prim-peony · 12 days
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prim-peony · 17 days
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!!!!! (x)
if you'd told me yesterday i wouldn't have believed you
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prim-peony · 21 days
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Yahoo! Yippie! Wahoo even!
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prim-peony · 25 days
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Even when you ran away, you did it with a smile.
Hahaha yeah it’s bad 😅 but hey, I tried! Poor Papyrus! I messed up one thing and it spiraled!
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prim-peony · 2 months
Young adult books be like:
Hahaha, noooo! That’s messed up!
While adult books are like:
Oh. Oh no. That’s really messed up, oh my gosh.
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prim-peony · 3 months
This is a friendly reminder to never, ever publish your book with a publishing company that charges you to publish with them. That is a vanity press, which makes money by preying on authors. They charge you for editing, formatting, cover art, and more. With most of these companies, you will never seen a cent of any royalties made from sale of your book. A legitimate publishing company only makes money when you make money, they will never charge you to publish with them. If a company approaches you and says "Hey, we'll publish your book, just pay us X amount of money," tell them to go fuck themself and block them.
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prim-peony · 6 months
i need to see the uty crew interact with the classic ut crew. please. starlo and alphys ranting about their favorite human films. martlet and papyrus making puzzles. ceroba and toriel and maybe asgore having ✨️therapy✨️
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prim-peony · 7 months
Sofia the First: Princess Ivy
I really like that part of Princess Ivy’s happily-ever-after included some glasses.
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The episode Ivy’s True Colors (s.4, ep. 13) shows that colors actually HURT her eyes. So her friend gives her special glasses that lets her can stand them. I have some photosensitivity, so it feels nice to see something similar reflecting in media! I sometimes use pink-tented glasses to prevent migraine, and I’m low-key embarrassed sometimes. People think I’m just wearing sunglasses inside, and even if they don’t say it, I feel like they’re thinking it. So I appreciate that Sofia the First shows that sometimes “sunglasses” can be used to help people like regular glasses.
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prim-peony · 7 months
I have returned with a gift :)
Song: INSANE by BlackGryph0n
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prim-peony · 8 months
Wow, this aged really well!
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K.O.d by your own brother.
Episode 32 Part 15
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prim-peony · 8 months
You know what sucks? I injured my wrist at FOURTEEN and no one took it seriously, not even my doctor. It still bothers me many years later during the change of seasons and I realized- this is for life. Every three months, my wrist is going to hurt, and that doesn’t include cold snaps. It just sunk in. It’ll be like this until I die…
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prim-peony · 10 months
Day 8: Sans
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I tried 😅
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prim-peony · 10 months
I found Papyrus’s memoirs at my local librarby
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prim-peony · 10 months
I also think that maybe it’s the reason he doesn’t avenge Papyrus… because he thinks he’ll die anyways when the timelines end or that he could come back and no one would remember, so why do anything? Sure, Sans hates what the player did, but the outcome was inevitable
So when I wrote down that Big Undertale Meta Post about how Sans probably doesn’t remember RESETs at all and why that’s cool - I got a lot of responses to the tune of ‘that’s probably canon but I’m still gonna enjoy Sans Remember fics because of the angst’. And, well... first I want to emphasize that those are very good and correct responses! Like ‘I acknowledge might or might not be in the text but I am also gonna explore alternative ideas Because I Enjoy Them’ is a Good Damn Position to have! Transformative Fandom is Transformative on purpose! Engage with the text and it’s various analyses but don’t let it chain your creativity or fun!
It’s just that… all of the people saying that they prefer Sans Remembering ‘for the Angst’ make me think that maybe folks are kinda ignoring the incredible angst potential of Sans NOT remembering.
My original post focused on how cool it is that Sans manages to be so on-top-of-things even though he doesn’t remember anything - but let’s not ignore the fact that this situation is also grim as shit.
Through some mysterious super-science or whatever, Sans has managed to discover that his timeline is being RESET and altered constantly (before the Player came along, Flowey had already managed to basically 100% the entire Underground) and he has no memory of what's going on and what exactly is being altered. 
He knows he might’ve gone through the same day over and over and over again thousand times but he’s simply not aware of it. It’s all the helplessness and lack of forward momentum of a classic timeloop and none of the benefits of memorizing occurrences or acquiring extra information. That’s exactly the thing that drove him into his depressive spiral.
