popcornpost-blog1 · 7 years
Your letter has been sent on its way to Aries and Stella! Don’t worry, soon enough you’ll surely receive a reply from them to all your questions.
Probably. Oh well, all you can do is wait for a response, right?
Bendy took a seat at his now Hotel Room’s desk…and, well. put a couple pillows on said seat so that he could reach the desk.
He used a traditional inkwell, which was much to his taste than…well, the pens they seemed to be using nowadays. He knew he had a lot of catching up to do in means of technology; thankfully though, he was a quick learner
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Nonetheless, he began writing out his letter to this…Aries and Stella. He figured he might as well considering he knew nothing about why he was here, and the first thing he received was a letter from them. He figured he would act cordial, although he really would prefer this to c̷̗̍ͧ̌̉̋̒̚ȩ͍̻͈̖aͮͩ̅͏̳̬̤͇s̖ͦ̑͑̓e̥̥ͧ̔ ͎͍͔̖̩̻̟̅aͧ̑t̻̖̻̗̽̒ͮ̍̃̎ͯ ̜̬̥̲̣͛o̩͍̺͊̕n̮͙͙̝̟̖͉̒̾ͪ̍͞c̟͍̓̓̚e̷͔̮̱̓̑ͮ̓ ͚̻̱̰̬́̈̋ͥ̎̚, it was always better to play nice at first.
He then began to write–
Dearest Aries & Stella, 
My name is Bendy. I’m not your average human- in fact, I am not human at all! I am but a small demon that enjoys dancing, acting, and many other things! But I suppose that is not important.
I must implore you…why am I here? This is not a world I am used to, and I have no clue as to why I ended up in such a place. Is there a reason for me to be here? Did Joey or Henry send me here? Does this have anything to do with my, ahem…objectionable behavior, so to speak? Is this some sort of punishment? I just truly do not understand why I am here, and whether this was intentional, or some sort of mistake. Either way, I appreciate the housing for the time being, and I would appreciate to get a response back from you soon.
Sincerely Yours, Bendy
Yep, that oughtta do it. Although he certainly was frustrated, things hadn’t been terrible so far. Perhaps this Aries and Stella weren’t sure why he was here, either.
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popcornpost-blog1 · 7 years
Oh dear. Your letter arrives at its destination. Not to mention, you get written notice when it does. It looks like either Aries or Stellas has signed for it, which means they are sure to read it soon. Patience is key...
berrybulletin ♔
Barely a loss to the world..? We tend to disagree!
Keep reading
Although this type of backlash was nothing like Byakuya had predicted, it certainly was not the worst case scenario. He studied the letter he had received several times, and a few days later, he finally wrote his reply.
This letter was delivered to the City Council by registered post.
My name is Byakuya Togami.
I have come bearing the unfortunate news that upon receiving your letter, I have decided to notify the appropriate parties of these matters. Worry not, I would like to settle this peacefully in court where our lawyers can discuss this in elaborate detail.
To be clear, I am suing the two Civil Servants, who go by the name of Aries and Stella, with the following:
Inflicted emotional damage
Theft of private property
Abuse of Authority
Money embezzlement
Avoidance of use of the appropriate legal procedures
Fraudulent behaviour
Our legal matter includes, but is not limited to, the list of items mentioned above. My lawyer has been notified and the evidence has been gathered. 
I am aware this particular situation might strike you as inconvenient. As such, I am willing to settle this outside of court for the following:
Complete restoration of my own personal wealth and ownership of the bank
A letter of apology
While this may pain the heart of those who seek justice, I have unfortunately been notified that the damaged existence were alive enough to have been counted as a citizen. Not only has this been a grave human error on my part, it could also be considered defensive self reflex, knowing my history of fighting robotic bears longing to plunge our world into despair. You two seem awfully familiar with my past and must be aware.
Failure to comply to any of the above will result in this entire matter to be brought to the public. My contacts at Ram Radio & Broadcasting have already shown interest in my story.
I thank you for your time and desire response.
Signed, Byakuya Togami
And soon enough, a letter from Coffee Courthouse followed. It stated more or less the same matters Byakuya had already friendly notified you of.
Not to mention, a certain lawyer, by the name of Mia Fewe, was already working hard in the background to bring the truth to the light. Meanwhile, Bitsy Smooches has received a letter that her expected new Cashier has declined the job offer. Nothing you could do against that, you suppose.
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popcornpost-blog1 · 7 years
     The first thing he thinks when he wakes up is that he’s back at the academy somehow, but he knows that’s not true. He’s been in the academy for long enough that he knows what that room looks like by heart, plus the academy had been destroyed.
