#steci letter
inkyfreshhell-blog · 7 years
Bendy took a seat at his now Hotel Room’s desk...and, well. put a couple pillows on said seat so that he could reach the desk.
He used a traditional inkwell, which was much to his taste than...well, the pens they seemed to be using nowadays. He knew he had a lot of catching up to do in means of technology; thankfully though, he was a quick learner
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Nonetheless, he began writing out his letter to this...Aries and Stella. He figured he might as well considering he knew nothing about why he was here, and the first thing he received was a letter from them. He figured he would act cordial, although he really would prefer this to c̷̗̍ͧ̌̉̋̒̚ȩ͍̻͈̖aͮͩ̅͏̳̬̤͇s̖ͦ̑͑̓e̥̥ͧ̔ ͎͍͔̖̩̻̟̅aͧ̑t̻̖̻̗̽̒ͮ̍̃̎ͯ ̜̬̥̲̣͛o̩͍̺͊̕n̮͙͙̝̟̖͉̒̾ͪ̍͞c̟͍̓̓̚e̷͔̮̱̓̑ͮ̓ ͚̻̱̰̬́̈̋ͥ̎̚, it was always better to play nice at first.
He then began to write--
Dearest Aries & Stella, 
My name is Bendy. I’m not your average human- in fact, I am not human at all! I am but a small demon that enjoys dancing, acting, and many other things! But I suppose that is not important.
I must implore you...why am I here? This is not a world I am used to, and I have no clue as to why I ended up in such a place. Is there a reason for me to be here? Did Joey or Henry send me here? Does this have anything to do with my, ahem...objectionable behavior, so to speak? Is this some sort of punishment? I just truly do not understand why I am here, and whether this was intentional, or some sort of mistake. Either way, I appreciate the housing for the time being, and I would appreciate to get a response back from you soon.
Sincerely Yours, Bendy
Yep, that oughtta do it. Although he certainly was frustrated, things hadn’t been terrible so far. Perhaps this Aries and Stella weren’t sure why he was here, either.
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darkmageknight · 7 years
Letters of innermost desire
Alright! Now that he has the time, Schezo, the Dark Mage, feels now is the perfect moment to make advances on those in charge! Just as promised!! Also, because he has some thank yous to send and would prefer to do it in private.
Now that he’s alone and in private: he grabs parchment (because he’s used to sending letters the old fashioned way, by writing on a scroll. Please help him?) and a goose’s feather, splattering ink everywhere in his enthusiastic brush strokes on the page.
It takes several minutes or so, but Schezo then steps back, like a proud artist looking onto their finished work.
“Eee hee hee! It’s a masterpiece, if I do say so myself!”
Yes, sadly, he did just verbally squee to himself. Dark Mage Schezo, here.
Rolling the parchment up, he tucked a red ribbon around it and made sure the cake was in a safe sendable-state before heading off to a mail sheep. It...seemed a little afraid of the strange, melty mess the cake seemed to look like under the cover.
“Please, can you send these two things to those in charge for me? I would appreciate it.”
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Still, the human asked nicely, and even patted it...it took the cake and the letter. Schezo hoped they liked the cake! [In a related note, if anyone was brave enough to try it despite it’s looks...it would actually taste nice, despite looking like something from a book of demon figures. Huh. A surprise.]
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prisonserve-blog · 7 years
Ryoma wakes up, not remembering when exactly he’d fallen asleep. He attempts to think it over, but before he can he notices that too many things are off. He’s used to waking up early- way before the Monokubs’ morning announcement, but it’s already very light outside, so it should already be around that time the announcement plays.
The next thing that throws him off, is the fact that this room, while similar to his previous one, is just not the same one. For starters, there’s no television screen to play any announcements on- and when he looks outside, it’s not the Ultimate Academy for Gifted Juveniles he sees. He assumes it must be the doing of the Monokubs, or even Monokuma himself, to pull such a weird elaborate stunt; but even then, isn’t this completely out there?
