potato-by-moonlight · 1 month
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In the low 130s for the first time in a decade and im spirally harder than last time
I looked at myself in the mirror and was dumbfounded at what i saw
“Is that really what i look like?”
“Is that really me?”
Its sad that i weigh a few lbs less now and i cant stop GLARING at the parts of myself i see in the mirror today
I dont feel small enough or skinny enough or smooth enough and
And my new therapist recommend me a nutritionalist
And suggested and ed support group
She heard me the first time i asked for help and she believed me and she did something about it
It feels like i might finally be sick enough
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potato-by-moonlight · 6 months
Im missing you again even though you’re on the couch downstairs
I feel like were worlds apart when were right next to one another
Were in different time zones living in the same house
I feel more at ease with the smell of your soap on your pillows and your voice echo through the wall than the body that lays next to me sometimes
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potato-by-moonlight · 2 years
“Thanks for being here. Even though its not easy.”
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potato-by-moonlight · 2 years
It doesnt upset me that you say no or not right now
It upsets me that you only say no or not right now
After you said yes
And i wasnt ready
So i put in effort to make myself feel like someone
Who was pretty enough and cute enough and sexy enough
For someone like you to want to say yes to
And then when i ask you
Thats when you say no
Every time
Without fail
But i say no or not right now to you
Because i look at myself and i dont feel like im someone who deserves to share that space with you
I need to take the time to talk myself up and change my face and do my hair and spray perfume
And then you say no or not right now
When i finally feel like i might be worthy of you
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potato-by-moonlight · 2 years
I speak only a language i understand
And its so exhausting
Being the only one i can converse with
My therapist asks me questions i dont have the answer to
And all my television shows are indecipherable
I have to read facial expressions and body language
But someone labelled all the cards wrong
So when i think something is okay its not
And my only reference is the me in the mirror
Shes not a trustworthy source
She cant speak with others
Cant hold conversations with anyone but herself
Even then she fights over and over to make it flow in her head the way she thinks it should
But it still doesnt make sense
Nothing is quite right and i never know until its too late
Because her smile is backwards and i didnt notice
So ive been copying all these emotions wrong this whole time
When i really mean to say “lonely” i say “bored”
and “scared” comes out “restless”
I dont even know how to read my own emotions
Much less yours
So please forgive me
If what i say doesnt make sense
My dictionary is out of date and im working with what i have
Yet thats not enough for some
And it wont make sense to most
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potato-by-moonlight · 2 years
I dont miss you.
I dont miss your smile or your eyes or your laugh. I dont miss the way you would ask me to come over or see what i wanted to eat. I dont miss you waking up before me every morning. I dont miss you.
I hate you.
I hate you because of the things you would say to me and about me and around me. I hate you because you would act like you were better than me even though we were both fucked up in our own ways. I hate you because you saw how much i was hurting and you didnt think to help.
You dont get to live your life as a bad person and then be remembered as a good one.
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potato-by-moonlight · 2 years
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Ive had this waist trainer for two+ years and today i closed it as small as it goes for the first time
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potato-by-moonlight · 2 years
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From roughly 190 lbs in Feb 2019 to roughly 148 lbs in Dec 2021….
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potato-by-moonlight · 3 years
The mental disorder and i held hands again today. Its been so long since weve gone on a walk together, but seeing it was like coming home. I was standing in the sunlight but i couldnt feel the warmth of its rays. All i could feel was the cold of my disorders shadow.
I didnt eat last night, i drank instead. Breakfast was water because i put off brushing my teeth. He called me around lunch time and i eventually ate. One ice cream sandwich, a dozen handfuls of popcorn, two cans of soda because were out of water and my mouth hurts.
We had a weird moment on a call while he drove home from work. He hung up and said hed call back but he never did. He got me taco bell, although i wasnt hungry. I ate it, because he was trying to make peace.
We ordered smoothies to celebrate our last night here. Subconsciously i got a “skinny” one with “metabolic enhancers” i didnt know i wanted. He found more bottles of water that i can drink.
