posi-writes · 3 years
Looks like rain - OikawaxReader
Hello! Have another of my 21 kisses drabbles. No warnings. Just fluff (as per usual). Feel free to talk to me if you want 
Word Count: Just under 1.4k
The two of you stare blankly at each other from across the table, locked in an unspoken battle and having reached an impasse, neither willing to give in. The waitress stood to the side, clearly uncomfortable as she waited on one of you to give her direction. It should have been a simple question, would you like dessert. Naturally, you both agreed that yes, you would like dessert, however, it seems an agreement could not be reached regarding what you were going to be getting. The argument was between honey castella or caramel flan. You were on the side of castella, Tooru on the side of flan.
You narrow your eyes at him, waiting on his move. He sighs deeply and looks away. You bring your hands up in victory and let the waitress know what you want and she rushes off, looking all too happy to get away from the two of you. As you continue your mini celebration of your victory over the forces of evil, you miss the way Tooru watches you fondly, chin resting on his interlinked fingers. By the time you bring your gaze back to his face, his expression has smoothed into something far more neutral, though his eyes are still soft. You cough, trying to force down the blush that threatens to take over your face. You speak, trying to start a conversation and distract yourself from the butterflies making their home in your stomach.  
“So—uhh--” Why can’t you think of anything to talk about?
“Are you coming to the game tomorrow?” Tooru saves you from floundering.
“Should I?” You question causes his face to contort into a pout.
“Of course you should! I need you to cheer me on.” He makes his point with a flurry of exaggerated hand gestures, missing the waitress carrying your precious honey castella by mere inches.
The waitress looks taken aback at the sudden attack and puts the plate down on the table with a solid thunk, sliding the check on the table along with it, subtly requesting the two of you to hurry it along. Tooru grabs it while you are distracted with your cake, mouth twisting in thought and he lays some money on the table. Right as you open your mouth to argue, he cuts you off.
“You should wear my jersey too.”
“W—well--why would I do a thing like that?” You sputter out.
A playful smile lights up his face.
“To show support and provide me motivation. Imagine how much better I would play if my lovely girlfriend is in the stands, cheering me on.”
This time the blush takes over as you avert your eyes and shove cake in your mouth to avoid answering.
Tooru holds the door open for you to walk in front of him and you trail your hand lightly across his chest as you pass him, leaving him slightly stunned at the unprovoked contact. While you never brushed off physical contact and even seemed to enjoy it, very rarely did you initiate the touches. You throw a look over your shoulder as you continue to walk and Tooru rushes after you, realizing that you aren’t going to wait for him. Once he is back at your side, you casually reach over and link your fingers with his, pulling him in the direction of the park, not quite ready to call it a day. He happily follows you, taking careful note of how carefree you were in that moment, letting the wind sweep your hair around your face as you looked up at the clouds.
“Looks like it is going to rain.” You comment casually as you come to a stop at the park entrance.
He shifts his gaze from your face to gaze up at the sky with you and hums. You shrug, uncaring, and pull on his hand again, leading him to the swings. You settle in on one of them and turn to him expectantly, eyes full of childlike amusement.
“Push me?” He doesn’t need time to think about it as he moves behind you and places strong hands on your back, giving a gentle shove.
The two of you are enveloped with a calm silence, taking in the moment and simply enjoying the others presence. Given the generally intense and boisterous outward personality of Tooru, you never would have thought these quiet moments possible. The first time the two of you just sat together, no words exchanged, you were surprised. Pleasantly so.
As you reflect on the quiet moments, Tooru shoves a little more forcefully, causing your swing to shoot forward as you tense up and let out a little shriek in surprise. Tooru lets out a loud laugh before grabbing the chains and bringing you to a stop. You twist around in your seat and shove his shoulder.
“You jerk!” His continued laughter drowns out your protests and you stand up and shuffle further away. He catches up to you easily and brings his arms around your shoulders. You look away from him, pouting.
“But your pout is so very adorable. Plus I needed to bring you back to Earth.” He reasons as he taps your nose. You face scrunches at the touch as you stick your tongue out at him.
“What were you thinking about so intently, anyways?” He questions, delicately cupping your face in his hands. You hesitate to answer him. With the newness of the relationship, you didn’t want to scare him away with too much introspection. The look in his eyes asks for your honesty.
“Well—I was thinking about—us—I guess—" You trail off uncertainly as an unreadable expression settles on his face.
“What about us?”
You shrug and Tooru trails his hands from your face, down your neck to settle on your shoulders. He asks again.
“What about us?” His tone suggests that he simultaneous needs and dreads the answer.
You hum thoughtfully, you want to answer him but can’t quite formulate the words.
“Just thinking about how different it is than I expected, I guess.” His brows furrow at your response, concerned. You bring your hand up and poke his forehead before using the finger to gently smooth out the wrinkle in his brow.
“It’s a good thing.” You attempt to reassure him. It seems to work as light comes back into his eyes and an easy smile makes its way onto his face. You bring your hands to the back of his neck and just as you pull his face closer to yours, a crack of thunder sounds and there is a sudden onslaught of rain, immediately soaking the two of you.
A loud laugh forces itself from your mouth as Tooru grabs your hand and pulls you under the shelter of a nearby awning. You gasp, trying to catch your breath around your giggles. Tooru watches you, the fond expression from earlier making a reappearance at your carefree demeanor. You are absolutely radiant like this.
“What?” Your voice pulls him out of his thoughts. He shakes his head and pulls you to his chest, hugging you close. He thinks he knows what the warm feeling in his chest means but he isn’t quite ready to put it into words. He lifts your face to his and presses a soft, slightly wet kiss to your lips before whispering softly.
You pull away slightly to look into his eyes, a warm, fuzzy feeling spreading through your body. You try to ignore the feeling by bringing your lips up to meet his again though it just makes the warm feeling spread and grow. You pull away fully and turn to watch the rain fall, willing down the blush on your cheeks. Tooru notices it anyways, confident smirk in place. You quirk your brow and speak.
“I meant to tell you. I would absolutely love to wear your jersey tomorrow. I have to support my dear boyfriend.”
A slight dusting of pink blooms across his cheeks. So faint you wouldn’t notice it if you weren’t looking for it but you were. Satisfaction rolls over you and you lean over and plant a kiss on Tooru’s cheek before you turn back to the rain, the two of you standing in contemplative silence, fingers lightly laced, waiting for the rain to stop.  
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posi-writes · 3 years
Focus - OikawaxReader
After a long time, I have finally produced a thing. Please enjoy. 
Word Count: almost 1.3lk
You stand in the doorway, waiting for Tooru to acknowledge your presence but it seems he is too engrossed in whatever is playing on his laptop, volleyball clutched tightly in his grip. Based on the intensity of his stare, the sharp sound of skin meeting leather, and the occasional shrill whistle, he is watching a volleyball game. You shift side to side as you decide whether you should interrupt. You did come over at his request after all. A mini celebration for making it through the first day of inter-high. He looks so focused though.
Taking in a deep breathe you swallow down the anxious feeling creeping up through your chest and quietly make your way over until you are standing by his side. A slight twitch in his grip shows you that he is aware of your presence but the fact that his eyes never leave the screen tells you it is subconscious. You choose not to interrupt and instead settle in next to him, turning your gaze to the screen as well. You watch as the two teams, one in navy and orange, the other in teal and white speed around the court.
