policewatcher · 10 years
POLICE chiefs will have to explain in front of Holyrood why searches on under-12's has continued despite giving assurances last year they would stop.
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policewatcher · 10 years
WILLIAM McNee, from Dumfries, has been left with a legal bill of more than £800 for defending himself against the Scottish justice system after police wrongly accused him of not wearing a seatbelt.
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policewatcher · 10 years
LISA Tennant, who took up a prestigious Fulbright Scholarship in Boston, claimed £900 just for reading emails and reports.
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policewatcher · 10 years
POLICE swooped in on Brian Griffin's flat and found cocaine dusting the breakfast bar.
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policewatcher · 10 years
PRESSURE is growing on Scotland’s top police officer Sir Stephen House amid calls for the publication of his correspondence with the information commissioner’s office on stop and search data.
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policewatcher · 10 years
Vic Emery, head of the Scottish Police Authority, is under fire for claiming hundreds of pounds for attending the funerals of the three officers who died in the Clutha helicopter disaster.
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policewatcher · 10 years
A police officer has gone on trial accused of raping a woman after she refused to join him in a “threesome”.
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policewatcher · 10 years
Davidson slams police 'arrogance' Sad state of affairs when we're left to the tories to  defend our civil liberties!
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policewatcher · 10 years
Widescreen TV carried out by police officers after three teenagers and 22-year-old man arrested as noise complaint escalates into eight-hour siege. - Yeah how dare people complain about police heavy handedness? They know what they're doing we NEED these people to cause a siege when the play the TV too loud!
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policewatcher · 10 years
A STRIKE by court staff forced police across Edinburgh and the Lothians to arrest fewer people than normal, it has emerged. Had to laugh at the Scottish Police Federation complaining about polititions meddling in policing when they make political decisions like this!
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policewatcher · 10 years
Or.... the police are ignorant of basic human rights and fail to see how their actions alienate segments of society leading to more crime and "terror", therby causing more work for themselves.
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policewatcher · 10 years
Yeah great idea! Then when they break the law we can report them ... to the police? If senior officers mislead parliament over this do you really think the rank and file will feel any need to comply?
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policewatcher · 10 years
Wood Green court clears PC Warren Luke of crime after ‘escalating’ row that left woman with more than 40 injuries
It’s not just American police that are terrifying. A woman was hit in the face over 40 times when she refused to leave her sick child’s side in hospital in an ‘escalating row’. This policeman even admitted he beat up this woman and he got away with it so far. Thankfully i’m in Scotland and we have a separate police force from England, but this is a little too close to home.
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policewatcher · 10 years
A SHERIFF has warned that police cover-ups must be “stamped out” immediately to prevent police corruption after shamed PC David Carmichael, 41, was found guilty of wilful neglect when he lied to conceal the drink-driving of colleague Daryl McKinnon.
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policewatcher · 10 years
POLICE Scotland is embroiled in a civil war after one of the force’s most senior officers tabled a series of embarrassing questions about his colleagues.
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policewatcher · 10 years
ONE of Scotland’s most senior police officers, who has been on £100,000-a-year “gardening leave” for three years, will return to work next month, it emerged yesterday.
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policewatcher · 10 years
Police station ban for senior Scottish officer
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