Dani-- Spelison (Spencer x Alison)
Author's Note: This is a little shorter than my other writing and it took a while for me to post this (and I'm sorry about that, I've been busy) but here you go! :)
Spencer is laying down on her bed, staring up at the ceiling. She's exhausted from the day and just wants at least five minutes to breathe. She turns her head and scans her own room. She spots a picture of the five of her best friends, Alison included. Spencer sighs and closes her eyes, beginning to see her room about a year ago. She can clearly remember Alison in this moment Spencer didn't share with her friends.
"Remember how I trusted you with my secret about the older guy?" Alison asked, watching Spencer fix the same book for the thousandth time. "Yes?" Spencer stopped fixing it and turned to look at Alison. Alison's blonde curls shined in the sunlight and her blue eyes glistened. "I have another secret I think I might want to share with you," Alison confessed. "But it's pretty big, so I tell you tell." Spencer sat down on her bed besides Alison. "I don't think I have any secrets I didn't already share with you," Spencer told her. She looked away and tried to think. "Well, maybe there's one." Alison sat up, waiting to hear what Spencer would have to say. "I've been having these fantasies lately..." Spencer began. "With whom?" Alison asked, leaning in to hear more. "A female," Spencer confessed. Hearing herself say that out loud made her blink slowly. Was she really straight like she thought? Alison squinted. "How'd it feel?" she asked, wanting to see what Spencer would respond this. "Perfect. Amazing." Spencer said. She paused again. Is she really telling this to Alison. Alison grabbed Spencer's face between her hands and dove in for a kiss. Spencer wrapped her arms around Alison's neck, not wanting her lips to separate from Alison's. Alison pulled away. "My turn. My secret is that I had a girl kiss me, and I don't feel the same way." Spencer released her arms from Alison's neck. "Me?" Spencer asked, thinking that she was the only girl Alison shared her lips with. Alison shook her head. "Someone else. I do have feelings for a female, though. I just don't want anyone knowing." Spencer sat back a little, examining Alison's face. "You," Alison confessed before leaning in and kissing Spencer slowly. Alison got up. "But if you tell anyone about this or bring it up when I don't, you will regret it." Alison left a very confused Spencer sitting on her bed, alone, replaying the scene in her head. A day later, however, things were too late when Alison went missing and Spencer just remained confused on her sexuality.
Spencer sits up, and looks around. "I miss you, Alison," she whispers to the quiet room.
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So, Dani should write the Spencer/Alison fic. Just saying.
Emily should write.... Lucas/Caleb. Yup. Kthxbye.
Lucas/Caleb? :o I don't ship them whatsoever, but hey, why not. ;D ~Emily
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are you two close?
Not as close as we once were. ~Emily
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for the both of u, what would u say is important in writing?
Dani: For me, I would have to say there's more than one important thing. I say confidence is key. It shouldn't matter what anyone else thinks of your writing as long as you think it's perfect. As well, inspirations are important (for me anyway). And lastly, details details details! If it's something like poetry, not so much, but details are very important to me in writing. I tend to get paranoid about it.
Emily: Well, I'd have to say a great storyline. If it's something typical and predictable, I find it boring, and I honestly don't feel like reading/writing it. But, if it's something completely out there and amazing, something I've never seen before, then it's definitely better. Also, details, details, details. If a story has little to no details, it's boring and it doesn't seem to affect the reader as much. Writing that has a lot of elaboration gets more emotion out of the reader, making it more interesting to read.
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Apencer/Salison? O.o
So. Spencer/Alison. That's all I have to say. Love/hate, ftw. 
Submission one!  :D  I, Dani, shall take this. I will most def write about this as soon as I can.  :)  Love the idea. 
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Dani here.
Just wanted to say that a submission page is now open.
The submission page will be for fan fiction ideas for either Emily or myself, you can submit a sentence for a fan fic and we can continue your story from there, or you can simply submit your own fan fiction (don't worry, we'll credit you as long as you include your url and name.)
If you have any questions, our ask box is open. Thank ya!