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After a knock on the door, and opening it to discover a sheep with a letter for him, he feels none the wiser. So, according to this letter, he’s in a place called ‘Stella City’, but nothing about this adds up. He shouldn’t have been able to go through the end wall, and yet he was here- someplace definitely not within the confines of the Ultimate Academy. Even if it hadn’t been Monokuma and the Monokubs, there still was something very weird about all this.
For now, he assumed this was in fact a different place; the circumstances on how he got here he would get to later. So when he took out pen and paper to write a reply to these so called Aries and Stella, he went with the assumption of being in a different place and brought here by different people, in an attempt to at least clear up some confusion on not only why he was here, but also why he was here in a hotel room, instead of, well, a prison room.
Aries and Stella,
I am not ungrateful for the circumstances I’m in, but they do not make any sense to me either. Assuming none of this is done by Monokuma or the Monokubs’ doing, I wonder why you’d put someone like me in a room.
Shouldn’t a prisoner be put in prison? That would be the safest option and a logical one. Someone like me has no place in a proper city.
Thank you for the room regardless, I’ll at least keep it in good state for whoever might use it in the future.
Ryoma Hoshi
Well... Depending on the response he got, he might learn a thing or two about this place. And if they did put him back in prison?
Well, it wouldn’t be weird, would it?
He hands the letter back to the sheep, unable to resist giving it a short pet on the head before sending it off. He’s unsure if the sheep knows where to take the reply, but it brought the first letter too, didn’t it? Only way to find out was wait and see.
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haisentantei-blog · 7 years
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Shinjuurou was a bit surprised when hooves tapped at the door, but he hadn’t quite expected a sheep to deliver him a letter as well. It was strange, but with skeptical eyes he took the envelope from the creature and viewed the contents that were inside.
Uh. Wow.
To say the letter sounded suspicious was not an exaggeration. Any person would think whatever they have been granted as odd. Perhaps a sign of misfortune, even. This especially counted for Shinjuurou, who only felt he experienced suffering every time something “good” happened to him. 
Either way, the letter mentioned that they accepted responses, so he gathered the necessary writing tools. With slight thought, he signed the back of the envelope with his name and put a blank letter inside. He then handed it to the sheep and watched it head out again.
Now to wait for a response.
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edensblossom · 7 years
after reading the letter the sheep gave her, eve knew the best way to figure out what was going on was to write back to the one’s named Aries and Stella. eve gave the sheep a pat on the head and smiled. “could you wait right here for a moment? this is rather important and i’m afraid i’ll get lost trying to find the post office,” with that, Eve turned to face the room and spotted a desk against the wall that suspiciously looked like the one that she used to have back home before she had died. she quickly shook the thought out of her head to save for later and went to search it for paper and a pen, which she found very easily (they were both exactly how she used to keep it. this was getting to be a bit weird for her). eve pulled out the chair in front of the desk and sat down before starting on the letter. 
Dear Aries and Stella,
Thank you for your kind words! I’m sure I’ll enjoy living here very much but I must ask. What am I doing in Stella City? It’s quite strange that I don’t remember how I even got here. I have a very important job back home and I really need to get back... Though I must say the sheep are quite cute. If only we had them in Heaven; I think they would be a nice touch. Maybe I can get in contact with Father somehow and tell him...  Oh! Does being here mean I’ve been reincarnated? It would be nice if it were true...
Yours truly,
eve noticed that the letter was getting to be a bit long and signed her name at the bottom before she could write more. worried she had kept the messenger sheep waiting too long, she found an envelope in the drawer of the desk and sealed the letter within. she went back to the door and handed the letter to the sheep who took it into their mouth (she hoped it was the same kind of envelope that the first letter had came in.). “thank you very much. i’m sorry i took so long!”
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zerobits-blog · 7 years
(  @popcornpost  ー
If anything, the young man was rather confused; why wouldn’t he be? To wake up in an unfamiliar room in an unfamiliar city. His erasure was certainly inevitable, and yet here he was, breathing and conscious. Existing, though in some place he’d never seen before. Was it possible he had made an error while trying to return to the future? He’d checked numerous times to make sure the machine was working properly. What mistake had he made? However, no matter how he used the device, Mikado was guaranteed to cease to exist. So why was he here now? More importantly, where was Misane, who had been returning with him? Did she make it back safely?
