#police abuse
zofimp · 17 days
Hey people, I really don't like to make these kind of posts but today I got roughed up by a subway guard after I defended myself from a violent and sexual aggression. My partner and 2 friends were there, but otherwise no one did anything about it I got beaten while that man yelled slurs at me, choking me until near unconsciousness and kept beating me way after I was immobilized. Then I got handcuffed for half an hour while I had to endure the subway workers and guards mocking me and even making threats until the cops arrived. I'm currently at the hospital getting a medical report to present to the police since the guard sued me, so I'm left with no choice but to sue back. I've seen this stuff happen before and I can tell you this much, there will be no justice, best case scenario I will just lose money in an attorney and the whole deal will end in no party getting anything. Still I want to ask you to please reblog and engage because the only justice I can hope for is that this goes public. Thank you.
The next pictures are after the fact, unfortunately no one managed to get any footage among the commotion. TW blood and bruises.
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I would rather not post pictures of my full face rn for mental wellbeing reasons, but if anyone is concerned, all bruises are superficial and I didn't get any heavy wounds, the blood was nasal.
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leftistfeminista · 3 months
How British police spies manipulated activist women into relationships even impregnating them
In a ruling last September, three judges in the IPT found that Kennedy had “grossly debased, degraded and humiliated” Wilson by deceiving her into the relationship.
Wilson’s relationship with Kennedy lasted between November 2003 and February 2005. Kennedy did not disclose to her that he was a police officer who had been sent to spy on her and the political groups she supported. She only discovered his real identity in 2010.
Kennedy was part of a covert police operation that spied on more than 1,000 predominantly leftwing and progressive political groups over more than four decades. Many undercover officers deceived women they were spying on into sexual relationships during their covert deployments. These relationships are known to have occurred between the 1970s and 2010.
The three IPT judges ruled that senior officers supervising Kennedy “either knew of the relationship [with Wilson], chose not to know of its existence, or were incompetent and negligent in not following up on the clear and obvious signs” of the relationship.
On Tuesday, Wilson said: “The finding that these operations breached the rights to freedom of expression and assembly and were unlawful amounts to a long overdue recognition that spying on protest movement is political policing and has no place in a democratic society.”
“It is important, because it goes beyond the scandal of undercover officers deceiving women into intimate relationships. Violating our political rights was the entire reason for these deployments and thousands of people will have had their political rights violated in this way.”
The IPT judges praised her “tenacity and perseverance” in pursuing the complaint. She fought a significant portion of the case herself as she could not afford lawyers.
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pilferingapples · 2 months
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Prefect Henri Gisquet, from his own memoirs, on the legal system's harassment of sex workers , via Jill Harsin's Policing Prostitution in 19th Century Paris
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vague-humanoid · 10 months
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Several of the clips recently reviewed by The Times show stabbings and fist fights. One shows an inmate trying to kill himself, and another shows several jailers punching a man in the head as they try to subdue him. Still another shows a woman giving birth in the middle of a hallway, where her newborn falls out onto the jail floor in a puddle of blood.
Some of the videos, all apparently taken from the jails’ surveillance systems, show men so inured to violence that they continue on with their daily routine, working out and reading even as bloody brawls and beatings by deputies unfold feet away. Other clips highlight a troubling inattentiveness from jailers, who are slow to respond or leave vulnerable inmates unattended.
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ophilosoraptoro · 5 months
Cop Stops Family From Going To Emergency Room Update
I can't wrap my head around people like this cop. Do they try to change the story to make themselves look better, or does some part of their brain actually perceive the entire situation in a way that favors themselves? Like near the end, when he says they were cussing him out and being hostile at beginning, even though that's not how it went down.
I guess oaths to the constitution mean nothing now.
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earhartsease · 3 months
this is our local constabulary - people like to say that they're better than most but acab
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monsterohnenamen · 1 month
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just so no one forgets lol
[image is an awarded reddit comment with 5.2k upvotes written by “YourWormGuy” which reads:
It’s interesting how they always want to take onlooker’s phones as evidence. When I worked in surveillance the cops never needed to take our video server for evidence, they were happy to just have me burn a copy onto a disk. If they really wanted a video for evidence, they could request it. If you didn’t want to give it, they could go through proper legal channels to have the court require that you provide it.
But they don’t want her phone as evidence. They want to steal the woman’s phone (which, let’s face it, our phone have become a part of us at this point), deleve the video, claim it wasn’t recording or that the phone glitched, and keep the phone essentially forever.
There have been many cases of people petitioning the courts to have their property returned, getting a court order, and the agencies still refusing to give the property back. I don’t know exactly, but Ibet I can guess how often the agencies or officers refusing to comply with these court orders are held in contempt of court.
End text.]
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punishedcrow · 1 year
So police are now blasting Disney music so any video of them breaking laws will be instantly taken down by Disney's copyright.
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This is just one case. It will become more common from now on. Here in Brazil we just had a case of Military Police faking conflict and covering their recently implented body cams to execute robbers who were already subjugated.
This needs to get signal boosted.
We cannot let this continue. The police are finding new ways to be corrupt and murderous and get away with it, above any kind of law.