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That line always strikes me. It’s like… Sans suspects that without the meddling of capricious immortal time gods, he’d be a much happier and motivated person. But he doesn’t know for sure, because he can’t remember how he was in some distant ‘original timeline’. He is essentially fighting to avenge a version of himself that might not even be real.
Like, yes, it is very impressive and badass how well Sans trained himself to notice every tiny little hint that might indicate that a RESET happened - but it’s impressive because the deck is stacked so heavily against him. And it is very impressive and badass how Sans managed to turn his weaknesses into strengths during his Boss Battle - but it’s impressive because these are usually huge weaknesses. Trying to work to solve a timeloop that you can only infer is going on through context clues is quite a hopeless and desperate mission!
Another bit in the Sans fight that I often think about is his unique reaction if you kill him and then RESET to Fight him again.
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With how skilled he is at reading expressions, Sans probably knows what that ‘weird expression’ means, he knows the Player killed him once before and is here to try again. And yet he still goes along with the same attack plan he has, the one he knows killed him in that previous timeline. Why? Because he doesn’t know where the flaw in his plan was exactly, he can’t even begin to guess. So he has no choice but to go along with the plan he knows did kill him, because that’s the only thing he has. 
You know, the thing about Sans, is that he always plays his cards very close to his chest. It’s very hard to tell what exactly he’s thinking. That’s probably why so many people do believe he remembers RESET. If any non-Flowey character remembered RESETs, only Sans would be remotely able to hide it so well. But for me? It makes me wonder how much of his Troll who Knows Too Much persona is a bit of an act as well. 
You know, Sans’ deduction requires some keen observational skills - does he ever second-guess his conclusions? Living on constant high-alert that something has been reversed or that someone knows something they shouldn’t requires fostering a lot of paranoia, and that can’t be healthy for him. Is he ever overcome with doubt on whatever something was really an indication of a timeline RESET or not? How does he feel when he realizes something horrible happened on a previous timeline (for example, his brother dying) but he doesn’t know about the context to feel sure that he can stop it from happening again? 
I also think about it in terms of his relationship to Papyrus in general. Sans tends to hide so many things from Papyrus, especially in timelines where the Player is particularly kill-happy...
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In part it’s about his perception that Papyrus’ kindness and pacifism is born from naïveté and thus the only way to preserve it is to hide the cruelty and harshness of the world from him (Undyne also does that). But also, with the paranoia and helplessness Sans lives in every day - is it any wonder that he might believe that ignorance is bliss?
I do truly think it’s beautiful how fandom can experiment with cool non-canon ideas! There are probably so many great emotional angsty ideas tied up to Sans remembering RESETs! I just feel it’ll be a shame if people ignore just how dire and depressing Sans’ canon situation also is!
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prim-peony · 10 months
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prim-peony · 10 months
Guys, I have a great idea for a new Snow White:
Snow White becomes more beloved of the people than the Evil Queen (rather than more beautiful)
The Evil Queen sends the Huntsman to kill Snow White, but lets her live because he watched her grow up (not because she was too beautiful to kill)
The Huntsman brings the pig’s heart to the Queen, and when she eats it, she says, “Snow White had the heart of the people… now I have her heart!” (Just bc I’m cringe and think that would be cool)
Snow White encounters a family of little people. An older couple adopted other kids who were little because they feared no one else would be able to accommodate them like they could.
Two of the siblings, however, are not little people. They’re still part of the family.
The family members all have real names, but they give each other nicknames as a cute tradition.
They decide to adopt Snow White and give her the nickname “Sweetie” because she’s so sweet to them.
She doesn’t like it at first because she was raised to see kindness as a weakness. Her new family reassures her that kindness is a great strength.
Eventually, the Evil Queen finds Snow White as she has to defend a poor child in the street. She and her new family are arrested, and the Queen realizes what happened.
The Queen plays the part of the loving mother and essentially mocks the new family for being little. Snow White defends them, which ends up publicly embarrassing the Queen.
The Queen has a special dinner made to welcome Snow White. The dinner is chilly, and Snow White refuses to indulge the Queen’s whims. She does end up eating, though, and takes a bite of the apple.
She falls under the spell.
The Queen publicly grieves for Snow White.
The family returns to the kingdom to say their goodbyes.
True love’s kiss on the cheek from her new fam.
Snow White overthrows the Queen and lives with her new family in the castle.
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prim-peony · 11 months
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Or just go to browse and hang out! I promise it will be inspiring :)
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