In S06E14 Hanna texts AD "do I know you?" And she replies "yes". Well that was a lie. I don't see why they couldn't just skip this part then? We would have been fine without it. But why lie :D
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Okay👏but👏why👏did👏Eddie Lamb👏recognized👏 Aria!!!👏👏👏👏
(via kayladrumming11)
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What question?!
Marlene said that after having seen the episode, viewers would have a very specific question. Many people thought it would be "...so who is in the grave then?!" But Bethany really was dead. So this wasn't the question she meant. What is the question we are all thinking?
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I live in the UK. There was nothing wrong with Alex’s accent. But even if there was…why do you feel like you have the right to judge her so violently? Can you do a better accent? Can you play a character so flawlessly? Until you do…please kindly remain quiet.
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3 - Bethany (or the body in the grave)
I am all for seeing Bethany and everything, I would love it.
BUT. If they would do that, that would be utter bullish*%t.
Just think about it.
They find a body, they say it’s Alison’s. Then, in season 5 they’re like oh no, actually, it’s Bethany Young’s. Now, if it wasn’t her (aka if she was alive) where the actual hell would the police have got her name from? You know what I mean? It would make absolutely NO sense for Bethany to be alive. And don't say that everything can happen in Rosewood, because this would be pure stupidity.
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2 - The Emison Baby
It seemed extremely forced and random at first. It made fans angry, hell - it made me angry. It made us angry because this isn't how true love is supposed to happen. So why do it then? There HAS to be something more to it. Like a real reason behind it. Yes, it could refer to Melissa's long-lost baby. However... why would she do that? No logic there. I think whoever AD is wanted to make Alison feel how it feels to be pregnant despite not wanting to be. I think either AD, or more like AD's mum , was forced into being pregnant. Maybe back in the days , doctors like Dr Cochran used mentally ill inmates/patients to carry rich strangers' babies. For some money, you know. Pretty illegal. But then despite not wanting to get pregnant, those poor new mums actually would have wanted to keep the babies. But they couldn't. So what do I think? I think we have a connection here. I think that Mary had twins. Spencer, and another one. But Peter Hastings didn't sign up for this. He didn't tell his wife about the other child . Maybe that child was visually impaired or physically disabled? Who knows. Either way, I think the twin could be a link to all these things. Vengeance for her birth, her poor mum, etc. You know what they say. It all comes back to Radley.
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1 - Hanna & Mrs Grunwald connection
They are definitely connected for some reason. Why though? Why does Mrs G keep going to her instead of anyone else? Remember when Hanna had that dream in S07E08? She basically answered a question by herself, through Alison, without any previous knowledge. Yup, about that party, where that girl "fell". Well, she didn't. But Hanna didn't know this, yet Alison gave us an answer in Hanna's dream. And then when Hanna told the girls, Alison didn't say "hey this isn't true" - instead, she made a really weird facial expression. Kind of like... hey you weren't supposed to know that. Overall; I believe that Hanna has psychic abilities, just like Mrs Grunwald. What could be the importance of this though?
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First, let's get something straight
I keep seeing posts about "oh god it looks like Lucas is going to be AD, but I would hate that" or "oh no Alison is going to be AD but that would be so bad" or "Spencer having a twin looks so logical I won't even be surprised ugh". Okay, you guys. So what do you want then? I mean... I think we all want this show to be logical. Like, we do all these theories based on the little clues they give us. If after all those clues the "most logical person" doesn't turn out to be AD, but someone completely, well, surprising... what good would that do? Do you just want to be stupidly surprised? After all those theories, all those clues, do you just want to be angry? Obviously we have TONS of red herrings, and quite probably for this reason. But let's get our facts straight and unmask AD together. But only join us if you like solving these "puzzles", putting clues together, and then be happy if our theory turns out to be right. Don't be like "oh this seems logical but then I wouldn't be surprised so ugh no". Come on, let's give PLL some credit; we've been watching it for seven freakin' years ! Game on.
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I'm back bitches
Hey everyone , I am back... behind a new name and a new account. Just like A, I won't unmask myself. Let's find out together who AD is, logically, no BS.
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