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@usergif back to cool event ♢ challenge 2: color — “Told you we were superheroes.” | POWER RANGERS (2017)
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Favorite moments from Jungle Fury:
"Theo, I'm ignoring your negative energy."
RJ walking back into jkp with his shirt ripped up and everyone definitely making assumptions about what he did last night
Also him waking up in a dumpster
RJ's completely unprompted dance scene
Master Phant adopting Lily
Theo just casually levitating around the base
"Yes, Theo, I am blind"
Master Swoop in general
RJ's daddy issues
Strange romance between Toady and Stingerella
Stingerella making the Rinshi dance (â—Ź_â—Ź)
People screwing up the condiments in this restaurant on several occasions but still operating
Dominic completely missing the point of To Kill A Mockingbird?????
Jarrod being emo as hell in the last two episodes
The Chair
What is possibly the weirdest clip show set up in power rangers history
But it's okay cause I got to see Camille in that dress
The masters just randomly turning into furries for like 5 minutes in the final battle
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Flynn sighed as he stood up straight, wiping his greased hands on a rag as he walked to turn the keys in his ignition, smiling faintly when he heard how much better his car sounded with the new engine.
He glanced at his watch to check the time, eyebrows furrowing when he realized how late it was and you still hadn't arrived. He answered his cell phone when it rang, smiling when he heard your voice.
"You can't laugh."
"Why would I -"
"My car broke down."
Flynn grinned, closing the hood of his blue hummer, "Oh really, what would you like me to do about it?"
"Please, come get me. I'm on the corner of twenty eighth street." You pleaded.
"I'm on my way." Flynn ended the call and started filling his car with tools he knew he would need. Your car was a hunk of scrap in his opinion but you were attached to it, and refused to let him touch it, knowing he would want to make upgrades. But as you watched the smoke come from the hood, you knew you had to call him.
Flynn tried to supress his smile as he parked in front of your car, seeing the smoke coming from the hood. He got out of his car and you stood beside him when he took a look at the engine.
"Do you know what's wrong with it?"
Flynn nodded, looking up at you, "It's old."
You glared at him and he chuckled as he headed to his hummer to get his tools. "Don't worry, it's an easy fix."
You sighed in relief and leaned against the car while Flynn made adjustments. "You do know you'll have to buy another car eventually, right? This rust bucket won't see Christmas at this rate."
"Sh! He can hear you!" You scolded.
"He?" Flynn raised an eyebrow at you.
"His name was originally Rupert, but I changed it to Finn. it rhymes with Flynn." You smiled when he rolled his eyes. "What? It's cute!"
Flynn shook his head, closing the hood. "That should do until we get back to the garage. Try it."
You got behind the wheel and started the car, grinning when it purred to life.
"You saved Finn! I should get him repainted to celebrate. He needs the paint job."
"No, you need a new car." Flynn told you.
"If I need a new car, what are you for?"
Flynn laughed sarcastically and you blew him a kiss as you drove by. "Race you to the garage."
Flynn chuckled when you drove off and shook his head as he put his tools away, jogging to get behind the wheel. You drove down the street, gasping when Flynn overtook your car.
He waved as he drove by and you laughed as you followed him back to the base.
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Rangers that would give us a perfect “Enemies to lovers” dynamics (pt 1)
Lucas Kendall (Time Force)
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Imagine him having to work with an old racing rival
Eric Myers (Time Force)
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Imagine how pissed Eric would be if he had a superior that would make him work together with other people even when he’s already the Quantum Ranger
And then this superior becomes a rangers too
Even worse if it’s a better/ more powerful ranger
Or we can imagine him strating to hate a good childhood friend because of the social issues
And then discovering that this friend is a hero (a power ranger maybe or someone that helps them)
Hunter Bradley (Ninja Storm)
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Imagine him having to work together with an old Thunder Academy rival
that’s shows up as a way better thunder ranger
or a better leader
Cam Watanabe (Ninja Storm)
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The tsundere factor
Imagine a nerd that helps the Thunder Brothers that does everything different from Cam
And it works
And he hates how they does it
Shane (Ninja Storm)
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He doesn’t deal well with rivals
Or someone who lights his competitive side
School or skate enemies
Conner McKnight (Dino Thunder)
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The dumb/jerk jock factor
Conner makes their friend cry and oh his such a jerk
Conner makes fun or slight of someone’s work/hobbie
Nick Russell (Mystic Force)
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The badboy who doesn’t talk much atmosphere factor
Xander Bly (Mystic Force)
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The ladysman factor
The goofball factor
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sweet tooth
nick bowen x reader
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Nick smiled when he saw you arranging your booth for the fundraiser. You looked at him when he placed his arms around your waist, kissing your cheek.
