pollyanna-mayflower · 2 years
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Did a Mother 1 thing today
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pollyanna-mayflower · 2 years
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Giving Pokey an internal crisis with this one
Here's a part 2 of something nobody asked for
Might need extra voice actors in the future, because I want more
Also, my Lucas portrayal sucks
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pollyanna-mayflower · 2 years
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Polly(anna): An Earthbound original Story - Chapter 3
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In the Minch brothers' bedroom
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"Wait, so it WASN'T a boy? I was right after all!" Picky spoke in a gloating manner, his blonde bangs bouncing a bit as he gave himself a proud nod.
Pokey sat on his bed, nodding and sighing, processing what he just went through. After the lecture he got a moment ago, he doubted he'd ever see this Pollyanna girl again. The boy scoffed and shrugged. 
"Yeah, whatever! She's stupid anyway!" 
is what he was initially going for. Instead, he just…got quiet. 
Picky looked over at his older brother, confused. He would've either broken her off or praised her to bits at this point. 
"Was it that bad?" The younger boy went to sit on his own bed, still looking at his brother. "Oh wait, I get it!" he exclaimed, Pokey now slowly turning his head, curious of where this was going. 
"She doesn't speak English! Then again…you would've said something about that too…" Getting nothing but a stare from his older brother, Picky sighed, rather annoyed. "C'mon! There must be something! Was she ugly?" 
"What? No." 
"Aha! So, you like her then?" 
Pokey went into defense mode as soon as that question got dropped on him. "Just because I think someone's pretty doesn't mean I like them!" 
Picky grinned. This was exactly the reaction he expected from his big brother. Though they didn't go to the same school, he was aware Pokey never did well with girls. He'd either freeze up on them or be excessively mean. Though that latter occurrence only ever took place once.
"You chickened out, didn't you?" Picky's voice held something sinister. Pokey wasn't having it and whined. 
"Can you stop?" 
"Sure I can, but I won't– at LEAST tell me you remember her name!"  
Pokey faced upward, his bangs slightly parting, revealing only a bit of his eye. He sighed, groaning a bit. "If I tell you, will you shut your trap?" 
Picky didn't respond, looking at his brother with anticipation, his feet excitedly tapping the splintering floor in a rhythmic way. 
"Pollyanna" was what eventually came out of the heavy-built boy. 
Picky heard it before, but he wasn't quite sure where from. His mind started going anywhere, trying to figure it out. That's when he started humming a small tune, putting the lyrics together as he did so. 
"You can call me Pollyanna, say I'm crazy as a loon~" 
It was that song from 198X their parents would often blast on their static ridden radio. Thinking about that old thing made the young blonde boy's head pound. 
He looked over at Pokey who seemed to recognise it now as well. A fat grin formed on the youngest one's face as he was about to speak again. 
"She really must've been crazy as a loon herself, inviting you in–" Without much of a warning, Pokey threw his pillow at his brother, hitting him right in the face. A muffled giggle emanated from the attacked one. The attacker, although trying to hold it, let out an amused scoff, shaking his head as a small smile creeped up. 
"Buzz off, Picks." 
"Uhhhm…Nope!" Picky then threw his own pillow at his big brother, causing Pokey to slightly tilt to the side, making his bed creak due to the shift in weight. It didn't bother him too much anymore and stabilized himself as he took the pillow and gave it a look before turning to face Picky again, to then throw the previously thrown pillow at him. 
"Pillow Fight!" 
≻───── ⋆✩⋆ ─────≺
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With each step she took, Pollyanna's sense of unease grew stronger. It came to a point where her head started to hurt. The rustling sound of the soft, clean green grass seemed to be louder. Deafeningly louder. 
"I must be back home as soon as possible. This…doesn't feel right…" 
A sudden strong, chemical scent overwhelmed her as she slowly approached home. 
"Is that…paint?" 
Pollyanna looked over her shoulder, seeing an elderly man come closer to her, the smell off freshly applied paint only getting stronger.
From what she could see, the man wore a long, bright blue robe with a matching kippah. The hair that was still on the man's head shared this awfully bright color. 