Head tilted to the side, you try and figure out what has caught his attention so completely when an orange-headed, navy blur shoots from one side of the court to the other then up into the air and spikes the ball across the net to the other side. It was all done in a matter of seconds. A glance to Tooru’s face tells you all you need to know, watching his eyes narrow. He is studying that kid and the setter who made it happen. Speaking of the setter…is that Tobio-kun? You lean a little closer to the screen and confirm your suspicious. He really has grown since middle school. Everything is falling into place. Tooru did say something about crushing his kouhai on the court. This must be Karasuno.
Your gaze drifts from the game back to Tooru as you study the sharp lines of his face, the concentrated furrow of his brow, and the determined set of his mouth as he takes in everything he can, strategizing and trying to find the best solution to accomplish his goals of defeating every team in his path and taking his team to nationals. A look of fond exasperation finds it way onto your face as you throw a quick glance to the clock on the other side of the room. It is getting late. Tooru needs to call it a night and get some sleep. If he shows up to the match tomorrow showing even the slightest hint of not being in top form, Iwaizumi will have his head. Not to mention, he is probably exhausted after his day. Perhaps you should have passed on his offer to spend time together tonight.
While you are stuck in your thoughts, you shift slightly, trying to release some of the ache in your body which finally alerts your boyfriend to your presence. His eyes shoot from the screen to your face as guilt floods his body. He invited you over and then didn’t even notice you were here. How long have you been here anyways? You haven’t said anything yet. Are you upset? He glances back to the game playing out on the screen briefly before returning to you. You can feel his intense stare and slowly turn to look at him before smiling brightly and giving a short wave.
“Well, hello there.”
Tooru looks confused as he brings an unsure hand up to return your greeting.
“Hi?” He phrases it like a question which shifts the look of confusion from his face to yours.
“Are you asking me? You remember inviting me over, don’t you?”
He nods carefully.
“Of course I do. But—” He trails off, uncertain.
The two of you stare at each other for several moments, waiting for the other to speak. You wait on him to finish his thought and he waits for you to finally voice your frustration with him, wariness from his lack of attention to you due to his focus elsewhere. You wouldn’t be the first girl mad at him over it, the first girl to break it off. Somehow though, the thought of you leaving him makes his heart clench in an unpleasant way that the others hadn’t.
When it becomes apparent that he isn’t going to say anything else, you reach over to pause the game before bringing your arms around him, pulling him close. His eyes widen in surprise when you place a quick kiss on his forehead before leaning back to look him in the eyes.  
“But what, Tooru?”
His eyes dart to the side, trying to look anywhere but you as you watch him carefully. It isn’t often you see his vulnerable side like this.
“I’m sorry.”
His apology catches you off guard as your hold on him slackens slightly.
“Sorry? What for?” You lean over to catch his eye again.
“Aren’t you upset?”
“Upset?” You repeat the word questioningly.
“Well yeah. I invited you over and then ignored you. You are upset, right?”
Your arms drop from around him as your eyes go blank, taking in his words. He looks hurt and stunned as you separate yourself from him.
“You think—that I am—upset? With you?” The words feel wrong on your tongue and your heart drops when he glances away from you once more. This won’t do. Seeing Tooru so self-conscious doesn’t feel right. This must be remedied immediately.
A sharp yelp escapes him as you tackle him in a hug, bringing the two of you down as you hold him close, head cradled against your chest. You bring your hands up to his hair and scratch lightly at his scalp as you feel all the tension melt from his body.
His arms come up to return your hug, squeezing tight as if he is afraid that you will disappear if he lets go for even a moment. You lean back to look at him, seeing a myriad of emotions flit across his features, each battling for supremacy. Fear and love seem to be the primary struggle. You help him make the choice. You lean back in and press another tender kiss to his forehead. You whisper into his hair, afraid of being too loud and shattering the tender moment.
“You are ridiculous, Oikawa Tooru. As if I would be upset over something like that. You’re going to have to try a lot harder if you want to make me mad, you know?”
This pulled a soft chuckle out of him, the sound filling your heart with happiness as the two of you lay there, finding comfort in each other. The moment comes to an end when Tooru blindly reaches behind him to hit play on the video. The sounds of volleyball fill the room again as Tooru speaks up, voice back to his usual confident tone.
“Help me come up with a strategy to crush Tobio-chan!”
“I don’t know anything about volleyball.” You deadpan as you stare blankly at his brilliant smile.
“I’ll teach you then!” He refuses to give up so you concede with a condition.
“Okay, fine. Only for another 15 minutes though. Then you need sleep. Iwa will be upset if you don’t, and I don’t want to be held accountable.” You shudder as you picture the judgmental stare when he finds out you let him stay up too late.
Tooru happily pulls you over and cuddles up with you as he points to the screen and begins describing what is happening on the screen in excruciating detail but you wouldn’t trade it for the world.
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posi-writes · 3 years
Pillows - BokutoxReader
I disappeared for a minute there but I am back. This isn’t my favorite thing that I have ever written but I wrote something so there is that. In my mind, there is no way that Bokuto isn’t a bed hog and we love him for it. 
Word Count: 800
The quiet of the apartment is unsettling. Quiet is unusual, not part of the routine. Your boyfriend should be home from practice by this time. If he was home, where was his enthusiastic welcome home greeting? You catch sight of his keys hanging on the hook by the door. You gaze around the room, curious about where he could be hiding out.
You call out a quiet ‘I’m home’ as you slip out of your shoes and make your way into the interior of the apartment. A peek into each room as you pass turns up no results until you make it to the bedroom. There you find him.
Bokuto Koutarou in all his glory, is spread across the bed, limbs akimbo, looking akin to a misshapen starfish. You watch on as he snores lightly, his mouth gaping and you take special note of the fact that he is lounged across every single pillow on the bed, leaving none for you. A sigh escapes you despite the fond smile on your face as you watch him shift slightly, bringing his arm closer, a pillow in his grasp. Your favorite pillow to be more accurate.
You move silently to the bathroom, ready to wash your day away in the shower. The pillow situation will still be there waiting for you when you are done getting ready to retire for the evening. You glance at the time as you set your phone on the counter, not quite late enough that you would normally consider calling it a day but if Kou was tired, then you would happily accommodate.
You start the shower and go about brushing your teeth as you wait for the water to warm up. You zone out, your gaze unfocused, as you stare at the shower curtain’s repeating owl pattern and obnoxious colors. You found it and bought it as a joke on a rare day trip with Akaashi, never really intending to use it. However, when you presented it to Bokuto that evening, giggling madly, he exclaimed loudly, professing his love for it and demanding you put it up immediately. His excitement was contagious, and you were more than happy to get it up in your bathroom, the two of you standing back proudly as you take it all in before he engulfs you in a hug, peppering kisses all over your face.
You thought it summed up your relationship with Koutarou pretty well actually. A little loud but certainly exciting. Chaotic at times but in the best way possible. It was never boring and it never lacked love.
You towel your wet hair as you make your way back out into the bedroom. Sure enough, the pillow situation has not changed, Kou right where you left him, your pillow tucked tightly in the crook of his arm. You survey the scene, a hand on your hip, as you consider your options.
Taking the pillow from him is out of the question, you can see from here the death grip he has on it. Sleeping in the living room is also out. If he woke up alone, only to find you in the living room, who knows what his reaction would be but you could guarantee it wouldn’t be fun to deal with. Especially in the middle of the night.