"Hey, yourself."
He pecked your lips before looking at the selection of cookies, and cakes you were selling to raise funds. "Ooh," He reached for a cookie, one of his favorites and you gently smacked his hand away.
"No. You already ate my first batch."
"I helped you bake this batch." He said.
"No, you tried to help but you kept eating the dough so I had to make more."
"What can I say? I can't resist your baking."
His communicator beeped and you arranged some cupcakes. Nick stole a cupcake and you glared at him playfully when he scooped some icing on his finger, sending you a smile as he left.
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ten years from now
riley griffin x reader
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"What do you think will happen to us?"
Riley lowered his gaze from the clouds, turning his head to look at you as you stared up at the clear blue sky. "What do you mean?"
You turned your head, meeting his gaze. "Where do you see us, ten years from now?"
Riley squeezed your hand, your fingers intertwined as you laid on the grass, his gaze returning to the sky. It was a pleasantly boring day. No monster sightings, no evil plans to prevent and he could just relax. With you. A rarity that he loved every second of.
"You want to play hypotheticals?" He smiled.
You smiled, eyes flickering across his side profile. "Come on...write me a future."
Riley chuckled, eyes crinkling as he glanced at you. "Alright...ten years from now I'll be twenty-eight..." He thought for a moment, creating a list. "Sledge is defeated."
You jokingly rolled your eyes, turning your head to look up at the clouds. "Predictable."
Riley smiled at you as your eyes met. "Hey, you said to write a future and in said future, Sledge and all his monsters are gone."
"Fine. They're gone. What else?"
"Uh," Riley squinted in thought, "we both graduated college. We move in together after graduation."
"We're still together then?" You smirked, giggling when he leaned on his elbow, playfully shoving your shoulder before laying down again.
"We go engaged not long after graduation." He continued.
You looked at him in surprise, a smile forming on your lips.
"And married a year or so later. I got the job I want -"
"Are you ever going to tell me what it is?" You asked. Riley shushed you and you playfully rolled your eyes. "That's a no then."
"We have a nice house, big backyard," You smiled as you shifted, resting your head on his chest and his fingers instantly combed through your hair as he continued, "with one of those swing sets with the climbing frame and a slide for the kids."
You turned, resting an arm on his torso as you laid your chin on your forearm, looking up at him. "How many kids?"
"By that point? Two. Possibly three if I get you to cave." He smiled down at you and you mirrored the smile. "Preferably one boy and one girl but it's unpredictable.
"A dog, maybe two. We adopted them after we moved into the house."
You smiled at him in adoration, leaning up to press a kiss to his lips. His hand lifted to your cheek as he smiled at you. "So, what do you think?"
"I can't wait."
He chuckled softly, "Me neither." Riley kissed you and when you pulled away moments later, he wrapped his arms around you, fingers playing with your hair as you both stared up at the sky, thinking about the future he had mapped out for you.
Ten years from now you knew your life would be a happy one as long as Riley was by your side.
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bargaining chip
chase randall x reader
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When you didn't arrive for your date in the park, a picnic you had planned three days ago, he tried to brush off his first instinct which told him that something had happened to you. Being a punctual person, you arrived ten minutes before everyone else, and although he tried to shrug off his concerns, Chase knew you were never late.