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Dani-- Wrencer (Part 3)
Spencer slid past Wren back into the motel room. "I'll stay," she whispered. Wren smirked and turned to look at her. "Good," he said. He walked slowly to Spencer and slid his hand in hers. Their foreheads connected and they stood there, gazing into each other's eyes. The perfect place to be. A smirk grew on both their faces and they leaned in, at the same time, letting their lips fall into each other. Wren used his free hand and placed it on the side of Spencer's face. 'Don't let me go,' Spencer thought as her bottom lip was taken in between Wren's two lips. The sound of Spencer's phone made them both jump back with wide eyes. Spencer slipped her hand out of Wren's and reached for her phone. There, in a picture message from an unknown number was a picture of her and Wren having their moment. It was absolutely perfect, the way it looked until Spencer saw the message underneath. A threat. "Wouldn't this be a perfect sight for Toby to see?  -A." Spencer slowly looked up, not being able to catch her breath. "Is something wrong?" Wren asked, stepping toward a very shocked Spencer. "This." Spencer answered and quickly grabbed her things and headed towards the door. Wren sighed and sunk into his bed as he watched Spencer leave in a hurry. "Come back!" he called out, hoping she will.
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Emily -- Spencer and Emily. Emily's POV
Author's Note: This is a spin-off of a storyline that we roleplayed on Twitter, where Hanna and Emily are dating.
Emily Fields smiled as she heard the doorbell ring--it meant that Spencer Hastings had arrived, the girl she loved.
Now, she knew it was wrong to feel this way, Spencer loved Wren. But Emily couldn't help that she wanted Spencer's lean, beautiful body to herself. Who wouldn't want it? Emily jogged to the front door, stopping in the hallway to fix her hair. She felt unsatisfied with the result, but continued on to open the door anyways.  "Hey, Em!" Spencer said, smiling.  God, how could someone be so perfect? Emily thought. "Hi, Spence." She opened the door wider, allowing Spencer to enter. The two girls headed to Emily's room and plopped on the bed. "How are you? I heard about you and Hanna..." Emily shifted her gaze downwards. Last week, Spencer had gotten angry at Hanna, saying that Hanna would have consequences to pay if she hurts Emily. When Hanna came to tell her, Emily had felt a mix of emotions--glad that Spencer had defended her, angry that Hanna was bad-mouthing Spencer, and heartbroken that her girlfriend would say such a thing to the girl she loved. Immediately, Emily had defended Spencer, further angering Hanna, and ending their relationship. "I'm alright, I guess. It's no big deal." "Are you sure?" Spencer asked, placing her hand near Emily's. Her eyes widened, staring at Spencer's hand, wanting nothing more than to hold it. "I've moved on, honestly." "Oh? Who's the lucky girl?" Spencer smiled warmly at her friend, her brown eyes lighting up. Emily contined to stare at her hand, not wanting to answer the question.  "Come on, Em. You can tell me." She placed her hand comfortingly on Emily's arm. "I can't. It's...you would think I was weird." "Well, I already though you were weird..." Spencer giggled, but apologized when Emily groaned. "I'm kidding. Come on, tell me." Emily sucked in a breath, deciding to tell Spencer. "You." Spencer paused, her eyes now glued to the comforter. She then shifted her gaze to Emily's face, studying it. "How long have you felt this way?" "Since you defended me, I suppose." She blushed, tucking her hair behind her ear. Spencer nodded, her hands folded neatly on her lap. "Are you mad at me?"  "No, of course not! I'm just...thinking?" "Care to share with the viewing audience?" Emily managed a smile. "It's just...What about me is, I don't know, likable?" Emily sighed, taking Spencer's hand in her own. "You're smart, you're funny, you're nice. You're incredible at everything you do. And you are beautiful on so many levels."  Spencer's face reddened, her eyes locked with Emily's. "You really think so?" "I know so, Spencer."
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Hey, hey, hey!
It's Fat Albert.
Nope, it's Emily. Yeah. xD
I have not written anything lately, and I apologize for that! I have not been busy whatsoever, so I have no excuses as to why there are no stories from me.
I just wanted to say hey, and see how everyone was doing. :)
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Dani-- Wrencer (Part 2)
Spencer held her cup tightly in her hand, trying not to spill it as she threw her head back laughing. "You have very funny experiences." Spencer smiled, looking down. Wren's eyes remained on the beauty beside him as he smirked. "So anything new with you?" Wren asked. Spencer shook her head, staring down at her cup. It wasn't until now Spencer remembered about Toby and the fact she was being kept from her friends. This was the last thing she wanted to talk about. "Do you want more?" Wren said, pointing his chin to her cup. "Just a little more," Spencer responded, "before I get drunk and wake up married to you." Wren laughed and got up. He walked to the half empty bottle on the table and brought it back. He poured a little bit and closed the bottle back up. "Well, before we end up getting hitched, I want to make sure you're not... with anyone." Wren commented, leaning back, staring at Spencer. Spencer quickly chugged her drink and got up. "I should go," she said, thinking about Toby. She made it to the door before Wren stopped her, grabbing her arm and turning her around. "Stay." he commanded. Spencer shook her head and reached for the door with her free hand. Wren stopped her other hand before it moved anymore. "Stay." he commanded once again. Spencer sighed and adverted her eyes from Wren's eyes. Wren leaned in and kissed Spencer. Their lips fit perfectly together, and the taste of Wren became so inviting to Spencer. She felt fireworks in her stomach as their lips touched. She opened her eyes when she no longer felt his lips on hers. "Stay," he commanded once again. And with that, Spencer fell into his arms.