Your eyes are steely with resolve as you make your decision. One arm is occupied with your pillow but the other one is completely open and up for grabs. You carefully crawl into the bed and make your way up, sliding under his arm, allowing it to drape over you as you settle in with him, resting your head on his chest. The natural heat he puts off warms your body comfortably as you melt against him. You wrap your arms around him and squeeze lightly, causing him to stir.
“What are you doing?”
His voice is heavy with sleep, rough and slightly raspy. You fight down the blush that threatens to overtake your face at the tone as you answer him.
“You took all the pillows, Kou.”
He looks around him drowsily, seeing that you are, in fact, right. He starts to move to free up a pillow or two for you before you stop him with a gentle hand on his arm. He faces you, confusion evident. You chuckle softly before you move your hand to poke him squarely in the chest.
“You are going to be my pillow tonight as penance for your crimes.”
He blinks at you slowly before a bright smile takes over his face, throwing your pillow to the side so he can properly wrap both arms around you, bringing your head back to rest on his chest as you two settle in, wrapped around each other, falling into a deep sleep.
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posi-writes · 3 years
Rivals - OikawaxReader
My brain is tired. But I have this to present to you. Beware manga spoilers if you have not read through the end of the manga. 
Word Count: Just over 1.1k
You hold your power stance, hands on your hips and shoulders squared, as you stare up at the familiar face of Iwaizumi Hajime. He meets your gaze unapologetically with a raised eyebrow and while his mouth was in a straight, stern line his eyes glitter with amusement. You struggle to keep your own face blank, trying your hardest to maintain the façade of disinterest at seeing your old friend.
“Iwa.” You greet seriously. He nods back at you, smile threatening to break through his stony exterior.
You extend your hand out to him, in an attempt at a very formal and professional handshake. The smile wins over as he grabs your hand and tugs sharply on your arm, pulling you into a tight hug. You let go of your own attempt at seriousness as you laugh loudly and return his hug enthusiastically. As you step back, he holds your arms and scrutinizes you carefully, checking you over to make sure you seem both happy and healthy. He seems satisfied by what he sees and lets you go. Your eyes scrunch shut with how wide your smile is. While you have facetimed with him since you made your permanent move to Argentina, there is nothing quite like seeing your friend in person.
“It’s been a while, Hajime. How are you?”
He pokes your forehead lightly.
“What do you mean it has been a while? We talked yesterday.”
Pink dusts your cheeks as you scoff. A deep voice from behind Hajime catches your attention and you lean over to look around his frame, confirming your suspicions. He follows your gaze and chuckles.
“Don’t let Shittykawa see.”
You roll your eyes as you casually step around Hajime and stroll over to the former Shiratorizawa ace.
“Don’t be ridiculous. That’s old high school nonsense.”
A smirk remains as he mumbles to himself.
“As if the Olympics aren’t more serious than high school nationals.”
You don’t hear him, too focused on saying hi to Ushijima. You haven’t ever had a problem with him personally and the two of you shared multile conversations over the years. You stopped a respectable distance from him, waiting patiently as he finished up a stretch. As he stands back upright, he catches sight of you, his deep voice rumbling out your name in question. You raise your hand and give a small wave, taking that as an invitation to move a little closer.
“How have you been, Ushijima-senshu?”
Your honorific seems to take him slightly by surprise.
“You may call me Wakatoshi.”
Concern furrows your brows as you look around at all the athletes gathered around.
“Are you quite certain? I don’t want to seem rude.”
He follows your gaze around the room and nods resolutely.
“I insist. There is no need for such formality with me.”
You grin at him and nod, rocking back on your heels.
“Okay. If you insist. So, are you ready?”
His face is blank as he responds.
“Of course I am. I would not be here if I was not.” You aren’t really surprised by the response. Always to the point. The two of you chat for a few more minutes before you glance at your watch, deciding that you have taken up enough of his time.
“I look forward to watching an exciting game. Good luck out there.” You give a short bow and wave as you wander back over to where Hajime stands, watching you carefully. You throw a quick wave over to Kageyama and Hinata as well. They stop bickering long enough to send you one back. As you stand in front of Hajime again, you bring him into another quick hug.
“I’m going to find Tooru now. I’ll see you later?”
He nods and ruffles your hair.
“Yup. Now go find Oikawa. He is probably pouting somewhere because you left him alone for more than ten minutes.”
You laugh as you leave the gym and enter the large sitting area, scanning the crowds of athletes milling around the area. You circle around a few times before you see him a little way away. You meet his eyes before he sends you a petulant pout and whips his head around, so he is facing the other direction. You chuckle fondly. Hajime was right after all. He will be happy to hear that.
Even as you stand in front of him, he refuses to meet your eye until you lean down and bring your face directly in front of his, giving him no choice but to look at you.
“Tooru…” You coo at him, bringing a finger to his nose, giving it a little tap.
He tsks, turning in the other direction. You pull back, hand on a hip.
“You aren’t going to talk to me now?”
“Why don’t you go talk to Iwa-chan? Or Ushiwaka?”
“I already did. Now I want to talk to my wonderful, loving, very mature boyfriend.”
“Betrayed for my rival.” He mumbles dramatically while giving you a fierce glare out of the corner of his eyes.
You have to bite back the laugh that threatens to escape as you bring your hand up to you chin, cupping it thoughtfully.
“Rival? Would that be Hajime or Ushijima?”
That gets him to turn fully towards you with a whine of your name. You smile fondly at him while he proceeds to let you know how your utter betrayal has affected him. You take a quick peek around the area and catch a group of guys in familiar blue jerseys leaving the team’s private room. That will work fine. You grab Tooru’s hand and leverage him up, pushing him gently in the direction of the recently vacated area. He halfheartedly struggles against your lead as you shove him inside, take a quick glance around to make sure it is in fact empty, and click the lock behind you.
You push Tooru into a chair and follow him down, settling in his lap. You place a kiss to his nose which causes it to scrunch up in that adorable way you so love. You fingers find their way into his hair as you rest your forehead against his.
“You are absolutely ridiculous. You know that, right?”
He scowls at you but it lacks any fire.
“You know there isn’t any need to be jealous.”
“I’m not jealous.”
“Of course you aren’t. But if you were, that would be quite silly. Because everyone knows that you are my number one.”
He looks smug at that.
“Well obviously I am. And you are my biggest fan.” It’s a statement but you can feel the question beneath it.
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posi-writes · 3 years
Welcome Home. Now Help. - AtsumuxReader
Atsumu. I have nothing to say really. As usual. Just some fluff. Hope you enjoy! Comments and reblogs are appreciated but thanks for just reading if that is all you do!
Word Count: 750-ish
Atsumu was finally home. After what felt like the longest morning practice, he was finally able to take it easy and spend the day with you. As he shuts the door behind him, he calls out an ‘I’m home’ and drops his keys in the bowl on the entry way table.
Or at least, he drops them where the bowl on the entry way table used to be. His movement into the living room is halted when he hears his keys hit the ground. He can’t remember the last time he missed the bowl, much less the entire table. Confused, he turns to look and see that the bowl isn’t in its usual place. As a matter of fact, the whole table isn’t where it should be.
He quickly looks around the area. This is his apartment, right? He smiles as he notes the pictures hung up of the two of you. He is definitely in the right place. A second scan of the area shows that the table has been moved to the other side of the entry way. He slowly leans down to pick his keys up off the floor and put them in their new proper location before carefully making his way deeper into his home, concerned about what he is going to find.
