poetrynet · 6 years
I am a witch burning on the stake and the only prayers from my lips are blasphemies. This strange fire scorched my throat, coughing white stargazer lilies like ashes down my chin. / I am soul-tired with holiness, sculpted in the inside of my skin with blood. My sins are burned in the hollow of my spine, whispering of a woman whose only offence is her gender.
elly // Woman (via stxrwitch)
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poetrynet · 6 years
“Though my soul may set in darkness, it will rise in perfect light; I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night.”
— Sarah Williams
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poetrynet · 6 years
You remind me of the fingers of Dawn, long strokes of pink and golden, that wake up the world with sweet caresses.
You remind me of the sun rays through the thick foliage of trees, drawing shadows of epic stories on the ground.
You remind me of the sound of the wind flirting with sunflowers in vaste fields, under the adoring look of the clouds.
You remind me of the waves of the sea, singing the birds to sleep while the stars keep them company.
You remind me of the cycle of life, arising every day with new beauty from your soul.
silly things I wirte for my friends | 3 | @hermione-who​
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poetrynet · 6 years
Fire. Bright, burning, untamed.
Flames raising up to the sky, defying the Gods.
Fire. Free, daring, powerful.
Sparkles lightning the night, showing the way.
Fire. Fierce, loud, mighty.
Flashes heating the air, rivaling with the Sun.
Fire. Brave, grand, unstoppable.
The essence of your soul.
silly things I write for my friends | 2 | @trixisiwriting
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poetrynet · 6 years
Nothing matters than you and me under the same sky.
thoughts #21 | r.m (via rmeisel)
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poetrynet · 6 years
One night, the moon is going to disappear. Nobody will know why, but the sky will be darker than usual. 
On the next night, the stars will be gone. Nobody will be able to explain it, but the roof of the sky will be pitch black.
On the third night, you will receive a box. It will be a plain cardboard box, sealed with common transparent tape, and written on with a simple sharpie. The text will read, “For you, the brightest of all.”
Inside, you will find your sisters. 
The stars and the moon, finally given back to their rightful owner.
silly things I write for my friends | 1 | @beaubcxton
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poetrynet · 6 years
Do I have dreams, or do dreams have me?
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poetrynet · 6 years
father, dear father, i am your insatiable hunger, your voracious lust. the wolf in my breastbone howls  because i have inherited your fury, your bone-brittle need to devour everything in your path. dear mother, can you hear my cries? i am your wanting of lovers and wanderlust, your thirst of beauty and running wild.  i am your desperation, your will to live, your heart to love anyone you met.  i am your softness and cracks in this golden body, falling like graceless wings when we tried to reach too high.
elly //  yours sincerely, apollo  (via stxrwitch)
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poetrynet · 6 years
1. Your eyes sparkle the sun. I burn and reach for the jam over the table.
2. I fell for you in slow motion. I saw your smile and my heart swelled. I saw your eyes and my lungs collapsed. I heard your voice and all my wings caught fire.
3. I brought mayflowers for our living room and you bought curtains on craigslist for our bedroom.
4. I cried my tears into the ocean. The ocean called me its child.
5. We kissed under the stars. You say you don’t remember. But the stars are persistent. Stars can’t lie. You don’t believe them.
6. We danced on the surface of the moon. When I kissed you, you burst open into stars. It was the most terrifying beauty I’ve ever seen.
7. I bought a ring five months after we met. You cried and said you belong to me. I never told you that I belonged to you from the start.
8. Last night I woke up and apologized for all the times I denied you. You asked what I meant. I fell asleep without answering.
9. I loved you at 3 a.m. with your perfume on my skin and your kisses all over my spine. I trembled with love and my legs shook from desire.
10. You say you love me. I kiss you in the middle of a busy street, ice cream dripping on the filthy floor. All around us people cheer.
10 things that never happened r.m | published in Cadence | buy me a ko-fi
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poetrynet · 6 years
My god, says the head to the beating heart,
How many times must I bury you?
Oh love, says the heart, blood mixed with grave dirt.
At least once more.
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poetrynet · 6 years
“She says: I gave my tongue to love and this makes it hard to speak”
— Adrienne Rich, “Terza Rima” from Later Poems: Selected and New 1971-2012 (via kafk-a)
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poetrynet · 6 years
your loyalty is
it will kill both
and me
before it is ever
— a.
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poetrynet · 6 years
“through the trials of life and the hardships of death, we will emerge as gods and reclaim that which is rightfully ours.”
- a.
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poetrynet · 6 years
“Love me through the darkness and I will love you all the way through the light.”
— thoughts #146 | r.m
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poetrynet · 6 years
she wanted to reach out past the sky, touch the stars, and be covered in their dust
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poetrynet · 6 years
“A whisper, a brush, a gentle nudge. The Autumnal air awakens me, and wraps me in its arms.”
— Words which live inside of me. ♡
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poetrynet · 6 years
poetry has no meaning  and understanding; it means,  when it comes to you, i am illogical.
elly // you, me, speaking poetry  in our secret language  (via stxrwitch)
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