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“No no, babe, correction : YOU can do anything you want. Not that it’s any of your business anyway” he huffed, crossing his legs before widening his eyes, his fur bristling at the name. Vox?! talking television?!! “You WHAT?!” he gasped. “What kind of- Wha- How dumb are you to try and fight VOX when you wernt even able to win against me and Cherry?!” he protested.
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Such insult. “For your information you eight legged freak, I am quite powerful. No one in the entirety of the pentagram can match my power and intellect! Why I’ve even faced off against the king himself! More than once. No one in all of hell is as brave as I!”
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Guess who’s finally back from hiatus??! It’s me. I’ll be replying in like 14 hours from now. Happy New Year, I’m still drunk. :p
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*bursts into the saloon dressed in zebra print leggings and a Santa's-Little-Helper dress with a bob cut black wig and a smallish sack over his shoulder* Merry Christmas, bitches! *one arm is conspicuously in a sling with stolen caution tape wrapped around it*
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     “Wha- Who are you!? OUT! Get out of my ship you deranged santa clause!”
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‘ merry Christmas, BITCH ! ’ Cherri tossed a lit bomb to Sir Pentious , only giving him a matter of seconds to dispose the explosive . ((atomicfetish
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      “WHO SSSAID THAT?! WHO DARES?!” Pentious looked around but was beamed in the head with a bomb. After it exploded, he began coughing rigorously. “OH! YOU! What kind of terrible Christmas present is that!?”
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     Wicked is the smirk which paints his visage, feline in nature; a free hand rises to adjust the snowy fur gathered at his chest, hiking it up further with a seductive, SHAMELESS motion. ❝ What do you think, huh? I’m makin’ an honest livin’ here! Got clients ta take – so why don’t you skedaddle, ‘kay Suga’? – That is, unless yer int’rested. Mah time’s MONEY, y’know! ❞
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      “You think your time is more valuable than mine!?” How completely outrageous. “What sort of amazing service could the likes of you possibly provide? Hmm!” It has to be a joke, what on earth could Angel possibly do for someone?
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I'll be on semi hiatus today and tomorrow. Maybe hop on for one liners. Have a happy holiday.
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bells are ringing in the ears of the serpent before the reindeer landed into the ship not breaking anything, that wouldn't be quite nice. ' oh goodness! you're not set up for christmas, sir pentious! ' he states looking shocked before tisking. 'every year, i decorate and you never seem to understand the gesture! '
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      The snake left the console, growling at the intruder. “Of course I get the gesture you over enthusiastic reindeer! I simply have no want or need for the holidays! Who wants to take hours to set up a silly tree anyway.” It’s not like he had anyone to celebrate with.
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     ❝ Oh, c'mon! You were walkin’ right into ‘em! I couldn’t help it! ❞ He cackles, leaning back against the wall with a slim hip, the heel of one stiletto scraping the brick as a lower set of arms fold over his stomach, the primary pair waving the serpent off dismissively. ❝ Take it easy, Slithers ~ I'm WORKIN’ here. I ain’t got time ta fuck with ya.. unless yer payin’ ~ ❞
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      “I most certainly did not!” He would never walk into a penis! What kind of low class individual did this spider think he was. He was about to continue yelling when he was interrupted. The snakes natural inquisitive nature got the best of him. “Working? On what?”
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A groan escaped the spider as the snake spoke about being a super villain AGAIN. They were all bad guys down here! that is exactly WHY they were down here in the first place! this guy is an annoyance!
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“Just work is killin’ me slowly” he rumbled before turning his eyes on the reptile. “What about you? What happened to you? Cherry got you fucked up?” he grinned a bit.
      “Well then why do it? You are in hell after all. We can do, pretty much anything we want.” Pentious was fiddling with something in his good hand, a remote control of some kind.
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      He felt insulted. “Please. That one eyed freckled freak has no chance against me one on one! No! I had a fight with that talking television Vox. Terrible individual. Absolutely despicable.”
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@allthctjczz​ cont. from here
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      “I? Worried about Alastor? That untalented disk jockey has no idea what true power really is. Oh... um... Is this... your side... of the... pentagram? My apologies my lady! I must have simply gotten turned around.”
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Angel had been working all night, he was having a big headache from all the noises at the club, his lower body was aching because of the way his customers were treating him, the poor spider having barely any rest because he was way too late to pay Val, and being half drunk. He wasnt in a good shape. So when the snake let him a place on the bench, Angel just took the opportunity and sat down, sighing loudly. 
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“don’t try to make your ‘im an evil super vilain genius’ thing or i swear i’m going to put a bullet in your head” he said in a groan, getting his arm on his face. He looked so tired and sore.
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      Pentious just rolled his eyes. “Well I am the most evil super villain in all of the nine circles.” A hand was on his chest in a very matter of fact pose. But, the naga wasn’t in the best of straights either. His right arm was in a sling, his right eye was bandaged, and a bunch of bandages were wrapped around his flank and neck. “What’s got your panties in a twissst?”
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‘ what do you want ? and didn’t your mother ever tell you that it’s RUDE to stick a gun in a lady’s face ? ’ ((Allthctjczz
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      “AH!” The snake gulped and pulled the gun back. “Ah! Oh! Uh . . . My lady Jezebel! My sincerest apologies my lady. I most definitely was mistaken ... “ I definitely wasn’t mistaking you for a 7 foot tall red deer demon. Definitely ... not.
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     ❝ 'Ey. Look. Y’ call me a WHORE all ya want – ain’t wrong on that one – but if I hear ya call Cherri that one more time, Imma shove those two tails a yers so far down yer throat y’ll be shittin’ ‘em out. Capiche? ❤ ❞
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      “You’re the one that keeps making penis jokes, you ssslutty ssspider! I’m surprised that one eyed freak knows what whore means! She can’t even put two shoes on! But you want a tussle eh? Fine! Let’s go!”
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one liner call for angel dust ?
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indie .  non-selective .  multi-verse .  multiship . OCs Welcome , MuMu Blogs Welcome. Like to interact. if a lovely sideblog , please reblog instead sideblog of aceandthemultimuses , expect a followback from there promo template
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simple & soft asks. send me a number!
What did you dream about last night?
What is your favorite color?
Do you feel more connected to the moon or the sun?
Have you ever wished on a shooting star?
Name a movie that makes you genuinely laugh.
When’s the last time you felt like you were floating?
What do you enjoy daydreaming about most?
Do you believe in guardian angels?
What’s a smell that reminds you of home?
What is something (or someone) you’re in love with?
Describe the memory of the last time you felt true happiness.
Name a song that makes you feel ethereal.
What’s your ideal summer aesthetic?
Talk about one of your most cherished childhood memories.
Talk about something exciting or good that happened to you this year.
Where do you feel most at home?
What is something you own that is important to you? What makes it so important?
Do you believe dreams have meanings or are they completely random?
Do you believe in love at first sight?
What’s the sweetest thing someone has done for you?
Do you believe in mermaids?
What do you like most about nature?
What’s your zodiac sign? Do you think you fit the general characteristics of that sign?
Are you more of a hopeless romantic or realist?
What’s a song that gives off good vibes anytime you listen to it?
Do you usually remember your dreams?
Have you ever written a love letter?
Name a book you don’t mind reading over and over.
Do you collect anything? And what are some hobbies you have?
What do you do to feel at peace?
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