Sure enough, he stops in the doorway to the living room, at a loss for words at what he finds there. You are hunched over, using all your body weight to forcibly move the sofa from its current location. You don’t seem to have noticed his presence yet, so he stands there and observes for a few moments, watching your face get red at your effort. He finally speaks up when you give up and sink down to the floor.
“What in the hell are ya doin’?”
You perk up at the sound of his voice and peek over the couch at him, smiling brightly.
“’Tsumu! Welcome back! Now help me.” You chirp as you stand up and dust yourself off, moving to stand next to him as you survey your work so far.
“Help ya with what, exactly?”
The look you shoot him tells him the answer should be blatantly obvious.
“With moving the furniture.”
He nods slowly as he looks around the room carefully, taking note that almost every single piece of furniture is not in the same place it was when he left that morning. How long had you been at it? Did you move all this on your own? His eyes linger on the particularly large entertainment center before going back to your face.
“Right…” He drawls out.
You stare back at him expectantly. When neither of you makes a move to say more, you continue.
“The couch should be over there.” You point to the opposite side of the room.
He steps further into the room to try and take it all in as he moves to the couch.
“But why?”
“Feng shui.”
It’s the simplest answer in the world and one that confuses Atsumu to no end. He stares at you like you have grown a second head.
“Feng shui.”
“Repeatin’ it doesn’t help, ya know?”
You sigh at him, looking deeply disappointed at his lack of immediate understanding. Something clicks in his mind suddenly.
“Wait. Is this that good vibe thing ya started talkin’ about last week?”
If possible, you look more disappointed as your expression falls flat.
“Way to grossly oversimplify it, ‘Tsumu. Were you even listening to me?”
He has the decency to look sheepish as he brings his hand up to ruffle his hair before changing the subject.
“Couch over there, yeah?”
You brighten back up as you move to join him again.
“Yeah! Against that wall. Centered.”
The two of you finish in no time at all and you stand proudly, taking it all in. Atsumu huffs next to you before flopping down on the couch, bringing you down with him as he wraps his arms around your waist. You laugh as you settle in on top of him, wrapping your arms around him and threading your fingers through his hair.
“Doesn’t this feel better already?”
“Sure it does.” He hums sleepily as he gets comfortable, enjoying the feeling of you scratching at his scalp.
You look up and press a gentle kiss to his jaw before laying your head on his chest. Seems like it is time for a nap.
“Thanks for your help, ‘Tsumu.”
He trails his fingers over your cheek and presses a kiss to the top of your head.
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posi-writes · 3 years
I don’t know what the hell I am doing but I am going to create a masterlist? Now while I only have a few things and it won’t be a ton of work.
Haikyuu Masterlist:
None yet~
Cold Feet - Kenma
Let’s Forget About It, Please - Kuroo
Aoba Johsai:
Drabble Series - 21 Kisses - Oikawa
Pillows - Bokuto
None yet~
Welcome Home, now help - Atsumu
0 notes
posi-writes · 3 years
21 Kisses with Oikawa Masterlist
I present to you...the masterlist for my drabble series all revolving around kissing Oikawa. Most of them are post time skip(ish). Not necessarily a specific time but most are at least after high school. 
May I have this dance?
Why are you here?
Let me work
You just make me happy
Good morning
Looks like rain
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posi-writes · 3 years
Home - Oikawa x Reader
I needed this. I have no other excuses. 
Word Count: Just over 700, I think
Nervous energy sets your body alight and you are sure that you are vibrating in your seat as the captain announces your imminent descent. 34 hours of flights and airports has your mentally drained and physically exhausted but you can’t fight the excitement and nerves that overtake any fatigue. This flight wasn’t new to you. You and Tooru made it a point to have fairly regular meetups with you making the trip more often than not given his rigid training schedule. It made the distance the rest of the time a little easier, knowing that you would see each other again. This time was different though. For the first, and last, time you bought a one way ticket. Once you landed in Argentina, you were there to stay, no more long distance. 
The elderly woman who had the misfortune of getting stuck sitting next to you and  your nervous energy during this last leg of your flight chuckles at you, amused at your fidgeting as you wait for the all clear to disembark. You had rambled on in slow, uncertain spanish about what this flight really meant to you, unable to settle your nerves and she had patiently listened to you, a fond smile on her face at the thought of young love. She reaches over and grabs your hands, stopping you from picking at your fingernails, and gives them a gentle pat. 
“No reason to be nervous dear. This is a beautiful thing and you are going to be so happy. I can feel it.”
Tears sting behind your eyes as you smile gratefully at her. 
“Right.” You nod aggressively. She is right. This is going to be amazing. 
They finally give the announcement that you are free to leave and you shoot up from your seat, shifting from foot to foot, anxious to get into the airport. You were so close. Your airplane seatmate gives you another pat and a smile as you part, making your way to the luggage carousel to pick up your bags. You glance around, looking for the familiar figure of Tooru. He said he was going to meet you here...where is he?
Your smile drops a little when you don’t see Tooru anywhere. You have always been able to pick him out in a crowd. He wouldn’t have forgotten….would he?
You shake your head clear of those thoughts. He wouldn’t. He never has before, why would he now? With what could be argued as your most important trip yet? You glance around again. Still nothing. 
What if he got busy though? Did he have practice today?
Butterflies make their home in your stomach and your heart starts to sink as you turn around to wait for your luggage to make its appearance. A disappointed sigh slips from your lips before you could stop it, your mind plagued with despondent thoughts. As you keep a watchful eye on the luggage that is being paraded around the area waiting for an owner to claim it, you pull out your phone. No missed texts or calls. Your flight arrived relatively on time. You spot your suitcase just as you slip your phone back into your pocket and rush over to grab it. 
Luggage? Check. 
Now the only problem is the lack of your boyfriend’s presence. It is far more troubling to you than making sure you get your bags. You drag your things through baggage claim, feeling your nerves and excitement fizzle out and make way for a sad state of dejection when you see it. 
A flash of brown hair, swept elegantly around his face in just the right way. You drop everything in your grip, letting it clatter to the floor and drawing the attention of several people around. As Tooru turns to check out the source of the commotion, you take off towards him. His brilliant smile is all you see as you launch yourself into his waiting arms, wrapping your limbs around him and smashing your lips together. He eagerly returns your kiss before he pulls away, laughing at your enthusiasm. 
“Hi.” You whisper softly at him, tears shining in your eyes as he whispers back before bringing you in for another kiss. 
“Welcome home.”
52 notes · View notes
posi-writes · 3 years
Cold Feet - Kenma x Reader
Not writing Oikawa fluff? Couldn’t be me. 
Have some Kenma!
No warnings so to speak of. 
Word Count: 920-ish
Your eyes are glued to the television screen as you huddle deeper into the blanket draped over your shoulders. Hopefully, the cool chill won’t be able to find you in there. Colors danced around the room as the character of the screen did a fancy dodge, hit, dodge combo. You let you daze drift from the screen to the body next to you. Kenma’s brows were furrowed in concentration as he tried to beat the boss. This was his third time so far and you could feel the frustration mounting as his health bar sank lower and lower. 