     The second thought is that somehow Team Danganronpa had caught up to them and captured them, and that’s even more terrifying. They couldn’t have stayed at the academy since it had been destroyed, lest they get caught, so they had left; it was the only thing they could do after all.
     So all in all, he’s panicking a bit. Then again, looking at the room he’s found himself in seems better than wherever he would’ve ended up if Team Danganronpa had caught him, and looking outside the window only reveals what looks like…a city?
     So, there’s a chance that he’s okay?
     There’s what sounds like knocking at the door, so he moves away from the window to answer the door only to find…a sheep on the other side? Then again, it’s not as weird as well…being forced to play a killing game by a stuffed bear for the sake of entertainment.
     There’s a letter in it’s mouth, so Shuuichi takes it from it and opens it to read the contents of the letter. The letter makes sense, and honestly, this might be the best for him. He wasn’t really sure what he was going to do after leaving the academy, so maybe he’ll be able to figure out while he’s here.
     After all, considering how much of what he knows about himself is more than likely lies than the truth, he said he was going to move on forward on his own. There’s not much else he can do, other than hope that the lie that was told in the end helped in someway.
     Right now, he had more questions than answers and who knew how long it would take for him to get the answers he wanted. Perhaps it’s best for him to take the time to write Stella and Aries. After all, if they were the ones that brought him here, maybe they could answer what questions he had.
     It doesn’t take long to find paper and a pencil, and it’s not much longer that a letter is written.
Dear Aries and Stella,
     First off, thank you for the room, it’s certainly much better than where I could’ve ended up. Though how even did I end up here, not that I’m complaining. It’s just…really confusing to suddenly wake up here, you know?
     Why did you bring me though? I’m just a detective…there must be some reason behind it, and I think it’s mostly for a peaceful reason, right? After all, from what I see out from my room, the city looks peaceful and it’s flourishing, so you must be taking good care of it, along with the citizens.
     Speaking of, I’m not the only one here correct? There must be others here perhaps my classmates, even the ones I know that died so why have you gathered all of us? I don’t know if you can answer any of these, but it doesn’t hurt to try, right?
Sincerely,                                                                                                                               Shuuichi
     With that, his letter is done and he hands it to the sheep still at the doorstep. A pat on its head and a small wish of ‘good luck’ and the sheep was off, leaving Shuuichi alone in his room.
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     “Well, I guess it’s time to start exploring…” he muses to himself, almost grabbing for that, but he doesn’t need it anymore, does he?
     Not really, after all, I promised her, didn’t I?
This time, for real, the sheep takes your letter.  Maybe this time you don’t have that strange feeling that a sheep is looking down at you.  The sheep takes off with your letter in a full sprint.  May an response come your way soon ☆
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popcornpost-blog1 · 7 years
And off the sheep goes with your letter! Don’t worry, surely you will receive a reply. All you have to do is just wait patiently!
Ryoma wakes up, not remembering when exactly he’d fallen asleep. He attempts to think it over, but before he can he notices that too many things are off. He’s used to waking up early- way before the Monokubs’ morning announcement, but it’s already very light outside, so it should already be around that time the announcement plays.
The next thing that throws him off, is the fact that this room, while similar to his previous one, is just not the same one. For starters, there’s no television screen to play any announcements on- and when he looks outside, it’s not the Ultimate Academy for Gifted Juveniles he sees. He assumes it must be the doing of the Monokubs, or even Monokuma himself, to pull such a weird elaborate stunt; but even then, isn’t this completely out there?
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After a knock on the door, and opening it to discover a sheep with a letter for him, he feels none the wiser. So, according to this letter, he’s in a place called ‘Stella City’, but nothing about this adds up. He shouldn’t have been able to go through the end wall, and yet he was here- someplace definitely not within the confines of the Ultimate Academy. Even if it hadn’t been Monokuma and the Monokubs, there still was something very weird about all this.
For now, he assumed this was in fact a different place; the circumstances on how he got here he would get to later. So when he took out pen and paper to write a reply to these so called Aries and Stella, he went with the assumption of being in a different place and brought here by different people, in an attempt to at least clear up some confusion on not only why he was here, but also why he was here in a hotel room, instead of, well, a prison room.
Aries and Stella,
I am not ungrateful for the circumstances I’m in, but they do not make any sense to me either. Assuming none of this is done by Monokuma or the Monokubs’ doing, I wonder why you’d put someone like me in a room.
