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My 38th birhtday in isolation compared to my 39th celebrated with my baby sister and lunch with my bff.
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Adjusting to life at work was hard. I enjoyed working from home with Kush sitting on my desk. I think I was more efficient. I also had less interruptions because there were know kids having breakdowns that required me to run to a classroom. I like wearing a mask and made a point to have fun masks to wear out.
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2021 building and gardening projects. A garden for me and the plants for the cats. Added a shoe rack to my entry table. Built a bookcase to fit all of my storage boxes. The linen closet was the best project. I got to pull my tools into the house since it was too hot in the desert summer sun to work outside.
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2021 came with vaccination and visiting. I was hesitant to get vaccinated, even though I knew it was safe, but I have an autoimmune condition and wasn't sure of the reaction if any I might have. I was fine and was able to visit with my family. I got to see my mom and step-mom, siblings, nieces, and nephews. It was great to break the isolation of the pandemic.
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I had a lot of health struggles 2020 through 2021. I spent a lot of time at Kaiser meeting with different doctors, getting magnesium infusions to help with migraines, and figuring out if I had an autoimmune condition other than asthma.
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Painting, gardening, bread baking.I did all the cleches. It was fun and continued into 2022. While I am exploring gluten free flours to get the write taste and mouth feel for brownies, cakes, cookies, breads. Its a work in progress. I am also exploring dinner and lunch recipies now that I have several new food sensitivities that seem to grown and change throughout the year.
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2020 started out really well. I went to the Saybrook residence conference. Then a virus swept the world adn I had to cancel going on a Golden Girls cruise. I was isolated alone at home with my cats and power tools. I built stuff, ate a bunch, and watched a lot of shows. I struggled with my health. Played Pandemic Bingo. And was declared an essential worker and returned to campus. While it was lonely I still connected with friends virtually.
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I spent Thanksgiving 2019 with my baby sister exploring Banff, Canada.
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Sorry it has been so long. So much has happened since 2019. New blog post to come.
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I thought it would be fun. The story of how I live my life.
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My baby Princess Sophia ❤️ is 5 years old. She went from being less than 3lbs. when I got her to about 11lbs. and a good 38" in length. She's got a sweet tooth, loves ice cream, almond butter and jam sandwiches, cereal milk, and popcicles. Sophia is super loving and great care giver and nurse. Happy to have had her in my life these past 5 years looking forward to another decade or two.
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Work has been overwhelming. Just a lot of bureaucratic paperwork that slows down what I actually enjoy doing: testing kids for special education placement, having tea time with kids, and hanging out in my teachers classrooms aka observing students. Reading encouraging messages, having tea, and utilizing my self-care strategies are helping me keep my sanity.
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I didn't have the best end to my summer semester and wasn't feeling all that enthusiastic about going to the retreat. But, I went any way and had a great time. I met me students and returning students and got to catch up with my cohort. I took some time to explore Monterey before the retreat moves to San Diego in January. I did some exploring in nature taking a few strolls that set my allergies off. Most importantly I finally got to see the aquarium.
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I am the center connection of the Y in my family. I am allowed to interact with each piece individually but not often together. When bought together there is too much tension. The secrets lie under the surface threatening to break free. The unspoken words of anger, disappointment, malice, love, grief, and isolation hover like a dark cloud. The center point leaves elated to have seen all parts of the family. The longer, older, should be wiser pieces leave knotted up, their insides twisted, as the attempt to sort through their emotions.
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All day, everyday. Praise be to God.
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I don't expect me. I just expect less tomfoolery, shannigans, bullshit, and blatant lying. That's all. Oh and a little more firing. Because if I expected me we'd have a lot less people at work, a lot more productivity, and a hell of a swear jar savings account 🤣
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Not Super Woman, just Wonder Woman
I often forget I have limitations. I want to do it all right now. Like now. I want to unpack my house, decorate it, take three PhD courses, while trying to manage my physical health issues (migraines, food and environmental allergies, and asthma). Then I get overwhelmed and want to shut down. I can't because stuff has to get done. I also was given a kitten to care for.
My PhD courses are kicking my butt.
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