poppyfrost · 6 months
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I should have known if I brought up wc I’d have to talk about. But it includes of a lot of issues with feral/furry designs that use feathers in hair. I don’t necessarily know why the conversation only started and stayed in the wc fandom when horse/wolf/lion feral fandoms are still doing the same thing.
Now having feathers in the design isn’t a racial attack first thing off because there’s a lot of context around what feather’s are used, the shape, and where they are placed. If the look is anything like "rave Coachella looking tribal fantasy feathers and beads" it’s probably insensitive. I’m not to sure why it has to be feathers, I honestly think the wc fandom are holding themselves back when it comes to forwarding designs in a unique way. Tail feathers are also left out in this conversation as well, one or two feathers or feathers in the shape of a birds tail are fine but bunched together feathers are leaning to close to how we have our horses wear feathers. This is in the context of the design already looking like a "medicine cat" already its bad. it’s like those yt girls wear feather head bands but animal addition.
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I’ve talked about this before but silhouettes are so important, like Native American stereotypes are on the global scale you cannot escape this silhouette you just have to avoid it. There’s no "but it’s in so many other cultures" no it’s not it’s totally unique to our people that’s why people flock to it because it’s so "mysterious, sacred" whatever their weird twisted up reason is. There’s so many unique ways to break this silhouette you just gotta be more creative. And I feel like instead of being more creative and coming up with totally different ideas it’s just easier to lean on these visual native stereotypes to get across "wild mythical nature fantasy"
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I could get into the horse fandom and the weird situations they’re doing over there but that’s another crazy thing. I should say because someone will ask, ostrich feathers on like show horses or knights or puss in boots style is fine not the same thing (breaking the silhouette) they’re not related.
And it comes down to understanding what you are drawing and where this imagery comes from, I’m not gonna get my feelings hurt because of your design but I’ll question why are you drawing stuff like that. You cant remove that cultural/stereotypical imagery, and if you don’t care about it then you don’t care about the history or how it looks on your character and art.
I made it this far on the internet but if you want to be conscious about these things good on yea it doesn’t take much☺️👍
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poppyfrost · 7 months
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Hi!! For those who have not met me-- my name is Ezra! I'm a transgender autistic grad student. I'm currently in school full time and, while that alone is keeping me very busy, not holding a job is eating into my savings a bit. With this in mind, I am opening commissions!
Feel free to inquire about my services at [email protected]
[And if you yourself aren't interested, consider reblogging for your followers who may be! It would be a great help to me :3]
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poppyfrost · 8 months
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Hi!! For those who have not met me-- my name is Ezra! I'm a transgender autistic grad student. I'm currently in school full time and, while that alone is keeping me very busy, not holding a job is eating into my savings a bit. With this in mind, I am opening commissions!
Feel free to inquire about my services at [email protected]
[And if you yourself aren't interested, consider reblogging for your followers who may be! It would be a great help to me :3]
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poppyfrost · 3 years
yknow speaking as a disabled person i have never cared for briar/jay/cinder become warriors au’s. there’s something very unsettling to me about how being a warrior is seen as giving your life “more purpose” or worth as an individual or whatever and it feels a lot like the “disabled people need to be active in their community in order for their existence to have value” narrative and imo the problems with the series ableism run far deeper than just letting disabled cats be warriors because these characters shouldn’t have to hunt or be able to fight just to not be seen as a burden and the insinuation that they do is only driving the issue deeper. warriors being seen as the “default,” the most important thing you can strive for (which ties into deeper issues regarding “clan loyalty” and the entire society of the clans being built upon “war is epic and cool and badass and also just a natural part of life so get used to it” but that’s another can of worms so w/e), is where the innate issue lies. “oh but jayfeather WANTED to be a warrior” yeah jayfeather’s not real and he was written by people who have very twisted notions about how the world is supposed to work
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poppyfrost · 3 years
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This thread about anti-indigenous racism in xenofiction is well worth a read (and some reflection).
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poppyfrost · 3 years
A lot of you may not be aware of what’s going on on Twitter, but to all Warriors fans, do not support Tennelle Flowers, Roselin Productions, Cushfuddled, nor Clouded Moon.
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poppyfrost · 4 years
Hey let’s support black artists and fans in the community
Anyone is welcome to reblog and boost but this post is for black wc bloggers to tell us where we can support you in reblogs/replies!
