poyomon2 · 4 years
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Give her therapy please
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poyomon2 · 4 years
Showing how I make my YGO sprites - in this case, one of Aoi Zaizen from YGO Vrains.
I’ve never recorded anything before so I do apologize for the audio choppiness and my annoying voice. I was trying to avoid key and mouse clicking noises but I think in doing so, some of my talking was cut out as well. There are also stretches where I’m not saying anything. The video cut out early, as well, (for reasons I don’t know), but fortunately it was nothing important that was lost. And as for my voice, I can’t do much about that.
I hope this is informative to anyone interested in seeing how I make my sprites.
If you would like to see all of the sprites that I have made, please go to ghost-of-peppermint.tumblr.com/sprites
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poyomon2 · 4 years
Someone Who Has Never Played Among Us Or Seen It Played Details What She Knows Of The Game Thanks To Tumblr
You play as jellybeans wearing space suits for no discernable reason. These jellybeans have legs and arms and a clouded faceplate.
The imposter has tentacles. Also a knife. 
You’re repairing a ship for some reason. 
The imposter wants to kill everyone because aliens are evil. 
People meet to discuss murders in the cafeteria. There is a system in place for this, including a button you press to call emergency meetings, implying alien imposters and the murders of your crewmates are not only expected but routine. 
You have little head decorations. This is important. 
You have children but only sometimes. This is more important. The fact that you cannot adopt a dead crewmate’s children is Rude and Cruel. 
People are shipping these lifeless, human-avatar jellybeans. This is a point of contention. 
For some reason the Among Us fandom has lots of Very Good Artists. 
Electrical is the scary room. Everyone dies in electrical. 
To determine who the imposter is, you throw your crewmates out of the airlock. This is somehow considered morally acceptable. 
“x seems kinda sus” is instant grounds for airlock death.
Imposters can use the vents but no one else can. Maybe only they are squishy enough, with their tentacle bodies instead of jellybean ones? I have no idea. 
“i saw x vent” is somehow doubted. (Just vote to airlock x. If it isn’t them, airlock the person who cast suspicion on them. One will most likely be the imposter.)
Somehow a knife chops people in half. Also, these jellybeans have bones, or at least have a spine. This bothers me. 
Imposters have Fake Tasks. Regular people have Real Tasks. No wonder they hate the imposters. Fuckers aren’t pulling their weight. 
The dead have ghosts and also talk to one another on Dead Chat. 
This game confuses me so greatly. I want to play it. 
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poyomon2 · 4 years
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poyomon2 · 4 years
Okay, I don’t think we have this enough: Shoutout to all the shippers who have a notp and DON’T send hate and harass other shippers. You guys make Fandoms a safe and tolerant place. Thank you.
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poyomon2 · 4 years
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poyomon2 · 4 years
Concept: combine the “you don’t know you live on a death world until you leave it” trope with the whole Cthulhu-in-space genre of weird fiction, except in reverse: humanity’s Special Thing™ is that humans (and, by extension, all terrestrial life-forms) are weirdly resistant to reality-bending bullshit, which is what lets us survive and build a relatively functional civilisation in spite of hailing from a world that plays host to multiple Other Gods – which is, of course, otherwise unheard of; having even one of those squamous bastards in the neighbourhood is generally enough to ruin a whole star system’s day.
Non-human vessels can’t approach within a dozen light years of Sol without their crews being driven mad by the corrosive psychic resonance emanating from Earth’s deepest oceans, and we’re wandering around living our lives and not noticing. Aliens can never travel on human ships because our FTL drives kind of maybe tunnel through Hell, a process that horribly warps non-terrestrial life, and we just think it looks pretty when the n-dimensional hellfire coruscates across the viewports.
This sort of thing kept humanity uncontacted for a long time, until the aliens’ observers eventually figured out that we weren’t a bunch of weirdly normal-looking elder thralls, we just straight up weren’t aware there was a problem. It’s only then that they arranged first contact – remotely, of course – to basically ask “dude, what the fuck?”
(Humans are reasonably well-integrated into the galactic community these days, though most worlds enforce strict screening and quarantine procedures before allowing a Terran traveller planetside; it’s just like a human to have a class 7 epistemivore hitchhiking in their brain, and when informed, go “you know, I have been getting these headaches lately”.)
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poyomon2 · 4 years
In my linguistics class we had a Chinese girl who had adopted a European name. We all didn’t speak Cantonese and understood her wish to not have her name butchered all the time, except for one of us, a guy who thought he knew to differentiate between tones perfectly because he was learning Vietnamese. He saw himself as super woke and he thought it was wrong for her to adopt a European name when we should just try harder to pronounce her Chinese name (which honestly is just really difficult if you don’t speak the language at all, even for linguists). So he would constantly call her by her Chinese name which she initially didn’t even want to share, but he kept asking her for it, and from the look on her face I could tell that he did not get it right, and that she didn’t like it at all. The first time he did it she even told him it wasn’t correct, but he kept going, so sure he knew how to pronounce it. So like I 100% agree that we should put in effort to pronounce names from foreign languages and not give up on the first try if we get it wrong, but we should also respect people’s wishes when they know we can’t do it/they know it takes too much effort for them to teach us how to pronounce it. In that case, we should just use the name we’re being told to use. It’s that simple.
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poyomon2 · 4 years
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“I fear we’ll wash away As our love (our life) illuminates the space The universe will stand in awe (We are) the ones who made it all Oh I, I am burning through dark stars The silence the only sound But I can hear your heart” -Comet by Night Argent
Mint belongs to me
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poyomon2 · 4 years
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vacation ☀️
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poyomon2 · 4 years
Make a Vampire character who’s lived through several waves of the common language’s development and can’t let go if certain gramatical habbits from different time eras.
So like, thou ist a horrid creature, an absolute cur, but go off i guess
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poyomon2 · 4 years
Iroh: so Toph, what are your goals in life?
Toph: I’ve been banned from every major city’s transportation system except Omashu
Toph: I don’t know what their limit is but I will fucking find it 
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poyomon2 · 4 years
remember how midway thru Memory World, Yugi and co were trying to navigate the puzzle when Yugi suddenly went “wait! the puzzle maze is reacting to our fear & guilt & bad memories & anxieties! if we just calm down for a sec, the maze will clear away and the true door will be revealed.” And then they found the exit of the maze immediately, just by Not Being Full Of Anxiety For 5 Seconds
remember how the puzzle stayed a maze for Atem all series long
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poyomon2 · 4 years
If you're still doing the color palette challenge, could I request Aoi Zaizen with Aqua from Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS in palette 60?
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Well I thought I was done taking requests lol but I’m not! I hope this looks okay. The pallete was super easy and aesthetically pleasing so I enjoyed it.
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poyomon2 · 4 years
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Twitter https://twitter.com/nanashibax/status/1296446191153152003
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poyomon2 · 4 years
The Do’s & Don’ts of eating sushi ...
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poyomon2 · 4 years
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Hoodies y’all
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