pourmoyen · 4 months
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But once he is gone who will I have?
tiktok / icarly / unknown / @/mothman / An Oresteia: Agamemnon, Aiskhylos / Bumble Ardy, Maurice Sendak / icarly / A Little Life, Hanya Yaragihara / The Fall Of The House Of Usher, Steven Berkoff / A living Chattel, Anton Chekhov
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pourmoyen · 10 months
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Yoshishige Yoshida
- Eros + Massacre
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pourmoyen · 1 year
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pourmoyen · 2 years
“people shouldn’t be forced to play poc if they’re uncomfortable” = “i’m a whiny racist baby that can’t write for shit”
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pourmoyen · 2 years
rant upcoming! 
i think there needs to be a conversation about white fragility in the rp community. more often than not, i have seen white muns react hysterically to being asked about implicit or explicit racial biases. if you, rather than taking a step back to examine why or how others may interpret your actions a certain way, get upset and call those people haters or grovel about how you’ve been called racist until others come to your aide to assure you that you’re a good person, then you are aiding in the perpetuation of racism. self victimization in the face of bipoc concern is racism. or any other ism. refusing to unlearn bigotry is further perpetuation of that bigotry.  
being called out for racism is not the end of the world. white people so frequently believe that being called a racist is a far worse sin than racism itself. the thing about racism is that you can unlearn it. you can grow and you can rectify whatever it is that you’ve done. pointing out your racism is not an insult. it is not an attack. it is bipoc and allies curating our own safe space in this hellsite.  
“but i’m not a racist!” 
you don’t get to decide that. you, as a white person, are not the expert on what racism looks like or feels like. 
“this is my safe space! i do this to decompress! i can’t be perfect all the time!” 
it IS your safe space. this is also my safe space, and the safe space of your followers. consider being held accountable for your actions (intentional or not) a compromise. people will call you out because they  believe you have the resources, intellect, and ability to better yourself. if re-examining the effect you have on marginalized people is a compromise of your safe space, then i urge you to consider what it’s like for bipoc to log in and be affected by your inability to re examine. 
“i didn’t mean to / that wasn’t my intention!” 
racism is not about intent. racism is about the perpetuation of systemic oppression and violence. this can be done intentionally or not.  
finally: racism is not about you. it is about the people you’ve hurt. framing the bravery to address pain that bipoc feel in the face of racism as an attack on white people is a tactic of violence against bipoc. you are forcing us into silence via respectability politics. you are putting white comfort before bipoc liberation. 
if you feel attacked by this post, message me. because you have proved my point. 
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pourmoyen · 2 years
no because i legit hate her. deadass.
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pourmoyen · 3 years
this rp is literally sooo white I’m 😭 one of the admins only has white characters it’s literally gross!
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pourmoyen · 3 years
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🐝  *  ―  𝐃𝐎𝐂 𝐓𝐄𝐌𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐓𝐄 𝟎𝟎𝟑: 𝐇𝐔𝐍𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐃 𝐀𝐂𝐑𝐄 𝐖𝐎𝐎𝐃  (  a  light  academia  inspired  all-in-one  google  doc  template  for  single  muses  -  inspiration  and  images  taken  from  here.  it  contains  space  for  rules  ,  a  dossier  &bio  ,  verse   ,  and  connections  /  mains.  feel  free  to  adjust  to  your  needs.  )
*  edit  it  however  much  you  want  but  please  do  not  remove  the  credit. *  find  the  download  in  the  source  link  or  simply  here. *  to  save  this  doc  go  to  file  →  make  a  copy.
if  you  have  any  questions  on  how  to  edit  it  ,just  send  me  a  message  and  i’ll  try  to  explain  it  to  you.
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pourmoyen · 3 years
idk who needs to hear this, but if your muns feel comfortable enough to bring a cop muse to an rp, you have made an unsafe rp.
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pourmoyen · 4 years
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𝔯𝔦𝔳𝔞𝔩 𝔥𝔮 𝔦𝔰 𝔰𝔢𝔢𝔨𝔦𝔫𝔤 𝔬𝔲𝔱 4 𝔪𝔬𝔯𝔢 𝔪𝔢𝔪𝔟𝔢𝔯𝔰!
With the winter break season upon us, we’ve settled a more solid mun base and we’re hoping for at least 4 more muns to join our lovely family! A soft reset of the group is currently happening right now, so don’t worry about being a little out of it with the plot. Everyone’s really nice and fun and we get up to all sorts of movie and game nights. So come check us out!
drop app in my ask if you’re interested
Is that  FACECLAIM ? No, that’s just  MUSE NAME , a  AGE IN NUMBERS  year old GENDER IDENTITY  and a  MERCURY LABELS/BABEL ENTERTAINMENT CO EMPLOYEE OR OTHER OCCUPATION HERE . PRONOUN HERE is known to be  + TRAIT )& (+ TRAIT  but also  - TRAIT  & - TRAIT . They have been in Vancouver for  # OF MONTHS/YEARS  and are proud to be apart of this music-driven city! (ooc name, age, pronouns, timezone, discord)
keep reading for plot!
