pratigyakrishnaki · 6 months
Group Captain Shamsher Singhania, commanding officer of the Air Garuds had been in love before. It was a gentle love almost platonic, one that was firmly founded in friendship. His fiancée had been his neighbor, their love had blossomed while they grew up together. Both of them playing together, and then soon joining the Air Force together.
He was born for the skies. Jets had been his passion ever since he could grasp one in his hand. The day his father had taken him to the skies for a quick flight, at a mere 17 years, he truly fell in love. What he had felt for Chandni had paled in comparison. He could not call that love.
He remembered that day clearly. The air mask had made his eyes water as he and his father soared through the skies, but he refused to blink. He wouldn’t miss a single minute of it. As his father flipped the jet in a tight spiral, Sher had let out an actual whoop of delight. When they landed, he had hugged his father so tight they both became breathless. And then he went to go tell Chandni. He needed to tell her, his best friend. He had fallen in love, with the skies.
But when he got to her, she spoke first. She told him about her day and then before he could cut in, she said the words, almost in a rush. I love you. I am in love with you, Shammi. His ears began to ring, the world went fuzzy. She loved him, and not just as a friend. She loved him the way he loved the sky. He wanted to tell her how he felt, the truth of his feelings, but he couldn’t. The words died on his lips. He couldn’t hurt his friend. So he smiled, laughed, said, Me too, and that was that.
One short year later, he joined the Air Force Academy. He received his call sign, his uniform, and his patches and it felt like coming home. Like he had found the place where he belonged. His instructors would say that he excelled but to Shammi turned Sher, he was just beginning his stride. He quickly became top of his class and while he did well in Ground Training, Flight Training was where he excelled. He was on top of the world.
Chandni was… not. She joined the Academy, and she did well, but she did not have that love. She was there because Shammi was there.
In one year, Sher had graduated and been placed to join as a mere flying officer at the base near Bangalore. Chandni was placed in Maharastra, and she was miserable.
The distance was hard on her, and he could admit that he was not a good… partner.
Six months after being placed, they were given leave to come home. They both returned to Delhi, and their parents quickly fixed their match.
He was both sitting on the swing in the veranda the day their engagement was decided. Chandni had come up to him, excited about the engagement. She said that marriage would solve all their problems. He looked into the distance, humming his affirmative but thinking about his next flight into the sky.
They went back the day after their engagement, with a promise to return in a year for the wedding. It was the last time he saw Chandni.
Now a year into his placement, he had newly been ranked flight lieutenant. The youngest ever at only 20 years of age. Two nights later was when he got the call. He was woken by a flying officer telling him that an Air Commodore, Commodore Singh from Srinagar air base, was calling him. Moon had been struck in an air raid. A terrorist group had bombed the base while Flying Officer Chandni Joshi was handling some weaponry. She had not survived. He didn’t even know she had been relocated. He came home, played the part of a loving fiance, consoled his family but he himself had gone numb. His best friend was gone.
The night before he left to return to his base, a member of Chandni’s group came up to his house. Flight Lieutenant Kabir Singh, call sign: Bunny. He remembered Kabir from his Academy. The two had been friendly, but had lost touch after a few years away.
“I took care of her Sher.”
“I know.”
“She left this letter for you,” Kabir placed it in his hands.
“Thank you.”
“Sher…” He looked up at Kabir, shocked to find tears in his eyes.
“It’s lonely Sher. This much love for the sky. It’s lonely. But I’m here. I’m not Chandni, but I could use a friend too.” Shamsher looked at the young man, and found a kindred spirit. He gave a small smile to Kabir and watched as he left the house quietly.
He held onto the letter from Chandni afraid to read it. Afraid to face where he had failed. But a few weeks later, he found himself penning a letter to Flight Lieutenant Kabir Singh.
Um, Hi…
Bunny, It’s Sher.
I wrote more! Meet Shamsher Singhania! Sher and Rani are finding their way into my heart. Let me know what you think!!
Of Queens and Lions
She smiled, grinning from ear to ear as her stomach dropped and she experienced the weightlessness that came from her fighter jet executing the steepest of dives towards the lake. She fell further and further, the smile on her face growing wider and wider.
“Squadron leader Rathod, pull out of the dive NOW.” She ignored the command from Ground Control. Just a little further.
The water hurtled closer; still she did not pull up.
“Queenie! You’ll crash!” That was Lucky, her fellow teammate.
She ignored him too. There would be hell to pay for the ignorance, but this rush; she relished in it.
She was feet from the water, mere inches, before she grabbed the joystick and pulled. Hard. The jet righted itself, sending sprays of water flying while her jet’s belly kissed the edge of the lake. She let loose a loud whoop before she heard in her ear, “Squadron Leader Rathod. Ground yourself immediately and report for questioning.” 