Secondly, his number sight was no longer active. The world around him had no numbers. It was bizarre to him how barren the room was, completely lacking in the digits that he’d grown up to be so familiar with. It felt as if someone flipped a switch and turned it off, but that was impossible unless someone specifically knew about his ability. To be frank, the idea was a little unnerving.
He was concerned, although he wouldn’t find many answers simply sitting here. Upon hearing a knock at the door, Mikado turned his head. He then stood up from the bed and approached the door, rather surprised to see a sheep waiting for him when he opened it.
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It was cute, and fluffy, too. What was it doing here? The man bent down to pat its head, commenting, “Awww, you’re a cute one. Is that letter supposed to be for me?.” He took the envelope the sheep had in its mouth, thanked the creature, and opened the letter to read its contents.
... He certainly had a lot of questions, to say the least. Although, he must admit, the warm welcome was much appreciated. Taking the pen and paper he had found on the coffee table, he wrote back a response.
Dear Aries & Stella,
         Thank you for the room! I can’t help but wonder why I’m here, though. It’s obvious that you were expecting me, so I would appreciate being filled in on the situation.
         Furthermore, was Misane able to return home safely? It’s better off that I’m the only one caught up in this. She has a precious future ahead of her, after all.
         Sincerely  ー
He hesitated before signing his name.
Mikado Aisaka.
With that, he sealed the letter and offered the waiting sheep the envelope.
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popcornpost-blog1 · 7 years
@chichinxashi sent a letter!
She stirred, and sat up. At first, puzzlement was her only reaction until she heard the clopping of hooves. She rose and crossed the room, peering at the sheep. It wasn’t too long before Yui invited it in and accepted the mail. She began to read, and than again, before a smile bloomed across her face.
A pen fetched, the letter flipped and she began to write.
Dear Aries and Stella, and whomever else may be in charge.
Thank you so much for saving me! For the last year, I have lived amid vampires that sought to do little but torment me. They hurt me in ways no person should have a chance to know. My life seemed to be a never ending torment, until I awoke here. For this, I can never give enough thanks, but I will give it my best effort.
With fond regards,
The sheep carefully takes your letter before giving you an understanding nod and going off on its way. They’ll make sure the letter gets where it’s supposed to, so no worries!
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☆ Wake-up Call; [drabble]
  When Maya woke up in a totally unfamiliar room in some shabby motel to the sound of someone clopping at her door, her first thought was, "Oh, come on, kidnapped again?!"
  After answering the door to a sheep of all things and reading the "welcome" letter clutched in its mouth, however, she quickly realized there was a lot more going on here. This soared right past "weird" and straight into "disturbing" territory, do not pass GO, do not collect 200 stardust. She was not going to write back to these sheep-obsessed creeps, nor was she going to explore the city. Instead, she sat herself down and wrote a letter to her sister, explaining the situation and asking for advice. She didn't like to rely on this trick unless she had a real emergency on her hands, but "kidnapped by crazy sheep stalkers" probably qualified.
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  She got ready to channel Mia's spirit, arranging herself in the proper position and clearing her mind. But when she reached out through her powers, she felt... nothing. Not even the faintest of connections.
  "Wh-what?" she stuttered. "What's happening? What did you do to my powers?!"
  That last part was directed to the sheep, who unfortunately didn't reveal anything beyond a vaguely unimpressed look, even as she waved an accusatory finger in its face. Not her best moment, if she was being honest.
   Okay, so she couldn’t channel anyone for some reason, not even her dear and easily-reachable sister. That was bad. Like, really bad. But even without channeling Mia, she knew what her sister would tell her in this situation: she needed to put on a brave face, even if she was starting to feel scared. So, that’s what she did first. (It was more of a grimace, but she gave herself an A for effort.)
   Letting out a groan of frustration, Maya slapped both her cheeks and got to thinking up another plan. Maybe she should write back to the sheeple after all, try to get some information to work with? Seeing that as her best option for now, she set about looking for more paper.