Shouldn’t a prisoner be put in prison? That would be the safest option and a logical one. Someone like me has no place in a proper city.
Thank you for the room regardless, I’ll at least keep it in good state for whoever might use it in the future.
Ryoma Hoshi
Well… Depending on the response he got, he might learn a thing or two about this place. And if they did put him back in prison?
Well, it wouldn’t be weird, would it?
He hands the letter back to the sheep, unable to resist giving it a short pet on the head before sending it off. He’s unsure if the sheep knows where to take the reply, but it brought the first letter too, didn’t it? Only way to find out was wait and see.
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popcornpost-blog1 · 7 years
The sheep waits for a moment before taking the letter in their mouth with a decidedly lazy lull. You can see that they’re already drooling on it a little, but as they turn around and trot away at their own merry pace, you’re sure the letter will survive the journey. ... Well, you hope it will, at least.
No one expects to wake up in a hotel room in the middle of the end of the world. The roaring of the Fell Dragon screamed in Robin’s ears, final preparations made to board the nape of Grima’s neck in order to take him down – then the Shepherds head to the barracks for a well-deserved rest… Only for the Grima-vessel to wake on a fresh bed, peaceful light streaming through the window. Gone are the men and women who fought so bravely alongside him for over a year, replaced instead with gentle walls and the soft light that bathed the interior due to the sun streaming by. Hell-sky is gone, replaced instead with a kind of homely warmth Robin doesn’t remember having ever experienced.
It should be understandable for the tactician to be on edge when he wakes; he’d been about to march straight into his death, after all. A promise he’s made to prevent Grima from being inflicted upon future generation upon future generation spurred him on, only for the ability to fulfill said promise stripped out from underneath him. Not only that, but he’s somewhere entirely unfamiliar; such a scene would ring alarm bells of a kidnapping. Did Grima whisk him away here in order to prevent from being handed down?
Before Robin can begin to panic at his situation, a knocking on the door of the room that he’s in alerts him. Every muscle in his body braces before he lifts himself up to his feet. Nervous anticipation has him hesitating at the door; could it be his kidnappers? Could it be Grima, ready to strike him down? …Could it be Chrom?
Slowly the door opens, and slowly to him…
…a sheep is revealed.
Robin blinks. At first, his stare is entirely uncomprehending; a sheep? What’s the sense in that? And it even has a little tie that it’s wearing… That’s when he notices that it’s carrying a letter in its mouth. The noise the sheep makes tells Robin enough, that the letter is for him and he should take it. ❝A…delivery sheep?❞ he muses out loud. How decidedly odd. He’s heard of carrier pigeons and horses, but never sheep of all things.
He hesitates at first in taking the letter, not certain that the sheep won’t rear up and attack him. When it appears to remain relaxed as he reaches out in that direction, the tactician lets out a soft breath as he extracts it from the sheep’s mouth. Might as well, right? This was the most likely place he could glean any information from, after all. He ignores the slobber that grazes his fingertips; too used to grime of battle for it to be much of a significant issue. Using tapered fingers to carefully edge the envelope open, his eyes scan the letter within.
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Stella City… So that’s the name of the place. He’s not sure what ‘city’ means, but given the context he can assume that it’s not too far-off of a town or a kingdom. With words like Civil Servants, it’s apparent whoever sent this letter either manages the place or knows and works for the management. The content itself is non-threatening; the stationery is soft and the words gentle. But for Robin, that’s exactly what makes it so suspicious.
Robin still had the habit of mumbling to himself with thinking, but he isn’t too worried about it in this case; the only ear-witness would be the sheep, after all. ❝There’s no way it can be a coincidence,❞ he murmurs, grazing his knuckles along his chin and thought. ❝There’s so little information in this letter. It doesn’t say why I’m here, and it doesn’t mention anything about Ylisse at all.❞ That’s…disconcerting. It’s almost as if Ylisse has ceased to exist. But certainly that can’t be the case, can it?
A soft hum in thought leaves parted lips. ❝It does say I can write them back. Thinking about it endlessly without more information isn’t going to get anywhere. How do I go about this…❞
His gaze sweeps over the room for some kind of stationery, envelopes, and a writing utensil. He finds a pencil and some letter paper, setting them down on the nightstand near the bed, and pulling up one of the chairs at his room’s table. With that, he gets writing.
Dear Aries and Stella,
Thank you for the welcome as well as the assistance in sorting out living arrangements for me. It’s appreciated that you would take the time to send me a letter, especially if you’re preoccupied with city-upkeep.