The feeling only grew when you didn't respond to his calls or his text messages. And after forty minutes, Chase was called to the base as one of Sledge's prisoners was spotted in Amber Beach.
The team arrived at the warehouse and as they fought one monster, close to defeating him, Fury teleported into the room, pulling you along by your arm, your wrists tied with rope. Chase was blasted backward with Koda, their suits disappearing as they rolled along the ground, groans leaving their lips in pain when they finally stopped. Koda was the first to notice you and urgently tapped Chase before pointing to you. Chase looked up, his eyes widening when he saw the blaster aimed towards you.
"Y/N!" He jumped to his feet, aiming his blaster at the monster. "Let her go!"
You closed your eyes when Fury chuckled in amusement, the blaster pressing into your side as he addressed the group of Rangers who moved to stand behind Chase, watching the scene with batted breath.
"No problem. Hand over your Energems." Fury demanded.
The first monster that the team had been fighting laughed maniacally as he stood between the two warring sides, holding out a bucket when Fury gestured for him to collect the Energems.
Chase swallowed thickly, seeing the tears in your eyes. The fate of the world was at stake. But his racing heart told him to make the exchange.
"She has nothing to do with this!" Shelby cried out.
"The Energems, for the girl." Fury bargained.
Chase felt his team's stare as he took off his necklace, his shoulders slouched as he stared at the black Energem in his palm. He slowly approached the bucket, dropping it inside. The others following suit moments later.
Chase glared at Fury as the monster moved to stand beside him, jumping with glee. You felt a tear fall down your cheek at the defeated expression on Chase's features.
"You have the Energems, now let her go."
Fury sliced the rope with his sword and you swallowed thickly, taking a deep breath before walking toward Chase. In a split second, you pushed the bucket towards the team and the Energems rolled along the floor, to the Rangers who scrambled to pick them up while Riley pulled you to safety.
Chase grinned as he held his necklace in his hand, aiming a blaster at Fury, "Nice doing business with you." He fired at the two before they teleported away.
He turned and stumbled when your body crashed with his, a smile forming on his lips as he returned the embrace, burying his head in your neck.
"Are you okay? Did they hurt you?" He asked, hands-on your arms as he checked you for injuries.
You shook your head, tears on your cheeks as he brought you to his chest, his eyes meeting Riley's over your shoulder.
"Thank you, mate."
Riley nodded, walking alongside Koda as the team followed you and Chase who kept his arm around your shoulders as you headed to the museum.
When he disappeared into the kitchen you answered Tyler and Shelby's questions about your capture until Chase reappeared with a picnic basket. You smiled softly as you walked over to him, his hand finding yours as he intertwined your fingers.
He stopped at the doorway, looking back at his team. "Thank you." He knew it wasn't an easy decision to hand over the Energems that had become a part of them and was grateful they had done so, to save your life.
"Don't mention it." Tyler smiled.
"Y/N is our friend," Koda added, sending you a smile which you returned.
Chase led you out of the museum and you smiled when he kissed your cheek.
That day you realized just how far he'd go to save you. He would sacrifice everything if it meant you were safe.
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dustin brooks x reader
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His old jersey was torn in places, but you bought yellow thread and sewed the frayed pieces, making it look almost new. You knew Dustin had gotten another, so when he invited you to his next race you came up with the idea to wear his old jersey to show your support.
As you approached the group, you fiddled with the sleeves too long for your arms, the torso baggy around your frame. But it was oddly comforting and eases your worries a little.
Dustin turned quickly when Tori nodded to you and a large grin formed on his lips when he saw you, "You made it!"
"I wouldn't miss it." You placed your hands on his cheeks, kissing him tenderly. "Good luck."
Dustin smiled down at you, resting his forehead against yours. He wrapped his arms around you, kissing your forehead and you returned the embrace, sending Blake a smile. "Good luck out there."
"Thank you."
It was announced that the race was starting, and he pushed his bike towards the start line.