Aries and Stella, What's the deal with this place? You know you left me in a room with an unlocked door, right? Some kidnappers you are!
I don't know what you want from me, but you're not going to get it! A lot of people will be looking for me once they realize I'm gone, important people who put criminals in jail for fun. A lousy kidnapper who can't even remember to lock the door behind them doesn't stand a chance!
Whatever you did to my spirit channeling, it's only a matter of time before I fix it. I’m going to find a way out of here before you can say “baaa”!
Thanks but no thanks, Maya Fey
  Maya read it over one last time and nodded, satisfied. Maybe she was exaggerating just a tad with her threats, but it was important to let these kinds of people know who boss was from square one! If they took the bait, she would hopefully find out more about them, whoever they were.
  Turning back to the sheep that still stood in her doorway, she sized it up, awkwardly shuffling from foot to foot.
  "Um," she started, “could you maybe, uh..."
  She stared at it just long enough to feel pretty stupid for trying to ask a sheep to deliver her mail, and the sheep stared back. Then, just when she was going to give up and go and find a mailbox or something, it yanked the letter right out of her hands and clopped off down the hall.
  Maya blinked after its retreating ovine figure, resigning herself in that moment to her sheep-filled fate.
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  "Talk about a baaa-ad break..."
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arriivee · 7 years
☆ ( There was a star that danced...
     It’s by sunlight streaming into her room and onto her that she wakes up...and realizes that this isn’t the room she fell asleep in last night. Alyssa knows she fell asleep in her own room last night, being back home for summer break between the school year.
     Though she does have to say that the room is gorgeous, comparable to her room back home. It’s nice and all, but she just wants to know why she’s ended up here, and not back at her house.
     There’s what sounds like knocking at the door, so she pulls herself away from the admittedly really comfortable bed and answers it to find...a sheep?
     Well, there’s weirder things that could’ve happened, so Alyssa takes the letter from the sheep’s mouth and reads it over. The letter seems to make sense, considering her circumstances and well, it’s not like she can do much other than accept it.
     Though writing back might be a good idea. Maybe she can get some answers to what all is happening. Finding a pencil and paper doesn’t take that long and she get to writing.
Dear Aries and Stella,
     Well, this is a certainly unique situation to find myself in, though I’m thankful for the room and for being able to continue my studies, but I must admit I am curious about this whole thing.
     Why am I here? Not that I’m complaining, but it is quite surprising. There must be a reason I’m here in this city, along with the many other people that are here. Also for how long do you intend for us to be here? If our stay is permanent then it’s quite a shock but if not then why are you gather us?
     Also, is there any way to contact outside of the city? Somehow I have a feeling it’s not possible but it would be nice to know. I don’t know if you have the answer for any of these, but it’s worth a shot to try, right?
Sincerely,                                                                                                                                      Alyssa.
     And with that, her letter is done and she hands it to the sheep that is still at her doorstep. “Be a good sheep and get this to them, okay? I know you can do it.” A pat on the head and then the sheep was off, leaving Alyssa along in her room.
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     “Well, I guess this is just a new journey among the stars, right?”
                                                             and it danced into a new stage among the stars. ☆ )
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jekyllhyding · 7 years
Unknown Mystery
A mountain of paperwork to go through after the recent case Lucy and he had solved, the inspector had decided that seeing as it wasn’t urgent (and he could solve it in less than a minute all up anyway) he was going to take any chance he could get for a snooze. Except, the only problem with what seemed a good idea at the time was that he woke up in an entirely different area when he came to.
His first instinct was that the other side of their shared body had gone crime-solving while he was asleep: but hearing ‘Potty’s’ voice in the back of their head proved that thought false really quickly.
[ You shouldn’t need me to tell you this... >
[ I can’t move around without you being awake. Same goes for the other way around. >
[ Stupid. >
Ignoring ‘Potty’s’ usual penchant for insulting him, ‘Placid’ now saw...a sheep? There was a sheep there. It had a letter, and he gingerly took it. Reading it through, it answered a good deal of questions - but the question of why he’d been brought here was still moving about.