I do have a few questions that I would like to be answered. For one, where is Stella City? Is it anywhere near Ylisse? Secondly, if I was taken (and I’m guessing I was, as I’d think I’d remember traveling to this city if I’d done so of my own accord) how was this done, and was anyone else taken with me? Lastly, what is my purpose for being here?
If these questions could be addressed in a timely manner, it would be appreciated.
Sincerely, Robin
The end of the pencil’s lifted up to his teeth as he thinks more, but he can’t think of anything else that he would ask in this letter – not yet, anyway. With that, he carefully folds it and places it in the envelope before turning to the sheep that had been standing there, waiting for him.
❝Can you take this back to them? Thank you very much.❞ Maybe the sheep can’t understand him, but Robin’s run into stranger circumstances before. He holds out the envelope.
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popcornpost-blog1 · 7 years
If you can be sure of one thing, it’s that our trusty mail sheep take their job very seriously! So, don’t worry; they’ll make sure your important letter arrives where it should.
Now, all you have to do is wait for a reply! Don’t worry; surely it’ll come soon.
It had been a few days since he had met with Schezo in the Castella Cafe, but his time had been well occupied since then. Between catching up with schoolwork and the various strange and, well, interesting people he had encountered in this city he hadn’t had time to just sit down and write a letter.
He sat at his familiar desk, familiar COMP next to him, familiar books on programming and the occult a reach away. That his room was recreated so such a degree, it sickened him. He had spend only the bare minimum amount of time there before that it hadn’t yet sank in how perfect a recreation it was and how much that made him sick to his stomach.
Putting pen to paper, he began to write. Should he send to both of the suspicious sheep supervisors, or would he have better luck writing to one? Almost on a whim, he decided to dedicate this letter to Aries and began to write.
To Aries,
It troubles me how you and your associate Stella were able to lift me from my own time and place and bring me here, nullifying my natural powers and greatly reducing Hinokagutsuchi. It also disturbs me that my assigned hotel room is a near perfect recreation of the room I lived in with my late mother, for personal reasons. Is there an explanation for these things?
On a more positive note, thank you for removing all trace of the Demon Summoning Program from my devices. The creation of the program was a grave mistake and its seeming destruction is a burden off of my shoulders.
Akemi Nakajima.
Even if he had a planned reason for the letter, he wrote sincerely, even if he came off more verbose than he expected. He put the letter into an envelope and sealing it, addressing it as well as he could. Walking out into the hallway, he stopped a passing mailsheep and handed them the letter. “Could you bring this to your superiors, Aries and Stella? It’s important that it gets to them.”
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popcornpost-blog1 · 7 years
And off the sheep goes indeed! After all, as long as you ask nicely (and even sometimes if you don’t, I suppose), the sheep will make sure that all your messages are properly delivered! You can expect a reply soon, especially since you sent along a little gift. How nice!
Letters of innermost desire
Alright! Now that he has the time, Schezo, the Dark Mage, feels now is the perfect moment to make advances on those in charge! Just as promised!! Also, because he has some thank yous to send and would prefer to do it in private.
Now that he’s alone and in private: he grabs parchment (because he’s used to sending letters the old fashioned way, by writing on a scroll. Please help him?) and a goose’s feather, splattering ink everywhere in his enthusiastic brush strokes on the page.
It takes several minutes or so, but Schezo then steps back, like a proud artist looking onto their finished work.
“Eee hee hee! It’s a masterpiece, if I do say so myself!”
Yes, sadly, he did just verbally squee to himself. Dark Mage Schezo, here.
Rolling the parchment up, he tucked a red ribbon around it and made sure the cake was in a safe sendable-state before heading off to a mail sheep. It…seemed a little afraid of the strange, melty mess the cake seemed to look like under the cover.
“Please, can you send these two things to those in charge for me? I would appreciate it.”
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Still, the human asked nicely, and even patted it…it took the cake and the letter. Schezo hoped they liked the cake! [In a related note, if anyone was brave enough to try it despite it’s looks…it would actually taste nice, despite looking like something from a book of demon figures. Huh. A surprise.]
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popcornpost-blog1 · 7 years
The sheep lets out a bleat before taking the letter from you, giving a determined nod. They promise to not lose the letter, and to make sure it arrives!
And off it goes. Now, time to wait for the reply! Don’t worry, they’ll be back with one for sure.