With him, the man carried a golden statue of what seemed to be a humanoid creature, holding a sword. Its eyes, though lifeless, held something mysterious. As much as she wanted to figure out what it was, Pollyanna couldn't put her finger on it. It frustrated her, made her…incredibly angry. 
"Hey, kid! Outta the way!" A cranky voice yelled. Polly gasped and shook her head, snapped out of her angry state before stepping aside. The man in blue passed her, giving her a glare before carrying on with the statue tightly clutched under his arm, determined not to drop it, as if he was possessed. 
Pollyanna, although feeling like it was a bad idea, decided to follow the man after gently taking off her little heels so as to not make too much noise. She noticed the man was going door to door, talking to people.
"Why hello there, Mrs. lko?@#$*!" Pollyanna's ears briefly rang, her headache worsening. 
"What did he say…?"
Before she knew it, the woman that was being spoken to followed him like a baby duckling. This went on for a few more houses. The row of people became frighteningly longer, all of them seeming to act like puppets. 
Once arriving at Pollyanna's home she quickly hid behind the house, just to see if the horde would knock at her own door. 
The air around her started to become bitingly cold the longer she waited. 
Suddenly Pollyanna felt a cold hand on her shoulder, causing her to flinch and quickly turn. 
It wasn't the man in blue that she just saw leading the group. It seemed to be one of the town's people, yet something seemed wrong. Their skin color, while not in the same hue, was also blue.
A smug grin appeared on their face, which only seemed to turn into a terrifying smile. Pollyanna's eyes widened. She wanted to  scream, but not a sound came out of her. 
"Found ya~!" the deranged civilian spoke.
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pollyanna-mayflower · 2 years
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Happy Valentine's Day!
I still have writers block, SO I made SOME MORE VOICE ACTING STUFF as a Valentine's Day Special
I regret nothing
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pollyanna-mayflower · 2 years
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Probably the last Pokey/Porky Voice thing I'll be doing before focussing back on my story. This was super fun to do. Enjoy!
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pollyanna-mayflower · 2 years
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Okay, hear me out
I hit a massive writer's block, so I decided to just goof around and look up some Mother related pictures. Stumbled on some Claus art and it hit me: "If Mother 3 would've gotten a movie, 2000s Thomas Brodie-Sangster would be Claus"
Messed around and just made this edit:
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pollyanna-mayflower · 2 years
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More Pokey/Porky Minch stuff from me. An AU voice concept, this time
Pokey/Porky feeds his newfound kitty.
[NOTE: My actual cat does the meows]
Enjoy :)
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pollyanna-mayflower · 2 years
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Feeling confident enough to post this here.
Hope you guys like my interpretation of Pokey/Porky Minch here
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pollyanna-mayflower · 2 years
“I never loved you. Never.”
“I thought you were the one for me. But, you’re not the one for anyone.”
“You think what we had was real? It was an act. You’re a joke.”
“Love is for fools. Money is stability. I have to leave.”
“We were always doomed to end up here.”
“I made it–I made it here. Please, just stay with me.”
“You can stay awake, right? You can do that..I know you can.”
“I knew you were mean sometimes. But I never thought you were cruel.”
“We’re from two different worlds. This was never going to work.”
“I love you. But I’m not in love with you.”
“I thought you believed in me. That was a lie too, wasn’t it?”
“You’ll forget me tomorrow because I’ve already forgotten you.”
“You’re too damaged for anyone to love.”
“I used to like who I was. I was fine with it. You made me hate myself.”
“You thought I still cared? Hilarious.”
“You took away a year of my life. I can’t get that back.”
“You cannot be serious. You thought I’d choose you over them?”
“Nothing is more important than my career. Nothing. Not even you.”
“Tell me to leave and I’ll walk out forever. Just say it.”
“Tell me you don’t love me. Tell me we meant nothing.”
“Maybe somewhere in the universe, we made it work. Even if that wasn’t here.”
“I think knowing you has made my life better and worse.”
“Only you would choose to leave me on our wedding day.”
“I don’t want it back. I don’t want that ring back. You keep that.”
“I’m begging you to stay and you just want to walk away, anyway.”
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pollyanna-mayflower · 2 years
Polly(anna) An Original Earthbound Story - Chapter 2
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Inside Pollyanna's House
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Pokey, still as clueless as could be, wandered around the living room like a lost puppy while Pollyanna just sat down, watching. An occassional giggle escaped her.
