poliwhirl42 · 5 hours
It's fanfiction it doesn't have to be perfect it doesn't have to be accurate this is a hobby you're doing this for fun it's okay if it isn't perfect and polished you're doing it for fun [talking to myself in the mirror]
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poliwhirl42 · 5 hours
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poliwhirl42 · 2 days
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Burgundy in a cute cherry dress 😊🍒 I headcanon she loves vintage-y cute dresses like these. The Pokeani equivalent of ModCloth is her go-to tbh
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poliwhirl42 · 3 days
1000 Books You May Have Actually Read
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poliwhirl42 · 3 days
one of the most challenging skills i've had to learn as an adult is the art of figuring out whether i'm proportionally annoyed with someone or just tired and overstimulated and looking for reasons to be pissed off
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poliwhirl42 · 3 days
it actually makes me so sad that people consume media where every character is kind of an asshole and they just entirely overly sanitize every character and every problem thats caused by the being kind of an asshole thing. i loooove conflict i love people who suck. i love people who are good people but also still kind of suck in some ways because they are a person. most importantly you all do not understand the comedic potential of characters being kind of shitty to eachother.
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poliwhirl42 · 3 days
*has strong urge to draw Burgundy in every outfit I have saved to my board for her on Pinterest*
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poliwhirl42 · 4 days
the unbreakable connection between me and a song I heard in a fanvid over ten years ago
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poliwhirl42 · 4 days
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these two hurt my eyes.
and i hope they have the happiest birthday ever 🎁
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poliwhirl42 · 4 days
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poliwhirl42 · 6 days
"Oh man! I can't believe I got to have a gym battle with Ash Ketchum!" 
Ash could swear he saw heart eyes in the challenger's eyes as he ran out with a badge and an autograph. He waved goodbye with a laugh, Pikachu on his shoulder. 
"You go easy on another challenger? You're going to ruin my reputation." 
Ash grinned as he turned around. "Paul! You're back!" 
Ash grazed his hand over the panel to lock the front doors of the gym. He jogged up to Paul with excitement. 
"When did you get back?" He hugged him tightly. 
Paul patted his back lightly as Pikachu jumped off Ash's shoulder and onto Paul's before hopping to the ground. It ran off and called behind him. 
Ash pecked Paul on the lips still grinning.
"I hear you've been giving away my badges again." Paul raised an eyebrow. 
"Well, he was trying so hard you know?" Ash laughed. 
Paul shook his head. "My gym is the most challenging in the region for a reason." 
"Come on, Paul. We've gotta let some through!"
"And having just anyone think they can waltz in here and beat me? You must be joking." Paul scoffed and turned to make his way down the hall. 
He held out his arm slightly and waited. Ash took the offer, lacing their fingers. "How was Reggie?" 
"Fine. As always." 
"What did he need help with?" Ash asked as the gym lights turned off behind them. 
"It was more of a job for you, but I now have a spirit tomb." 
"A spirit tomb? Why?" Ash asked as they made it to their yard. Ash waved as all their pokemon greeted them along with some client pokemon. 
"That's why I said it was more of a job for you. The Spiritomb had been abandoned on a ranch for a few decades. It was so lonely that it attacked anything even remotely close to the ranch." 
"Oh no!" Ash frowned. "Maybe Gengar can talk to it." 
Paul removed a pokeball from his belt and tossed it. "There you go, oh Great Pokemon Whisperer." 
Ash flushed and unlocked their hands. "Stop! You know I hate that." 
Paul pulled Ash back to him and set a hand on his waist. He placed a soft kiss on his cheek. "You mess with my reputation, and I run down yours." 
Paul grinned and ruffled Ash's hair, knocking off his hat. Froslass placed it back on Ash's head appearing due to interests in the newly caught ghost pokemon. 
"You're so annoying." Ash patted the dirt off his hat. 
"That so?" Paul smirked. 
"Yeah, it is." Ash shot back. 
"Have you fed the pokemon yet?" Paul asked. 
"No, I was gonna do it now." Ash muttered
"I'll help." 
"Thanks, but you don't have to. You're tired, aren't you?" 
"Have enough energy to help my boyfriend feed our pokemon." 
Ash rubbed his nose in embarrassment and felt his face heat. It wasn't often that Paul laid claim to him with labels. It always made him giddy and excited. 
"Okay!" Ash hooked their arms and led them to their storage unit. "We just got a new shipment of Brock's pokemon food!" 
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poliwhirl42 · 8 days
if youre a rival and youre gay raise your hand
if youre a rival and youre gay raise your hand
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poliwhirl42 · 10 days
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it came to my realization that 99% of my fandom related headaches would be cured if everyone understood this
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poliwhirl42 · 11 days
brb I'm going to compile a list of plot points in Pokemon Learning League
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poliwhirl42 · 12 days
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au where everythings the same but somewhere between hgss and sunmoon red gets into angsty scream music
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poliwhirl42 · 20 days
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I just found this bad edit I made LITERALLY 10 years ago (almost to the day- June 18th) before I had access to Photoshop (as you can obviously tell) and I don’t remember what the context was…
Anyway it’s giving the vibes I’m trying to go for with the fic I’ve finally started drafting out, sooo…thanking Past Me for the inspiration!
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poliwhirl42 · 20 days
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