— ♔ : it was early morning – brilliant white rays splayed across his closed lids, dancing among dark lashes they fluttered, a heavy growl of DISDAIN leaving his downturned maw. how on earth the sun had managed to sneak its way in through his window, the child didn’t know. you’d think blackout curtains would keep things dark; what a WASTE of money. he woke SLOWLY, pushing himself into a half - seated position and rubbing roughly at bleary green hues, digging the heel of his hand into the socket until spots floated behind darkened vision. it took him a moment to realize the scent of ash from his mothers chainsmoke was not present, in its place a dusty odor, one of age and mildew. max lowered his hands, instinctively finding the arm of his ratty bear, allowing himself to take in his surroundings. chipped paint and furniture coated in a THIN, grey layer of dust greeted him – ALARM had just began setting in when a knock at the door startled him, bringing him to kick his legs over the side and hop down to the floor. ❝ is this a KIDNAPPING? ❞ he’d call, brows pulling together as he wandered towards the door, dragging mr. honeynuts behind him – a subconscious longing for comfort overriding his want to seem tough,❝ because that’s sort of FUCKED, man; and don’t think i can’t find my way out of this place, either, because – ❞
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❝ oh. ❞ his irritated expression relaxed fractionally, blinking down at the sheep that merrily held a letter between its teeth,❝ well, THAT’S definitely not weird. ❞ max would lower himself, sitting unceromoniously on the floor, propping his bear up against his side as he did so. carefully, he’d pluck the letter out of the sheep’s mouth, releasing a quiet ’gross’ at the layer of saliva that COATED it. stella city. he’d never HEARD of that before – it surely wasn’t anywhere near his house. reading over the words a few times, his free would find its way to the sheep’s wool, fingers stroking through the tight curls. it was pretty cute - and soft,❝ so they send you to do their dirty work, HUH? ❞ the boy would ask only after processing the words, finally allowing radioactive green hues to lift from the page, searching the creature’s face for any sign of understanding. he might as well send something back. that was what it said, RIGHT? to send something if he had questions? good – he had MANY. absently, max would pluck the pen he kept in the pocket of his hoodie, turning over the letter to write on the back. he was pretty sure he had no paper in this room, anyway.
dear kidnappers, my parents probably won’t even notice im gone. so if its money you’re after, you dumbasses picked the wrong kid. the sheep is cool though, i guess. max.
that was.. all he had to say. max looked at the paper for a moment, then tucked it back into the envelope. he really didn’t WANT the sheep to leave, but he supposed the letter wouldnt deliver itself,❝ uh, here you go. DON’T lose it. ❞
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popcornpost-blog1 · 7 years
Albeit it late, we can guarantee you that your letter has arrived. Surely, you’ll get an answer eventually, whether you expected it to or not.
One thing was clear. This place was not library.
The scent of clean bed sheets, the bright sun beaming through the window, the laughter of people outside… disgusting. And here she had so much fun slaughtering these pathetic nightmares, and now she not only found herself in some unfamiliar, fancy room, but also had to notice that her guns were missing. Not that she really needed them, she was very well capable of defending herself without them, but it was annoying anyways. What kind of idiotic play was she stuck in now?
The sound of someone knocking at the wooden door finally tore her out of her thoughts, and thus the ashen one jumped up from her bed, grabbed the nearest solid object she could find (some sparkly candleholder) and positioned herself next to the door to surprise her visitor. In a pretty smashing way, you know.
The door opened, Cinderella stroke out, determined to knock down however dared to bother her, only to stop her actions as she spotted the white, wooly… sheep. It’s a fucking sheep. A damn fucking sheep just walked into this fancy room as if it was the most normal thing ever. Come on, she had seen many shit in her life, but this was just plain ridiculous. Fortunately for the fluffy mammal, because Cinderella was just too dumbfounded to actually attack her guest. Did that thing just leave some letter here?
Without hesitation she grabbed the envelope, quickly tearing it open to read the message left inside. Home of stars and cotton clouds?! Ugh, she was getting sick, this was just damn disgusting. Was this some case of kidnapping? Some bastards dared to kidnap her? Well, if they wanted an answer, they’ll get one. Cinderella growled in anger, grabbing the nearest pen she could find, quickly writing a reply in huge letters on the very same letter she just had received.
Well, that’s about all the needed to know. Oh, wait, there was something else to do. A small grin appeared on her pretty face as she grabbed the cute sheep that was still standing next to her, and ripping out a piece of wool (poor thing) and put it into the envelope together with her lovely letter. “Now, little guy. You’ll get this to your dear friends, right? Or I’ll eat you~”
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Now, what to do next? Explore this place, now that she was already here. Might as well go and have some fun.
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popcornpost-blog1 · 7 years
That was… a lot of salt.