[ This is absolutely ridiculous, you know that? >
[ Being dragged away from Lucy, and work, for something so droll as ‘a city run by sheep’? >
Shaking his head to get his other side to stay quiet a moment, he penned down a letter.
Dear Stella or Aries:
As much as investigations in another place are interesting, I have a lot of paperwork to do back home in the Mystery Room, and my assistant - not to mention the other workers - might be worrying why I’ve suddenly vanished. Is there some way I can return back? If not, may I at least send a letter to them to reassure them I am alright?
Yours sincerely, Alfendi Layton.
Giving the sheep a polite nod, he spoke.
“Would you kindly deliver this message to those in charge? I would greatly appreciate it.”
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That said, he would see if the sheep was willing to take the message back. (He was kind of glad he was the one to send the message and not his other self. Potty would likely have said a lot of things a gentleman shouldn’t be writing in the letter...)
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Waking up in strange places was certainly something she was used to by now, especially when she had no recollection of how she’d gotten there in the first place. It seemed like so long ago that Prince Chrom and the Shepherds had found her lying in that field, as if it was the most natural place to take a nap. 
At least now it seemed like she was in an actual bed. That was a start...but where? A cursory glance around the room brought familiarity--there were her belongings, the massive amount of books and tomes she’d collected, as well as all the maps she used in her strategizing. Yet this room was also unfamiliar. 
Slowly, she eased herself off the bed, joints aching. Briefly she wondered how long she’d been asleep, but that thought was pushed aside at the knock on her door. “Yes? Who is it?” No answer, for a moment, and then...a sheep’s bleating? The tactician paused, eyes widening. What? That couldn’t be right. 
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Still not believing it, she couldn’t help but stare at the fluffy sheep standing on the other side of the door when she opened it, holding a letter. Quickly rousing herself, she took the offered letter and skimmed it--though it seemed some of it had been a bit blurred and smudged. But she got the gist of it, at least. This was not Ylisse. 
The sheep waited patiently while Robin moved to her desk, writing a letter in return. That was only common courtesy, was it not?
Dear Aries & Stella,
While I’m pleased for the hospitable welcome, I must admit I’m rather confused. Does this mean I’ve died and this is the afterlife? But then again, I’ve heard nothing of the afterlife being full of sheep...
If that’s not the case, then what of the Shepherds? Are Chrom and the others alright?
I’ve no idea how you got your hands--er, hooves, perhaps? on my belongings, but I must at least thank you for that. It’s helpful to wake up to somewhat familiar objects.
Honestly, her mind was still spinning. But she folded the letter up and offered it to the postal sheep, who was more than happy to take the letter and go on it’s merry way. But the silver haired woman was left standing in the doorway, feeling more than a little lost as she watched it go. 
“What have I gotten myself into this time?”
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gogglesheroine · 7 years
She woke up in a bed unfamiliar to her. She was no stranger to this, having grown accustomed to slumming from cheap motel to cheap motel on her travels, but as her eyes adjusted to the light, she realized the room was unfamiliar to her completely. It was definitely not where she had laid down to rest the night before.
Opening the window to the run down, nondescript room reveals the bright pastels of a beautiful city...that she had never seen before. It was definitely not Megido City, or any of the other dingy cities she’s passes through since leaving home, that was for sure.
A knock? Moving to answer the door, there was...a sheep? She had seen some pretty weird things, but a sheep in a motel was pretty up there.
“...Are you lost?” They had to be, right? Some poor farm animal wandering into a building... However the sheep simply shook their head and nudged forward,  a letter sitting in their mouth.
As soon as she took the letter and opened the envelope, she was quick to notice that the letter was in a foreign script...that she could read perfectly. Weird. So this wasn't just a temporary stay, this was her home from now on then.
Looking back, it wasn't too bad. Worn down and shoddy, but so were a lot of the places she stayed. While minimalistically furnished, the placement of the bed, table, and dresser vaguely reminded her of her old room back at her mother’s home. Also weird.
