pontusthesea-blog · 8 years
Pontus left the barely conscious mortal to walk toward the girl. “Hello Tyche.” He attempts a smile that comes more of a grimace. “Are you alright?” He adds after a moment when his head clears more from the anger and adrenaline. He was surprised to see her there but couldn’t help but feel relieved to see her.
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The attacks were becoming more and more frequent and Tyche was starting to notice. Worry? No, but definitely notice. She was lost in her own thoughts when the sudden movement from the corner of her eye caught her attention. She stepped a bit closer making sure to keep her distance from the mortal,“Pontus!?” She raised a brow at the man making sure it was who she thought it was. 
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pontusthesea-blog · 8 years
Pontus turned toward the new voice, giving her an unimpressed look, only to turn back and see his attacker limping off as quick as he could. He sighs but lets the man go against his better judgement. “I am not standing down against these mortals, especially when they attack me and people I care for.” He sneers, anger still filling him. Not only had he had to save Persephone from an attack now he was targeted as well.
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Astraea’s head hurt from all the violence around the city. Athens had never been very peaceful, but with the mortals being aware of the presence of the immortals, things had only spiraled even more out of control. Hearing the sound of a knife being pulled out, she hurried towards the scene, her heart feeling heavy. “Please stop.”
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pontusthesea-blog · 8 years
“Don’t think about it, I was there and I’ll protect you.” He assures her, smiling kindly. “I will do my best to protect everyone from this ridiculous crusade the mortals are on. I wish we did not have to fight them, so many unnecessary mortals dead because they envy our power.”
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Persephone nodded her head. “Thank you, Pontus… I… I don’t know what I would have done without you.” She was so grateful for the man, and how he’d cared for her. She had felt completely vulnerable without Hades. “I… Thank you.” Was all she said in response. “I appreciate that.”
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pontusthesea-blog · 8 years
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pontusthesea-blog · 8 years
Pontus turns quick, only relaxing when he sees who it is. When he looks back at the man he frowns when he sees an empty space. He must have somehow gotten away. He grits his teeth before looking back to the woman. “I hit before he could attack me. It was self defense if you really need an explanation.” He says, trying to be patient. It wasn’t her fault she had no memories.
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Ariadne Alison was locking up her store for the day deciding to close up shop early. What she wasn’t expecting was to turn around and as she started to walk see the man turn around and kick the other. “What in the world is going on!?” She was confused why everyone was being so openly in broad daylight violent all of the sudden. “Are you crazy!?”
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pontusthesea-blog · 8 years
Pontus smiles and only hesitates for another moment before he nods. “Okay, you got me. I’ll follow your lead.”
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“Well at the very least come and I’ll drink enough liquor for the both of us and you can have something else you prefer more.” She chimed with a light shrug. The goal was to relax after all.
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pontusthesea-blog · 8 years
“Do not apologize for your emotions. They are not a weakness. We all feel, and it takes a great strength to let yourself feel.” He smiles kindly and looks around before puling away slightly. “Of course I am. You don’t deserve anything other than kindness Persephone.” He offers his hand to her. “I won’t leave you until you ask me to. Let’s go to my home, we should not stay here.”
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Persephone tried to pull herself together. This wasn’t here. She wasn’t weak. She was a Queen, and yet… Without Hades, she felt exposed, and yet she knew that she was stronger than this. “Yes… I know… I… I just…” She let out a sob. “I’m sorry… I… I don’t mean to cry all over you.” She chuckled. “You’re so sweet to me.” She wiped the tears from her face. “Pontus… I… I don’t want to be alone.” She sniffed. 
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pontusthesea-blog · 8 years
Pontus pretended not to notice he was being followed, rather offended the mortal behind him thought he wouldn’t notice. The sound of a knife sliding out he spins, not giving the mortal even a chance to try to defend himself. “I hope you didn’t truly think killing me would be that easy.” 
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pontusthesea-blog · 8 years
“I don’t drink much, alochol doesn’t really do much for me. But I guess if there was ever a time, now would probably be it.” He sighs.
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“Instead of worrying about all this nonsense. Come have a drink with me. I think we could both use it.” She chimed. 
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pontusthesea-blog · 8 years
Pontus rest his chin on the top of her head, keeping his tight grip on her. He swayed them and closes his eyes briefly to get his thoughts together. “But I was here. And don’t underestimate yourself Persephone. You’re stronger than you think.” He wipes the tears from her face, smiling sadly. “I wouldn’t dare mess with you, that I know for sure.”