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Well, Shinjuurou supposed he could keep it as a thank you gift. Maybe he could cook some rice with it later? And then he could do it about five hundred times again, because this was an amount of salt he was not going to throw into one pot. Alright, gratefulness aside, Shinjuurou wondered if he should “write” another letter. So he took out writing tools again and went ahead.
Hi Stella,
I would prefer something sweet. How about a date?
❄ Shinjuurou
Writing a letter in this format wasn’t his usual style, but he supposed it would do when it was directed to this “Stella” person. He gave the letter to the sheep for delivery and then saluted.
“The fate of my world is in your hooves. Good luck.“
The sheep looked a little annoyed by the fact it had to deliver another nonsense letter from Shinjuurou, but it went to fulfill its duty nonetheless. Who knows? Maybe this time he would receive some sugar as a reply.
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popcornpost-blog1 · 7 years
@chichinxashi sent a letter!
She stirred, and sat up. At first, puzzlement was her only reaction until she heard the clopping of hooves. She rose and crossed the room, peering at the sheep. It wasn’t too long before Yui invited it in and accepted the mail. She began to read, and than again, before a smile bloomed across her face.
A pen fetched, the letter flipped and she began to write.
Dear Aries and Stella, and whomever else may be in charge.
Thank you so much for saving me! For the last year, I have lived amid vampires that sought to do little but torment me. They hurt me in ways no person should have a chance to know. My life seemed to be a never ending torment, until I awoke here. For this, I can never give enough thanks, but I will give it my best effort.
With fond regards,
The sheep carefully takes your letter before giving you an understanding nod and going off on its way. They’ll make sure the letter gets where it’s supposed to, so no worries!
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popcornpost-blog1 · 7 years
The sheep gives you a questionable look before taking the letter and leaving. Well. That sure is... A reply?
You suppose you’ll just have to wait and see whether you’ll get a reply, and what it would say.
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Shinjuurou was a bit surprised when hooves tapped at the door, but he hadn’t quite expected a sheep to deliver him a letter as well. It was strange, but with skeptical eyes he took the envelope from the creature and viewed the contents that were inside.
Uh. Wow.
To say the letter sounded suspicious was not an exaggeration. Any person would think whatever they have been granted as odd. Perhaps a sign of misfortune, even. This especially counted for Shinjuurou, who only felt he experienced suffering every time something “good” happened to him. 
Either way, the letter mentioned that they accepted responses, so he gathered the necessary writing tools. With slight thought, he signed the back of the envelope with his name and put a blank letter inside. He then handed it to the sheep and watched it head out again.
Now to wait for a response.
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popcornpost-blog1 · 7 years
The sheep leans its head gently into your hand before it takes the letter and goes on its merry way. They seem to feel encouraged by your attention, so surely they’ll work extra hard to get your letter delivered!
Now all there is to do is wait for a reply. Surely it’ll come soon!
Mirai let her eyes scan over the letter in her hand once again as she thoughtlessly wiped her other hand onto her cardigain, trying to rid it of sheep drool.
( I shouldn’t have done that. )
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She then blinked at the sheep in her doorway. What a peculiar situation she’d found herself in. Had her friends ended up here too? Or was she alone again…
The thought of being alone made anxious thoughts appear in her mind. She frantically tried to push them away. She’d make her way… She always had. Pursing her lips, she crouched to run her fingers over the soft wool of the animal. Yeah, she’d be okay.
“ Wait here okay? I need to find… ”
Her words trailed off as she stood and retreated back into the room, leaving the door wide open. Rummaging through the drawers, she would make it a point to make eye contact with the sheep every few seconds; just to ensure that it hadn’t wandered off. She’d admit, she found the absolute intelligence of the animal incredible. Not to mention it was adorable as well.
Once she located a pen and paper she hummed in approval as she wrote the following:
Dear Aries and Stella
I appreciate the warm welcome, as well as the amazing delivery. It was quite a shock to wake up to a wooly friend at my door. But, this also raises quite a few questions for me…
How did I get here? And may I ask what I’m doing here? I don’t remember coming here on purpose but… I’ve had some memory issues in the past .
She tapped the pen on her chin a few times as she thought of what to write next
I do want to thank you for finding me somewhere to live as well… It’s quite cosy! I don’t know how far from home I am, so leaving isn’t really an option… So I hope I can enjoy myself for my stay here! Hopefully someone I know will show up some day.
Thank you so very much,
Kuriyama Mirai
Carefully folding the letter, Mirai slid it into an envelope she’d located as well and sealed it. She approached the sheep and crouched to its level once again.