The storms knocked the power out a few times, but we managed to watch tv for a while. I bleached his hair, painted his nails, and put glitter on his face. He had dinner around midnight, and i ate too but i still wasnt very hungry. He had a family sized frozen dinner and i ate the 8 oz salad he ordered from red robin for me a few days ago. The three croutons were soft and soggy but i ate them anyway.
I weighed myself at 1 am after filling myself with bottle after bottle of water. The scale said 166 but i bet itll be lower in the morning. I havent weighed myself regularly since we moved. It felt odd, like i was doing someone elses job. A few days ago i stepped on but i was scared to see the number. 164, three pounds lighter than when we got down here. I know the two ive gained are probably water. Water is the only thing that makes my mouth hurt less, but when i drink so much i dont remember hunger.
The mental disorder and i held hands again today.
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potato-by-moonlight · 3 years
Feeling Sizes—a…poem? A letter?? Idk
I hate shopping for clothes
Because its so hard to find my size
I have to try before i buy
And with a world of fear thats impossible
Im a small in happiness
A large in anxiety
My stress is an 8
But my exhaustion is a 16
Growing up my hope was a 9 1/2
But over the years it shrunk to a 3
I once saw a thread
About how mens mediums fit every body type
And thats true for me too
If the medium is in fear from men
My love is queen sized
But the sheets dont fit because theyre made from trauma
And when i look in the mirror
I see my strength as an xxl
But in person it feels like an xxs
I dont know if ill ever fit into the same size of anything
But skipping affection and kindness will never help me put back on the smile i used to wear
My new daily made my negatives more extreme no matter how much money i spent
And i cant explain to others than putting on the old and worn down clothes i used to wear is so much easier than finding the new me
I cant describe how notching my belt a little looser for hurt is getting too familiar
And im tired of being tired
Im sad from being sad
And i just want to put on an old feeling like safe and it be the right size
But i dont even remember how safe looks on my body anymore
—a note to the me from today, pushing for a better me tomorrow
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potato-by-moonlight · 3 years
I cut for the first time in almost a year, and i felt so horrible. David came home from a 12 and i was bawling and i know he was exhausted but he held me while i cried and gave me time to calm down before i showed him what i did. I know he wants to know what happened but i dont even know and that upsets me so much and i dont wanna be fucked up any more
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potato-by-moonlight · 3 years
This time last year i was severely depressed.
Next week marks one year since i tried to kill myself. I had just dumped my cheating bf. I was rejected by someone i had crushed on for years. I was constantly drinking. I was starving myself and over exercising to hopefully lose weight. I was self harming. I was miserable to be around, constantly snapped at people, had horrible attendence at work, and only spent time w my dog and by myself.
Next week marks 7 months w my current bf, who treats me well and is kind. Now im happily just friends w the guy who rejected me. I talk to my friends more regularly. I dont drink nearly as often and when i do its usually a small amount. I gained back some of the weight i lost but ive been maintaining w in 5 lbs for several months. I try to eat healthy but even when i dont i at least feed my body. I havent self harmed since march (at the latest). My attendance at work improved exponentially and im currently training for a promotion (and move!) in a few weeks. My bf and i are looking for apartments/houses for rent and are going to move in together. I am working on getting in to see a therapist.
Not everything is perfect, and i dont expect it to be. But im in a much better place now than i was a year ago. Things have gotten better. I have a great support system. And im so glad that ive been here even just this much longer.
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potato-by-moonlight · 3 years
Im far from skinny, and weigh about the same i did this time last year (before i stress-lost fifteen pounds and hated myself less) but i looked in the mirror at myself and almost liked what i saw. For a split second i didn’t hate myself as much as usual. And that’s a start
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potato-by-moonlight · 4 years
Me and my bf shoppinf for jeans
Me: while your looking at jeans im gonna check out these graphic tees
Him: ooh!
Me: no, go look at jeans
Him: i dont know what these words mean...relaxed fit sounds like my sexuality
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potato-by-moonlight · 4 years
The most upsetting thing about my old account getting terminated is that i had so many personal entries on there (esp about my relationship) that i wanted to be able to look back on in the future and im gonna miss those
david was super sweet and asked if there was any way i could get my account back but i know i cant so im just keeping this one specifically as a general diary
Hes so sweet i cant
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