You enjoyed watching Kenma play. While you played games yourself and joined him on occasion, in your mind there was nothing better than being able to lose yourself in the story as it plays out in front of you. Without having to worry about controls and the constant threat of death, you were able to immerse in the action even more. The only thing that would make this any better is if it wasn’t so freaking cold. You watch Kenma carefully to see if he is at all affected but he doesn’t seem to notice anything amiss. You note that he is wearing shorts of all things. How? You huff out a sigh as Kenma brings his gaze to you. 
“What’s wrong?” His eyes dart back to the screen but you know he is still listening. 
“Aren’t you cold?”
His lips turn down as he shakes his head. 
“Not really. You are though.” It’s not a question.
You respond anyways as you gesture to your blanket covered body giving him a look that screams that it should be obvious. The dramatic battle music comes to a halt as Kenma pauses the game to pull his hoodie off before turning to you and unwrapping your blanket carefully. Once he has you free, he shoves the hoodie over your head and wraps you back up tightly.
“Better?” His golden eyes are watching your face as your cheeks heat up at the feeling of being bundled up in your boyfriend’s oversized hoodie, surrounded by his scent. You breathe in deeply. The clean smell of lemon with a hint of vanilla. A happy hum escapes you as you hunker down, tucking your hands into the sleeves and shoving them in the pocket. Kenma sneaks another brief look in your direction, looking satisfied now that you seemed to be warm enough. 
The two of you continue in silence for a while, you diligently watch as he makes his way through the level, preparing for yet another round with the boss. When there is a lull in the action as Kenma stocks up on items to prepare for the battle ahead, you glance around the room before your gaze lands on your socks, piled in the corner where you shed them when you came in the house. Your gaze moves to your uncovered toes as you think carefully. It doesn’t really make sense that the upper part of your body is so well covered but your toes are out. Exposed to the frigid elements. You look back to your socks. They are so far away though. 
You are so absorbed in your thoughts that you don’t notice that Kenma has stopped going through the store’s inventory to watch you, seemingly concerned for your mental health as he watches you look between your feet and your...socks in the corner? Are you still cold? He is about to ask when you meet his gaze, smiling at him and asking what the hold up is as you point to the screen. He blankly stares at you for another moment before returning his attention to the task at hand though he keeps a subtle eye on you.
Just as Kenma nears the boss’ location, you shove your feet under Kenma’s leg, cold toes warming instantly against his skin. A shiver runs up Kenma’s spine as he drops the controller suddenly. He whips around to stare at you, incredulous, while you blink back at him as if nothing happened. The sound of Kenma’s character dying plays out in the background.
His expression falls flat at your question. 
“Your feet are cold.”
You wiggle your toes for good measure. 
“Quit touching me with your cold feet.”
Kenma curls up, bringing his knees to his chest so you can’t tuck your feet under him anymore. You let yourself flop down as you bemoan your boyfriend's uncaring attitude towards your struggles as he picks up his controller to restart the level. Again. 
He had his head resting on his knees as he made his way back to the boss, sneaking glances at your pouting face. Just before he triggers the cutscene into the boss battle, he lets out a heavy sigh and opens his arms. You jump at the opportunity to cuddle up with him, slotting yourself between his open arms, getting settled. He adjusted your blanket from around your shoulders to rest across the two of you as his arms loop around your chest.
Kenma rests his chin on your shoulder as he brings the controller in front of you, directing his character forward to engage the boss. Your body relaxes and melts against the warmth Kenma’s body provides you as you turn your head to place a quick kiss to his cheek. Pink dusts his face as he watches you, gaze curious. 
“For good luck.” You chirp out happily as a fond smile takes over his features, focusing on his game with renewed vigor.
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posi-writes · 3 years
Suspicions - Oikawa x Reader
Writing friendly reader interactions with Makki and Mattsun is my new favorite thing. Other than that, all I have for you is more Oikawa fluff. This is who I am. I’m sorry. 
Comments, likes and reblogs are all appreciated! Feel free to interact with me too! I would love to talk with you all. 
Word Count: About 1.2k
“What the hell are you talking about?”
You had no other words as you stared dumbly between Hanamaki Takahiro and Matsukawa Issei, or more affectionately, Makki and Mattsun. Nicknames gifted to them by their occasionally airheaded captain. Why was it so hard to just call people by their names anyways?
Their twin smirks did nothing to quell the irritation bubbling in your gut. Your hand reached out and lightly slapped Makki on the arm. He groaned out dramatically while clutching his shoulder. His theatrics eased some of the tension in your body.
“You guys are stupid, you know that?”
As you and Makki argued back and forth over who was more stupid, Mattsun was watching you carefully, looking for any signs that may validate his and Makki’s growing suspicions regarding the nature of your relationship with Oikawa. The two of you have been civil. Suspiciously civil. He interrupts you before it can go too much further. 
“So you don’t like Oikawa?”
You sputter as Makki laughs. Your eyes narrow at him as you seriously consider taking note privileges away from him. We’ll see how well he does in class without your meticulous hand written notes helping him along. A malicious grin takes over your face at the thought causing shivers to run down both boys’ spines. You turn back to Mattsun, feeling flustered. 
“Well--now--it isn’t so much that I don’t like him exactly. I just--”
You trail off as you collect your thoughts, figuring out the best way to word your answer. Makki takes the chance to interject.
“You love him.”
He nods sagely as he says it like he has all the answers to life’s many questions figured out. Before you can even think about it, your hand reaches out and slaps his arm again. This time with a little more force, a furious blush overtaking your entire face.
“Shut up, idiot. It was just too exhausting to constantly ignore him. Especially when he doesn’t want to be ignored.”
You mumble the last part under your breath as you think back to earlier that morning. Oikawa demanded your attention, his whine carrying across the hall as you did your best to focus on gathering your supplies for the day. You finally gave in after the fifth call of your name and gave him an unenthused good morning. His eyes lit up at your acknowledgment before Iwaizumi came by and roughly grabbed his collar dragging him away, shooting you an apologetic look and sparing you from any further interaction.
Mattsun cleared his throat sharply, effectively bringing you back to the present. You don’t miss the look that he and Makki share and you decide it is time to put this conversation to a stop. Glaring daggers at Makki, you deliver a finishing blow. 
“No notes for two weeks. Figure it out yourself.”
Makki’s jaw drops at your words while Mattsun pats his back with a dead pan ‘don’t mind’.
You sigh as you close your locker, thankful for the end of the day. The path out to the front of the school takes you past the gym where the squeak of sneakers on hardwood floors meets your ears. You linger for a moment around the corner, pondering your options. Chances are the boys are all immersed in practice right now, so a quick glance shouldn't hurt, right? 
Sneaking up to the door, you lean over to take a peek inside. Looks like they are practicing receives. You watch carefully as Makki crouches down, catching the ball on his forearms. You cringe at the sound of leather meeting skin as you notice a definitive presence missing. You glance around the gym. Where is Oikawa? It’s not like him to miss practice. Not your problem though. You shrug lightly as you turn back to proceed home. 
As you pass by the back of the gym, a calloused hand reaches out and grabs hold of your wrist, tugging you closer. A yelp sneaks past your lips as you look up at your attacker. Your face is unamused as you are met with the playful look Oikawa gives you. 
“Here you are.”
Confusion passes over his features. 
“Here I am?”
You point a thumb behind you at the gym. 
“You weren’t at practice. I thought that was weird.”
He looks smug at that, cocky smirk in place. 
“You were looking for me? I thought you didn’t care.”
“I wasn’t. And I don’t. I was watching Makki.”
