darkcrowprincess · 8 hours
i see a lot of people headcanon that bakugo loves horror movies, meanwhile deku is a huge scaredycat/crybaby towards them. BUT actually i think it would be very funny if it was the other way around
SO. headcanoning that bakugo really fucking hates horror movies. NOT because he's. scared or anything what r u talking about. haha definitely not. but do not turn that shit on anywhere near him or he will fucking kill u
meanwhile deku USED to be afraid of horror movies. but then he decided that in order to get over his fear of them, he was gonna watch a bunch of behind the scenes for them to see how the movies were actually made and to be less scared when watching them. and then he became a HUGE horror movie nerd. he LOVES breaking down how the practical effects work and identifying them on screen when watching. jumpscares don't bother him anymore, he's too busy nerding out about the behind the scenes stuff and analyzing how all the different effects are working seamlessly together to make the horror movie effective
deku loves dragging bakugo to see new horror movies or forcing him to sit and watch them at home together, he's always really excited to analyze the effects and camerawork of the movies. bakugo only (barely) tolerates it because he just looks away during all the "scary" parts and concentrates on deku's mumbling to distract himself from the movie
deku: no kacchan it's actually so cool how they did this shot!! they only had one take so they had to position all the camera equipment perfectly and there's a whole bunch of hidden triggers and the visual perspective makes the intensity of the shot SO much more effective and blah blah blah-
bakugo, face buried in deku's shoulder and very much avoiding looking at the screen: turn this off immediately or i will explode ur face
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darkcrowprincess · 11 hours
Oh fuck! Oh my god! You hear that? That is my heart breaking because of these two! Like Oh my GOD! CRYING BECAUSE BAKUDEKU DRIVES ME CRAZY!
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Bakugo Katsuki: Origin
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Light Fades to Rain
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darkcrowprincess · 11 hours
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magical girl deku to the rescue ! 💘
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darkcrowprincess · 11 hours
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Bakugo Card Captor!!
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darkcrowprincess · 11 hours
Bakudeku thoughts: The English voice actors do sound like Izuku and Bakugo! And in card captor sakura these guys are a couple!
listening to both of these I like to imagine older bakudeku together!
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darkcrowprincess · 12 hours
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Today I was playing my favorite game of “who does this character share a VA with?” And I was looking at Deku and Bakugou’s English VAs. Deku’s VA, Justin Briner voices Yukito in Card Captor Sakura Clear Card. In the same movie, Bakugou’s VA, Clifford Chapin voices Touya Kinomoto. This is not a joke, and this is not a drill. BAKUGOU AND DEKU ARE LITERALLY IN LOVE AND IN A VERY CUTE HAPPY TEENAGE ROMANCE IN ANOTHER UNIVERSE!!!
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darkcrowprincess · 12 hours
Have any of y’all ever wondered how Izuku see Katsuki?
Because in the episode ‘Katsuki Bakugo: Origin’ (Season 2 Episode 24) Recovery Girl is talking off camera and she says, “To Izuku Midoriya, All Might is like a god”
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So in ‘Deku vs Kacchan pt.2’ (Season 3 episode 23) when they are talking about their feelings both the sub and dub are basically saying the same thing just in different ways… in the sub version Deku says, “I saw vividly all the amazing things you could do! You, who had so much that I didn’t have, much closer to me than All Might!” Meanwhile in the dub version Deku says, “But I could clearly see how amazing you were. You had so much going for you that I didn’t have. All Might was my hero but you were the one actually in my life.”
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So now I’m starting to wonder, that if Deku see All Might as a god or just as a hero. Then how the hell does Deku see Katsuki?! His childhood friend, the one who Deku see a image of victory, the one who always amazes him with whatever he does, the one who Deku trusted by telling him about OFA, the one who Deku, himself, imitates.
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Please someone give me some answers 😣😭
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darkcrowprincess · 13 hours
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Yes, this is about All Might and Katsuki's dream to be the best hero, but it's also about one of his happiest memories with Izuku.
He carries that card with him all the time, even into battle because of what it means to him.
Despite telling himself he wanted to keep Izuku at arm's length, he never threw the card away, and he never asked Izuku to stop calling him "Kacchan"
He always wanted to be as close to Izuku as he was in that moment.
That's what he truly wants, what he yearns for.
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darkcrowprincess · 14 hours
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He needs a hug
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darkcrowprincess · 14 hours
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darkcrowprincess · 14 hours
the theory that bkdk is reincarnated kudoichi is so good because the similarities are uncanny. it gags me every time.
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darkcrowprincess · 14 hours
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media illiteracy is a curse and it’s plagued those who say they don’t understand the shipping between tgchk and bkdk. this is official art that horikoshi himself drew, exactly how would you like to interpret any of this as platonic? at the very least do your author a favour and understand his implications.
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darkcrowprincess · 20 hours
(Don't like don't read. Post hate and I'll block you)
Rick accidentally creates a books series that has way more incest than the vc andrews books like flowers in the attic. Than he back tracks so hard because he was afraid of angry parents, and wanted his books to sell. But in a way that makes no sense and honestly is super obvious that hes making shit up to please angry parents and people to stop asking questions. To bad Rick the pandora's box was already opened.
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darkcrowprincess · 21 hours
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darkcrowprincess · 21 hours
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Katsuki Bakugo
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darkcrowprincess · 21 hours
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Had to join the frenzy and create my own…. Deku was too late 😭
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darkcrowprincess · 21 hours
To my followers and random idiots who keep sending asks in my inbox:
I AM NOT GOING TO SEND YOU MONEY, STOP SENDING STUFF IN MY INBOX ASKING FOR SOME. I know it has to be the same person. Fucking stop it. I'm poor. My family and me can't afford it. Plus this is the internet and I'm not going to send some random person I DONT KNOW MONEY WITH THE SAME SOB STORY! SO PLEASE STOP! So sick of having to block people. But I will keep doing it if I have to.
(Don't like don't read. Post hate and I'll block you!)
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