prekdreams-blog · 9 years
"Ms. Eli, you cry when I don't come to school."
Sure do kiddo, sure do...
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prekdreams-blog · 9 years
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Sometimes we may need a little reminder, some days more than others..
Found off pinterest, sorry for the lack of source
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prekdreams-blog · 10 years
I’m back.
Unfortunately, I began this school year in hopes to document, share, and meet other teachers online. As this being my second year of teaching, I wanted to do more, but I have been slacking...
It has been a hectic school year, but nonetheless I have been blessed. My co-teacher and I have made such a great team and have such a loving and energetic bunch. BUT... it has been a tough ride.
I have been stretched thin by administration, slowly losing my careless energy and charm. People have begun noticing it, and that is when I knew it needs to change. I came into the teaching world knowing it wouldn’t be easy, but deeply in love with the pre-k world. Ever since I stepped into my first preschool, I have been hooked. So much involved, so much to do, so much FUN.
Don’t get me wrong, I still have my fun days. Like today, when of the children who was having an especially difficult morning, ran into the classroom from the bathroom and gave me a big hug. When one of my girls randomly looked up to me, put her arms out for a hug, and said “I love you”. When I see children who couldn’t quite master their alphabet, spell and sound out letters in words they find around them.
But it isn’t quite the same anymore. There are too many people in charge. Not only is it difficult being part of the Head Start portion of Education, but we also deal with a very low-income abbott district, and we are being pulled in 50 different directions. Every day there is a new rule being enforced, a new policy in place, I can’t catch up with the memos and e-mails.
I’m torn. I am constantly being held up on a pedestal for being one of the best teachers in the school. For my perseverance and potential to be someone great. But at what extent? I’m the youngest teacher in my school out of 25+ classrooms and yet one of the ones that works the hardest? When have I started dreading Mondays and looking forward to Fridays? When have I been anxiously staring at the clock waiting for the end of the day?
I can’t imagine myself leaving these children behind and these smiling faces, but I need a change. I want to continue to inspire and collaborate with preschool teachers, but no longer in a classroom.. I need a way to keep both my emotional health and my career.. I need a way to start looking forward to the beginning of the day rather than the end..
I love teaching, I love my coworkers, I love the children, I LOVE my classroom. But it’s taking a toll on me slowly.
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prekdreams-blog · 10 years
The reality of every teacher trying to make even a modest go at this profession is a life of almost constant stress, overwork and, at times, emotional exhaustion.
Anyone who enters the teaching profession thinking otherwise is in for a rude awakening.
So why am I griping? I chose this profession...
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prekdreams-blog · 10 years
Before you beat yourself up for not getting enough grading or planning done, remember …
You’re not getting paid to work on the weekend. That is you giving up your free time.
You’re not getting paid to work on holiday breaks. That is you giving up your free time.
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prekdreams-blog · 10 years
In honor of World Teacher’s Day, Down Syndrome Awareness Month, and Disability Employment Awareness Month. 
"Don’t Limit Me" by Megan Bomgaars
Take 4 minutes and watch this :) 
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prekdreams-blog · 10 years
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This holiday, pledge to Give Books! For every reblog of this post, Chronicle Books will donate a book to a child in need through firstbook Learn more at  givebooks2014.com.
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prekdreams-blog · 10 years
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Seriously proud of this activity I came up with. Like musical chairs, when the music stops you sit. Thumbs up if you know the letter on your chair-two thumbs up if you know it’s sound too. They loved it, & so did my host teacher!
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prekdreams-blog · 10 years
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And our classroom rules! I like to 'discuss' the rules with the children, and although it's the same rules every year they still have a sense of ownership when they create the rules together... And yes, most of the time these are the ones that they bring up.
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prekdreams-blog · 10 years
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Doing a 'hopes and dreams' family board.. Soo this will be our back to school night activity! I hope our families enjoy it :)
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prekdreams-blog · 10 years
He might be right.
Me: “I have that in my home too!”
