polylunarwitch · 3 years
8th house / Scorpio placements are so painful. So many people get caught up in the allure of them, but in reality, having them hurts. It's like being in constant pain and the promise of relief always requires some sort of sacrifice.
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Venus in the 8th house/Scorpio: makes it nearly impossible to find a relationship where you're actually valued and cared for properly. People only want you for sex. Getting in relationships involves bringing out the darkest aspects of your partner and being the target of them. There always seemed to be some other person your partner can't let go of. You are either letting people drain you or you keep people away in fear if being constantly hurt. It's like people are addicted to finding new ways to hurt you. Everyone wants to take advantage. You're forced to ask for help from people who use it against you. You're constantly being obsessed over and possessed, but never loved. No one wants to love you out loud, always in secret. Good friends are hard to come by because you're so often used. Or people want to take what you have. Finances take dramatic up and down turns. You inherit everything. Good and bad. But it feels like the bad is intensified. Other people only see the good so you're always misunderstood. People love to hate you and hate to love you. People accuse you of wanting their partner. People are always overstepping your boundaries and engaging in power plays with you. Every bad habit your family has is reflected in you. Money problems. Abusive relationships. Cheating. Pain. Illness. Homelessness. Car trouble. Crime. You literally inherit everything. But it's ok because people glorify the sexual aspects. Or the beauty.
Jupiter in the 8th house/Scorpio: Things can't be good without the bad. There's always a sacrifice for your success. There's always something that makes you wish you never received the good. The good is never worth it. In life, when you receive an inheritance, that mean someone is dying. SOMETHING IS ALWAYS DYING WHENEVER YOU RECEIVE ANYTHING GOOD WITH THIS PLACEMENT. And because it's Jupiter, the death is large and impactful. You always wish for the thing to stay alive rather than lose it to whatever you inherit. There's always a struggle that you have to learn from. It's constant. Constant, painful mistakes. But you have to stay hopeful or it'll get worse and things get worse so easily, so quickly. But sure, this increases your sex appeal too.
Sun in the 8th house/Scorpio: a good relationship with your dad is so difficult. Awkward. Sad. There's always some sort of underlying energy of hate. From you or them. You can never really be close even if you wish you could. Men turn out to be the main source of your pain, replaying patterns from your relationship with your father. This can show a violent personality. Or secretive. People think they want to know you, but really, once you show them, they are repulsed. Your allure only comes from not being known, so to open up means to be rejected. You're always rejected. You're lonely. People are afraid of you. People are uncomfortable around you. You feel like you're burdening people by being around. Your life has intense up and down turns. No relief. You see people easily, but only after you start to understand how to recognize darkness. You can only recognize it after experiencing it firsthand. You're always experiencing it firsthand. But, people love the ~ mystery ~
Moon in the 8th house/Scorpio: your mother is controlling. You are emotionally tied to her even if you don't want to be. Women tend to be the main source of your pain. Through jealousy. Possessiveness. Control. Your home life is often in shambles. You can find it difficult to live with others or share your emotions. People you are close to hurt you. You can see through people's emotions because you feel so deeply. You never feel good enough. People take you and the way you feel for granted. Pain and trauma deeply scars your mind. It's difficult to pull away from danger because it feels like there's a pull, an emotional need to experience it. People you attract always have mommy complexes. Being told you are/would be a terrible mother. Hard to let go of pain because it's like you live in it. But, sure, you can have psychic abilities.
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8th house/Scorpio placements aren't all bad, but it's definitely time we start being a bit more realistic about the downside to them. It's both light and dark, but most of the time, the intensity of the dark overcasts the brightness of the light.
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polylunarwitch · 4 years
i'm struggling.
i know it's wrong.
it doesn't sit well.
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polylunarwitch · 4 years
crushing on someone who you can't rely on sucks.. so fucking much.
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