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Dani-- Wrencer (Part 1)
Spencer let her face fall into the textbook. She was bored out of her mind, studying the same subject for hours. Her phone's screen lit up and let out a beep. Spencer looked up quickly and reached for her phone. She looked at the unknown number. It looked familiar, but she wasn't completely sure of the number. Spencer opened the text and read the three numbers sent to her. 115. Spencer shook her head, confused in to why an unknown number would text her a message saying "115." She shrugged and returned the phone to its position. She re-read the same line on page 79 for the fifth time. "Beep," her phone called out. Spencer looked up again and grabbed her phone. The number texted her the name of the motel nearby. Spencer sighed. Was this a trick? She looked outside her window. Maybe it's a hint about A. And if not, what's the worse that can happen? If she dies today, at least she wouldn't have to deal with Melissa glaring at her each second she walks past her older sister. She got up, closing her book and grabbed her jacket before walking out of her room. She grabbed her keys and made her way out of the house. She paused, right before opening her car door. That number was familiar. A smirk grew on Spencer's face and remained there the whole ride to the motel.    Spencer knocked the door of room 115. She fiddled with her keys, waiting. When it seemed like a minute passed, she turned to head back to the car. Maybe the text was a mistake. "Spencer?" said a familiar British voice. She turned around to face Wren. "Long time no see," Spencer replied in a whisper.
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I'm back!
You hearrrrd me. Dani is back in business. :) Going to post my Wrencer fanfic soon. And if you inboxed us, I will check when I'm on the computer. :) Thanks for following, even if we were MIA. -Dani.
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Guess who's back?
Hint: Her name starts with "Em" and ends with "ily."
If you guessed EmHOBGERUOBHUIORHBily, then you are incorrect!
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Hey, guys. I lost the storyline I had planned out, so I guess I'm done for now. I have other projects to work on. Thanks for reading my two stories. ~Emily
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Chapter Two - Discoveries. Spencer's POV. Written by Emily.
It had been two years.
Two years since Ali had left our end of the year sleepover. Two years since the confusion began. Two years since my freedom was reborn.
Sure, I was sad that Ali had ditched us that night and she was still gone. I mean, we had some good memories. But it’s not like she was the best friend in the world. Alison was a bitch.
I narrow my eyes, staring at the DiLaurentis’ old home. A moving truck was being unloaded, and a family of four was standing in the lawn, ordering the workers around.
Ali’s family had left Rosewood a few months ago, probably embarrassed to be recognized for such a ridiculous reason. I guess that’s what you get when your family’s full of “champions.” So occupied with themselves to worry about their daughter’s disappearance.
I close the curtains to my bedroom window and lay down on my bed. Who cared about my new neighbors? Not like they’d bring Ali back. Not that I wanted Ali back.
“Spence?” Melissa stood in my doorway, her dirty blonde hair falling perfectly above her shoulders. Typical.
“Yeah?” I sit up, staring at my beautiful sister.
“Are you coming to dinner with us?” She blinks, her long eyelashes showing off her perfectness.
I sigh. Melissa had brought home her new fiancée from college and wanted to introduce him to us. Chances were he was as perfect as her. I couldn’t stand the thought of being in a room of perfect people, but oh well. I’d probably have to go, anyways. “Yes.”
“Great! I’ll see you then.” She turns her skinny body and walks down the hallway, her curvy hips swaying side to side. Blech.
I decide to pass the time by flipping through an old photo album Aria had put together. I hadn’t seen this in years, let alone thought about the contents.
I saw photos of our group trips to the Poconos, to the mall, and to the pool. Emily, Hanna, Aria, and I always surrounded Ali, who stood happily in the middle.
Now why is it that she always got the middle, I thought? Surely the rest of us were as good as she—even better. So why was she our leader?
I scoff and toss the album aside. I do not need to be thinking about this when I have to prepare for dinner.
I sift through the clothes in my closet, looking for my best outfit. Melissa always has to have everything prim and proper, always her way. I want my way. I want Melissa out of my life.
I hear someone clearing their throat and I jump. I see my father in the doorframe, arms crossed. Oh, look, he isn’t busy with work.