You took off your jacket, revealing the yellow jersey as you greeted Tori, Shane, and Hunter.
"Is that Dustin's old jersey?" Shane asked.
You nodded.
"Yellow is a great color on you, Y/N." Tori smiled.
You opened your mouth to thank her when the race started, and you bite your bottom lip, watching as Dustin took off.
You had never seen him race before, and as you watched the bike go over a small hill, flying for a moment, you swore your heart stopped until he landed safely and sped along the track.
"You've got nothing to worry about," Shane assured you, "Dustin is a pro."
You sent him a small smile and looked up as a bike crossed the finish line. Your eyes widened when you saw the yellow jersey, Dustin taking off his helmet, fist-bumping the air as he looked at you, eyes widening when he saw you wearing his shirt.
Blake arrived seconds later and he was momentarily distracted as they confrTulates each other before pushing their bikes towards the group.
"You were great out there!" You smiled as he placed one arm around you, and kissed his cheek.
"And you should wear yellow more often. Or wear my shirts." He said, smiling brightly.
You closed your eyes, blushing as he kissed your cheek, causing the group to tease you both. Dustin chuckled and placed his helmet over your head.
You lifted the visor and glared at him playfully as you walked towards the car.
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We Are VR (Rocky DeSantos x VR Trooper!Reader)
TITLE: We Are VR (Rocky DeSantos x VR Trooper!Reader)
Prompt/summary: (MMPR season 2 episode 32, Rocky just wants to have fun) Reader moves to Angel Grove, her Trooper powers are revealed after the rangers need help freeing Rocky. 
Word Count: 2,385 (exposition is a bitch)
Warnings:  none
Authors note: I can’t exactly remember if these are in the same universe but for this imagine they are :)
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Being a Trooper is not easy. Being a Trooper that has moved miles away from Cross World City is even harder. (Y/n) liked Angel Grove but hated being so far away from her friends. Ryan, Kaitlin, and JB were understanding over (Y/n)’s situation and tried their best to visit whenever they can.
(Y/n) made their way to the Youth Center of Angel Grove. The popular hangout spot had become a favorite for (Y/n) because of the smoothies. Their transformation virtualizer hung around their neck and (Y/n) always ran her finger over it when they got nervous. And (Y/n) was nervous a lot after the move. 
Billy and Rocky had just sat down to study when they both noticed someone new sit down at the table next to them. Rocky looked up to see (Y/n) sitting quietly with a book and sipping on a smoothie. The red ranger blushed, that had to be the cutest person he had ever seen. (Y/n) looked up and locked eyes with Rocky and they both smiled.
Billy snapped his fingers in front of Rocky’s face. Rocky shook his head and turned back to the math equation in front of him.
Keep reading
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I've just waken up and I'm crying
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Something amazing happened yesterday (August 13, 2016) at Power Morphicon, and I want to take a moment to appreciate it. (Above photo from RangerBoard.)
The current blue ranger, Yoshi Sudarso, is a huge Power Rangers fan. He auditioned for Power Rangers for years without being cast. When he got the role of the blue ranger in Dino Charge two years ago, he was thrilled and since then he’s been super enthusiastic, passionate and an all-around amazing ranger.
His brother Peter, like him, is a Power Rangers fan, and has also auditioned multiple times to be a ranger. Unlike Yoshi, he was never cast. Anyone who follows Yoshi on social media knows about Yoshi’s brother and knows that they’re close: Yoshi and Peter are constantly hanging out together, working on creative projects together, and supporting each other.
At the end of the Dino Charge panel at Power Morphicon, the cast of Dino Charge was tasked with revealing the upcoming cast of the new season, Ninja Steel. Some members of the Dino Charge cast met a few members the new Ninja Steel cast backstage before their panel, but otherwise they didn’t know anything about the Ninja Steel cast in advance.
The Dino Charge cast members were given envelopes that stated the name and color of their ranger successor. For instance, Brennan Mejia, the current red ranger, announced that Will Shewfelt would be the new red ranger.
