poppyluck · 4 years
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If you’re interested in interacting with a Rhyhorn Racer original Pokémon character, then please like and share this post!
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poppyluck · 4 years
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If you’re interested in interacting with a Rhyhorn Racer original Pokémon character, then please like and share this post!
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poppyluck · 4 years
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ooc; So, I decided to go ahead and make this other muse (who isn’t open yet) and I’m having to majorly fluff something that is technically canon in the Pokémon universe and it’s a lot and oh boi 
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poppyluck · 4 years
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ooc;; Wow uh, where did these past few months go? Hahaha... oh boi. Sorry for the disappearance folks life has been a bit crazy and I honestly haven’t had a chance to come back here. 
I’ll be honest in saying I don’t really have much muse for Poppy nowadays but will at least be keeping her around in hopes I might pick her up again. I miiiight make a new blog, I donno. I don’t know if I’ll be coming back fully or not as of yet but uh, hello and hi and hope that you all have been safe and well and keeping safe and all that goodness!
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poppyluck · 4 years
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ooc;; Sorry for the lack of posting!! I recently took in three kittens to foster and they’re taking up all my free time right now. They’re all super young and it has been a bit stressful because of it and I’m trying to find homes for two of them and yeah. But here are some pictures of them being adorable until I return under the cut!
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poppyluck · 4 years
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poppyluck · 4 years
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“Big cities might not have the right amount of space for the corvidknights and their cabs. Even in the Galar region, there are certain cleared spaces for those pokemon.” Slowly adi peeled an orange and frowned in thought. “However.. Corvisquire on the other hand? Clever, but small enough to fit into tighter spaces and strong enough to fight off most anyone trying to abduct a lost child. be that a Pokemon or a human.” 
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     “Hmm, you do have a good point there. Corvisquire would probably be better for search in rescue along with most dog-like Pokemon due to their sense of smell. Though, they are better suited for an aerial view and if someone was to attach a small camera to their heads or something so they could also view while the Pokemon was flying that would make things even easier!” This might be something to bring up to her older brother. Poppy had a feeling he might enjoy this project.
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poppyluck · 4 years
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   The wear on the book had made it clear that the item was obviously important, but the other’s smile and relief made that even more clear. Hilda couldn’t help but wonder what resided on the pages of the notebook. “It’s nice to meet you Poppy. There’s a small cafe near here I think.” Hilda started, turning to glance to where she remembered the shop to be just a few streets away. “I haven’t been to it in a little over two years but it’s probably still there.”         
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     “Then let’s head on over,” a warm smile on her lips as she spoke. There was a bit of curiosity as to why the other had not been to the cafe in so long but, she would not pry. Instead she took one step forward before looking to Hilda a bit embarrassed. “Ah, do you think you could lead the way? I honestly have no idea which cafe we’re going to I just realized.” Honestly, she really needed to work on figuring out what all was around the area.
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poppyluck · 4 years
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By: Ana
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poppyluck · 4 years
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poppyluck · 4 years
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Starry 🌟
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poppyluck · 4 years
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Her advice was sound, and it had her mulling and thinking over things she hadn’t considered. She was only really looking at it from a Draconid point of view… but not a human one. Rayquaza would often tell her ‘If it feels right, then just go with it’… and yet she wasn’t listening… until now. 
( She really should pay more attention to him and his wisdom as his Chosen. )
“No… No your advice is actually good.” She admits. “I always looked at it from the way of my Village’s point of view… but never from what I desired.” Night was a good man in his own way, and while she thought he might be of that way to her… She couldn’t deny there were severe differences in how they thought and acted – and the way he had treated that mother Haxorus and her offspring should have been a telltale sign not to go any farther. 
A sigh… and yet a soft smile.
“… Thank you, Poppy.” She responds, looking over at her.  “I’m sorry for spilling my emotions onto you… and for that, I can take you to Spear Pillar myself, I think, as an apology.” Figuring the hunt was done for now, she would get to her feet and recall her pokemon, leaving out only Gray-Wind who lightly brushed dirt over the fire, making sure to avoid getting it anywhere near Poppy and Callista. Once Callista had put her cape back on and was ready to go, she turned to look at the young woman.