Dammit. Sher had found her. She sighed and turned away from the lake, returning to base. Some people, would never understand the rush of flight, speed and the skies, but she, Rani Rathod, was born to live in the sky. 
If only some people understood that, she thought grimly as she extricated herself from her helmet and flying gear. Captain Sher Singhania, didn’t seem like someone who did. But that couldn’t be true, otherwise how would someone so young become the captain of their team so quickly? Sher’s name was infamous in their academy. He came from a flying legacy. His father and his father’s father had been generals in the Indian Air Force, and Sher seemed on the trajectory to do the same. But he was only 28. A young, mere 28. 
As Rani walked to the captain’s quarters, she remembered the first time she had met Sher. Excited to be working with him, she had seemed so eager, so quick to shake his hand. But Sher seemed to hate her from the get go.  As she stood there, her hand outstretched, he just stared at her and then turned away, greeting all the other members of the Garud Squad. She had turned red, her ears burning as she stared for just a moment longer before turning away from the man.
A/N: It's been a long while. Two years since I've been here. A lot has happened. Loss, love, and a lot more. I'm getting married in a few months, and he's helping me regain my love for writing. Maybe we'll see more of Rani, maybe not. I sure hope so though. She's become a part of me quickly.
Anyways, hope you all are well. Come say hello!
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pratigyakrishnaki · 7 months
Of Queens and Lions
She smiled, grinning from ear to ear as her stomach dropped and she experienced the weightlessness that came from her fighter jet executing the steepest of dives towards the lake. She fell further and further, the smile on her face growing wider and wider.
“Squadron leader Rathod, pull out of the dive NOW.” She ignored the command from Ground Control. Just a little further.
The water hurtled closer; still she did not pull up.
“Queenie! You’ll crash!” That was Lucky, her fellow teammate.
She ignored him too. There would be hell to pay for the ignorance, but this rush; she relished in it.
She was feet from the water, mere inches, before she grabbed the joystick and pulled. Hard. The jet righted itself, sending sprays of water flying while her jet’s belly kissed the edge of the lake. She let loose a loud whoop before she heard in her ear, “Squadron Leader Rathod. Ground yourself immediately and report for questioning.” 
Dammit. Sher had found her. She sighed and turned away from the lake, returning to base. Some people, would never understand the rush of flight, speed and the skies, but she, Rani Rathod, was born to live in the sky. 
If only some people understood that, she thought grimly as she extricated herself from her helmet and flying gear. Captain Sher Singhania, didn’t seem like someone who did. But that couldn’t be true, otherwise how would someone so young become the captain of their team so quickly? Sher’s name was infamous in their academy. He came from a flying legacy. His father and his father’s father had been generals in the Indian Air Force, and Sher seemed on the trajectory to do the same. But he was only 28. A young, mere 28. 
As Rani walked to the captain’s quarters, she remembered the first time she had met Sher. Excited to be working with him, she had seemed so eager, so quick to shake his hand. But Sher seemed to hate her from the get go.  As she stood there, her hand outstretched, he just stared at her and then turned away, greeting all the other members of the Garud Squad. She had turned red, her ears burning as she stared for just a moment longer before turning away from the man.
A/N: It's been a long while. Two years since I've been here. A lot has happened. Loss, love, and a lot more. I'm getting married in a few months, and he's helping me regain my love for writing. Maybe we'll see more of Rani, maybe not. I sure hope so though. She's become a part of me quickly.
Anyways, hope you all are well. Come say hello!
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pratigyakrishnaki · 2 years
So so so excited! Will definitely participate!
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Sundaralekhan (“beautiful writing”) is a fandom event celebrating Hindu mythology, running during the month of Shravan 2022 (July 23 - Aug 22). You can make gifsets, moodboards, graphics, edits, fics, art, web weaves, or anything else you can think of! There are ten themes, each allotted three days. The mod will be tracking #sundaralekhan, so be sure to tag your posts. You can also mention the event blog (@sundaralekhan) or the mod’s main blog (@allegoriesinmediasres) in your post for good measure.
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Below is a text-based image of the themes.
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(July 23) Day 1: Favorite god
This day is for your favorite devas.
(July 26) Day 2: Favorite animal
This day is for animal characters, including vanaras, the dashavatara, pets, mounts, animal-human hybrids, etc.
(July 29) Day 3: Other favorite characters
This day is for non-divine and non-zoological characters, e.g. humans, rakshasas, apsaras, etc.
(Aug 1) Day 4: Favorite relationship
This day is for platonic, familial, romantic, enemial, etc. relationships.
(Aug 4) Day 5: Pride
This day is for exploring gender identities, orientations, and relationships that fall under the queer umbrella.
(Aug 7) Day 6: AU
This day is for imagining alternate universes, e.g. canon divergences, genderbends, modern settings, place swaps, etc.