The last person to be handed an envelope was Yoshi. He opened it, and to his surprise, he saw his brother Peter’s name written inside.
Yoshi went to the Ninja Steel auditions and was told that Peter didn’t get the part. Yet there in front of his eyes was Peter’s name. Not only that, his brother was going to be the new blue ranger.
Yoshi’s voice broke as he announced that his own brother was going to be his successor. His brother, clad in his new ranger uniform, ran onto the stage. Yoshi knocked over his chair in his haste to greet his brother. As they embraced, Yoshi broke down with a giant grin on his face, clearly thrilled that his brother was getting this opportunity.
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(Gif by erniesbrainfreeze)
Yoshi’s friends clearly understood how important and powerful this moment was for him. When Yoshi reacted emotionally to opening his envelope, Brennan Mejia looked over his his shoulder to figure out why, pat him on the back and grinned. At hearing the news, the current pink ranger, Camille Hyde, covered her mouth with her hands, obviously stunned, before placing a supportive hand on Yoshi’s shoulder and starting to cry.
As his brother proudly took to the stage with his new cast, Yoshi collapsed back into his chair in shock. The current green ranger, Michael Taber, crossed the stage to hug him, and Camille, still in tears, joined in the hug. When the hug ended, Yoshi pointed at his brother, beaming with pride.
Peter Sudarso is the new blue ranger and Yoshi couldn’t be happier about it. It was the way Yoshi was surprised with this news and Yoshi’s obvious love for his brother that turned this cast reveal into one of the most touching moments in Power Rangers history.
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Time for A Break!
My first step back into conventions is a Power Rangers convention at the end of August so I decided to make a new print for the occasion!
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Sky Tate/Z Delgado headcanons?? (Possibly romantic??) (PRETTY PWEASEE??)
Yes! I can write for them but please send a specific ask!
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Yay me again, I am in love with your headcanons, the Bradleys are my comfort characters and I would love headcanons about them when they were little kids
Hey darling! To write your headcanons, I assumed that Hunter and Blake lost their parents when they were teenagers, okay! So enjoy!
Hunter and Blake as little kids
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Playing ninja fight with their dad
Trying to get their mom to play along
Blake being mad because he's just a few weeks younger than Hunter - he wanted to be the eldest brother
Challenging each other to enter their parents work room without being noticed
Being caught and being grounded - they had to clean all the bathrooms of the Thunder Ninja Academy
Finding out about motocross
Watching a lot of races
Asking their dad if they can learn to ride a motorcycle
"Are you two crazy? You're only 7 years old!"
Their mom finding out about it and being super mad
"Don't ever get near a motorcycle!"
"But you are training us to be ninjas. Isn't it more dangerous?"
Going to watch motocross races in secret anyway
Playing with invisible motocross
Feeling super happy because they have a family now
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Connor McKnight from prdt head cannons?
Yes! I write for him! Please, send me a specific request for him and I'll do it as soon as I finish the one I'm working on!
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Hello, I hope you’re doing well, I would love if you did Blake Bradley in a relationship headcanons.
OMG I’M SO HAPPY YOU SENT AN ASK!! I hope you’re doing well too! So let’s go for more Bradley brothers headcanons!  Feel free to send me more asks!
Blake Bradley
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Becoming friends
It’s not that hard to become friends with Blake. 
There’s a high probability that he’ll approach you with second intentions already
But, anyway, Blake is always nice with girls
If you two have a place to go in common, you’ll need just a few days to become friends with him
Even if you are shy, Blake’s communicative nature will work to break the barriers between you two
Being friends
Blake tries to see you everyday
Hanging out with Hunter, Tory, Shane and Dustin a lot. Blake tries to include you more and more in their hang outs
Inviting you to watch his races 
Asking you if you are interested in learning how to ride a motorcycle 
You calling him in the end of the day to eat ice cream
Lots of weekends spent on the beach 
He teases you a lot 
Falling in love
He starts teasing you even more
Starts being openly jeaulous if a guy comes to talk to you with clear second intentions
He starts to insist in the motorcycle classes
Lots of teasing. LOTS. 
