"Closure" (Original)
The moment that I met you
I thought that you’d been hurt.
The sadness flung from
your jaded tongue
even when you tried to flirt.
Apparently, I was wrong
(because I know that pain quite well) 
and I would wish ne’er upon
the most wretched parasite
that special breed of hell.
O, would that I
From my minds eye
could destroy the messages of what could have been.
You made me feel a hopeful man 
for lying by your side, hand in hand,
watching clouds go by, dawn to dusk,
til these hands’ owners die:
bones to dust.
You hurt me, woman.
I am not a toy.
My heart has been mangled and poisoned in ways that would make you doubt the existence of a kind God, empathy, and even love.
Does it bring you joy
to know you were the one to numb that pain?
That sorrow transformed into a fiery rain
of anger-no-Rage which my heart would employ
for days, weeks, entire months of feeling bitter
to the point where my heart felt like your personal shitter.
Ok, enough pomp.
You get it I’m sure.
No need to sow the seed
that I think you a two-bit whore.
I don’t.  I think you’re naive.
I think you blissfully unaware
of the scars that you leave.
So let me speak up, I will serve you the truth:
The way you treat me is wrong and uncouth.
And read these words well because they’re
the last ones you get.
I will write about you no more;
on this I am set.
You know who you are,
You follow this blog,
You had me on leash like a loyal lap dog,
I messaged you on facebook,
we talked about plays,
gave me your number, and got a boyfriend the
day.                          Whatever.
Never answered my texts
or gave me one much less
‘til there was something you needed
for your friend to possess.
I don’t like you, woman,
but I was told to respect you,
by I girl I only just met who has already surpasses you
in my affection.  I don’t like these feelings
I want to be your friend again, not a poseur.
If you ever even liked me
seek me out for some closure.
Copyright Allan T. Anderson
July 2013
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Love? (An experiment in deduction) - Original
Is it a feeling that we each create and define ouselves?
Is it a level of affection that we strive to meet and possibly surpass in a relationship?
Is it a set uniform thresh hold accessible to all?
Does it even exist?
Do others use "love" as moral justification for living their entire life with just one partner?
Is it an idea that can exist in both monogamy and polygamy?
Can a child feel it?
Does being "in love" with a person affect your ability to love others?
Is it only achievable once?
Will I forever be chasing that high but never re-achieving it?
Can I still love other people the way I love my wife or girlfriend?
Is it morally justifiable to cheat on someone you don't love with someone you do?
Is it morally justifiable to cheat on someone you do love with someone you also love?
Can you even fall in love with two people at the same time?
I may not have a clue what the hell love is but I know this for certain:
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Please post more. Your work is amazing
Thank you. I've been working on some new ones that are a little bit happier. Hopefully, they will carry the same emotional intensity.
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Thats not how copyrights work
I'm aware, but a very small percentage of the population knows that.  This saves all the paperwork and filing.  Besides, if someone thinks my work is good enough to be stolen, I'm flattered.  Also after doing some research from a college business law class I'm taking, ownership starts the moment an idea is expressed.  I have the original source on paper and dated on my computer.  Thank you for your consideration.
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"The Fisherman's Quandary" (Original)
I am a fisherman.
I have a shoddy pole and
I carry wispy weak line and
I have in my possession some bobbers.
Sometimes I lose the bobbers,
more on that later.
I am a fool of a man
I have a shoddy boat yet
I sail on the largest of oceans.  There
I apply my bait of choice,
of course, it's not a choice when it's all you have...
more on that later as well.
Most of the time, I go home hungry,
wretch of the man I am, and
I leave my shoddy boat and shoddy pole out
but I always keep my bobbers close at hand, along
with my bait of choice, of course.
But, I digress.
Sometimes-I do get bites,
A very lucky man I am.
Sometimes-they don't break my line,
I reel them in, always in disbelief, and
Sometimes-it just works
until the very last moment.
Most of the time they don't acknowledge me,
The indignitable man I am,
but-Sometimes-they do and I
get them so close to being in the boat
and then they get boyfriends.
Then the line snaps.
Then they take my bait of choice with them
they always do.
Sometimes-they even take my bobbers
my precious, innocent, naive, perpetually floating bobbers
Those bobbers are all I have left and unlike my bait of choice:
Bobbers don't grow back.
But, I: I am a fisherman!
So I take my shoddy pole and
I take my wispy line and
I rip out another piece of the heart in my chest,
put in on the hook, and cast off once again.
But not before affixing my foolish yet precious bobber
and telling myself that "This next time will be different,"
but more on that later.
Property of Allan T. Anderson
Copyright May 2013
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"Filters" (Original)
I wake up groggy I stumble to the bathroom in an awkward dancefrom my bed my legs have forgotten how to function correctly I reach the bathroom and let out a soft scream "Yeah!" My parents hear it and remind me that they're sleeping I heed their request-for a moment- then repeat it again "Yeah!"  This time they ask me to stop more harshly I grow indignant, groggier, angry I curse into the mirror silently so they can't hear me fuck them they don't know me, how could they-"WHAT WAS THAT?!" Did I say that out loud yes I definitely said that out loud why is it that my brain and mouth work in tandem like this A thought pops in my head and at the very same moment it leaves my lips people call the ability to control this a filter I call it a disease no I don't why did I say that I'm stupid I'm such an idiot perhaps we should move on what did I come here for-for-four-four blocks in a day homework in three blocks all done WAIT NO I HAD MORE LATIN HOW THE FUCK AM I GOING TO-"ALLAN! LANGUAGE!" "Sorry mom!" Damn it there I go again OK get everything done and don't play on your phone don't play on your apps don't check on I should check on my apps "ALLAN IT'S BEEN FIFTEEN MINUTES!" "I know MOM" "Honey, did you take your pills yet?"