Turning back around to thank the sheep, she noticed that they had another letter in their hand. Taking and opening this one, it was...a job?! Aru’s eyes widened in excitement. “Hobby shop...!!”
Aru motioned for the sheep to stay there as she sat at the supplied desk and began writing up a letter to this ‘Aries and Stella’ who have provided for her so kindly.
Dear Aries and Stella,
Thank you for the room and the job. I do not know what someone like me has done to earn this, but I am in your debt.
I have one question: Where is this Stella City exactly?
Mariberry S-((the rest of the signature is illegible))
Putting the letter in the return envelop, she handed it back to the sheep. Her business with the mail sheep settled, she set off to look for her favorite goggles before she set off...
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sheepsonq-blog · 7 years
He could only come up with two possible reasons for this outcome.
One, he’d gotten drunk as a lord and somehow wound up spending the night at some fancy hotel in a place that was completely foreign to him; or two, he was kidnapped from his own home for one reason or another and was now being kept hostage in an unlocked hotel room.
And when he answered the knock on the front door, he discovered that the only one keeping guard was a sheep holding a letter in its mouth, its eyes peering up at him.
Right. Maybe he’s still drunk, or dreaming. Actually, he’s got to be dreaming. Who would let a sheep into a hotel in the first place? Who would hire a messenger sheep, even? The mafioso reached for the letter, opening the envelope to read the contents inside... and in that moment, his dazed confusion shifted into irritable frustration. His reaction to the letter could be summed up in five simple words.
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“What the hell is this?” According to the absolutely nonsensical message, he was supposedly in some foreign city he’s never heard of in his life, and they wanted him to stay here. Live here. First of all, no way was that going to happen. Secondly, all of this was shady as hell. Whoever these guys were, Aries and Stella, they had some nerve to kidnap him and throw him into some fairy tale city. He crumpled the paper in his hand. His initial solution to the problem was to find them and beat them up, but that was impossible if he hadn’t a hint to finding their location.
His eyes then turned to the sheep, its innocent gaze having been patiently settled on the frustrated man for some time. He clicked his tongue. Upon obtaining the pen and paper that had been neatly laid out for him on the table, he began to write his very angry complaint to a certain pair of “Civil Servants”.
Aries & Stella,
            Is this supposed to be some kind of joke? Sheep, seriously? Stars and cotton clouds? Did you throw me in a goddamn kids book?
           Come here so we can discuss things accordingly, face to face. I’m waiting.
– Chuuya
And with that, the letter goes to the sheep.
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xunigeshou · 7 years
    >Power: On     >System: Loading . . . . . Active.
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                  The android opened his eyes as his systems launched back to action, however... This wasn’t his r oom  . Wh e r re is hhhe ?? ? His hands probed around on the unfamiliar sheets under him. The wa ll s w eren’t th e same.  Th i s unde r   hi m   w asn’ t    his      bbb bbbb b b
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                  “Wh---whaat is thiiiiiis----?!” All he could see flashing before his eyes were various images of... sheep crawling around on the edges of his view, and every description on the objects around them were in strange letter he could... Suddenly understand...? Was he hacked while he was offline?! This is too mu--- Wait. Hold on, hold on.
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                  Why... Why was his voice in this high pitch...?                                      “This caan’t be haapening.”                                                                  Was he... Bleating, too...?
                                                                              Knock knock.
                  Reluctantly, he got up from the bed and dragged his feet to the door, in hopes (and fear) that whoever’s behind it might help him understand whatever’s happening to him. He slowly opened the door to see a... A sheep... Was it really a sheep...? With this hack thing going on he wasn’t sure, but...
                                    “Ahh... Excuse me, could you... Deaactivaate me aaga-- Oh, aa letter? Thaank you...”
                  After carefully reading it, all he could do is just sigh in frustration. At least he now knows there’s an actual sheep standing before him... There was a desk here, wasn’t there? He might as well write something back...
Dear Aries and Stella, I’ve only just arrived to my room, and while I must thank you for the concern, I do wish you haven’t tampered with my programming. Is there a way you could get at least get my voice back to normal? I’ve tried but it appears I cannot retrieve previous data to restore my normal pitch as much as I try. I could live with the sheep blocking my view, I suppose, but I’d like to get rid of those as well.