After giving him a few more seconds, Pollyanna stood up, the smile on her face softening a little.
The boy flinched and immediately looked over, after which the girl giggled once again. "You know you can sit down, right?"
"Right!" the boy confidently spoke. And sit down, he did...right onto the floor.
Pollyanna laughed, leaving Pokey confused.
"...You said I could...sit down...right?" He innocently asked, his head only slightly tilted. The girl – which now seemed to look suspiciously taller – nodded, still laughing. "I-I did...but I meant..." she struggled to bring out in between laughter. Pollyanna took a breath before continuing. "I meant on the couch..." she concluded before pointing at the two-person couch right behind the blonde boy – who was now turning bright red.
"Oh flapjacks!" he exclaimed, a hint of disappointment in his voice before he started crawling up on his feet with a sigh. After a brief scratch behind his ear Pokey then eventually sat down on the couch, while Pollyanna slowly recovered from her laughing fit.
After that, it became completely quiet – at least for a few seconds.
"So..." Both started in unison before looking at one another and chuckling, Pokey shaking his head.
"You go first," Pollyanna then offered with a smile, causing her guest to kick into full gear again.
"Oh! Uh...S-So, the craziest thing happened yesterday!" Before anything could even be asked, he just continued rambling.
"A HUGE meteorite crashed down and caused a whole ruckus in town! I discovered it myself...Well...after the cops– I-I mean officers found it," the boy explained.
Pollyanna had a fascinated expression on her face. "A REAL meteorite? Like the ones in alien movies?" she enthusiastically asked. Pokey reciprocated the enthusiasm as he quickly nodded his head. "Yup! EXACTLY like that! In fact, there was an–!"
"Pokey! What in Sam's Hill are you doing in there?!" A man's voice interrupted the boy's further explanation. His face turned completely pale as he slowly rose up from the couch. A confused expression painted Pollyanna's entire face.
"Who is that...?" she carefully asked. Pokey didn't even look over at her as he replied.
"...My dad..."
Realising how scared he sounded, Pokey immediately shifted his expression and cleared his throat. "H-He's just worried! I didn't tell him where I was going!" he blurted out before reluctantly turning his back on the girl and started walking out.
"W-Well, be seeing ya!" he then called out before leaving the house, quickly shutting the door as screams and cursing could already be heard from the other side.
Pollyanna's confusion turned into worry, yet she had no idea what to do to help and so she just sat there until the scolding slowly faded out.
≻───── ⋆✩⋆ ─────≺
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Meanwhile, in town...
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"Order for Ness–! I...can't read that last name..." the cook trailed off as he looked at the post-it attached to the tray of food in his hands. His eyes then searched the place again, a boy with a striped shirt and a red cap soon coming into view. The boy had his hand up and smiled as he stood by the counter.
The cook pulled up a brow, his eyes looking between the food to the boy. "You're Ness?" To which the boy just happily nodded, both his hands now neatly placed on the counter. After shrugging a bit, the cook handed the tray over to Ness before helping the next customer.
After all that ruckus with the meteor the other day and the hard task he's been given by Buzz Buzz, the boy was quite hungry – not to mention beat up by all sorts of otherwise friendly creatures. It was to be expected, with this Giygas influencing everything and all, but still, Ness couldn't help but feel a little sad that the neighborhood dogs were now so out of control.
Shaking the thoughts away, Ness took a big bite from his burger, feeling a bit better already. He could tell his face was probably covered in ketchup. It made him chuckle a little. His mother would've probably run along with a napkin already. Luckily, his order came with a rather big amount of those and he carefully dabbed his face off with one.
It were the simple things that made Ness happy. When helping out that mysterious girl he was glad to have been there and even hanging out with Pokey was a highlight at times, aside from the actions yesterday. Then again, it was probably the most natural reaction someone could've had to an event like this. After all, Pokey is still a child.
As Ness continued eating, he couldn't help but feel that he was being watched. It was a bit scary for the boy, but he tried to ignore it.