L: “Ms Eli, you don’t have a home” *Laugh*
Me: “I don’t? Then where do I go when school is finished?”
L: “you don’t go anywhere!”
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prekdreams-blog · 10 years
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Our Welcome Back board in classroom A!
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prekdreams-blog · 10 years
After a hectic full week of school, I met 12/15 of the children in my class (two begin Tuesday). It has been very stressful just trying to accomplish as much as I can in the classroom as well as living up to their expectations.
The children are GREAT. They really have made this such an easy transition and I am only hoping that I will continue to be blessed by them. And I love to see my old kiddies once in a while and getting big hugs from them <3
Today, one of my district master teachers came by and observed for some time in my classroom. She gave us some ideas as well as told us some things she will provide us with. She also said she really enjoyed the language, the positive atmosphere, and calmness going on in the classrom and that we were doing a great job and to keep it up. She even told my co-worker "I believe this is THE classroom" (really made us feel great)
Not only that but then my school’s master teacher came by my classroom at the end of the day and explained how proud of me she is. She continued to say that we have been doing very well, and that in the future she will be using my excitement, energy, and techniques - and wants me to take on more of a lead role in things as she sees a lot of potential in me.. This has been the most AMAZING thing I have heard since we began this year and it really gave me the motivation that I needed. I am way up in the clouds.. Of course I told her I owe all of this to the amazing children in my classroom, they really do make my work easy <3
I am so excited to see what’s to come this year..
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prekdreams-blog · 10 years
Sooo much to do so little time! Spent last night and half of today trying to do my new lesson plan template, I think I totally rocked it!!!! Also got all of my student's folders ready for tomorrow's first day :) Still need to accomplish some of the classroom management signs, as well as the bulletin I want to create by the first full day on Wednesday, *fingers crossed* I hope I have enough time! Oh and I need to get classwork done! Agh!
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prekdreams-blog · 10 years
Day 3!
Today we met our district master teachers as well received our ipads in the morning! Yay, can’t wait to use technology more purposefully this year..
My co-worker and I are doing an awesome job together. After getting a few pointers from out master teacher we were able to quickly set up our classroom, we like the way it is for now. She’s been a great second hand and I can already see we will do great this year.. She even got around to calling most of our families while we had the meeting this morning! Is it fair to say I love her already?!
Tomorrow, we have a few home visits in the morning then head back to the classroom and try to conquer some more cleaning - esp this very useful closet we have in the classroom that is currently way to dirty to fit anything in.. Hopefully we can try to get that done together. And we’ll take some time to sit down and discuss the classroom schedule, curriculum, paperwork, parent board, and all that fun stuff!
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prekdreams-blog · 10 years
Day #2
So day #2 of Pre-Service training. I didn’t post anything yesterday because most of it was a review of the basics of our school that I learned last year..
But today! Was overwhelming, but in a good way. It was a refresher, an understanding of the importance of all our files, as well as basics of my new position.
I met my assistant who seems like a lovely person and is currently working on her P-3/K-6 certification at the school I attended, love it!
I also found out who my head teacher is - let’s see how this new relationship goes.
I was able to sneak a preview into the classroom as well as receive my class list. So goals before orientation on Monday:
1. Call families to schedule home visit 2. Set-up my new classroom (already have 2 sketches drawn out) 3. Sit down with my assistant and discuss expectations as well as go over basics as she is new to the school/program 4. Write out my first two weeks of lesson plans so that I am ahead of the game (and can get it reviewed & commented on by my head teacher) 6. Write a welcome letter for families 5. Prepare folders for each child for paperwork the families need to fill during orientation, letter included inside!
Tomorrow is my first day of grad school as well! Let’s see how this big girl schedule works!
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prekdreams-blog · 10 years
Labor Day Weekend!
Last weekend of summer before in-service on Tuesday and grad classes beginning on Thursday.. I can't believe how excited I am! Today I was one of the very few to go to work, so they gave us the privilege of making copies of the forms we need for the first day of school.. That made me more happy than I should be!
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