                  Vocaloid Big AL: Taiwanese Redesign.
                  He turned back to the door and was ready to find some sort of post but-- Did this sheep know he was writing back...? His mind was starting to overwork and he couldn’t think about it any further. He simply handed the letter back to it, and then returned to his bed to let his mind cool off, even if it was just for a bit.
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toazarath · 7 years
          This wasn’t her room. While it was just as dark as her living quarters in the Tower, her room was never this dingy. She stood from the small bed and cracked her back, it wasn’t totally uncomfortable, but it felt as if she’d been sleeping for entirely too long. Her gaze roamed the small space, and she scrunched her nose. Dingy as it was, at least it wasn’t dirty. Just a little outdated and empty, like some cheap motel. That’s exactly what it was. All the room had was a bed and a small bedside table with a overused lamp. A knock came as she approached the door.
     Curious, it propelled her to open it faster. Much to her surprise, there was a sheep waiting on the other side. The half-Azarathian stared at the creature for a second before pulling the letter from the animal’s mouth. It was covered in slimy drool, but seemed in tact otherwise. With its job done, the sheep bleated and trotted away, not at all interested in looking into her room. “Definitely not Beast Boy,” she muttered as if the lack of green coloring hadn’t already given it away.
     She closed the door and once again retreated to sit on the bed. As she skimmed the drool covered letter, her usually neutral grimace turned to one of chagrin. Surely had her powers been in tact, the sudden surge of emotion would have destroyed the piece of paper that was being crumpled in her hand. Raven reached into the table’s drawer and lo and behold there was a small pad of paper and a tiny pencil. She wrote three simple words.
     Send me home.                  - Raven
     All that was left was to send her own letter out. There was another knock at the door, and again the Teen Titan found herself facing a sheep. Impressed, but still disconcerted about  the turn of events, she handed her note to the seemingly psychic sheep. 
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     “Thanks,” she said quietly. Just because she was upset didn’t mean she couldn’t be polite. It wasn’t the sheep’s fault, after all. The sheep bleated again before trotting away. She supposed all that was left was to get acquainted to the new city, even if she wasn’t planning on staying all that long. 
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doppyon-blog · 7 years
Upon opening his eyes, the first Doppio saw was not his cozy napping tree, not the beautiful park he had previously been sleeping in. The first thing he heard wasn’t the singing of chirping birds, neither was it the beeping and honking of the city traffic.
No, when he got up and took a good look at his surroundings, they weren’t the familiarity he had previously known. The feelings that emerged from this, though, were something he knew all too well.
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He began to throw his head in all directions, panicking, before he spotted... a sheep? 
He cautiously approached the animal, looking it up and down to make sure it wasn’t something dangerous. There weren’t sheep in the City, so what was one doing here?
Upon inspecting it, Doppio noticed that there was a letter in its mouth.
“Is... this for me?”
No response. Of course there was no response, its a real sheep, isn’t it? The boy took the letter, squinting in disgust, there was drool on it. He opened it up and read the contents inside carefully before he gave an exasperated look once he was done reading.
“Just my luck, out of all the things that could happen while I’m searching for him!”
He gave a heavy sigh and crossed his arms, thinking for a moment. Eventually he decided he would write a letter and scoured the room for paper and pens. Soon, he had finished writing and gave one final look toward the paper.
Dear Aries and Stella,
I don’t know why you have brought me here, and I kinda don’t care why either, but I was in the middle of something very important before I was whisked away here, so I’d really appreciate if you could send me back to the city I came from.
But-- here’s a question, is there anyone named Daiki here? And if there is, could you point me into his direction?
☆ Doppio
God, he couldn’t understand how he managed to write perfectly in the same weird language as the letter. The boy handed his letter off to the sheep and watched as it bounced away until he couldn’t see it anymore.
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“Hmmm... well, I guess I should now see how great this ‘beautiful city’ is. shouldn’t I?”
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