Oh yeah...
"Honey? Did you-"
"Uh...no mom, I forgot"
She sighs a plaintive disappointed and rightfully so or maybe not right no she is making me feel bad she's not right no one has the right to make ANYONE FEEL BAD this is wrong she is wrong I am right OK.
Calm down
I reach down into the drawer and get my pills while running water into the metal cup I put on my sink.
I look at my pills
"Bottoms up," I try to down the pills and water in one gulp:
Big mistake.
I take off my now wet bathrobe and crawl back in bed waiting for my filter to kick in.
Property of Allan T. Anderson
Copyright May 2013
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You're cordially invited...(She said yes!)
If you expected a lot of clues
I’m sorry but there are none,
But don’t you get the blues
Just yet; this may prove to be fun!
Let’s see here…a poem! 
Not an original way, I’m sure
So I observe my debts and owe them
To the romanticists of yore.
More to the point: What is the point
Of this paper in your palm?
If you haven’t guessed already
It’s my way of asking “Prom?”
Now PLEASE STAY CALM: Don’t Panic!
You need not respond if so inclined
Thoughts of “rejecting” make one manic
And harbor worries undefined.
But I can tell that you are curious
Or you wouldn’t have read this far,
And I know it would make you furious
Not to know whose words these are
You may already know though
In which case this is still fine
I don’t count on secrecy as
A great attribute of mine.
So should you have an answer
I will tell you what to do:
Come meet your (potential) prom dancer
In the TA at half past two.
Property of Allan T. Anderson
Copyright April 2013
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Update (a haiku)
"Of Machines and Men"
it isn't like "My Best Friend" 
more political
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"Of Men and Machines" (Original)
They love to blame technology for what we have become:
A nation filled with malcontents, others more than some.
Is it really the fault of progress that we've let our standards slip?
Why is it that we spite the tape which helps us keep our grip?
Could it be tradtions' follies: archaic flaws that we embrace?
Or perhaps you'd rather close your eyes than stare real problems in the face.
You take the problems old as time
and then you treat them as if new.
Violent crime existed far before the PS2
So before you blame the one thing
that shelters me from strife
and all the bullshit and the drama which I have plenty of in life
and all the wars for blood and oil
and these acts of so called "valor"
and stories of those impoverished souls who spend their lives in squalor
and "The beast that is America!" which I know I cannot tame
would it be for me such a mortal sin
to play a hero in my game?
Could I possibly feel empowered playing the savior of mankind
or is that too violent a fantasy to have planted in one's mind?
"If not the game, then what?!" they ask, as if it's not already clear.
If you want to stare at a real problem's face
look no further than the mirror.
Property of Allan T. Anderson
Copyright April 2013
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"My Best Friend" (Original)
Do you really want to know
why I look at my own reflection?
It isn't narcissism; see
I'm quite far from perfection.
It isn't because I love
or even like the way I look;
My physique is frail and skinny
and my neck a bird-ish crook.
The reason I look in the mirror,
for whoever wants to know,
Is because I see my friend there
who I found there long ago.
Long ago when I was younger
I was bullied and alone.
My peers had all forsaken me
for they had friends of their own.
While my studies seemed to prosper
my psyche began to die
and my lack of social outlets
would often make me cry. 
That was when I met him
I looked up with eyes of rain
and then I saw another
who could understand my pain.
We did everything together:
We brushed our teeth, we combed our hair,
and we never needed mirrors again
because we knew we both were there.
We had full-on conversations
we knew our every single thought
Our friendship continues to this day
through all the times we fought.
We still practice shadow boxing
When we feel the need to fight,
Whenever I need a friend to talk to
his lips say "It's alright,"
When we're angry then we'll crank up
the volume of the metal music
We both scream in raw chest voices
until our vocal chords refuse it.
Of course there are the fights
if only just a few,
Regardless of who was right 
The other never knew.
We'd never throw punches or kick
we would only sob and yell
We'd call each other awful names 
and tell each other "Go to Hell!"
Then we'll calm down and reconcile
which at times seems like a chore
But although we both need the last word
We need each other more.
Then I'll try to shake his hand-
and this proves to be too much
because all though we sit-
facing each other-
Our fingers cannot touch.
I've never heard my best friend's laugh
I've never shook his hand
and I've never heard him play bass guitar
while he practiced for his band.
I've never seen my best friend's plays
and I've never heard him sing.
I could never hear him when he said
"Take your mind off everything,"
I've never heard my best friend cry
or read his poetry or his journal.
I will never meet my best friend's wife
until, possibly, rest eternal.
I've never wiped my best friend's tears
and I've never seen him blink:
I can only see my best friend's face-
So when we close our eyes
We wink.
Property of Allan T. Anderson
Copyright April 2013
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