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Persephone turned her face into his chest and sobbed. This wasn’t her, she didn’t like feeling weak, but she had thought she was going to die. The man had looked at her with such hatred; she had never been hated like that before. She clutched at him, wanting him to make her safe but not sure what else she could do. “If you hadn’t been here…” She looked up at him, tears streaming down her face. “I… Thank you, Pontus.” She said, her voice cracking with emotion. “Thank you.” 
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pontusthesea-blog · 8 years
Pontus hides his frustration at letting the word slip without thinking about it. Of course it would sound strange to her. He laughs and scratches the back of his head. “Oh me, I’m from Olympus.” He says seriously but smiles afterward to act like he’s joking.
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One word in particular catches her attention, causes her brow to raise in questioning. “Mortals?” What made him separate from the flock? The way he spoke about place and time, as if he didn’t belong to it. Maybe she was still fully drunk. “And what place and time are you from?” she asked, curious to play along.
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pontusthesea-blog · 8 years
Pontus squeezed her gently, keeping an eye out in case anyone was to come at them again. He put his hand on the back of her head, letting out a quiet sigh. "I don't know why they are doing this, or how they could hate us when they know nothing of us." He doesn't let the anger he's feeling show, not wanting to upset her further. "I am glad I was here to stop him. And now we know how far these people are willing to go. I'm worried. But I don't think he will come at you any time soon, I think I left a lasting impression."
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pontusthesea-blog · 8 years
“You’re welcome.” He responds softly, following her but keeping his distance respectfully. He frowns and pauses briefly to consider his next words. “I want nothing but to help, I assure you.” Pontus  says seriously, honesty shining in his eyes. “Mortals are selfish creatures sometimes, hurting each other for no real reason, nothing to gain but causing pain.” He shakes his head, a sadness in his voice. He doesn’t think about how he may sound and sighs, “It is a downside to this place and time.”
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She took the offered gum, more than grateful and a little curious as to how he was being so friendly and accommodating when they didn’t know each other at all. “Thanks.”
Lottie set off in the direction — in some direction, hoping it would lead out of the park. “You’re too kind, handsome stranger. What on Earth is happening today,” she mused aloud with a laugh. “You know, it’s sad but when I see a guy approaching me I always think they must want something. Not just want to help.” Lottie was no stranger to bothersome males, but he seemed entirely out of that number. In fact, there was something even otherworldly about him, though she couldn’t quite put a finger on it now.
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pontusthesea-blog · 8 years
He doesn’t look away until the man is far out of sight, the water falling gracefully back into place. He turns to face her, walking forward to check her for any injuries. He frowns at the marks on her neck, trying to calm his anger when she starts crying. His face softens and he pulls her into a hug, holding her tight in hopes of giving her some comfort. “You’re alright, he’s gone and if he’s smart he won’t come anywhere near you again.”
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Persephone saw Pontus approach, and felt relief wash over her as he collided with the man. She gasped, finally able to breathe, and grasped at her neck. Her eyes wide as she watched the scene, unable to believe what had happened. The man moved away quickly, fear in his eyes as he looked at the God. Tears began to well up in her eyes as she looked around. “I… Pontus… What… Why…” Fear had stopped her words. A hand sprung to her mouth as she sobbed, her body shaking. 
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pontusthesea-blog · 8 years
Pontus walked slowly, toweling his hair dry once again. He had spent the past few hours swimming, trying to clear his head. His head shot up when he heard the harsh words echo near him. He dropped the towel he had, running toward the voices. His face hardened, eyes filled with rage. He didn’t stop until he barreled into the mortal, shoving him far away from the Goddess. The water in a fountain by them rose dangerously as he glares. “Stay the hell away from her -- or the next time you touch one of us, will be far less pleasant.” He warns, stood in front of the blonde in case he did try to go at her again.
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Persephone walked down the street, humming quietly to herself as she moved. Hearing footsteps behind her, she turned her head slightly but didn’t worry too much about the man behind her, there were few people that Persephone feared. She slowed, and turned towards the follower. “Can I help you with something?” She asked; the man was clearly a mortal. He said nothing and moved towards her quickly, grabbing her throat and beginning to choke her. “Death to all Gods!” He spat as she clawed at his hands. 
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pontusthesea-blog · 8 years
“Good, it’s a good lesson. And if they don’t go down, while they’re recovering from that, get a good hit in the face to finish them off.” He winks, smiling.
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“I’ll keep that in mind next time I’m in a fight.”  She grinned.
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pontusthesea-blog · 8 years
“Yes, I should have known better. I know you pretty well, I’m not sure what came over me thinking differently.” He sighs dramatically, smiling fondly.
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– “hey, we all have a right feel confident about something. no shame in that. but you should’ve known not to bet against me. i’m far more experienced.”
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