"You seem to be popular, kid," the cook called from the distance as his head pointed to the nearest window the boy was sitting at. There were at least three kids with sunglasses watching him: one with a pogo stick, one with a skateboard and one with...a hoola hoop.
"Didn't ya hear?" a random customer suddenly spoke. "Ever since that meteorite struck, them Sharks have been reekin' havock all over town, attackin' dang near everyone that crossed 'em. The police has had their hands full with the punks. I think Franky even claimed the border between this town and Twoson."
The customer then turned his head towards Ness, a serious expression on his face. "Better watch your back, son. Or ya might be next," he warned.
≻───── ⋆✩⋆ ─────≺
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Pollyanna's House...Again
(I don't get paid enough to make these cards,
send help)
~The Cards Guy
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Observation Onett
As expected, the people seemed to be influenced already. My suspicions have been confirmed not too long ago, as one of the inhabitants' parents have been showing signs of aggression. Though I dare not say if it was only in the verbal sense.
I pray Buzz Buzz is safe and has been able to locate the chosen one. My guess is that it is the silent boy who saved me from an affected canine about an hour ago.
While my whole purpose is to make sure these people are safe, I feel uneasy as I have no recollection of any events prior to this one. All I know is who I am and the state of this place. As if all the information has been given to me (if only I knew by whom or what). Does my duty to protect really go for the town's people or solely to one individual?
I sensed a disturbance with my most recent visitor. His speech and motions show excitement, perhaps even happiness. However, all could be a facade to conceal something far darker. I shall definitely keep my guard up with that one – even more so, knowing he can see me and knew of my arrival here. Nobody else seems to notice me – aside from the chosen boy. Was it meant this way? Do the two boys have something in common that others do not? Questions like this mustn't plague me that much.
I shall go to the center of town to continue accessing the situation and the state of the people.
A report will follow later.
End of page
≻───── ⋆✩⋆ ─────≺
Pollyanna blinked a few times before realising she sat at her table, her notebook open wide with writings of which she was convinced weren't hers. The girl's eyes widened before she pushed herself away from her spot, slowly getting off the chair she sat on. She then hesitantly reached for the book that still neatly layed out and started to read the written page.
"So...would this have anything to do with the meteorite Pokey talked about?"
The young girl immediately put the book back and went out to the center of town to find out just that what she was thinking.
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Meanwhile in town...
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The loud noises of bicycle bells, pogo bonks, skateboard wheels and hula hoop whooshes rang in Ness' ears. These sharks multiplied like bacteria. The support just kept coming. Ness tried to take out the strongest one first – which was the Pogo Punk to his left. The boy used his trusty bat to try and bash him off, but missed. The Pogo Punk saw this as an opportunity to strike back, yet he too couldn't land his attack. "I-I nearly fell off!" the Shark stammered. Distracted by his own save, the punk didn't realise Ness was about to bash again, fear clearly visible through his sunglasses.
With little to no time to react, the punk flew off his pogo stick, landing right on his back. His companions watched him lay there, the guy calling himself 'Yes Man Jr' growing angry as he swung his hula hoop at Ness like a lunatic.
The boy with the red cap stumbled back from the hit. It hurt him greatly. Both Sharks had a big grin on their face.
≻───── ⋆✩⋆ ─────≺
Pollyanna ran as she was being chased down by a group of ruffians: The remaining Sharks. The girl was sure the tapping of her small heels could be heard throughout the alleyways. Yet when she called for help, none of the town's people seemed to even look over at her. "Darnit," the girl exclaimed. "Alright, running it–" as she was about to finish the sentence, the poor girl didn't pay attention to the road ahead, causing her to fall and slide, accidentally flooring two other children in front of her: one with a hula hoop and one on a bicycle. It looked liked something from a cartoon.
≻───── ⋆✩⋆ ─────≺
Ness prepared himself and squeezed his eyes shut as he noticed the 'Yes Man Jr.' was about to attack again. Rather than getting the final blow from the hula hoop, Ness heard a painful whine coming from the Shark, shortly followed by the sound of a clattering bike and a now out of tune bell. Even that bell sounded in pain.