Oikawa’s face drops as he whines about how mean you were being, not showing up for him and watching his teammates instead. You take a glance around you to see if there was anyone else loitering around before you reach up and loop your arms around his neck, pulling his face down until it is mere inches from your own. This effectively shuts him up and you take the chance to press a quick kiss to his lips. He looks pleased at that as you lean back against the wall of the gym that he currently has you pinned against. 
“Speaking of Makki--”
Oikawa starts to interrupt you, not liking the second mention of Makki, before you cut him off. 
“Speaking of Makki, I think him and Mattsun are suspicious.”
Oikawa looks thoughtful for a moment as he holds your shoulders, watching you carefully. 
“Does that bother you?”
You consider your answer, fully aware of his gaze on you, anticipating your answer. 
You say it definitively and your heart warms at his smile as he hugs you tightly in response. Keeping your budding relationship under wraps was your idea after all. The nerves of being in a public relationship with the heartthrob idol of the volleyball team was too much, being the center of attention because of your relationship. You never really liked to stand out too much, preferring to fade into the background. Plus his fanclub was truly terrifying. 
However, as your relationship developed, you quickly realized that you wanted to be in Oikawa’s life for a long time, supporting him, loving him. Not to mention, you would do anything to keep that blinding smile on his face. Part of that was going to be gaining confidence to tell the world that this was your boyfriend. For better or worse. 
His forehead rests on yours as your hands play with the hair on the back of his neck. 
“You should probably get to practice. They are going to come looking for you.”
Your words are whispered and without conviction. He sighs at that, knowing you are right and that more than likely they would send Iwaizumi on the search. His hands cup your face gently as he tilts your head up. 
“One more kiss?”
Your lips meet again as you let out a content sigh. Just as the two of you part, a loud gasp breaks the quiet that previously surrounded you. Oikawa’s gaze shoots to the right as your head falls back against the wall with a groan. Damn it, Makki.
“I knew it!”
He pointed between the two of you as you rolled your eyes at him. You pull away from Oikawa, smooth down your skirt and stroll past Makki, stopping beside him to whisper. 
“Make it three weeks, Hanamaki.”
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posi-writes · 3 years
Good morning - Oikawa x Reader
Hey there! Just some early morning Oikawa fluff. I hope you enjoy. 
Word Count: Just over 700
Sunlight streams in through the curtains, painting the room a golden yellow. Your eyelids flutter open as you start to stir. As you make a move to raise your arms over your head, you are stopped by the tightening of arms around your waist. You turn your head to take a glance behind you just in time to see Tooru nuzzle his face into your neck. You hum as he places light kisses across your shoulders and back. 
“Good morning, Tooru.”
He pauses his trail of kisses to mumble sleepily.
“Good morning, my love.”
You turn back around and let your eyes close again, basking in the warmth of both the morning sun and the body hugging you close from behind. These kinds of lazy mornings were your favorite.
Tooru brings one of his hands up to your face to turn you towards him before planting a chaste kiss to your lips.
“What do you want for breakfast?”
You turn to face him fully so you can gaze at him directly, making sure he understands how serious you are right now. 
“I don’t want breakfast. I want to lay here. With you.”
“We have to get up eventually, you know? We can’t just lay in bed all day.”
You throw your arm around him and hide your face in his chest, groaning out a no. He chuckles at you before grabbing your shoulders to pull you away from him so he could look at you. He brushes away some hair from where it has fallen in your face, obscuring his view of you. His gaze is soft as he takes you in before he pulls you back in, cradling your head against him. 
“We can lay here for ten more minutes. No longer. Then we have to get up and make breakfast.”
A soft, barely noticeable squeal escapes you as you nuzzle in closer to him, grinning brightly. The two of you are fully awake by now, nestled together, simply enjoying each other's presence. 
You don’t know how much time has passed since one of you two last spoke but you are sure that it is more than ten minutes. Tooru starts to shift and in a moment of panic, you move. You throw your leg over his body and pull yourself on top of him. He stares up at you, taken by surprise at the sudden change in position. His shock quickly morphs into a smirk as he settles in to watch you above him, waiting for your next move. You grin lazily back at him, considering what route you want to take from here. You know you need to distract him so he forgets about his pesky plan to get the two of you out of bed. Might as well have some fun with it. 
You bring your hands up to tangle in his hair as you lean down to kiss him. He eagerly meets you halfway, dragging his hands up your arms to cup your face gently. He moves to pepper kisses all over your face while you giggle, helpless against his attacks. He takes advantage of your being distracted to flip you onto your back, reversing your roles. You know that you have lost the battle as he hovers over you, waiting for you to make another move but that doesn’t mean you aren’t going to give it one last, desperate shot. 
You raise yourself to press another kiss to his lips before letting yourself fall back onto the pillow, letting your hair fan around you. You gaze up at Tooru and you can see the internal battle that he is having with himself in that moment. 
His eyes lose their steely resolve as he realizes that he is done for. He sighs out in defeat but your bright grin lets him know that this was the right choice. He gives you one last kiss as he collapses at your side on the bed. Long arms wrap around your body once more as Tooru nestles into you. His words are muffled by your shoulder but you hear him well enough.
“Ten more minutes. That’s it. I mean it this time. I want breakfast.”
You sigh happily as you close your eyes and allow yourself to be surrounded by happy warmth. These really were your favorite mornings.
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posi-writes · 3 years
Let’s Forget About It, Please? KurooxReader
Okay. First real post on my actual primary writing blog. Because I finally have my life together. I finally decided to branch out from writing Oikawa because Kuroo wouldn’t leave my brain. I feel like this was a little all over the place but I like how it turned out anyways. I hope you enjoy as well. No content warnings. 
Word Count: 1.1k-ish
You had your hands full. Quite literally. You had a stack of folders cradled in one arm, a cup of coffee in your other hand, and a pastry hanging from your mouth as you try to maneuver everything around to free one of your hands enough to get the door open. As you work on shuffling the files closer to your body in hopes they get pinned between your arm and body and don’t all fall to the floor, scattering papers everywhere, a hand cuts across your sight and grabs the handle that was previously plaguing you. You look up and are met with the smiling face of Kuroo Tetsurou. 
“Allow me to help you out there.”
You nod, eternally grateful as he takes some of the files from your arms, allowing you to grab your pastry and offer him your gratitude in the form of words. 
“My hero. I was starting to worry I would be stuck out here all day.”
He watches you pass by him as the two of you start your trek through the quiet halls. It was still pretty early and only a few other people had managed to make their way in to start their days. You and Kuroo were usually some of the first ones in, eager to get a head start on your work. 
Kuroo takes note of the coffee cup in your hand. 
“Coffee? That’s new…”
You stop abruptly and turn to face him, shoving the cup in his face. 
“It’s for you actually.”
He blinks a few times, taken aback by your gift. When he doesn’t say anything or make a move to take it from you, you backtrack. 
“I just thought--uh--I’m actually not sure what I thought--it is from that little cafe around the corner--you said you liked their coffee--once? I think? Or--is that weird? That’s weird, right? Oh crap, I made things totally awkward. I’m so sor--”
He cuts off your rambling when he clears his throat. If you didn’t know any better, you would say there is a light dusting of pink on his cheeks. It must have been your imagination though because when you look again, nothing is there but a smile. He reaches out and gently takes the cup from you and soothes your worries.
“I do like their coffee. Thank you.”
