I get anxious about a couple of things like serial killers, bankruptcy and illness and I get offended by a couple things like fascism and disrespect, but I dont get anxious or offended by an internet, or whats in an internet either. Pull your socks up and play the game.
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Whats the difference between Tiger Woods and Princess Diana? Tiger has a better driver.
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Tumblr. A place where awkward loners vent their uneducated aggressions and justify it by telling the world they have anxiety problems because of the internet which is why we should call each other combinational, sequential, binary, analogue, helicopters and spaghetti warriors and be just fine with it.
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Feminist: We represent our entire species and they all agree with us
Normal women: I… uhh… No you dont, you represent a minor percentage of people who invent their own problems and put them others
Feminist: Your obviously a slave, mind controlled by your male overlord.
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For all the “radical politics” tumblr preaches, y'all sure ain’t shit when the time comes to vote/work for it and y'all voting for/supporting oligarchic neoliberal corporatist warmongering tools and neo-fascists
Where will you be after “celebrating a historic moment in (white, faux) feminism”????? Doing nothing to challenge the evil you just put into office, probably
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Tumblr media
Someone sent me this.
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Another reason I'm not a feminist
So a few days ago, my boyfriend and I went to our local park just to walk around and visit the splash pad. It was a hot day, and seeing as we wanted to go to the splash pad I was wearing shorts, a middrift and a light sweater. I normally dress very conservatively, I rarely ever show more than my legs, so I was already very uncomfortable and always had my arms around my sweater to try to cover up more. After walking around these two elder women passed by me, to which I heard them say to one another, “imagine if that girl dressed like that around her husband, or her brothers or father. How can girls wear stuff like that?”
We were at this park for hours. The entire time there, it was only older women and girls who looked at me funny or scoffed as I walked by, holding their boyfriends close as I made my way passed them.
The entire time, not a single man said or did anything sexist to me, but i was slut shamed and made the object of female banter by many women.
When feminists whine about men being mysogonistics they should look in the damn mirror first. Women are the worst when it comes to that sort of thing. Men know to hold their tongue. They’ve been taught and conditioned to do so, women do it themselves with no consequence.
Check your privilege, feminists.
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Why is Santa a man?
Because his wife cant drive the sleigh.
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Tumblr kid: You offended me by not acknowledging my preferred pronoun
Me: Sorry bout that, do you keep your detachable bollocks in your safe space? Tf out of here
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Sticks and stones will break my bones and tumblr will forever haunt me Im offended and broken and need a safe space because everything tries to taunt me Im not man or woman or dog Im an easily offended child Im just a sheep who follows trends And talks the same amount of bile.
Everyone on tumblr
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#ineedfeminism because i cant take a piss outside a pub beside the bin for MEN staring and raping me with their breath.
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