Confused by the plathera of sounds, Ness slowly opened his eyes again, quickly covering his mouth with his hand at the sight he beheld: there was a pile of Sharks now in front of him, with a hint of sunflower at the bottom. The capped boy had a hard time containing his laughter. His focus quickly returned as he heard a muffled voice, in between the painful groans of the now seemingly calm Sharks. "O-Oh, dear. I'm stuck..." the voice spoke.
Ness chuckled and shook his head before carefully offering the end of his bat as a means to pull the girl out of the pile.
≻───── ⋆✩⋆ ─────≺
Pollyanna looked up, seeing the boy with the cap pointing at the end of the baseball bat he was holding. He most likely wanted her to hold onto it so he can pull her out. "Why, thank you very much," the girl politely spoke before grabbing on. "On the count of three, alright? One...two...three!" The boy remained silent, aside from the small groan he let out as he pulled the counting girl out of the pile, the Sharks whining even more as he did so.
"Hey, man...We're down and out...!" one of them called.
Ness then proceeded to carefully put his bat down and grab his backpack, reaching inside before pulling out a spare hamburger and giving it to Pollyanna with a kind smile on his face.
As the girl hesitantly began to eat it, she could feel herself getting better. "Thank you again...It seems like I've been getting myself in quite the predicaments. First that dog and now these ruffians...Good thing you were around both times!"
Ness shook his head smiling, as if he was telling her it wasn't a big deal.
Polly smiled back before looking around. "Everything has been so odd lately...Really odd..." Her eyes then went back to the boy. "The only friendly people I've encountered so far are you and Pokey."
"You know him?" Ness just nodded. Polly seemed to look a bit relieved. "Good that he isn't all alone then. I have a feeling something is off. You see, earlier–" The girl then stopped herself and shook her head. "...You know, it really isn't my place. You might know him better than me anyway and I wouldn't want to go around sharing sensitive info without him knowing. Apologies," she said, bowing her head a little.
Ness, although a little confused, let it slide and nodded. Pollyanna gave one last smile before slightly turning around. "Oh! Before I forget. If I were you, I'd be extra careful. There are more of those ruffians at the arcade here, I've noticed. Keep those hamburgers handy!"
The capped boy chuckled before giving a thumbs up and waving goodbye.
"Think I'd better go back and see how things are...I have a bad feeling..."
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pollyanna-mayflower · 2 years
 send me “now, honestly…” and a question and my muse(s) will answer: 
…. how they would normally respond …. how they would respond if they had to be totally honest
let’s see what we have to hide!
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pollyanna-mayflower · 2 years
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pollyanna-mayflower · 2 years
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pollyanna-mayflower · 2 years
Polly(anna): An Earthbound Original Story - Chapter 1
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Town of Onett
1 Day after the collision
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≻───── ⋆✩⋆ ─────≺
The air felt suspiciously cold, as a mysterious stranger dragged her trolley along through the narrow streets of the seemingly peaceful town of Onett.
"Only a little further and I'm home!"
The town's people gave the newcomer a somewhat odd look. In fact, it seemed like they weren't looking 𝘢𝘵 her at all. Their eyes went more through her than anything else. She paid no mind to it however and just happily strolled along.
With some skips and hops, the girl found a narrow path, leading to a small neighborhood. There were dogs, crows and even snakes. The mysterious one chuckled. "Well, I'll be! That crow has sunglasses and– Oh!"
As if right on que, one of the dogs in the area rushed towards her, barking up a storm. It didn't faze the girl however. Instead, she just showed a smile before putting her trolley aside and putting her hands on her hips. "I bet you're all bark, but no bite–!"
Runaway Dog used a biting attack!
"Huh?" The girl looked around, confused. "Who in the world said–? OW!!" She then quickly grabbed her arm, as the creature bounced back, as if waiting for her to do something in response. Rather than fighting back however, the girl simply patched herself up and sighed before giving the dog a disappointed look. "Now, now, it's not nice to bite people like that, buddy!"
She then felt something or someone pull her back, causing her to slightly stumble. "W-Whoa!" There now stood a young boy in from of her. He was wielding a baseball bat, wearing a cap, a blue and yellow striped shirt and what looked like jeans shorts and red shoes with white laces. He was completely silent.
The Runaway Dog became tame!