“Yes?” I say, trying to hide my irritation.
“Tonight…Melissa really likes this boy.”
I stare at him.
“We don’t want to mess things up. Apparently he’s in med school. Lots of money.”
I narrow eyes. “So you’re saying not to ruin Melissa’s relationship because her fiancée has money?”
“Exactly,” he says, running a hand through his salt and pepper hair.
I roll my eyes. “Last time I checked, we have plenty of money. And, when have I ever been a problem?”
I stop, recalling when I kissed her first love, Ian Thomas. Of course, my sister doesn’t know this, but they did break up after.
“I’m not saying you’re a problem, Spencer. I’m just saying that we need to impress this boy.”
I snarl. “Whatever.”
He narrows his eyes. “We’re leaving in ten minutes,” he says as he leaves my room.
I glance at the open photo album on the floor. It was opened to a page that had pictures of only Alison. I examine it closely, then I look up at my mirror. Alison and I had the same dirty blonde hair, the same wide eyes. Maybe I was beautiful.
Maybe I wasn’t a total screw up.
I tucked my dress under my legs, squishing awkwardly in my seat. The fabric scratched at my skin. Tonight was going to suck.
My parents and I were sitting at Rive Gauche, a high-end restaurant in the Rosewood Mall. We’ve been here for half an hour, waiting for Melissa and mister perfect. Fun, fun.
I thought about all the times the others and I had sat at the best table in the restaurant, making fun of the other girls at school. I bit back a smile, remembering the memories.
What has gotten into me? All I’ve thought about today was Ali. I don’t—didn’t even like her.
“Heyyy!” exclaimed a high pitched, annoying-ass voice. Melissa. Wonderful.
I looked up at her Barbie-like figure. Standing beside her was a man as perfect—possibly more perfect—than her. He had short brown hair, muscular arms, and the most beautiful eyes. I try not to smile.
“Mom, Dad…Spencer, I’d like you to meet my fiancée, Wren,” Melissa says giddily, gesturing to the beautiful man.
“Hello, Mrs. and Mr. Hastings. It’s nice to finally meet you.” he says in a British accent, shaking their hands. I swoon, ignoring the fact that he didn’t shake mine.
My parents smile approvingly.
He turns to me and smiles. “Hi, Spencer. Melissa has told me a lot about you.” He holds his hand out.
I blush a bit, not even wondering what Melissa has said. I take his hand, shaking it firmly. “Hi…”
Melissa takes Wren’s arm and pulls him down into the seat beside her. I roll my eyes, snapping out of my trance.
“Tell us about yourself, Wren,” my mom says, sipping her red wine.
Melissa launches into details about Wren’s life, not letting him say a word. He sits there awkwardly, smiling and nodding. The only words I heard him speak after our introduction was to order a steak.
I sigh, wanting only to hear his British accent. I excuse myself from the table and step outside. I glance around before pulling a cigarette and lighter out of my purse and lighting up.
“A bit young to be smoking, aren’t you?” A voice says. I turn, seeing Wren standing a few feet away from me.
“A bit,” I say, grinning.
“I thought so…Have another?” He asks, looking at the door.
I take out another cigarette, light it, and hand it to him. I watch as he takes a drag.
“Your sister’s more…controlling around your family.” He says finally, looking at me.
I cock my head to the side. “How so?”
“She’s much less tense when we’re alone. Then again, we’re…” He sees the shock on my face and doesn’t end his sentence.
I clear my throat. “Why are you out here?”
“I needed a break from hearing my life story.”
I laugh. “Yeah, I’d much rather hear about you from you.”
He half smiles at me. “And you’re out here because?”
“We all need a break from Melissa, don’t we?”
Wren smirks. “I suppose so…You know, you and your sister share remarkable looks.”
“Thanks?” I say, trying hard not to blush. “I’m not the only attractive one out here…” I mutter.
Wren looks out into the parking lot. I think he heard me, because he says, “Listen, if you ever want to get together and hear about me…I’m willing. I want to learn more about you, Spencer.” He puts out his cigarette and goes back inside.
I lean on the wall beside the door, staring at the stars. I feel a bit guilty for that last thing he said, but it wasn’t going to be anything bad. Wren seemed…Amazing. Why does Melissa get everything perfect, not me? It wasn’t fair.
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Ahhh! So sorry for not posting lately! Working on it! ~Emily
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Hey, guys. I am so sorry that I haven't posted chapter two. I'm currently editing it. :) I'm going to post a new chapter each week, so more time is put into it. Thanks once again for following, liking, and reblogging. :) ~Emily
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