postcxnt · 6 years
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post_cunt next screening: March 2nd 
@Rendez-vous du cinémas Québécois - stay tuned for more info
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postcxnt · 6 years
Q&A: Why choosing post_cunt as a title?
Post means after, later, from behind or  « en arrière, par derrière » in french. In the context of making this film within Documentary Futurism seri, I wanted to invision queer and trans sexualities, what they could become, how things could evolve. What is left when the focus has shifted and the genitals are not at the center? I used the word cunt for it’s multiple implications, most people think of it as dirty, insulting, misogynistic etc. As a queer feminist I believe it’s an important word to reclaim, and used in conjunction with the prefix post it finds a new meaning and becomes a springboard for radical thinking.
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postcxnt · 6 years
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The film is now out and beeing screened! follow on facebook to know where you can watch it!
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postcxnt · 6 years
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Today was out last day before the shoot  
Mounts of clay / geer / testing the light / last errances /
thanks everyone for working so hard on that film
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postcxnt · 7 years
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We found a studio for the shoot! 
We will be filming in April, three weeks from now.
Factory 999-44 in Saint-Henri  
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postcxnt · 7 years
What is post porn?
‘’because the movement seeks to undo rather than define, everything is acceptable in post-porn.’’(1)
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Also known as feminist porn or queer porn, the movement is born in the 1990′s in a hunger to expend the representations of the body and sex, experiment new forms of desire as well as to criticize mainstream pornography. It’s intention is to knock down society's so called norms and stereotypes about sexuality and gender identities through essays, videos, performances, digital work and conceptual art. 
Post porn uses nonexclusively different mechanisms such as ; irony, prosthesis, the inclusion of the public and creates a rupture in the dichotomy subject/object. It is a platform to question, criticize and shine a new light on; the link between the sex and sexuality, capitalism regime, ablelism , heteronormativity, cisnormativity and the systematic medicalization of the body. 
Post-porn is basically a lab, a space to redefine the self and relations, and people come to it from so many angles/backgrounds/aims from radical queer-feminist making hot porn to artists in their basement exploring the sensuality of micro-movements to punks making a erotica cabaret in an underground venue to intentional community queer feminist groups and collectives organizing ‘’Self-managed workshops to explore where the theoretical reflection is accompanied by practice.’’(3)
why post porn?  
‘’gender is metamorphosed constantly, its strangeness repeatedly elucidated.’’(4)   
post_cunt’s concept is to transmogrify the body with the technology of clay and DIY sculpture to research what/how sensual, sexual interactions and desires can arise. The film is a bridge between visual art, performance and erotica. My approach as a Director is to offer tools to the performers through workshops and exercises for them to uncover and identify their relationship to the work and the medium. This film, amongst others in the field, blurs and sabotage the opposition between legetimate culture (art) and illegitimate culture (pornographiy).
(1) José Henrique Pires in ‘’reinvention of the body and desire in the post-porn age
(2) gif by Por no, Andrés Rangel @alienspeepink​ 2016. porno-comunicar   
(3) Claudia Pajewski in Post Porn Grrrlz
(4) Della Grace Volcano, in section about the artist.
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postcxnt · 7 years
the organicity of clay (dirt) as a turn on, as a tool of exploration of shape in adding prosthetic extensions to one's morphology
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postcxnt · 7 years
Imagine how bodies will relate to each other in the future,
how intimacy will be radically different. Imagine trans and queer bodies having access to ways of mutating organically; reshaping their mortal flesh with their own hands or the ones of others to suit their desires in the moment, to gender-hack matter; a dance of monsters, of post genital focus, of playful prosthetic fluidity, of empowerment and consent. Picture being the ''voyeur'' of a ritual of transformation where the humanoid animals are not performing sex, but literally making it, researching and finding pleasure in the practice in a postorgasm world. Creatures redefining the contours of one's envelope, one's vessel, withoutmedical assistance, but with the gutters that earth offers us and a d.i.y approach. 
This is what Post cunt is about.
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postcxnt · 7 years
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December 4th, 2017 
First Documentation of research done with clay                                       
Exploring the medium, it’s possibilities and limits 
with Maude Caron , Sigrid Patterson & Lari jalbert
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postcxnt · 7 years
documentary futurism in brief
The Next 150 is a Cinema Politica project that envisions the creation of a new film genre called documentary futurism. Inspired by Afro-futurism, Indigenous futurism, speculative fiction and non-fiction, works created under the rubric of documentary futurism will deploy filmmaking approaches and contexts associated with documentary in order to imagine, speculate and represent the future. 
 What can the past and present tell us about the future? What can the future tell us about who we are now? How can we tell these stories?
Documentary futurism seeks to respond to these questions.
 We hope that documentary futurism can be a new mode of filmmaking that subverts and extends Canada’s national art form. On a formal level we want to encourage experimentation with cinematic language, the creation of meaning and the aesthetic encoding of the ‘real’. On the level of content, we want to continue pursuing documentary filmmakers’ commitment to telling politically radical stories and challenging power. We hope the 15 commissioned works can engage productively with the boundaries between fact and fiction, official narrative and subjugated knowledge, as well as experience and fantasy, in order to develop a fertile space that brings together the complexities of past, present and future.
Found out about the other commissioned films @  https://www.documentaryfuturism.ca/en/films/
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