"Well, that was weird...Um." Despite being confused by everything happening, she still felt like it was appropriate to thank her rescuer – even though he just hit the dog. So, with a smile the girl held out her hand. "Thank you for helping me out!" The silent boy simply looked over, smiling back and nodding before walking along, the end of his bat now resting on his shoulder as he walked.
The newcomer tilted her head and sighed. "I guess he's not much of a talker..." Putting that matter aside however, she grabbed her trolley and pressed on, finally reaching a small neighborhood.
The girl's face lit up at the sight of all the houses – one of which was now hers. "Alright! So...If I'm not mistaken, mine is...There!" The wheels on the trolley went wild as the girl started running, opening the door of her new home.
Its walls were painted honey yellow, with the picture of a sunflower hanging by the far left end of the living room, near the entrance of the kitchen. There stood a black leather couch to her right with a small table in front of it and a media stand with a tv on top to finish it all.
Amazed, the girl explodered further, heading into the kitchen. Of course, there was the kitchen stand with all the tools one might need for a kitchen, cupboards hanging on the wall above the stand and some below it, a fridge on the right end of the room and a dinner table in the middle, accompanied by two chairs. Most of it was painted white, with the cupboards having labels put on them. 'Plates', 'bowls', 'mugs and glasses', 'sugar, spice and everything nice' were seen labelled on the cupboards on de wall, while: 'cutlery', kitchen tools', 'c̶h̶o̶r̶e̶ t̶o̶o̶l̶s̶ I̶ m̶e̶a̶n̶ DETERGENT and TOWELS and stuff' could be found labelled on the drawers and cupboards below.
The girl chuckled, seeing it all. "Looks like someone's been busy in my stead!"
With a content nod, the girl then proceeded to check out her bedroom.
"I wonder what THAT looks like!"
≻───── ⋆✩⋆ ─────≺
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Meanwhile, at the house across...
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Pokey paced around the bedroom him and his younger brother Picky shared, letting out an occasional sigh, as if he was waiting for something and starting to lose his patience.
Picky just followed with his eyes as his brother was walking around, stomping his feet in an exaggerated way. After about the fifth sigh, the youngest had enough. "Will you knock it off? Dad's gonna hear you and when he does, boy howdy..."
Pokey held halt and looked at Picky as if he requested the impossible.
It took both the Minch brothers a while, but with their eyes obscured by their bangs, the two learned to be more expressive with their face. So, Pokey could practically see his little brother rolling his eyes without even looking at them.
"It's all taking too long..." he then explained, nervously putting his hands behind his back.
This time, Picky was the one to sigh.
"If this is about Ness leaving, then–"
"H-He'll come back! He's just...busy. Besides, I can wait! ...I think...A-And that isn't the reason that I'm pacing anyway!"
It was quite obvious why Pokey was dubbed the 'Worst Kid in The Neighborhood': he's loud, overly defensive, at times a bit too enthusiastic – to the point of annoyance to literally everyone he came across. Not only that, but yesterday's meteorite strike has made him the town's biggest and snobbiest coward. In reality he just wanted to proof them wrong, even if only this one time. It went horrible, as per usual, but he wasn't going to give up. In fact, the thing he did today was something he considered 'A Geniusly, Splendid, Super-Duper Move'.
"The new one! I wanna know what he thinks of the decorations I put up in his house, but he's not showing up!" Pokey whined. His younger brother snorted, showing a look of disbelief. "You mean the house you broke into, hung up a picture of a sunflower, labelled EVERY SINGLE cupboard and put a hand-made piglet statue on the bedside table?"
Rather than considering it a mockery, the eldest of the Minch brothers saw it all as compliments from his little brother, as a bright smile appeared on his face before nodding confidently. "Yeah! See, most of the walls were yellow, so I thought: 'Hey! A sunflower would fit nicely in here!'. And how ELSE is the poor new one going to find all his stuff?! By opening all cupboards?!"
Picky opened his mouth, ready to reply, but ultimately decided against it as his older brother pretty much answered his own question.
Not even having processed the previous waterfall of words yet, Pokey just concluded his explanation. "The piglet was just a personal touch! Besides, piglets are cool, just like me!"
With every word that just came out of the big one's mouth, Picky started to just give up and slowly nodded. It then occurred to him. All this could've been less dramatic if only one simple thing was done.