You smile brightly at him as you turn back around and resume your walk to your office.
“So do you have any plans for the weekend, Kuroo-san?”
He hums thoughtfully as he considers his answer. 
“Nothing specific. Might just see where the day takes me.”
You sigh in response.
“Sounds pretty great actually. I’m honestly a little jealous. I think my weekend is pretty packed with things to do, people to see.”
He nods in understanding, while you continue.
“I was actually going to try and catch the Adlers game though. I promised Tobio-kun after all.”
You catch his expression brighten at that as he brings a hand up to his face, fingers cupping his chin, pondering his options. You can’t help but to watch in envy at how he manages the files he took from you earlier and the coffee with no problems. 
“I forgot they were back home. Perhaps my day will take me there…”
The words leave your mouth before you even have a chance to think about it.
“We should go together. There is this new seafood restaurant near the arena that I wanted to try too.”
For the second time that morning, Kuroo is dumbstruck by your words. Your brain finally catches up as you process the dumb thing you just said. Way to overstep the unspoken professional boundary. 
“I am really on a roll this morning, huh? Can we just pretend I never said that? Just forget about it? Please?”
You plead with him and he seems to take mercy on you as he chuckles. 
“Sure thing.”
You thank every heavenly being you can think of in that moment because you have finally reached your office. Kuroo tucks the files he was holding for you back into your arms, pausing a moment to make sure you had everything under control before he heads off in the other direction, throwing a wave and some encouraging words over his shoulder. 
“Knock ‘em dead today.”
A bashful smile makes its way onto your face before you can help it, glad he has his back to you as you set everything down and start sorting them into piles. 
The day is finally winding down as you sit back in your chair and stretch your sore, tired muscles. You look around proudly at all the work you got done today, feeling good about going into the weekend free from thoughts of work and what you have waiting for you come Monday morning when you start it all over again. 
As you are gathering up your belongings, a soft knock on your door frame catches your attention. You catch sight of Kuroo standing in the doorway. 
“What’s going on, Kuroo-san? Did you need something from me?”
He nods, appearing solemn. You start to worry as you mentally run through the paperwork you completed today, trying to remember if you were forgetting something.
“Well, I was thinking about it and I don’t think I can forget about it.”
Confusion must be evident on your face because a smirk makes its way onto his face.
“I don’t think I can pretend you never talked about watching what will likely be a very exciting volleyball game and what may be a delicious dinner. With little ol’ me of all people.”
Words fail you and a heavy flush takes over your skin as you remember your conversation from that very morning. You gape at him as he continues.
“So, if it is all the same to you, I would love to accompany you on your weekend adventure.”
You stammer out some incoherent sounds. He takes that as an affirmative response. 
“I’ll pick you up tomorrow? Around noon? We can go to the station together.”
You nod, still not sure if you really knew what was happening. 
“Perfect. I’m looking forward to it.”
He spun on his heel, looking proud of himself. Before he got too far though, you managed to collect yourself, refusing to let him have the last word. You call after him before he gets too far away.
“It’s a date.”
You let your head fall to your desk as you try to steady your breathing so you miss the redness that creeps up the back of his neck to his ears at your words. Smiles find their way onto both of your faces. Looking forward to it indeed.
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posi-writes · 3 years
You just make me happy - Oikawa x Reader
Will I ever not write Oikawa fluff? Maybe. Maybe not. The world may never know. But seriously. Yes. I am considering branching out to other characters. Maybe other fandoms. We will see where the future takes me.
Potential content warning: These is a mention of alcohol and a drunk/tipsy reader. Not the main focus, but is definitely mentioned so I have put the whole one shot under the cut.
Hope you enjoy!
Word Count: Around 1.2k
You are not drunk. Nope, nuh uh. Definitely not.
You are simply coming back from having a few drinks with friends and just needed to navigate your way to your apartment without waking up the adorable elderly couple next door. Not a problem at all. You may be a little tipsy, the bartender may have been a little generous with the pour, but you weren’t drunk. So being quiet should be no problem.
You stand at the bottom of the stairs leading to the second floor. Not. A. Problem. Glancing behind you at the elevator, you hope the sloppily written ‘out of order’ sign was a figment of your drunk--wait no--tipsy imagination. It wasn’t. You pout as you accept your fate and begin your silent ascent up the stairs.
You stumble a few steps from the end but make a smooth recovery as you grab onto the railing just in time to keep your face from meeting the edge of the steps. You haul yourself up to the landing and proudly stand back up, smiling to yourself.
Nailed it.
Now to make it down the hall and to the comfort of your apartment. The true easy part. You meander down the hall, rifling through your purse for your keys until you are standing in front of your door. Finally made it. You let out a small sigh of relief. Not that it was a concern in the first place. Never a doubt in your mind that you would make it back that evening totally unscathed.
Just as the key is about to enter the lock, it stops short as you remember that it is late. Very late. Which means your boyfriend is definitely sleeping because he definitely has practice in the morning.
No big deal though. You have made it this far being completely silent, just a little longer. You only have to make it as far as the couch. All of your focus is entirely on quietly getting the door unlocked. The softest of clicks lets you know that you have completed this task and you open the door just enough to allow your body entry as you slink into the entryway and slowly shut the door behind you. You glance around the apartment as you slide your shoes off and lay your purse down on the table. Your now stocking clad feet pad silently across the tile floor to the living room, making a beeline for your comfy couch so you could finally get some sleep.
You are so entirely focused on not making any noise that you don’t notice the figure of your boyfriend leaning against the doorway to the bedroom, watching your progress. Which means that you certainly didn’t see the soft smile on his face as he watches you run into the potted plant in the corner. You whip around with your hands out, ready to catch it from falling and he can’t hold back the low chuckle as you whisper out an apology.
“Did you seriously just apologize to the plant?”
Your head snaps up to meet his amused gaze.
“I don’t want to be rude.”
You shoot out your response immediately, insulted that he would insinuate that you would run into someone and not apologize.
“And her name is Hana…”
You mumble the last part under your breath as your fluff her leaves but if the questioning raise of Tooru’s eyebrow was anything to go by, he most certainly heard you.
“Right….” He draws the word out, not sure what else to say to that.
You continue the conversation on your own, steering the topic away from Hana.
“Should you be awake right now? What about practice in the morning?”
“Got pushed out a few more hours.” He pulls on your hand, steering you into the kitchen and away from your precious houseplant. You know what that means though. Practice starting a few hours later means a little more time with Tooru in the morning.
You let a smile take over your face as you look up at him. He looks a little stunned for a second before shaking it off and returning your smile brightly. You let him gently push you into one of the chairs around your dining room table. You rest your head on your crossed arms as you zone out watching your boyfriend gracefully move around the kitchen, collecting ingredients and a pan.
You let your eyes wander around the apartment , taking in the pictures scattered throughout the room. They detail the evolution of your relationship spanning multiple years, from your high school days to your time navigating a long distance relationship as Tooru went to pursue his dreams while you stayed behind to get your degree to now, the two of you finally reunited and living happily in Argentina.
Nostalgia hits you as you stare at one from our high school days, near the beginning of you and Tooru’s relationship. It was your first time meeting the other three third years. Not your first time ever, you did go to the same school after all and you happened to share a class with Hanamaki. No, it was your first time meeting them as Tooru’s girlfriend.