This isn't just the system being fucked anymore, the cops are now officially going against the system and making it harder to denounce their crimes.
If you're seeing this PLEASE REBLOG!
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troythecatfish · 6 months
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ausetkmt · 7 months
he should be fired and have his racist ass beat
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polosnacks-blog · 1 year
https://cutt.ly/N3JFAZV ...This is where bad cops are born I bet.
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muhgie · 1 year
One of my best friend’s family members just experienced police brutality and abuse. Can somebody please send me resources and ways to help them? I’m so fucking angry right now
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benandstevesposts · 11 months
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vague-humanoid · 1 year
@chrisdornerfanclub @nerdymouse @russianspacegeckosexparty @el-shab-hussein
Newly revealed text messages sent by police in Antioch, California show that officers for years engaged in racist conduct and celebrated their own brutality while facing no pushback at all from superiors.
Among other things, the Mercury News reports, officers in Antioch made racist jokes about offering a "prime rib dinner" to anyone who shot Mayor Lamar Thorpe with projectiles often used on protesters.
Other messages show officers boasting about violence they inflicted on others while at times lamenting they didn't go further in making alleged perpetrators suffer.
One particularly egregious text sent by Antioch Officer Eric Rombough lamented that the injuries he inflicted on a suspect wouldn't be as readily visible as he had hoped.
“I was bummed that beast was so fat cuz he didn’t bruise up very fast,” he said.
Text messages from multiple officers showed them referring to Black people as "gorillas,” “monkeys” and “water buffalo," and one officer even boasted to an officer in a nearby city that he could use the N-word in group texts without any fear of being reprimanded.
Mayor Thorpe slammed his city's officers for the racist text messages in an interview with Mercury News.
"There are times where I’ve asked the police department to circle my house because my daughter’s there by herself,” Thorpe said. “And this is the type of animus they have toward people like me and my daughter? I’m just so disgusted right now. I can’t even describe it.”
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tarlos-spain · 2 years
My first Tarlos Weekly Prompt fic
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Summary: Mitchell is on leave for a few days and Carlos meets a new patrol partner. Jenkins doesn't seem like a bad guy but apparently there's a lot about Carlos he doesn't like. Suddenly the security Carlos has always felt as a member of the police force disappears when his partner fails to protect him from a violent attack by strangers. Suddenly, TK finds himself on the other end of the phone when he gets a call from the hospital telling him that Carlos has been badly injured in the emergency room.
Notes: This si my first fic for the @tarlosweeklyprompts. For me there's no better way to start doing it that Carlos getting hurt and TK receiving the call from the hospital, something we haven´t seen in the show.
Pairing: None other that TK/Carlos
Characters: Carlos Reyes, TK Strand, Andrea Reyes, Gabriel Reyes, Owen Strand, Tommy Vega, Officer Mitchell, 126 firehouse family
"TK," He heard his father's voice. It sounded far away and that he was sitting next to him. 
"TK, mijo." 
Andrea put her hand on his knee. He was shaking, he'd been... he'd lost count of how long it had been since he'd sat in the yellow hospital chair and stood motionless, staring at the wall.
It was ten o'clock at night when the phone had started ringing. He had just gotten home, was taking a shower when he heard it. If it was Carlos he would leave a message. He wasn't expecting a call from anyone and he needed to spend some time under the shower water and with lots of soap after he had been helping to get that guy out of the mountain of manure he had fallen into.
But it rang again a minute later. 
His blood ran cold. Something had happened, something bad.
TK looked at his hands, they had been shaking for a long time. He squeezed them hard, it hurt, but that only hurt, it didn't take away the nerves, the fear, and certainly not the urge to cry.
"TK, honey." Tommy's figure appeared in front of him, kneeling, her hands on his knees. "The doctor wants to talk to you and, Andrea and Gabriel."
"Carlos..." groaned TK.
"He's out of danger, honey. The doctor says there will be no permanent damage. He has the odd broken bone, he'll need a few weeks to recover, but nothing that won't heal."
TK let out a whimper and made himself small, he cringed and received his father's hug. That made him burst into tears. He wasn't going to cry when he walked into the room, he wasn't going to cry in front of Carlos.
"Tyler Kennedy? Mr. Strand?"
"It's me," TK said standing in the middle of the bedroom, phone clenched in his hands.
"I'm calling from the general hospital in... Carlos Reyes has been admitted to the ER for an assault... They've taken him straight to the OR... broken bones... concussion..." 
He heard it all choppy. He tried to pay attention, tried hard not to imagine how his boyfriend was doing with what they were saying. 
He sat down on the bed because his legs were shaking and he felt like he was about to have a heart attack.
Carlos was hurt, the life of the man he wanted to marry was in danger and the doctor kept telling him that it was not in danger. It was the first time he had gone through something like this.
It was selfish of him to think so, but it had been so easy to think that Carlos was invincible, that nothing could ever happen to him. How could Carlos do it every time they called him from the hospital, or when Owen told him that something had happened to him?
He felt like he was going to die, he felt like he was having trouble breathing.
"He's been the victim of an assault... broken arm, ribs... blow to the head... unconscious when he entered the hospital... broken..."
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