Comes up with the most crazy excuses to see you like asking you to come to his house to do something he clearly can do by himself
Starts giving you some little presents, specially tickets for places/events you already told him you like
He asks to take you in a motorcycle ride on the beach
Did I said teasing? Like, A LOT?
Suddenly and cute complimments 
He looking at you like an idiot because he thinks you are the most beautiful, sexy and perfect person in the world
Even more nonsense excuses to see you
Sometimes goes to your house at night to watch you sleep and within a few months he’ll enter your bedroom in the middle of the night because he needed you so much that night
Motorcycle classes for sure
He taking you to secret dates in the middle of the night
Taking you for special places in his motorcycle
You’re his lucky charm so he looooves to see you cheering for him in a race and he shows off a lot when you’re there
A lot of PDA bc he wants everybody to know you’re his now
Loves to hear you talk about anything 
While watching a movie with you in a private place, he gives you a lot of kisses because dating Blake means A LOT of physical contact
Lot of long and deep kisses
He loves making out a lot and sometimes can be too much horny
He’ll try to take you to next physical attraction level very soon, but will respect if you don’t want to
But he feel it’s hard to control himself when he’s with you
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Mack: How did my clothes even catch fire? I bought them because the tag said “inflammable” !
Rose: Inflammable means flammable...
Mack: What?! That doesn’t even make sense!
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Protective Nick Russell Headcanons
A request sent by @multifandomimaginesposts​ and I’m delighted T.T I hope you like it darling!
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To begin with, we have to remember that Nick doesn’t have much experience in relationships. So, some experiences can be totally new for him and he just doesn’t know exactly what to do;
We have to remember that Nick is also impulsive and, sometimes, explosive. 
So, if Nick is in a relationship with you, he’ll get unconsciously a bit proctetive. Not because he believes you can’t take care of yourself, but because he has been alone for too long. He doesn’t want to lose you, neither for the danger (that he knows exists - oh he knows) nor for life (accidents or simply breaking up);
So Nick will probably drive you home everyday if he can. And, when he gets used to the idea that you care, he’ll send a few messages during the day asking if everything is okay. 
Now, let’s work with the idea that you get injured because of a fight (if you are a Power Ranger) or as consequence of a battle in the city against a monster (if you are a civilian). 
Nick will freak out. 
Like, really. 
But he’s not loud, so he won’t scream when he first realize you’re injured. He’ll be extremely desperate, though, running to hold you in his arms and asking a thousand times if you’re okay, where you’re feeling pain, to stay with him awaken etc. 
He feels lost and helpless because he wasn’t able to protect you and that kills him when the others get you to Udonna or to the hospital.
He’ll be extremely anxious until he’s 100% sure you’re out of danger
So at first, he’ll ruminate the situation. He’ll feel sad, almost depressed, and a bit ashamed of himself;
He won’t tell you, but you know Nick. So even injured, you’ll cheer him up and say it’s everything okay and it’s not his fault. 
Nick thinks you’re so amazing! Even when you needed help, you helped him. It’s hard for him to say theses things out loud, but you’ll read it in his eyes and the way he caress you cheek while talking to you. 
By this point, he’ll ask to help to take care of you. But, remember: Nick has NO experience. 
So imagine him all flustered and clumsy trying to help with your bandages;
When you start to tease him, he’ll wrap them all over your head
“If you’re laughing, then you’re okay. So what about this?”
He asks you everyday if you took all the daily medicines until you’re totally recovered. 
But he trully cares about you. He even asks to watch you while you sleep
In the middle of the night he starts thinking about how scared he is to lose you and everything you brought to his life. 
He feels like a little child again, lost and confused. 
So he stands up to fix your blanket and give you a kiss on the head. 
He sits near you, caressing your hair/head/cheek. 
“Please, don’t go. Never. Ever. Don’t leave me”.
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