“ Do you think you could take this? I don’t want to waste time trying to find the post office. Thank you… ”
She placed a hand on the sheep’s head once again, enjoying the feeling of its wool. With delicate hands, she held the letter to its mouth while giving it a shy smile.
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popcornpost-blog1 · 7 years
The sheep waits patiently as you write your reply, and takes off in a hurry once the letter has been given to them. They’re drooling over the envelope already... Well, at least you can be sure that it’ll arrive at its destination.
Hopefully you’ll receive a reply sooner rather than later!
(  @popcornpost  ー
If anything, the young man was rather confused; why wouldn’t he be? To wake up in an unfamiliar room in an unfamiliar city. His erasure was certainly inevitable, and yet here he was, breathing and conscious. Existing, though in some place he’d never seen before. Was it possible he had made an error while trying to return to the future? He’d checked numerous times to make sure the machine was working properly. What mistake had he made? However, no matter how he used the device, Mikado was guaranteed to cease to exist. So why was he here now? More importantly, where was Misane, who had been returning with him? Did she make it back safely?
Secondly, his number sight was no longer active. The world around him had no numbers. It was bizarre to him how barren the room was, completely lacking in the digits that he’d grown up to be so familiar with. It felt as if someone flipped a switch and turned it off, but that was impossible unless someone specifically knew about his ability. To be frank, the idea was a little unnerving.
He was concerned, although he wouldn’t find many answers simply sitting here. Upon hearing a knock at the door, Mikado turned his head. He then stood up from the bed and approached the door, rather surprised to see a sheep waiting for him when he opened it.
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It was cute, and fluffy, too. What was it doing here? The man bent down to pat its head, commenting, “Awww, you’re a cute one. Is that letter supposed to be for me?.” He took the envelope the sheep had in its mouth, thanked the creature, and opened the letter to read its contents.
… He certainly had a lot of questions, to say the least. Although, he must admit, the warm welcome was much appreciated. Taking the pen and paper he had found on the coffee table, he wrote back a response.
Dear Aries & Stella,
         Thank you for the room! I can’t help but wonder why I’m here, though. It’s obvious that you were expecting me, so I would appreciate being filled in on the situation.
         Furthermore, was Misane able to return home safely? It’s better off that I’m the only one caught up in this. She has a precious future ahead of her, after all.
         Sincerely  ー
He hesitated before signing his name.
Mikado Aisaka.
With that, he sealed the letter and offered the waiting sheep the envelope.
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popcornpost-blog1 · 7 years
At the post office, a sheep carefully inspects the letter you’ve brought, and then gives you a thoughtful nod. Seems like they’re on it, and will do their best to send this letter to the addressee! Isn’t that reassuring, to see their dedication?
Well, success is an entirely different matter, but with sheep like these, who could doubt them?
     A holiday about wishes is making her sentimental, and she wants the second half of her wish more and more with the passing of the week. In the end she breaks down and buys a small stack of envelopes with protective sleeves and a sheet of stamps featuring the moon. It looks sort of like the ARK so she hopes it will help with recognition.      After placing a stamp on the envelope and writing her name and hotel location for the return address she doesn’t have much to go on for the delivery address. She doesn’t know where they are now so instructions will have to do instead.
         Please forward to Professor Gerald Robotnik and/or Shadow the Hedgehog.
     It’s more reliable than a message in a bottle, but only just. If luck is on her side the postal service will be able to find her family and deliver this letter to them. Now what to write…
Dear Grandfather and/or Shadow,      I’m alive. It’s a crazy story but I promise it’s true. I don’t know which one of you is reading this so I’ll assume both of you are together. One of the soldiers shot me for releasing Shadow’s escape pod. I thought I was going to die when I fell unconscious but I woke up on Earth!      I’m in a place called Stella City. One of their doctors took care of me and I’m fine now! Well, as fine as I was before the raid. I don’t know where this city is but I’ve been afraid to leave it. You might be here. Why else would my rescuers (I still don’t know who they were) choose to drop me off here of all places?      If I’m wrong and you’re not in Stella City then please try to find it! I’ve been here several months now and it’s so much fun but I really miss you! This week was Tanabata. Remember the holiday where people hang up their wishes on bamboo shoots? I made a wish to see you again. Maybe this letter will help it come true?      I know we can’t go back to the ARK but we can all make a new home here on Earth. That was the plan all along wasn’t it? I just want to be with you. I miss you.
                                                                                    All my love, from Maria Robotnik.