(Aug 10) Day 7: Favorite media
This day is for uplifting your favorite medium of Hindu mythology. E.g. your favorite Hindu mythology book, movie, TV show, comic, fic, etc.
(Aug 13) Day 8: Ramayana
This day is for exploring the tale of Rama and Sita.
(Aug 16) Day 9: Mahabharata
This day is for exploring the world’s longest epic of family rivalry over a throne.
(Aug 19) Day 10: Creator’s choice
This day is for anything you’d like to share!
If you have any questions, please contact me at my main @allegoriesinmediasres.
(Many thanks to @blanket-burrito-bucky for making the top gif, and to @ambidextrousarcher for making the bottom two graphics.)
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pratigyakrishnaki · 3 years
SURBHI MY QUEEN @chaanv! This is beautiful 🥺🥰 I’m so so so in love with it, I want your talent wow 🥺
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Hindu Mythology Moodboard:  KrishnaKali, the Kali avatar of Krishna
Requested by gulaabee.
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pratigyakrishnaki · 3 years
KrishnaxRukmini fluff. That's it
Please don't repost.
this is a birthday present for di!
The palace was softly lit with moonlight, and was completely silent, except for the faint sound of a flute.
Something must be on his mind, the queen walked quietly to the garden, and there was the owner, laying under a jasmine tree.
"Kanha?" He put down his flute, and the bags underneath his eyes were so dark in the moonlight.
"Rukmini. I thought you were asleep." He extended a hand, pulling her down to sit with him.
"I was worried about you." Her hand entwined with his, fitting as if crafted to match.
The tenderness between the two would make the finest silk seem like rock.
"Don't be, it's fine." But that only worried her more. Krishna always ran about, solving everyone else's problems, but when it came to himself, he barely acknowledged what was bothering him.
"Is it the trade negotiations?" His eyes darken, and that's all the confirmation she needs.
"Kanha, rest. You are overworking yourself so much. It will sort itself out."
"I- You're right. But I can't help but worry, it's just so-"
She shushed him and began to sing softly, weaving the fallen jasmine flowers into his hair. She may not be able to make the trade negotiations easier, but she could help him rest. She could help him stop when he should. She knew how to take care of him.
And there they were, king and queen, so comfortable with each other, taking care of each other.
Just like they promised each other all those years ago, when she reached out to him for rescuing.
He rescued her, and now she would rescue him from his own troubles.
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pratigyakrishnaki · 4 years
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|| Draupadi ||
@chaanv I hope this reaches your expectations.. ʕ•ٹ•ʔ
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pratigyakrishnaki · 4 years
I hate texting, come sleep ontop of me.
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pratigyakrishnaki · 4 years
@thepaintedpage explained it well! (Hi Nimit Bhaiyya, long time! Hope you’re well!)
My only input: In Hindu marriages, there’s a part where all the females bless the newly married woman with this blessing (Akhanda Saubhagyavati Bhava), and wish her a happy wedded life.
I have a question, for anyone who wants to answer. The blessing "Saubhagyavati Bhavah", it usually implies the vibe that "May your husband live long / you never be a widow", but like it literally translates to "May you have a fortunate life".
So which one is it?
Tagging some peeps I think may know about it (but everyone's welcome to answer) : @allegoriesinmediasres @randomfandomtraveller @avani008 @situational-ethics @pratigyakrishnaki
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pratigyakrishnaki · 4 years
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pratigyakrishnaki · 4 years
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pratigyakrishnaki · 4 years
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Aishwarya Rai in Jodhaa Akbar (2008)
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pratigyakrishnaki · 4 years
I hope you find a cozy home in yourself instead of wishing you were more this or less that. I hope you see something in yourself worth loving and protecting. I hope you find something that brings you comfort and lessens the loneliness. I hope you go on long walks and drink your favourite tea. I hope you have books, daydreams, paintbrushes, music and other escapes to hold on to when you have nothing else. I hope you continue to try even when you’re tired and can’t see the end. I hope unexpected good things come to surprise you. I hope you meet someone who lights up your life and makes up for all the goodbyes and endings that came before. I hope you’re going through your day and feel a sense of lightness all over and wonder to yourself, maybe it’s all going to be alright. I hope you make yourself proud. I hope you make new memories full of warmth and peace to replace the bad ones. I hope your heart will be surrounded with flowers, trees and stars. I hope everything gets better for you.
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pratigyakrishnaki · 4 years
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pratigyakrishnaki · 4 years
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for all of us who are feeling left behind ( x )
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pratigyakrishnaki · 4 years
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pratigyakrishnaki · 4 years
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I.B. Vyache, Excerpt 03.01.20
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pratigyakrishnaki · 4 years
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(eliza crewe, crushed + caitlyn siehl, “start here”)
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