent of burning wood, a faint hint of mothball, cinnamon and orange and cardamom, a smooth, warm smell, like your mother's baking
Hufflepuff: warm and earthy, a hint of dew, like an early spring morning, grass clippings and the rich scent of dirt, a hint of rosemary and basil and lemon ginger tea
Slytherin: cool and sharp, minty and refreshing, a mixing of peppermint and evergreen and wintergreen, the sharp smell of a pine forest with hints of earthy undertones
Ravenclaw: smells like rain, the breezy wind bringing hints from here and there, musty smell of old books, sharpness of new books, a mixture of smells from every corner of the earth
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poeticwit-blog · 9 years
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▐  ❛ when i discover who i am, i’ll be free.
  indie original character. 
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poeticwit-blog · 9 years
powerful wild ageless creatures falling to their knees before clever brave girls will forever be my absolute favorite ship dynamic
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poeticwit-blog · 9 years
May my heart be kind, my mind fierce, and my spirit brave.
Kate Forsyth  (via tellmefive)
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poeticwit-blog · 9 years
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     ‘ it’s a SHAME, how binns chooses to live he lacks passion, and if it were   up to me he would have been removed long ago.  i haven’t the faintest idea   why he chose to stay put in hogwarts  –   he’s not serving anyone by being   here. given my current condition,   i suppose it will sound hypocritical of me   to say but – WHY do wizards become ghosts?  i mean, i, of course, believe   i’m quite justified but – when one has no passion for LIFE itself?                                          what, i wonder, is the   p o i n t   of prolonging it ? ‘
                      (  she had begun complaining and found herself soon unable                          to cease  –  being a ghost,  there wasn’t much to DO any-                          more. she couldn’t even turn the pages on a bloody book. )
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