“It’ll be a bit of a trek, but are you prepared?”
As Callista took a few moments to go over the advice she had given to her, Poppy was slightly worried she might have said too much or, maybe not enough. As someone who had never had these troubles, it was hard to know if she had said something useful or not. As soon as the blonde spoke, Poppy felt a bit relieved it had been decent advice after all and it seemed she had come to some choice. 
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     “I’m just glad I was able to help,” lips curing into a warm smile as she thanked them. At the mention of going to the Spear Pillar, Poppy was a bit excited. This was the area she had been longing to see since she entered the cave and she was going to actually be able to reach the top. As Callista got to her feet, gathering her items and putting on her cape Poppy did much of the same. Placing the now empty contain back into her bag, she double checked around her feet to make sure she was not leaving anything behind. Once everything was accounted for, she got to her feet and began walking over towards her new friend.
“I’m ready,” giving a nod of her head to them. Poppy was more than ready for this trek and had been prepared for it the moment she entered. “Please, led the way, Calli.”
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poppyluck · 4 years
Upon hearing Poppy’s hesitant response, Clair regrets her tone–it’s been a long day, but she still doesn’t mean to come off so harshly towards the researcher…especially when said researcher is offering a heartfelt gift to her. Locking the Gym’s door for the evening, she turns towards Poppy again, massaging her temples tiredly. 
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“I apologize for assuming things–I’m just used to every gift coming with an attached request nowadays, especially from outside researchers,” she admits with a small, rueful smile. “Thank you for the chocolates. This may seem sudden, but would you like to join me for evening tea back at my apartment? I actually keep most of my own Dragon research at home–maybe I can answer some of your questions there…as a way to repay your kindness, of course.” 
As Clair locked the door Poppy was a bit worried she might have crossed a line, especially as she began massaging her temples. However, the dragon masters tone shifted and was now even smiling to which Poppy offered a warmer smile back. Clair really was a sweetheart at the end of the day it seemed and for that, Poppy was glad.
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“I would love that very much,” announcing excitedly, cheeks even becoming a bit rosy in color at the thought of being able to join Clair for tea. “Please, let me know if there is any research in exchange I can offer you or anything you would like for me to find out in return.” In truth, Poppy did not think the chocolates as an adequate enough gift to spend some time with her and seeing her own personal notes. As such, it would only be made right if she could do something more for the other.
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poppyluck · 4 years
As Poppy mentioned it was peculiar that this area wasn’t publicized. Not that Raguna would have any quarrel with that! Iif anything it felt more intimate, knowing that he was privy to this sort of space around his land left unexplored and for him and those he brings to see. He’s of a mind to map it out himself, dot out the meadows and strike through the streams. There could be caves or old shrines out here for all anyone knew! This area was very much rural, but it may not stay that way for much longer. Castelia had already filled out its land space to the desert, and surely Virbank wouldn’t stay rooted to the coast forever.
He surveys the area with a fond blue gaze, hands on his hips and a satisfied breath of air that wafted in all of nature had to offer.
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“So am I. It’s amazing the difference a bit of walking away from the main routes will do, huh?” Ambient noise pollution, that was the word he’d read in that one book. Noise, light, there were all kinds of way that the human presence could diminish what nature offered. Who even knew what it would be like to be here under the stars? 
With equally careful steps he moves through the field of flowers, brushing his hands against the tulip blossoms and noting the smaller flowers lacing in between the various beds. He’s making his way towards the sunflowers when they all spin around at once to face the duo.
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“Oh! Sunflora! And so many of them!”
     “Sunflora?!” Instantly Poppy was turning around to Raguna, seeing where they were and then noticed the Sunflora. How had she not noticed them sooner? Poppy called herself a researcher and yet they had blended in so well she had not even seen them standing there as plain as day. She had just assumed them to be regular old Sunflowers basking in the sunlight. 