You never realized you could be so nervous about meeting people you had already met. Turns out you panicked for no reason. While there was a slight hesitancy towards you initially while they figured out your intentions, they ended up being some of your closest friends, your confidants, the three that joined forces with you to pick on your boyfriend when he turned on his dramatics.
Tooru proudly sets a plate in front of you and effectively pulls you out of your reverie.
Your eyes start to water as they take in the sight in front of you. Tooru has presented you with the most beautiful grilled cheese sandwich you have ever had the pleasure to behold. It was your favorite after drink meal, made by your favorite person. You tear your eyes away from the glorious sandwich to look up at Tooru. His proud smile falls as he sees your tearful look.
He is interrupted as you shoot up from your chair and throw your arms around him. He is able to steady the two of you before you both hit the ground but only just. Your hands come up to smoosh his cheeks between your palms. You are barely able to understand his mumbled request for you to explain what is happening.
You opt out of responding verbally and instead bring your lips to his cheek, then his nose, his other cheek, making sure to give his entire face an equal amount of love. Once you are satisfied with the number of kisses you have given, you sink into arms, allowing him to embrace you while you nuzzle against his chest.
“I just couldn’t help but think about how happy you make me. That’s all.”
It’s said like it is the simplest thing in the world. And for you, it is.
His dazzling smile is all you need to know that he feels the same way as he takes your hand and leads you to the dining room table for the second time that night. This time he lets you settle on his lap, resting his chin on your shoulder, as you eat the delicious meal that he has prepared for you.
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posi-writes · 3 years
Let me work - Oikawa x Reader
Yet another cross posted from my AO3. This is the last of what I already posted over there so now I will update on here as I update there so they will be all caught up to each other.
Quick note before we get started, thank you to everyone that has read, liked, reblogged and followed. I really appreciate it.
Anyways. Here we are. I think all I am capable of writing is fluff so hope you are into that. Thanks for reading!
WC: ~700
Paper litters the tabletop, a semicircle around you as you drop your pencil to rub at your tired eyes. Your focus wanes as the letters start to meld together creating an incoherent mess of gibberish.
“What time is it anyways?”
You mumble to yourself as you reach for your phone. 1 in the morning. You groan and let your head fall to the table, resting on the papers that have been causing you so much trouble all night. Taking a deep breath, you raise your head and pull the nearest papers over. The sooner you get this done, the sooner you can go to bed.
The knowledge that you have could have no obligations and spend the whole day sleeping in gives you the last little bit of energy you need to try and make it through all these papers tonight, leaving nothing hanging over your head to taunt you later.
As you are reading through the next set of documents, you sense a presence enter the kitchen, sleepy footsteps shuffle over.
“I’m almost done Tooru. Then I will come to bed.”
This is a conversation you have had on more than one occasion so you lead with your standard response. He isn’t satisfied with that answer. You aren’t surprised.
You sigh when he maneuvers behind you, resting his head on your shoulder as he drapes his arm around you, pulling you back from the table and more importantly, from your papers.
“I think you should come to bed now.”
His words cause breath to fan across your shoulder to your neck, sending a shiver down your spine.
You try to make your words sound exasperated. If you make him think he is annoying you, maybe he will leave you alone. You know that is wishful thinking on your part. There is no way he would leave you alone just because you were annoyed. If anything, it will likely spur him on.
It does.
His smirk is apparent even without looking at him as he places a soft kiss to your shoulder.
You shrug aggressively, hoping to deter him from progressing further.
“I think you should come to bed. Now.”
He repeats himself, more stern this time.
“Tooru, no. I want to finish this so I don’t have to deal with it tomorrow. Would you rather have me go to bed now and have to keep doing this tomorrow or finish it now and sleep in with you?”
He pulls away and appears to be deep in thought as he weighs his options. You watch him expectantly, sure that he is going to see it your way and let you finish your work.
Your face falls as he rests his head back into the crook of your neck, pressing another kiss to your skin.
Turns out you were wrong. He didn’t see things your way. You try again.
He starts trailing kisses up your neck.
“Tooru--you are being distracting. Quit it.”
The kisses stop abruptly and you turn to look at him, shocked that worked.
You are met with his unamused gaze, eyes blank. You stare at each other for several seconds when you see it. Tooru is about to get whiny. Your eyes narrow at him, prepared to interrupt him before he can get started as he takes a deep breath in.
You press your finger to his lips and lean in close. Tooru silences his protests, eyes wide, as you bring your lips to his, not quite sealing them together as you whisper.
“Let me finish my work.”
You pull back, taking pleasure in his shocked expression and turn back to your papers, picking up your pencil again.
You feel slightly unsettled by the lack of real response from Tooru but ignore it in favor of focusing in on the words in front of you.
You let out a yelp as you feel strong arms wrap around your waist as Tooru picks you up and throws you over his shoulder.
“Time for bed!”
He chirps happily as your pencil falls to the floor. You sigh and resign yourself to your fate.
Tooru pats the back of your thighs as you pinch his side.
“Fine. Take me to bed.”
Tooru hums happily as he strides down the hall to the bedroom, you still strung over his shoulder. Maybe you can work it out so that you can sleep in anyways. It isn’t like your papers are going anywhere.
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posi-writes · 3 years
Why are you here?
Here is another drabble (or maybe oneshot? I don’t know what the rules are) from my AO3. Nothing to complicated. Just a reader struggling and Oikawa being helpful. Hope you enjoy. :)
Word Count: Just shy of 1.6k
Your eyes glaze over as you listen to your friend ramble on. If you have to sit here and listen to her ramble on about Oikawa freaking Tooru any longer, you are going to implode. You really shouldn’t be surprised that this is where your afternoon study session went. It had become the norm. The two of you would meet up at the cafe around the corner from the school to go over your homework together and she would eventually lead you down the Oikawa conversation rabbit hole.
You managed to rein her in and keep her on task for approximately 30 minutes today. A new record, you think to yourself proudly. Inevitably though, the conversation went to Oikawa, the charismatic 3rd year and captain of the school’s volleyball team.
It isn’t that you had a problem with him specifically. You just thought he was a bit overrated and fairly annoying. But you didn’t hate him or anything. You shared a class with him. He was a decent student and classmate. Not overly impressive but by no means an idiot.
You do have to admit that he always had a solid showing in volleyball. You have seen him play volleyball, seen the plays he makes up on the fly, the way he strategizes. Oikawa is clever. His motivation entirely focused on being better at his sport. You suppose there is value in his talent there.
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posi-writes · 3 years
May I Have This Dance?
This is cross posted from my AO3. This is the first thing that I have written in years and years. I am trying to practice by writing a bunch of little drabbles/one shots. Just fluffy softness with a dash of jealousy. 
Word count: ~700
Slender fingers enter your field of vision.
“May I have this dance?”
You feel your breath catch in your throat as you look up into the soft eyes and smirking face of one Oikawa Tooru. You want to. You truly want to. It was all you could think about leading up to this night. Instead though, you look away, hesitant to agree. You spent the whole evening trying to ignore his presence. Embarrassment at your childish behavior holds you back from accepting as quickly as your heart wants. You look back up at Tooru. His smirk has softened into a smile, a little unsure now but hopeful. His hand drops almost imperceptibly the longer you take to respond. 
Just as it looks as though he is going to give up, you place your hand in his, fingers barely brushing his palm. Your eyes meet his and the brightness in them from your acceptance of his proposal tells you that you made the right choice as you allow yourself to be led to the dancefloor. 
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