"Uhh...Pokey, you could've just...left him a note...How is he ever gonna know 𝘺𝘰𝘶 did all that?"
The eldest Minch brother's face froze and his pride slowly melted away, realising his mistake. Not wanting to feel like an idiot (again), Pokey just chuckled it away and shook his head while thinking of an excuse to 'fix' it.
"O-Of course! I uh...I didn't do that because, well– Oh yeah! I-I totally forgot! I-I was gonna visit them!"
It was an obvious lie, but the youngest Minch brother just let it slide, giving the same slow nod he did before. "Of course. You forgot..." he sarcastically replied.
Pokey didn't seem to sense the sarcasm and just rushed out of the room. Picky kicked into gear now too, realising something.
"Pokey! Hey, what makes you think the newcomer–" The distant sound of the front door slamming shut interrupted the younger brother before he sighed.
"...is even a boy?" Picky finished his question before shaking his head. "Oh brother..."
≻───── ⋆✩⋆ ─────≺
The mysterious girl flinched upon hearing the rather odd knock and rushed towards the door. "C-Careful! The door is only doing its job!" she called, a bit concerned. The knocker didn't seem to hear her, so the girl just took the liberty of opening the door.
There stood a rather large boy with blonde hair obscuring both his eyes. He was wearing overalls and a white shirt with rolled up sleeves underneath it. The matching white socks he was wearing with his regular brown shoes seemed to have been pulled up just a bit too high, making him look smaller than he probably was. At first he was smiling and seemed to be filled with confidence, but almost as soon as the girl saw him, the blonde boy's wide smile shifted into a look of utter shock, or...was it surprise? Maybe it was crippling fear.
"GIRL!?" The boy yelled out.
≻───── ⋆✩⋆ ─────≺
Pokey had no idea what was going on as soon as that door opened. He was expecting a boy, preferably looking just like his other friend. Instead, he saw a girl with black hair and greyish blue eyes. She wore a sunflower headband with small golden leaves in between each flower. The shirt she was wearing was yellow with little black hearts and a cherry plush pinned on the right side of the chest. She also wore a black skirt decorated with the same golden leaves she had on her headband. A pair of black kid-size heels with a golden bow strapped at the front finished it all up.
So overcome with surprise, Pokey just yelled: "GIRL?!" before quickly covering his mouth.
The girl flinched before giggling and nodding. "Yup, but uh...Pollyanna is fine too. Or Polly! Either one is fine," she quickly reassured before showing a smile. "And who are–"
"I'm piglet–Porkey-! I-I mean Pokey! Yeah! Pokey, not– Not Porkey, that– That's a pig– Yeah," he struggled. It caused Pollyanna to chuckle before reaching her hand out to him so he could shake it. "Well, nice to meet you, Pokey," she politely spoke.
The boy seemed to be clueless for only a few seconds before remembering how manners worked. He quickly grabbed the girl's hand and shook it violently, forcing Polly to hold onto her doorframe with her other hand, though she was still smiling.
"Same here!" Pokey shouted eventually while cursing at himself for how he was behaving. It was all going wrong again and he hated it. He had to come up with something quick. "I-I uh...I labelled your cupboards for you and hung up the sunflower picture," he then started, after which Polly showed a surprised expression. "Oh, that was you? How nice!"
Her voice held the happiest tone Pokey's ever heard and he had no idea how to handle such positivity, especially since it was directed towards him. Nevertheless, he kept going. "You're welcome– I also made the piglet that's on your bedside table."
Polly's eyes widened before smiling once again. "Oh, thank you! It's very adorable," she complimented, to which Pokey just looked down, nodding.
Polly could tell the boy was nervous and her smile softened. "Well, since we're neighbours, I might as well let you in for a visit," the girl offered. The blonde boy went from confused to shook. This was unusual. Normally, 𝘩𝘦'𝘥 be the one to invite 𝘩𝘪𝘮𝘴𝘦𝘭𝘧 into other people's house. It felt weird that this wasn't the case right now.
"What?" was all he could bring out, almost in disbelief.
Polly just stepped aside so Pokey could enter, that sweet smile still on her face.
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