Keep reading
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pourmoyen · 4 years
medieval/ancient based plots i desperately need.
tw: abuse, rape mention, triggering topics in general.
muse a is the prince of (country) and muse b is the princess of (another allied country). muse b spent quite a bit of time in muse a’s kingdom during the war and the young couple began a picturesque romance. when muse b went back to her country they kept in touch with letters, writing to one another constantly since they were unable to see each other. unexpectedly muse b stops writing back to muse a. a few months later muse a and his family are invited to a grand wedding (in anther country), the king has found himself a new bride. upon arriving muse a finds out that the kings new bride is muse b. muse b’s father had arranged the marriage in exchange for an alliance, not caring that his daughter begged him not to go through with it. only after the wedding do muse b and muse a get a moment alone so muse b can explain what’s taken place.
possible addition: muse b’s new husband could be abusive or just a cruel king in general, maybe a significant age difference as well. 
muse a was a slave girl, most likely a love child of a brothel worker and a local traveler. around the age of 12-13 she was sold into slavery and used by men of status on a daily basis, never really knowing anything different. after a hefty number of years she’s on her own. (either she escaped, or they got tired of her - maybe have someone new, or someone in the palace who felt bad for her helped her escape, etc) she wanders the streets, sleeping when she can and where she can until she travels out of the city, only making it a mile or two before she collapses (exhaustion, hunger, thirst, etc) and muse b is traveling back to his home and comes across her. he brings her back to his home where she sleeps for quite a bit of time, finally waking up and unsure of where she is. muse b explains that he owns the land and found her on his way back from the city and wanted to help, muse b asks her if she has any place to go or where she’s from and she doesn’t have an answer. muse b starts to slowly understand where this girl came from, maybe she tells him in bits and pieces, maybe he sees bruises or scars… etc. long story short muse b takes care of muse a, letting her stay there, maybe letting her sleep in his bed, feeding her, and muse a starts to form an attachment to muse b since he’s the only person who’s ever really shown her kindness. 
this could remain platonic or spark into something more ‘love story’-ish.
based on the movie troy. muse a falls for the queen of another king, muse b. she’s beautiful, intelligent, she challenges him and she’s everything he’s ever wanted in a partner. muse b is married to an abusive & hateful man who she cannot fathom spending the rest of her life with. muse a proposes that muse b come back with him to his country and muse b agrees. muse a smuggles her back to his country and when muse b’s husband finds out he is furious. muse a wants to do everything to keep muse b with him but now muse b’s husband is threatening to start a war. muse b thinks it would be best to return home to save everyone the trouble of fighting in a war over her, but muse a doesn’t intend to let it happen.
muse a is a handmaiden for the queen/princess of (whatever country), and muse b is the king. muse b has always been fond of muse a, admiring her from afar. muse b is driven by pure lust one night and the two end up sharing a night together in his chambers. this happens time and time again until muse a believes she’s pregnant. muse b knows what could happen if anyone found out, so he tells her to keep it a secret, and so muse a agrees, knowing she doesn’t have much of a choice and she doesn’t want her child to be known as a bastard. muse a has the baby, telling everyone the father was a traveling merchant. muse b has his kingly duties, most likely has a queen and of course a country to rule but he cares for muse a and his child but all they have are secret and private moments together and that’ all they will ever have. 
just cute lil family moments where he sneaks off to see them and gets to see his kid and then be with her and just break my heart.
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pourmoyen · 4 years
ok but an immortal couple who break up and get back together every thirty years or so, and they’re messy as fuck, like every couple decades they break up and swear that they’ll never speak for the rest of eternity, until inevitably one tracks the other down and shows up like “okay, i’ve elected to forgive you, we’re together again” and the other is like “BUT WHO SAYS I FORGIVE YOU FOR THE AL CAPONE INCIDENT” and then they’re arguing/making out and meanwhile the rest of the immortal community just groans and rolls their eyes because jesus christ, this again, they have been doing this since the holy roman empire.
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pourmoyen · 4 years
a plot based off of a tiktok pov where every year, the royal academy lets in a single commoner based on a lottery system. that commoner is introduced to the glitzy, dramatic, and intense world of royalty training—something most of the kids there have been used to since they were in diapers.
does she belong? what happens when you’re royalty without having any royal in the first place?
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