polygamey · 6 years
Marco Polo - The Video Walkie Talkie
*This is not a paid advertisement, but a personal endorsement* Hey there guys, so idk if anyone else has posted about this thing but its FREAKING AMAZING! Its called Marco Polo aka The Video Walkie Talkie. You guys may or may not know this but i am a fan of ANYTHING to make LDR or relationships in general easier, and I think people need to be able to interact "Face to Face" in order to maintain their relationship. What Marco Polo does is allows you to record short videos that are saved in a messenger with one or more other people. Regardless of how busy you are if you have 15 seconds to spare you can still send a shout out to a loved one you haven't seen in however long and they get to see your face and hear your voice. EVEN BETTER! Its available on IPhone AND Google Play. Google: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=co.happybits.marcopolo&hl=en IPhone: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/marco-polo-video-walkie-talkie/id912561374?mt=8
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polygamey · 6 years
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polygamey · 6 years
The Assault on Markarth Begins! Illfirin takes the fight to the city of Dog Murderers. All does not go well, until an unlikely alliance is made.
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polygamey · 6 years
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polygamey · 6 years
We join Illfirin as he gears up to take on the Markarth City Guards and bring the City of Dog Murderers to its knees, but before we can assault the city we have needs. We must prepare new spells, learn new tricks, and obtain new robes.
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polygamey · 6 years
So I was talking to folks in the playamorous community a little while ago about something i seemed to be getting wrong in my video “Types of Polyamory”
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polygamey · 6 years
Illfirin has secured the Bone Altar and used its profane power to begin to raise his undead army and is now looking to reinforce his altar into an established base. We set off to get the proper equipment to make our base livable, but night falls as we return and with the darkness comes something truly maddening.
Music provided by Bensound: www.bensound.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/polygamey/ Tumblr: http://polygamey.tumblr.com
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polygamey · 6 years
Is gaming a good enough basis for a relationship? I think there is a case to be made for it.
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polygamey · 6 years
OMG WE HAVE 100 Subscribers! How did this happen!?! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Thank you guys for all the love and I hope to keep it all going.
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polygamey · 6 years
Illfirin has arrived at the Bone Altar and must prepare to raise his undead army. While in the city of Markarth we encounter a hideous crime, a man who sells DEAD DOGS! After valiantly slaying this man we are run from the city as apparently they think murdering innocent dogs is just fine. Now a wanted man Illfirin must face the reach on his own, and carve out his own home.
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polygamey · 6 years
Illfirin falls to the temptation of the dark side as his first discovered spell turns out to be NECROMANCY! With the power to raise the dead now at his side Illfirin seeks to further his necromantic powers even further, looking to a Bone Altar that he has connected with in The Reach.
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polygamey · 6 years
Release Delay
Hey there guys todays episode is going to have to be held off for a bit as I am talking to the mod developer of Spell Research about some stuff that went down in my game trying to get it all worked out.
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polygamey · 6 years
Apollodown and Using Your Platform for Good
One of my favorite Skyrim mods was taken down because the mod author decided he was going to use his one platform, his one little soap box to try and stand up for others. "In a time where hatred screams loud from the dark recesses of the internet and my country, I will use my soapbox for something. For more information on what you can do to help, I suggest you visit Amnesty International. BlackLivesMatter LGBTRights TransIsBeautiful RefugeesWelcome OccupyWallStreet YesAllWomen and... ImWithHer" - Apollodown Of course Apollo was met with the same criticism many other game makers face when they do something politically motivated like this. A fire storm erupted on the Reddit and Nexus forums where people scream like always "Keep politics out of gaming" not realizing they are playing a game where there is a civil war, talking to a mod author who modded the quest about a civil war to add more diversity to one side in the Civil War. Any game which features politics will get people thinking about real world politics and how it is reflected in game. In Skyrim Ulfric Stormcloak has led an uprising against the Empire and is attempting to seize control of the Region of Skyrim for himself. He does this using the cause of Religious Freedom, as a foreign power known as the Aldmeri Dominion has threatened the Empire unless they ban the worship of the Nordic Hero-God Talos. The Imperial Army in Skyrim is comprised of all different races. Nords, Khajit (Cat people), Elves, Imperials, Argonians (Lizard People)... all of them. In the original Skyrim however this was not seen in the Civil War quest line, it was all Nords and Imperials. Apollo changed it so that all of the races were represented in the Imperial Army, but not the Rebellion army which consisted only of Nords, Imperials, Argonians, and Dark Elves (Argonians and Dark Elves being second class citizens promised station if they fought in the Rebellion if Ulfric won). The Aldmeri Dominion is an organization with a much stronger army than the Empire of Man and had just defeated the Empire in a major war. Thus when the Empire was threatened with further attacks they had no choice but to submit and declare the worship of the Hero-God Talos as heresy, punishable by death. Its easy to turn this into allegory for real life events with those who distrust large government taking the side of the Stormcloak rebels while those who tend towards favoring Diplomacy and Reconciliation siding with the Empire. But there is still an element on the internet that wants to cry eternally "Keep politics out of gaming" seemingly without realizing that the people who play, review, make, and develop these games being Human.... and every one of them being affected by politics. I hate losing one of those must have mods that really made my game that much better, but honestly I agree with Apollodown that there is something deeply wrong with our country right now, lots of folks are hurting, and if he thinks taking down his mods is the only way to make sure this is heard then I am 100% on side here.
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polygamey · 6 years
Polygamey on Tumblr
So yeah I have some difficulty making those animated videos, and tend to spend over 18 hours on a single like 5 min video.... but I want to cover so much more than my animation expertise will allow me to. That end I am going to try to convince myself to become more active here on Tumblr as a blog. This will likely mean me trying to post Poly related topics here on Tumblr 1-3 days out of the week, posting game play videos like 1 or 2 days a week, and seeing about doing the animated videos every other week or something. As well I was considering doing a weekly/bi-weekly vlog thing but I am still up in the air about that one as I dont actually like the idea of being on camera, though it would help me out a lot on covering poly topics in video form. Please please let me know what you think.
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polygamey · 6 years
Alone and Poly
Some people seem to think that being poly means you are currently with multiple people like suddenly when you are with one person or when you are single you suddenly stop being poly. But this isn’t the case... I mean some of us go so long between relationships that we question it ourselves, but remember your relationship status does not define your personhood. Just because you are with a member of the opposite sex does not mean you are not bi, and just because you are only with one person, or you are single does not mean you are not Poly.  Some of us choose to be single, though its not the case for all of us. I am more or less single at the moment, being that I haven’t had contact with my one remaining partner in several months but I also make sure that everyone I may end up dating knows that Polyamory is still part of me. I don’t cheat and I dont break the rules, but I do need to have the option of multiple partners. It is hard sometimes, during these dry spells you may question yourself, but remember the spring time will come again. I know I need to.
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polygamey · 6 years
Illfirin takes a break from Dungeon Delving to begin his homework and finally creates his first new spell! How will this new spell stand up against a group of bandits?
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polygamey · 6 years
Illfirin continues his quest into the ancient nordic barrow where he discovers an elaborate ruse gone wrong. After clearing up the haunting we make our way towards Whiterun, but along the way we encounter a band of wizards and a waterfall. Will our hero survive?
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