Now that she did know Poppy was coming over, slowly and carefully so as to not scare them. Once in a good spot and close to Raguna, she was quick to plop herself onto the ground. Moving her bag from off her she rested it in front of her, digging through it before producing a bound notebook and a pen. Opening it she flipped through the pages until she was at the next blank one and began sketching the heard of Sunflora without a care in the world. They had not made any move to attack them so why should she bother then while they were soaking in the sun. 
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     “It’s not often I get to see so many Pokemon at once! I’ve never seen this many Sunflora in my life,” Poppy commented in a slight whisper as she continued to draw, writing down a few notes here and there. 
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poppyluck · 4 years
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Field of Flowers by Marius Kastečkas
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poppyluck · 4 years
“A pleasure to meet you as well, Miss Locke. It is no trouble to me, really, but you ought to be more careful. The Slumbering Weald is home to many Pokemon, most of which do not take kindly to trespassers.” Tatiana would be gone for but a moment to enter her house, returning with a tray of their snacks. Earl Grey macarons with a teapot of Lady Grey tea. Bergamot, she thought. Miss Locke reminded her of bergamot. She was glad to have made them the other day. Perhaps this was a meeting arranged by fate?
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“I do know the way out of this forest,” it need not be mentioned to her that the other had been lost for quite some time. Artie had said something about it already, but until she found herself near the witch’s home, Tatiana could not have guessed her reason for entering the weald. She was many things, but a mind reader was not one of them. “You call yourself a researcher, though. Was there something you were hoping to find here?”
What are your intentions, Miss Poppy Locke?
Nodding her head to the others warning of being careful, Poppy really needed to take that lesson more to heart. Another friend had said the same thing to her when they met as well. As she brought out tea and macarons, Poppy had taken a seat at the table. Smelling the scent wafting from the teapot she already knew what the tea was though she was a bit curious as to the flavor of the treats. Still, she would wait for the other to serve themselves first before she went for anything.
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     “That is good to know,” that these Pokemon within the woods did not take kindly to trespasser. Hopefully, she would not need to make her way here again. With the other mentioning they knew the way out, Poppy’s eyes lit up but soon enough she was asking about why she was here and her smile dropped a bit. Tatiana seemed very kind and lived here so it was only right to tell them. “Um, well, my research is mostly around legendary and mythical Pokemon... and I’ve been researching the legendary Pokemon of this region a bit and heard there might be some answers here.” Looking to them she offered up a slightly worried smile, hands in the air and waving a bit. “But I’m not here to harm or catch them, just get some answers to my questions like, what they like to eat, how big are they, and just general stuff like that. Just to prove that they are real and not just... legends. You know?”
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poppyluck · 4 years
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Okay, so she already had faith in him that the concert would be great. That significantly upped his confidence. “Spikemuth’s the first town beyond the Route Nine tunnel, near Circhester Bay. It’s not th’ best-lookin’ town ever, but I’m workin’ t’make it better.” Hopefully she wouldn’t be too bothered by the rather rundown condition of it. She would be coming for the music, not the town itself. “I can show y’Spikemuth, though, if y’wanna see it beforehand.”
His expression softened as he heard what she told him next, nodding. “Yeah, thanks for that.” It was admittedly a bit strange, knowing he now had something to contact. After keeping most of his thoughts to himself, it might be nice to have someone to talk to after so long of being solitary. “I’ll try not t’contact y’too often, though… Don’t wanna potentially bother you.”
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     “I would love to see it beforehand, if that’s alright with you. Plus, if you ever need an extra set of hands for cleaning then you can always reach out to me,” a big smile on her lips. Poppy did enjoy cleaning and organizing a lot so if they were working to make their town better by any means, she would be happy to give her assistance. Plus, seeing the town before the concert would be a good way to see what all there was to work on if she was allowed to help out. Though honestly she just wanted to see the place her new friend was from.
Giggle a bit to their comment of them trying not to contact her too often she gave a small shake of her head. “You’d never bother me Piers, not at all. If you need a friend, then I’ll do my absolute best to be there.” And that, she truly meant with all her heart.
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