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poppyfrost · 4 years
OH i almost forgot a couple other things
- lionblaze isnt one of the three, but thinks he is up until he dies. hollyleaf takes his place, but her power is something like making others tell the truth (with certain limitations)
- up until hollyleafs disappearance and lionblazes death shortly after, jayfeather was a warrior and hollyleaf was a med cat. jayfeather takes over the medicine cat role after finding out how lionblaze died. hed lose the stomach for fighting for a little bit i think
What else do you have planned out for your po3/oots au? The Heathertail comic was super interesting.
i dont know how much i wanna draw or write for it (i know some people go really all out lol) but the gist basically is
- the whole dark forest trainee thing is hawkfrosts project specifically. this means hes the overarching villain of po3/oots instead of the weird one villain a book thing in po3
- basically when he finds out lionpaw has been teaching heatherpaw dark forest moves instead of freaking out he gets a little lightbulb above his head and decides to start the whole dark forest trainees on a large scale thing. heathertail becomes a high ranking trainee and is ivypools contact for her spy stuff
- there would also be more emphasis on undermining the clans specifically instead of the weird. "SURPRISE you arent here to learn better moves youre here to KILL your FAMILY" thing because honestly how was that a good plan
- it would also be a lot more like. openly critical of the warrior code, maybe there would be situations of the warrior code being enforced unevenly/to the letter to an outrageous degree to make the dark forest more sympathetic to the trainees (for example, id probably put mudclaw, jackdaws cry, and falling feather in)
- the consequences at the end of the arc would be like. basically starclan and the dark forest eating themselves. there wouldnt be a return to status quo like in canon, the landscape of the warrior cats afterlife/spiritual plane would be vastly different
if i was gonna do a full scale rewrite id also wanna do a good amount of lore overhaul and other arc stuff (as well as name changing- id get rid of the big cats lore/big cat names like lion-, tiger-, leopard-, etc as well as just some various goofy names like onewhisker/star) but i dont wanna ramble off too much and be a nuisance on peoples feeds since i cant use readmores on mobile
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poppyfrost · 4 years
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some warriored cats to practice design
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poppyfrost · 4 years
What else do you have planned out for your po3/oots au? The Heathertail comic was super interesting.
i dont know how much i wanna draw or write for it (i know some people go really all out lol) but the gist basically is
- the whole dark forest trainee thing is hawkfrosts project specifically. this means hes the overarching villain of po3/oots instead of the weird one villain a book thing in po3
- basically when he finds out lionpaw has been teaching heatherpaw dark forest moves instead of freaking out he gets a little lightbulb above his head and decides to start the whole dark forest trainees on a large scale thing. heathertail becomes a high ranking trainee and is ivypools contact for her spy stuff
- there would also be more emphasis on undermining the clans specifically instead of the weird. "SURPRISE you arent here to learn better moves youre here to KILL your FAMILY" thing because honestly how was that a good plan
- it would also be a lot more like. openly critical of the warrior code, maybe there would be situations of the warrior code being enforced unevenly/to the letter to an outrageous degree to make the dark forest more sympathetic to the trainees (for example, id probably put mudclaw, jackdaws cry, and falling feather in)
- the consequences at the end of the arc would be like. basically starclan and the dark forest eating themselves. there wouldnt be a return to status quo like in canon, the landscape of the warrior cats afterlife/spiritual plane would be vastly different
if i was gonna do a full scale rewrite id also wanna do a good amount of lore overhaul and other arc stuff (as well as name changing- id get rid of the big cats lore/big cat names like lion-, tiger-, leopard-, etc as well as just some various goofy names like onewhisker/star) but i dont wanna ramble off too much and be a nuisance on peoples feeds since i cant use readmores on mobile
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poppyfrost · 4 years
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some warriored cats to practice design
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poppyfrost · 4 years
also the link in my bio goes to my carrd. just a few little reminders
hey just a heads up. if you like h*mestuck or something similarly awful i am point blank blocking you i do not respect that shit
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poppyfrost · 4 years
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when in doubt draw jayfeather
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poppyfrost · 4 years
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So I take these sightless creatures home
Then I fear them so to tremble
For I'm no mother, I
Just some random defender
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poppyfrost · 4 years
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So I take these sightless creatures home
Then I fear them so to tremble
For I'm no mother, I
Just some random defender
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poppyfrost · 4 years
okay middle of the night Pissed Off Posting hours but i am seriously sick of seeing warrior cats aus where the whole deal with ashfur is changed to center on a gay relationship. im not trying to vague but ive seen it often enough that it wouldnt even be productive and either way i am assuming that this is done out of like, misguided attempts to be Progressive but i would like everybody to have a careful Think about how on earth a story where someone gets an unreciprocated crush on someone of the same gender and then becomes possessive, vindictive, and violent because of this is not playing into homophobic steteotypes about gay love being Twisted and Deranged
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poppyfrost · 4 years
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more drawings of the "heathertail is plot important" genre from a po3/oots au i came up with. details under the cut (if i can get the cut to work on mobile, lol)
basically my idea with is that the whole dark forst deal was specifically a project of hawkfrost's and that heathertail and lionblaze were his first "students." lionblaze isnt one of the three but thinks he is, lets heathertail in on it, and then she accidentally kills him in the dark forest when a sparring match gets too rough. above is jayfeather accidentally reading her memories about it. not fun for either of them id reckon
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