     Good. She hasn’t cried on the paper and made it unreadable. Still, she takes a moment to wipe her eyes so it doesn’t happen to the envelope or anything. Hmm. Maybe she could include something to help them find the city if they’re not here? What’s unique to Stella City besides the abundance of sheep? Oh! Money! After placing the letter in the envelope she drops in a 5 stardust coin. That should help.      Once everything is sealed up she puts on her gloves, locks up her room, and heads out to the post office with hope in her heart.
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     ‘I’ve had a wish come true before. Maybe it will happen again. Maybe next Tanabata we’ll celebrate together…’
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popcornpost-blog1 · 7 years
Oh boy, oh boy! The sheep was indeed getting a little impatient, but that doesn’t matter. They take the letter and speed off, excited about its delivery to the addressed parties. Hopefully, you will get a reply soon!
after reading the letter the sheep gave her, eve knew the best way to figure out what was going on was to write back to the one’s named Aries and Stella. eve gave the sheep a pat on the head and smiled. “could you wait right here for a moment? this is rather important and i’m afraid i’ll get lost trying to find the post office,” with that, Eve turned to face the room and spotted a desk against the wall that suspiciously looked like the one that she used to have back home before she had died. she quickly shook the thought out of her head to save for later and went to search it for paper and a pen, which she found very easily (they were both exactly how she used to keep it. this was getting to be a bit weird for her). eve pulled out the chair in front of the desk and sat down before starting on the letter. 
Dear Aries and Stella,
Thank you for your kind words! I’m sure I’ll enjoy living here very much but I must ask. What am I doing in Stella City? It’s quite strange that I don’t remember how I even got here. I have a very important job back home and I really need to get back… Though I must say the sheep are quite cute. If only we had them in Heaven; I think they would be a nice touch. Maybe I can get in contact with Father somehow and tell him…  Oh! Does being here mean I’ve been reincarnated? It would be nice if it were true…
Yours truly,
eve noticed that the letter was getting to be a bit long and signed her name at the bottom before she could write more. worried she had kept the messenger sheep waiting too long, she found an envelope in the drawer of the desk and sealed the letter within. she went back to the door and handed the letter to the sheep who took it into their mouth (she hoped it was the same kind of envelope that the first letter had came in.). “thank you very much. i’m sorry i took so long!”
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popcornpost-blog1 · 7 years
Despite the urges being suppressed, the sheep seems all too eager to take your letter and leave with it. Regardless, you can be sure that the letter will arrive at its intended destination- expect a reply to arrive as soon as possible!
     Well, this bed was certainly not the same bed she fell asleep in. Softer, not as smelly, no flies, bugs or other annoying insects crawling over it. Slowly getting up she let her gaze wander across the unfamiliar room, ears twitching in curiosity. Now finally noticing that none of her friends were around, her stomach started to churn. They wouldn’t leave her just like that, without leaving a message, right? 
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      A loud knocking interrupted the silence, and Nanachi jumped up, immediately going to hide behind the bed, ready to escape from whatever dared to enter… wait, was this a…? No, actually, she didn’t even know what kind of animal this was. It didn’t seem aggressive, and was kinda cute, but if living in the Abyss for years had taught her anything, then never to trust anyone, not even some fluffy, cute creature! Hey, but maybe it was edible?
     Though as soon as she spotted the letter in the animal’s mouth, the narehate snatched it away, assuming it to be a message left by her friends. Negative, the hand writing was entirely unfamiliar, just like the rest of the room. And it didn’t exactly answer any of her questions either. (No, wait, it told her that this animal was called ‘sheep’!) Stella- what…? She didn’t recall ever hearing the name of such a place. Was she still in the Abyss? No way, everything looked too normal here, too human, and she didn’t see the force field, but to return from the sixth layer, without anything even weirder happening to her body, that was pretty much impossible. Maybe she was just dreaming, or finally losing her mind completely, or maybe even dead, but what choices did she have now, other than searching for her friends?
    But perhaps sending an answer to the mysterious people who messaged her would be a wiser decision, seeing as leaving an unfamiliar room to discover an even more unfamiliar motel in an unfamiliar town might be even more troublesome. Thus, Nanachi ignored her urge to eat this fluffy animal and chose to scribble a letter. Paper and pencil were quickly found, and thus her paw-like hands began to write down.
To whoever,
Where is this place? And where are my friends? And is this animal edible?
Now, not forgetting, she has to add her cool signature!
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And, finally, she gave the hastily written letter to the fluffy animal. At least for now, she won’t try to eat this thing, hoping that at least this time she’ll get some answers.
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